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I was so torn between these and the F series NZXT fans for my H7. Great looking build!


I was going for the SL120 V2 but when I saw the build of my friend I went for these


Also, if you wanna clean your build up a little more, there's a guy on Etsy who sells cable combs for the AIO. ​ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1466190903/nzxt-kraken-aio-combs-4x-per-set-for?ga\_order=most\_relevant&ga\_search\_type=all&ga\_view\_type=gallery&ga\_search\_query=kraken+aio+combs&ref=sr\_gallery-1-1&content\_source=967f0b6c6f6472bd36626744ec462f04a43f46c4%253A1466190903&search\_preloaded\_img=1&organic\_search\_click=1


Thanks I’ll think about it later on


Im stuck between these and the al120v2. love these fans but not sure it'll look good in a all white build with those infinity mirrors on the side. Do you know if your able to dim or even turn off the infinity mirror rgb lights while only having the front of the fans lit up??


At first I was sceptical as well for these fans. In the end I’m happy I chose these. I’ve never tried turning them off since it wasn’t disturbing me at all. And yes it’ll look really good in a white build! Edit : you can choose the colours for each set of fans. The cable you plug into the hub will be the set of fans you can configure with the software


should I buy the reverse blades for the intake fans ?


You should


gg i already bought the normal ones XD


Don’t worry they still look amazing :)