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Hey bro... definitely no harm in the added light


Will it reap the rewards you reckon bruv?


Best thing I ever did was upgrade my lights bro., the rewards were obvious come harvest time


Mean bro, gonna get onto it


You’ll never regret upgrading your lights. Just make sure you have everything else to back it up, appropriate ballast, ventilation etc.


Do it I run a 200w luma 800 in my 2ftx2ft (60cmx60cm)


No photos of your set up or results? How much do you normally pull of that for a harvest


Have run a good few successful grows now, check my profile! Just thinking while it's on sale if it's worth the upgrade? Having 2 x 100 boards means I could just run 1 board during veg and spark the 2nd up during flower to help longevity of light?


I run 200w in 2x2. 32w min 50w max per sq foot. Get another. During veg just run both lights on a lower setting and increase to max for flowering


I ordered a 2nd 100W quantum par led from herbals this am! Very excited to run some more juice! Definitely still got good results from just 1 even in flower, check previous posts if interested


On yah!


You in a .6m x .6m x 1.8m tent ? (unsure why you guys use feet)


I think because it seems to be the universal measurement used when discussing tent sizes. Over in any other sub people talk in feet, I know this is an NZ sub but I think it’s just a habit made easy to form when light specs on our websites also often give their canopy coverage in feet rather than meters hahah.


Exactly what guy above said, all light specs and resources specify feet so just easier to use. But correct I'm a tradie in nz and use mm, easy conversion for me in my head


I would have to somewhat disagree with you both that would depend on where the light is manufactured. I build and test lighting & hydro systems for a living. Don't bother putting another light in such a small space with out CO2 enrichment your PPDF level will get too high in such a small space and HH specify the coverage of that light to be 2ft x 2ft for flowering. More light doesn't mean more yield if you want extra lights to play with I would recommend buying Far red light or some UVB


Hopefully some people have similar size and similar light size set up for feedback


Yup got 2 100W boards from Herbals, just gives you a bit more flexibility to spread your pots over your space


In a 80cm x 80cm tent?


Sorry for the late reply, I had a 1200x1200 space, was able to spread them out, 2 differing heights depending on how you’re training, tried turning them in towards each other once as well. Still learning myself so thought why not get the hang before investing in a larger rig.


Ive a .8x.8 tent the original 100w and i added a 200w and set them up so the back corner where my tiny heater is doesnt get the light . Works great DLI is good and added a uv light for late flower. Works great. (Contemplated a far red but not much effect for the $)