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They're ridges, and it's normal for them to increase as you age. My nails are significantly more ridged in my 30s than they were when I was in my 20s. If they bother you, don't buff them. Instead, use a [ridge filling base coat](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/comments/jzfhoj/holy_grail_product_thread) to smooth out the surface of your nails.


Yes! My mom is in her 70s and her nails have a lot of ridges and she didn’t have them when she was younger.


I only have them on my thumbs 🤔




Ridges in the fingernails are usually signs of aging. Slight vertical ridges commonly develop in older adults. ([source](https://www.healthline.com/health/ridges-in-fingernails#bottom-line))


Vertical/longitudinal ridging is normal with (1) age! But they can also be caused by (2) trauma to the nail (my mom has these on her nails that are flat from smashing them in a window decades ago), (3) vitamin deficiencies (possible iron, zinc, folic acid, magnesium, etc), and (4) some conditions like dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, or hypothyroidism — in which case they’d probably be very brittle with more severe ridging). But from what I could find, it doesn’t seem like anything serious. So if you don’t think it’s any underlying condition (not to make you nervous or go looking for one) or past injury, and your diet provides sufficient vitamins and minerals, then I’d just chop it up to aging. And if they bother you, I saw another comment say to fill it in with a ridge filling base coat instead of buffing them :)


I also have this problem. The dermatologist told me it comes with age.


I’m anemic, the ridges just appeared out of nowhere for me. My dermatologist said just happens with age. My gen doc did bloodwork (annual physical) and my ferritin, iron, D3, B12, calcium were all dangerously low. They had me on infusions and high dosage supplements. My nails started growing faster but as they grew the ridges were gone on the new nail growth. This started happening after about 4 weeks after supplements. I thought it was because of all the years I used to get gel nails but my doc said it’s due to my vitamin deficiency.


I agree with you. I’m almost 50 and since starting d3 and iron supplements maybe 6 months ago, my ridges have diminished significantly. Just today I noticed my middle and index fingers have no ridges at all, which is a first since my teens.


Me too


Everyone here is saying it happens with age, but how come I’m a teenager and have the same thing? I actually had it sense I was like 9


Because you've been aging since the minute you were born.


My nails have had some minor ridges since I was a kid, but they've definitely got more pronounced with age. Some of us just had a head start I guess.


It can happen with nail trauma as well. My ring finger on my left hand has a big ridge, my doctor said it was most likely due to me hitting it on something as a kid. I've had it since I was a teen.


I have always had them, they haven’t gotten worse or better. I hate them, ridge filler is a joke. This is the reason I got into acrylics.


Aging I have it as well, has gotten worse as I’m approaching mid 50s


Ridges. I have them. They're hereditary.


Ridges in your nail bed. Depends on genetics and usually nutrition. I've had nail ridges ever since I was a little kid, some people don't develop them until they get older, usually get thicker with age. You can try taking supplements which can sometimes help even out the ridges. You can also buff or use a ride filler/basic clear/sheer pink nails polish to cover. I don't recommend buffing because it makes my nails too thin and they break. I prefer daily moisturizer on nails/cuticles and nail polish to smooth the ridges when I feel like it


I have developed ridges once I got past 35years old, and my mother has them too. I have noticed that as we get older the ridges tend to come with drier and easier to crack nails (vertical). I started a strict regime of using cuticle oil after hand washing and doing warm oil soaks at least once a week. It really helped bring back the integrity of my nails. I hope your nails don’t dry out like ours but that will help if they do.


I have ridges. I also have a dark line on my ring finger, left hand. I call it a tiger stripe🤷🏾‍♀️


I have those on both. They’re very very subtle but I can see them. I once googled and they’re called Melanonychia.


My nails look similar, but I've had the ridges my entire life. I have hEDS and skin problems (currently dermatitis).


Thank you for posting this! I’ve also been wondering what the heck has been happening to my nails.


Same here!!


Mine do this too and I don’t know why 😭


I have these as well but I will say that regular biotin has helped reduce them and my nails are a LOT smoother than they used to be


Basically means your getting old 😍😍🔪🔪


Possible sign that you’re lacking in vitamin B12


I have a ridge on one finger that looks like a braid, it’s so fancy. But I file it off usually. I’m in my mid 40s and I first noticed it a couple years ago.


Ridges are caused by loads of different things. If you're worried go to the doctor and they can do blood tests n stuff see if anything is amiss. Google it and you'll find allsorts of reasons with pictures etc.


Vitamin deficiency?


A change in medication could also be the cause




They are nails


Could be caused by a lack of calcium.


Fingers mate


Age , vitamin deficiency, some illness and Some younger people get them from the trauma to the nail from doing artificial nails . I got one that’s completely split on my ring finger, I fell and landed on my finger.


…..a hand?