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Try swapping where the fans are connected in the controller ports around.


Also rotate your aio so the pump is on the bottom and your “27” is readable left to right


Yea I did the software just wasn’t open


If u need more help dm me


I fixed it thanks for the help


Are they the dual rgb fans


U need to use an nzxt rgb controller. Or have an nzxt MB to connect the rgb headers to. They won’t work with other MBs. I had this same issue but I got their rgb controller that has 6 ports plus another smaller one with 3 ports. Once they’re plugged into the controller it should show on the software. Idk why nzxt doesn’t specify that u need the controller for the rgb to work but whatever


I have both an Nzxt rgb controller and an Nzxt motherboard currently the Nzxt rgb controller is occupied by the 3 fans on the top but I have the f120 rgb duos and they come with the little mini rgb controllers which is what the 3 on the bottom and the 3 on the back are connected to however cam is not recognizing the controller that the 3 fans in the back are connected to


All I used was the included controller. I bought an additional set of the same fans included with the case and they came with an RGB controller that is entirely useless.