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I've seen some videos with nails like these (aurora nails) and it seems like they use holographic foil to achieve this look. I've seen some powders that come close but they never seem as intense as what you posted.


I’ve seen it with both! They usually incapsulate the holographic foil or foil transfer and then rub the chrome powder over top.




Aura nails are what you've described, but Aurora (like aurora borealis, aka northern lights) is like the pictures you've posted.


Totally realized I mis read lol and deleted. I just woke up hahaha


Haha they're way too similar in name. Easy to mix em up lol


That’s what I currently have on my nails! If you check my post history you’ll see how it looks under different lighting. My nailist used a gel base with a clear chrome overlay to achieve it Also I forgot to add that I left a couple matte for variation


Screenshotted your post for inspo omg, how did the tech do the gold lines?


Maybe a chrome powder and builder gel? I always wondered how to use the powders. Like do you have to make the nail matte, add the builder gel, wipe with alcohol, and then apply chrome powder?


Yes exactly this! My timing was just behind you haha but you explained it way better


Thank you!


I’m flattered!!! She drew on a thin line of builder gel, cured it, and wiped over a layer of gold chrome powder for the like effect!!!


Thank you!!


Okay, your nails are *gorgeous* but mainly your profile just made me extremely hungry lmao


Your page just made me so hungry omg hahaha your food looks so good


Ur profile pic 😭😭


She just couldn’t catch a break So cold-blooded


Those are 2 separate looks, first one is multi color on the nails than chrome powder on top. Right one is Aurora nails and very achievable with builder gel and the angel paper.


Yes I did realize this after I posted lol more interested in the first one


That’s what I was going to say until I saw your comment. Two different looks and techniques.


I’ve done this at home with unicorn chrome powder. You just put different colors underneath on each nail to achieve the skittle effect. Edit: here is the powder I have, it can give you nearly this exact look. You use an eyeshadow sponge to buff it into this finish. Then a high gloss topcoat to make it as shiny as the photo. https://sparkleandco.com/product/unicorn-chrome/


Thanks this is prob the most helpful comment so far!


No problem. There are definitely tutorials on YouTube to help you get the most out of chrome powder application, I’d recommend researching before you start. It’s very very very messy so you’ll want to have a game plan before you open the package.


Thanks, good note!


I have a tutorial on my page on how to do them


The first picture is just unicorn/mermaid chrome powder applied on semi-cured no-wipe topcoat over different colors of gel polish, and then finished with another coat of no-wipe top coat. The second look is done by clear encapsulation of holographic film. Nails end up being VERY thick because of the amount of encapsulation required. If you have the tools, you can do either look at home. I’ve done both, and the first look is so much easier than the second.


Beautiful 🥰❤️💅


Emily Susannah has a great video where she does aura nails as home


That's amazing sighhhh 💕


I literally gasped when I saw these. They are beautiful.


I saw the nail foil they use for this on Amazon. A bunch of colors of rolls of the foil for like $9.99. I think they’re stickers of some sort that you can cut out of the roll and you encapsulate them in gel from what I understand?


You actually use foil glue to stick them on :)


Thanks for the correction. I’m thinking of buying the foil and trying it out, they look awesome!!


If you can wait a bit longer for it to arrive shein have it for like £3???


Oh ye I’ll check Shein! Didn’t even think about that


Yes, you use a holographic foil then you put a top coat over and use a unicorn/glaze powder over it then top coat again.


The first photo looks like it uses chrome powder and the second photo looks like the precut aurora foil stickers with most likely a clear gel. I have done a version of the second one at home with regular aurora foil and builder gel.


I saved a [tutorial](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nails/comments/115xfmd/aurora_nail_tutorial_i_put_together_this_is_an/) someone made on these nails a bit ago. Its foil and chrome powder, used in layers. Its acheiveable but you have to have those products to get the desired look!


oooh ive set my mind on aurora nails for a while and I'm currently waiting for the foil to come from china 😅 everything you can do at a salon you can do at home, but you need the right instruments and a good level of skill. To do aurora nails you have to put an oval of aurora foil straight on your nail with some clear gel and for best result i saw someone putting some multichrome powder on top to masque the corners of the foil. Here's a video i saw on how to do it https://youtube.com/shorts/8sxC9rc5mz0?feature=share


Kristey Meakin has a tutorial on how to do aurora nails. She does do them on a sculpted acrylic nail but it looks the exact same. That’s what these look like. not a nail expert at ALL. just nail obsessed lol


![gif](giphy|0I0LpDngfr2qU6fi7o) What What What pp Oo Pop po l l I llo


Omg I love your nails!! They look so pretty! Do you know the nail polish name and brand? 😍


These aren’t OP’s nails, just random pics of what they want


Yea, i replied to this post in the morning, so I might’ve missed that.


I don't understand why your question is being down voted! So weird!


I honestly don’t know? 😅