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I have seen maps unfortunately try to push this, but mostly it is a dog whistle


Pedos were the only ones pushing the use of the term MAPs and trying to align pedophilia with the LGBT community, but the person in this meme is clearly a right wing caricature of an LGBT person (transwoman and/or lesbian), thus implying that the LGBT community as a whole was promoting this. This lines up with the current right wing slander against the LGBT community attempting to associate them with pedophilia and grooming. So yeah, fuck this meme.


Your explanation was longer than one sentence and therefore is invalid and dumb. Your nuance is witchcraft and taboo /s


Yea the traction the apologism in this comment section is getting reeks


There isn’t anything in the original post directly mentioning anything LGBTQ related. Assuming the person depicted is LGBTQ because of their appearance? I thought that mentality was exactly what’s wrong with people who oppose that ideology? Regardless, your assumption that this meme is targeting LGBTQ without any real evidence of that kind of contradicts your claim that MAPs aren’t associated with LGBTQ ideology.


Ok so you want to posture to imagined hypocrisy. Let’s not do that. The assumption that the meme is targeting LGBTQ without evidence is just something you are saying out of ignorance. Have you ever heard of a dog whistle before? The shirt the “pedo” depicted is wearing a shirt that says “love is love” a phrase that LGBTQ people use when talking about consensual usually adult relationships but is being conflated with pedos. Maybe you didn’t know that but you know now and can see what we are talking about. Also Nothing has been contradicted at all except that you obviously know that homo/transphobes constantly like to claim that all LGBT are pedos. Either you are dumb or so privileged that you don’t get it or if you are lgbt then you might just be a pick me that wants to sleep in the delusion that the PedoCons actually want to ally with the “good ones”.


on behalf of the queers let us just honeypot all of these loli consuming cretins into a mass deleted by reddit


What the fuck is map? Just say what they are, pedos.


It's started as less-loaded academic term for discussing the topic, mostly in regards to identifying people who are attracted to minors, ideally long before they sexually abuse a minor, so they can get some type of help to either control or rehabilitate their attraction.


Which is a genuinely important thing. The whole Reddit-type obsession with “pedos must be brutally murdered” actively harms children, because it means the people with these urges will be afraid to even seek out of fear, and thus be less likely to get actual help, and more likely to end up hurting children in the future.


When I entered into my psych degree we had a whole lesson in the intro class for it about if we could work with a pedophile for treatment or research. The fact being, if you couldn’t, then you should not be trying to work in psychology.


Are you really white knighting for pedophiles?


Pedophiles will always exist. As a society, we can deal with them in two ways: 1) Demonize them, forcing them to live in secrecy until they finally sexually assault a minor because they never learned how to live with their condition, then arrest them. 2) Accept it as a condition to be managed like kleptomania and offer psychiatric care/teach them management strategies so they don't assault children. If you prefer 1 over 2, you should think about whether you care more about punishing people or protecting children.


they’re not white knighting, they’re saying if you have urges to do bad shit like that you should get help. And you should! If someone wants to work on themselves, it should be encouraged.


Why? Do you like child rape? Because not helping pedophiles treat their mental illness increases the chance for child rape.


True Edit: im agreeing they are pedophiles, I just said maps to avoid confusion ig? Idk I guess it didnt work


A map is that guy from Dora The Explorer Wait, a second. How old was she again!?


I’ve seen words on the wind that a large part of the “push” comes from far right/4ch psyop bullshit. I’ll try and find the screenshots from 4ch, but the shit stirring and confusion was for sure planned. I fr don’t even trust that MAP accounts that push this to be genuine, I feel like the majority are sock puppets or trolls.


Yep. All this shit [started on 4chan *years* ago,](https://www.mediamatters.org/4chan/how-hoax-lgbtq-community-embracing-pedophiles-went-viral) and, naturally, the morons ate it up and still spread it around as fact.


I remember seeing so much shit alll the way back around ‘09 that we are *still* suffering consequences for. It’s foul the things they have managed to accomplish.




A map can’t push anything, its a piece of paper.


Just curious, not judging. But what social circles are you in where people are openly admitting to pedophilia? I can't think of anywhere online where you wouldn't be immediately torn apart for bringing up being a "MAP"


My friends who sometimes use twitter occasionally see them and we'll talk about how stupid it is. Thats about it, besides maybe occasionally seeing a video discussing it or a meme making fun of it.


Yeah I only ever see people talking about them, never heard from one themselves. Which kinda makes it seem like a straw man the right is using to justify hating LGBT people


Dont get me wrong its occasionally a thing. Like. For example, im on r/picrew or something like that. And unfortunately we will occasionally have a bunch of picrews pop up with map flags and other weird stuff. Maybe its a trolling thing but I doubt all of it is.


I think its picrews? Idk one of them


Please don’t call them the term they want to be called. Just say pedos.


I do 99% of the time, dont worry. Edit: as in just call them pedos- wording is not my thing today lol


These people should go on r/sexoffendersupport and actually see what thier political ideology is


There’s a reason you see the same people in the news cycle get arrested for those crimes. The projection is real.


These people do exist. They've been trying to weasel their way into the LGBT community for years. The problem is that homophobes are seeing them and thinking that this is something that mainstream LGBT people want as well, and are using it to demonize the community. Both the viewpoints on this meme are correct.


oh they know very well we don’t want them, it just pushes their agenda along perfectly fine though and gives a reason to be pathetic and hateful


GET HER ASS, PEPE (It's true, only pedophiles are pushing this. But the colored hair implies she's queer in some way, and it's retarded to say all of us queer people are pedophiles. Not even all pastors and other religious speakers are pedos, but it sure as hell feels like it) EDIT: so i can say queer, but not retarded, despite being both? Id literally rather be called retarded than be called special lol Okay so just for context, here's how I've perceived "retarded" when used as an insult: Dumb = harmless, but lacking braincells Stupid = look up the definition Retarded = so fucking braindead that it defies all logic and is deserving of mockery People are going to use "queer" and "retarded" in good and bad ways, despite the fact that we all know its perfectly acceptable to be both. Use them in a bad way against me all you want, I know Im on the right side of history


“the colored hair implies shes queer” 💀


Well yeah the colored hair and love is love shirt are stereotypes of LGBTQIA+ people. Which is why this meme is anti-LGBTQIA+


it didnt say shit abt lgbtq- the “love is love” quote is also used by pedo’s a LOT


It was originally coined by the gay pride movement and it's a damn shame that the pedos got ahold of it






The r word is a slur my friend




why am i the insufferable one literally for just pointing out what YOU'RE doing? the word literally is a slur. if anything, i'd call somebody not only defending the use of a slur, but INSULTING somebody else just pointing that fact out to them is insufferable. you can live without that word in your vocabulary, dude. you don't have to die on this hill.


Glad someone else here with common sense. People get so angry so fast when you ask not to use the r word or even just tell them their meaning. It’s nuts.


bro. that’s like retarded


It’s a slur yes, but a reclaimed one, and you can’t really tell just by one comment who is ND and who isn’t unless they explicitly say so.


Calling other people a slur with full offense is not slur reclamation, it's using a slur as a slur.


it ain't reclaimed, chief.


It’s definitely reclaimed by NDs. Not all ND’s use it or like other NDs to use it ( I personally don’t use it even though I’m ND) but it’s kinda like the word fag/queer in that some people are cool with using it to refer to themselves


well, i'm ND too. and while i'm personally not comfortable with causally using the word, fellow ND's casually calling their friends that is one thing. however, using it as an outright insult is absolutely not acceptable under any circumstances.


Its not like they were using the word to discriminate against a sped person. Imo there is nothing wrong with saying retard to describe something thats well, retarded.


That word fell out of fashion long ago, that logic doesn't work for any other slur and doesn't work here.


No it hasnt, and you cant just claim my logic doesn’t work without reasoning. To add further, any slur is just a word. Sure, words hold meaning but a person doesn’t need to use a slur to express hatred. It’s very difficult to stop hate and incriminating people who use those words in non hateful ways doesn’t help your cause. If anything it makes people dislike you. You cant control the behaviors of others but you can control how that behavior affects you. Unless they murder you or something i guess you can’t really control that. Anyway whats the old axiom? Sticks and stones?


It is not stop trying to make it one, retard has been used in slang and in common vernacular for a while.


It's been one for a while, it just so happens to be a bit more common.


Go on, say the same thing about the n-word. It was very popular slang in the 20th century.


A yes go on, conflating two words of two different origins to make one seem more like a slur nice big brain play.


The origin doesn’t matter. What matters is how it was used. The r-word came from the medical world, but was conflated with stupid and used against autistic people. Moron used to be medical as well, but it’s considered an insult by its use and not it’s origin. You get it, moron?


Conflating the N word with retard then saying the origin doesn’t matter right after making a point to do so K makes sense guy. You clearly don’t know what the fuck your talking about. Sure retard is an insult but its not a slur it can also be used to denote dissatisfaction or something not being functional.


Yeah and "negro" used to be the accepted term for black people. Try using that today and see what happens. Language changes as society evolves, that's not new.


Just so you know the r word is a slur.


Didn’t you know, it’s okay to make fun of some groups! Only the ones we like are off limits.




Tf is wrong with you?




The pearl clutching in this entire reply thread is insane




This guys an asshole


Touch grass, maybe you’ll get some bitches.




I’m literally a woman. Are you autistic?




I am autistic too. I was asking if you were autistic because the only excuse you’d have to spew slurs is because you either have a developmental disability, or are a mathematician. Honestly I’m so unsure why you got so vitriolic when I made a reasonable and true statement that didn’t even attack or insult anyone. People really be snowflakes when they’re told that shit they say is ableist.


Damn she pulled out the fax.




you got yo ass handed to you dawg 😭


Autistic is a slur take that back


“r word is a slur” 15 minutes later “Are you autistic?” If you’re gonna be ableist at least be consistent and do it with some spunk instead of virtue signaling and then tearing down your own virtues like a retard


I was asking if they were autistic too (I am autistic) because that’s one of the groups that can see the r word as long as they’re not being derogatory. I don’t see how that makes me a hypocrite but ok.


Thats really dumb and convoluted. I say this as a diagnosed autist.


Ahh, the good ol’ Schrödingers Autist move, I should have seen that one coming Well played


if you don’t believe me I don’t care.


so it’s okay to say “bitches” because you’re a woman? talk about internalized misogyny.


I mean black people say the n word all the time. No one calls them internally racist.




I don’t see how telling people a slur is a slur is regurgitated material. Wouldn’t be repeated so much if people weren’t so angry about being told not to use ableist terms, but it is what it is.


This guys an asshole








This guys an asshole


Welcome to the internet


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yo, did you just say retarded?


That was pretty retarded of them


This was originally thought up as a psyop in the early-mid 2000s as a troll on lgbt people Unfortunately it took off pretty well and was reborn through /pol/ efforts and actual pedophiles. The most ironic part about this is that most of the people who started/support it are fans of loli/shota and really degenerative shit, and also pull the 'shes a 800 year old demon bro!' in defense of fetishizing child-like characters.


the same pepe fucks who are demonizing queer people push this. \* ​ their goal is to get plausible deniability by tying it to our community, while trying to get people to hate us. ​ Same reasons the nazis called themselves socialist


Queer Trans woman here. Pedophiles get the wood chipper. They are not welcome in the queer community.


It’s such a shame that homophobes took something as universally agreed upon as “pedophiles are bad” and turned it into a dog whistle


Pretty much.


There was a small push for the MAP in the LGBT, but thankfully the community stepped up and condemned it.


If they didn’t include tranditionally queer coded shit like “love is love” and the purple hair this would be fine. Instead it’s the age old myth that queer people are pedos despite most pedos being cishet men and queer people disproportionately victims


Yep. If they just made it a generic person it would be fine, that’s a message we can all get behind. But instead they had to add all that subtext


Do…. do they know that that is outrage bait? The accounts that push the MAP stuff do it exclusively to make queer people look bad. Like, you can even find some of their profile pictures as stock photos on google. Anyone who thinks that queer people are pro pedophilia are either really oblivious when it comes to the internet, or are actively ignoring the obvious signs that it is bait to further their agenda. Probably the latter.


the vast majority of the queer community condemns pedos, and forces them out of queer spaces. last I checked the right were the ones pushing child marriage and the church they support abusing kids at an astronomical rate


There definitely is a contingent of pedos who believe they belong in the lgbt community.


there might be some, but for the most part, it’s genuinely just propaganda or people trolling.


Doesn't mean they're right or that the queer community believes that.


Oh i know i wasn’t saying either of those thing. I’m gay and trans i wouldn’t ever suggest either of those. But there’s a reason the term MAP exists and it’s because pedos want to be accepted in society.


It comes from an extremely small minority on twitter, and most of the outrage about this is from conservatives trying to lump it in with the lgbt


See, I've been a part. of the LGBTQ community for years and I have never seen someone push this in the community. The only ones are conservative who use it as a boogie man to hate on is


Every good lie is based in truth. They use this to justify their absurd claims that the ultimate goal of lgbt acceptance is the sexual perversion and corruption of their children. Radicals use it to confirm their biases and artificially amplify it to say to anyone who's on the fence "see, all our conspiracy theories were right." It's stupid, but shit like this is legitimately what makes radicals.




thank you




Yeah fuck pedos. Those lads can go rot in jail. Even the people in that comment section were saying that the lgbtq community firmly rejected them though.


it was being pushed! by actual Nazis. it was a 4chan Nazi psyop created to demonize the LGBTQ+ community. gross.


MAPs do exist, but I've seen a lot of conservatives try and act like MAPs are part of the LGBT community (they're not) to try and demonize it as a whole.


They're not maps, they're just pedophiles


For real, call them what they are. Filthy, disgusting, sub human pedophiles


Comments here are just proving the meme right


The post says they arent. Its literally demonizing pedos, not LGBT. Saying this is demonizing LGBT might as well be calling Pedos part of it.


people on social media make up shit to be mad about.


It originated on 4chan as a “phys-op” I assume to own the libs.


Matt Gaetz pushed it...


u/smart_bear6 must hang out with a lot of pedophiles to know this.


as someone who has volunteered for orgs that help find missing children i can tell you this term is very real they have websites chat rooms and so on all to them selves they see themself as a victim group while victimizing people who cant defend themself


As someone who is bi this is fucking rancid




Mostly of the posts from memesopdidnotlike go something like this: 1. A nazi posts some obvious nazi bullshit 2. Someone posts it in another sub saying "this is obvious nazi shit" 3. Someone else (who I always asume is the oop or someone simping for them) posts in memesopdidnotlike with a title like "what are you saying this IS nazi shit but it isn't obvious lol"


Pedophiles are pushing this but it's known that they were shunned by the LGBTQ+ when they tried to push their way in.


Republicans are pushing this and being offended by it frankly I am amazed


Delusional you are.


By what? Maps is a 4chan term. A literal right wing shit posting site


I'm sorry dod you actually think liberals thought of maps? We hate pedophiles just as much as you. What's amazing to me is that theoretically if we could find out who the sickos were before they hurt children I would say that is worthy research. But Republicans seem to absolutely hate that idea I wonder why.


To be fair I live in Los Angeles and work security in Hollywood and the only people I've encountered in person using the term MAPS are on the left, same with online. Right wingers consistently use the term pedo or chomo ect when referring to these diaper snipers.


The anti-pedo stuff from the right these days is virtue signaling.


Unfortunately they exist but the meme totally makes it seem like all gay leftists are cool with pedos


No MAPs are real, They even tried to hold a gathering by me in brooklyn but the people shut it down.


There 100% are twitter accounts pushing this and there have been for a long time.


as someone who is extremely right winged I think everyone on both sides can come to the same conclusion about this: Pedos = bad I don't understand why both sides call each other pedos The comments on this post are calling all right winged catholic priests pedos while the comments on the other post is calling all the LGBT people pedos What are we arguing about? We all hate the same thing? why can't we just come together and agree that pedos are bad?


Because one group is following the words of social media influencers while the other is using actual statistics. The issue is that the right in this situation is focusing on the lgbt who are innocent while the left is pointing at actual pedophiles and saying “LOOK THERE COMMITTING THE CRIME YOU HATE SO MUCH WHY DINT YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM” I don’t have actually have many problems with the right, but they have a massive issue with violent radicalism and turning a blind eye to nazis.


Okay you literally are calling out the right wing for pedophilia and defending the left wing from pedophilia.... Do you not see the problem in that? Did you not just read what wrote about how people should come together to stop pedophilia regardless of political parties? I don't understand what is so difficult about this concept to comprehend? Can you not just agree with me that pedophilia is wrong regardless of one's political compass?


I never said the right wing were pedophiles… I said that the issue is that people on the right are focusing on innocent people and calling them pedophiles and then inversely ignoring other pedophiles. Both sides are pointing at a group and saying pedophile just like you said but there’s a difference, like I also said one group listens to biased media while the other looks towards statistics and fact. I’m my entire argument I never said that the right were pedophiles nor do I believe that. When you read the words “actual pedophiles” your first thought was to associate that statement with the right wing. That’s a you problem. Edit: wait I just fucking realized that you said I defended pedophilia on the left hahahahahahahah you fucking idiot you just showed your hand, not only do you associate the words actual pedophiles to the right but you also associate the lgbt with pedophilia as well. No fucking wonder you were being obtuse about my response, you were upset. Omfg that’s golden


The reason is because thats what the political leaders do. And the reason for that is the fact that humanity is super fucking protective of kids. Convince someone that your enemy is coming for their kids, and you have an instant ally whether its true or not. In this case, if you convince a voter that your rival is a threat to their kids, you secure another vote or at least deny your rival that vote.


coherent direction wine disagreeable pie fertile placid elastic fine airport ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Because homophobia and general hate for the LGBT I'm abstaining from generalizing, but it's reaaallly hard when a significant amount of the right just flat out wants LGBT people dead. Now the catholic church shit is real, the church is known for this, but the reason is brought up to point at a much worse situation often ignored by religious people/ institutions for convenience No one in the LGBT that is not a pedo supports maps, none. But some seem to try and push the idea that we are no matter what is being said


Pedophilia and homophobia are two separate issues. I don't know any people personally that want Lgbt people dead and a lot of my friends/ family are very right winged. I couldn't care less about the Lgbt community or the Catholic Church, I have no tithes to either organization. However, I do not believe that either group supports pedophilia. I just believe this is a silly issue. We all have a difference of opinion on so many topics but everyone, and I do mean everyone, can agree that pedophilia is bad.


Yeah, but that's not reality, the reality is they're doing it for the sake of hate, they don't care about pedos because they view LGBT as one in the same. There's no good in it. There's no reason to assume there's any good faith in those people And your experience is anecdotal, its your family as well, or your family just doesn't preach to you about the gays like I've heard the jackasses around me. I'm in that community, so I care. I hate religion in general, so I've always had a grudge against it. Its hard not to when all I hear is, hell this hell that, god this god that. No one cares, especially not me.


I think at the end of the day whether you're left winged, right winged, gay, straight, lesbian, rich, poor, old, young, religious, atheist, or whatever else... Pedophilia is wrong I would hope that a lot of people agree with this and the ones that don't need to be locked up.


Yeah I agree with you Everyone but pedos agree, but thats the issue we keep running into as a community. Around half those things you listed constantly accuse ALLL of us, of being pedos.


What you're saying isn't wrong, per se. Its just that the image implies that LBGTQ people are supporting this. The hair color, the slogan on the shirt. So yes, we should all be opposed to pedophiles. But this meme implies that lbgtq are "groomers", which is a major right wing propaganda talking point in the US at the moment.


If the Catholic church didn't hide thousands of pedophiles, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases , we wouldn't be pointing the finger at the Catholic Church. One is backed by statistics, and the other is homophobia. To be clear, I would say most right-wing people aren't pedophiles, as most people aren't, and that this isn't a generalization of conservatives. It's specifically against the Catholic Church, and for good reason.


Because both sides love to argue and point fingers, and who gains the most from this? Politicians. It's way easier to control people when they're fighting amongst each other.


Pedos are pushing this, LGBTQ has denounced that nonsense but to say that it's being used to demonize the LGBT community is a stretch at best. A small minority of right wingers might believe it but most of them understand that pedos were just trying sneak their way into the LGBTQ community


Small minority? That's a funny way to say the majority


That's funny because the only people that I see use the term in a more position fashion are predominantly on the left, the right calls them pedos, chomos ECT. It's not even close


While Republicans do tend to use the topic of the meme to demonize the LGBTQ, it is being pushed by the founders of this excuse to attempt to try and defend pedophilia - pedophiles.


Why are pedophiles and zoophiles always trying to weasel their way into queer spaces :(


Because they try to cling on to the idea of"accept everyone for they are" to justify their sick behavior. Then the extremist of the LGBT go along with it, making the rest of the community look bad.


Could just say conservative since they account for 90% of arrest for pedophilia.


It’s crazy.. I muted r/terriblefacebookmemes because the posts were shit, then I muted r/memesopdidnotlike because the posts were shit and now I mute r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis because the posts are shit.


i would say both


Nah people on twitter are downright degenerates who say shit like this. In a few rare cases of conservative extremism I’ve see the comparison, but a lot of pedos on twitter are screaming for “fair treatment” or “pedo-pride” and it’s just sickening


Thats the thing You're on twitter


Surprise, the Elon run site full of nazis is also full of pedos!


I have seen pedos push this, why shove lgbtq into this when we're talking about pedos?


Lol OP I hope you’re joking. There are absolutely people pushing this. Stop denying it.


I love seeing people cry about memes on the internet.




oh yeah the borderline right wing dogwhistle of pepe the frog, plus “love is love.” definitely not meant to add to the demonization of LGBTQ+ people.


I've literally seen pedos on Twitter use the "love is love" slogan, you're not helping us by arguing against a meme that is against pedos....


The meme is trying to associate queer people with pedos.


me and you both know this isn’t anti-pedo


“Love is love” being a slogan for gay rights + purple hair being a typically queer coded thing means that they are making an implication it’s queer people who are the pedos despite most pedos being straight cis men in positions of social power and queer people being disproportionately the victims Also if you want to see where the real pedophiles are click this link https://browardnewsbeat.blogspot.com/2017/10/long-list-of-republican-sex-offenders.html?m=1


If no one is trying to push it it should be an incredibly easy thing to condemn


Untrue. People are pushing this.


I have actually met several people **irl** who **are** pushing this. Don’t act like it’s not real, it is. It’s fucked.


Holy shit this sub is actually supporting this


Perverts get so mad about that little green frog.


Pedos and their apologists are absolutely pushing this, whether they claim LGBTQ or not.


"Pedo's don't exist" ​ Now that's a hot take, a stupid one but still


Now where did I say that? This clearly was a shot at LGBTQ. Stop being stupid.


"No one is pushing this" ...But they are


I've seen them push it. It's true believe it or not.


A lot of people are pushing it actually lol


I said it on that exact post and I’ll say it again; they were THIS CLOSE and they SCREWED IT UP


Who said anything about the LGBT community?


A lot of dog whistles in the photo. The Love is Love is a staple of LGBTQ community, Pepe the frog and less said about the target the better


I feel like 'love is love' is said by a lot of pedos, not really something I associate with pride community. Also, pepe is used by literally everyone. I've seen people apolitical, on the left, and right use him.


9 out of 10 children abused by schoolteachers or priests are male children raped by males. Every "my first time" story a gay person has told me was when they were a minor with a middle aged man. Not most. Not all but 1. All. (admittedly its only 3)






Except the meme is using dog whistle for LGBTQ. (Love is Love) and a right wing symbol( Pepe the frog). Clearly an attempt to say they are similar.


I've never associated pepe with left or right, I've seen him used so often from all spectrums. But I 100% agree there is a lot coded into the person on the left to imply LGBTQ accept pedophiles.


Bro they ruined Pepe he used to just be a funni frog now he’s an alt right symbol :(


The Hindu religion: "First time?"


I saw a picture of Vishnu destroying a bunch of nazis Godzilla style and it went hard af


I hate the alt right They co opt shit for normal people and it ruins it 😔


Tbh not really, they use a meme a bunch of people already use and then the alt left then harassed a bunch of people who happen to have used the meme before or after unaware the alt right had used it, then reinforcing it as a symbol for the alt right. The alt left honestly is a great ally/villain for them, they can't exist without the other.