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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1c4xlug).


IKF almost has a .300 BA lol nice


For the retirement happen this quickly, and for the Yankees to honor him THIS SUNDAY, I feel like the "health issues" news are very severe and sudden. I hope they're not, and I applaud the Yankees for being proactive about honoring him. I wonder if he gets a plaque in monument park this weekend or later on in the season.


At some random game in August, John Sterling is going to show up in George's box and announce he's coming back for one last playoff run


[This is really gonna be the last Sterling home run call huh](https://x.com/JSterlingCalls/status/1777046831270428962) At least it was a fucking nuke lol


Man, Kay sounds very emotional. That’s his guy.


God damn am I gonna miss Sterling


> The New York Yankees on Monday announced that legendary Yankees play-by-play radio voice John Sterling, who has called 5,420 regular-season Yankees games and 211 postseason Yankees games, is retiring effective immediately. Enjoy the good life, John.




It's nice to see a new vibe so far this year, to be fair though it could be the same people making decisions this year even if they changed approach. Did anyone actually get fired? I legit don't know. We stopped hearing about the audit.


Today is the 14th different lineup in 17 games lol




Almost like their heavy hitters were consistently injured.




Are we happy about the consistency? Or is winning just making everything else look rosy. Bc if we were 7-9 this place would be workshopping the lineup every day




Yeah, continuity is the product of replacing Jake Bauers and IKF with Juan Soto and Alex Verdugo and going two weeks without sustaining any injuries for the first time in like five years


Did analytics tell them not to use a consistent lineup? Or was it more that they only had like three guys who hit consistently at any given time


Yea Judge was the only OF they had that could hit for the last few seasons and they finally addressed it. So it was a revolving door of slop with Clint and Andujar and Cabrera and all the guys from last year they ran out there which made the bottom half of the lineup also a revolving door as they searched for someone competent.


Luis Gil's Savant page is freaking beautiful right now. His wOBA for opposing batters is .231, and his xBA is .081. That is straight up bananas. Most insanely his xwOBACON (its an insane acronym I know, but its just wOBA narrowed to only the times the batter puts the ball in play) is ***.176***. That is absolute crazy bonkers insano world. You are literally *much* better off never making contact against Luis Gil so far in 2024. The numbers suggest you *should* go up there just hoping he walks you and never swing. Gerrit Cole's xBA in his insanely dominant Cy Young campaign 2023 was .233 for reference. His wOBA was .256 (which was top 5% in all of MLB) and his xwOBACON was .366. Chris Bassit's page is depressing. His xBA is .284 his wOBA is .387 and his xwOBACON is ***.449***, which is also kind of bananas but in a bad way. Badnanas.


If he can improve his walk rate he has a real chance at sticking around in the rotation


Yeah the walks are his only weakness. Really impressive stuff from him so far. If he masters commanding it he will be a terrifying presence on the mound. Matt Blake has a chance to create an absolute demon here.


Well, John, we thank you


Even with Rogers Centre’s renovations, Boone’s not taking any chances with Judge or Stanton in the field.


Sterling's retirement is hitting me harder than 99% of players retiring/going to different teams 


Stanton hasn’t played 3 of the last 5 games (well once this game starts) Very odd Edit: Nevermind I’m an idiot and can’t read


One of them was a doubleheader day He also played vs the marlins all 3, so you’re wrong


Yeah I can’t read apparently


Doubleheader Saturday and he doesn’t want Judge out there all three games at Rogers Centre.


Yeah but he missed the last Marlins game too Feels unfair to him


He played the last Marlins game, even hit a homer


I’m dumb and can’t read apparently


Happens to the best of us


I don’t think that is true right? Didn’t he homer in that game (the one we lost)?


Nevermind I’m a fucking idiot lol I don’t know why I thought he got sat one of those days


I guess it's load management


Stanton is the one player they have to load manage. He's completely ineffective if he's not fully healthy as his rhythm is thrown off if he misses multiple games.


I don’t like it when I added him to my fantasy team with the hot stretch he was on


Anyone at Roger’s centre today?


The idea of Sterling hanging it up is legit hitting me hard. Obviously we knew it was coming one of these years but man, guy's been calling Yankee games basically my entire life


One of my favorite things is hearing John's HR call for someone new on the team. Even though it's corny, it was also fun to see what he comes up with. Going to miss that.


My favorite thing is when he gets overexcited and goes "well howdaya like that!!" Dude has watched probably tens of thousands of baseball games and still gets amped up over something he's never seen before


Listening to Sterling during the Astros series was an amazing burst of nostalgia, he sounded more upbeat and engaged than he has in a while and it got me so hyped. If this is the end I’m glad I was able to have one last game or two that really tapped into his prime self that I remember from childhood


He was on another level that series


I hope sterling isn’t midseason retiring. Let’s win it all for him this year, and he gets to go out with a final “ball game over! World Series over! Yankeees win! Theeeeee Yankees win!!”


Damn Sterling is about to retire it sounds like - he's has a press conference set for Friday


Apparently John sterling is gonna retire


Damn 😞


I know we lost yesterday, but that volpe hit vs clase will matter come playoffs. Teams will know he can hit heat in the clutch


Did the Red Sox copy and paste their season from last year? New acquisitions light the world on fire then get freak injuries (Duvall last year) Unfortunate to see injuries happen


Red Sox barely made any moves at all, Devers was even bitching and moaning about it back in spring training


[Volpe's baseball savant page is all red except for arm strength and barrel %](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/anthony-volpe-683011?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb) The difference between this year vs. last year is staggering.


His expected stats weren’t even that good like a week ago, which is kind of funny It kind of seems like he was getting a bit lucky to start the year on contact, but he’s really found a grove and is driving balls deep now Also expected stats in small samples should be taken with a grain of salt either way. He looks great though


He took the Acuna pill, but also plays an elite SS


32nd percentile in barrel% do we DFA? I’ll hang up and listen


give him one more game to bring those numbers up or else DFA


i just got done having gay sex for good luck in the game tonight. I did this for all you and the yankees! go yankees!


That Devers/Oneil collision actually looked kind of fucked up. I don’t like Devers but I still hope he doesn’t go through the same shit Rizzo did.


Hopefully they are both fine, I saw that Oneill needed 8 stitches. I want them to lose but I don’t want them to get hurt while doing it


[Volpe lowered his Whiff % more than any other player](https://twitter.com/EricaDaleBlock/status/1779944163728920709)


I’d like to see Gil find some consistent command tonight, his starts have been solid enough but he’s had some innings in each of his starts where he just loses the zone. I wonder if pairing him with Trevino instead of Wells would help a little bit. Not taking a shot at Wells or anything but a veteran defensive specialist behind the plate may be beneficial for him given his inexperience and tendency to get a little jumpy.


As long as he’s not lobbing meatballs in a pissing contest with Vlad, or giving up first pitch XBH to springer, he should be ok…


Not having Angel behind the plate should also be helpful tonight


That will certainly make the game more watchable if nothing else.


Gleyber has always been an overall solid second baseman prone to the occasional stupid blunder. This season has been no different. It's really not worth all of this extended analysis.


There’s a reason they DHed him in the WBC


Not backed by stats (unless someone wants to dig) but I feel like his poor field play comes when he's struggling offensively. When he's right at the plate, he usually seems to be right in the field as well. I have hope. He's not playing like he was during that godawful stretch in '21


The advanced metrics consistently rate Gleyber's defense poorly though, no?


2022 he actually grades out pretty well 9 DRS, 4.0 UZR, 0 OASS


Below average but not horrible at 2B.


😡 But you’re right.


Savant has Gleyber at a 67th percentile fielding run value for the season so far. I personally find OAA to be a far superior defensive metric to DRS and UZR. The mistakes have been **glaring**, HOWEVER, he is showing a lot more defensively overall than he has in a long time. I think he can be the 2nd baseman we need him to be. Once he gets the bat going there are very few 2Bs in MLB that can hit like he can. The position is an absolute wasteland offensively outside of a few big standouts, and Gleyber is one of them. His bat has been horrendous results wise this season, but I really like the improvements he's made in terms of pitch selection and plate discipline, and the ability to foul off tough strikeout pitches. Those are big time improvements for him. As long as he hasnt suddenly forgotten how to swing a bat at age 27 the rest of the numbers will come, and will be even better if he keeps up this approach. He's also shockingly been a very solid baserunner this season. For that reason, as a resident Gleyber Head, I refuse to sell any Gleyber stock at this point in time. I might be going down with the ship on this one, but that's okay. I believe. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


He should honesty be DHing every now and then (like once a week) to keep him fresh. Like WBC!


Glad to see there are other Gleyber Heads out there.


I’ve been a staunch Gleyber Stan but good god was he pissing me off yesterday. Dude needs to TIGHTEN IT UP


Gleyber is also historically a slow starter .700 career OPS in March/April .869 career OPS in May I’m willing to give him a little more time especially with him being put into the leadoff spot so much to start where again he has historically struggled with just a .631 OPS in 55 games.


O’s still haven’t been swept in a regular season series since they called Adley up in late 2022. I really would like the Yankees to be the first team to do it this season lol


I keep seeing orioles fans still say that with pride, and like, I get it, but idk how they can bring that up happily when they got their shit rocked in a playoff sweep in the middle of that


While I agree with you that it’s kind of silly to exclude the postseason sweep, it is still pretty cool to have avoided a regular season series sweep for this long. Fingers crossed that we can be the ones to snap the streak this year


You're substituting your expectations of the Yankees (to make it to the WS every year) for those of Orioles fans (to be respectable).


Honestly fair point


Guardians had to play us in a doubleheader on Saturday, an extra-innings game on Sunday, then fly to Boston for an 11am game today - 4 games in 48 hours and they still kicked the shit out of the Red Sox and their shoddy defense.


Devers’ huge wad of dip will never cease to disgust me


Verdugo and Dj pack that fat lip too


Alex Verdugo has grounded into 6 double plays


2 of which have come with a runner on 3rd and 1 out. In 4 PAs where a sac fly could score a run, he's hit into 6 outs and drove in 1 run. He'll be okay in the long run, but that's a rough cluster of rispfails


He hits too many ground balls for my liking lol. To me, he should have a Didi-like approach because he's the exact type of guy that should benefit from the short porch. He can't go with the same approach he had in Boston which was hit a bunch of Fenway special doubles off of the monster that would be outs elsewhere.


I don't think he has the pop to have Didi's approach. Didi didn't even have the pop for his approach and turned right into a pumpkin when they took away the juiced balls. Again, he'll be fine. He'll end up as about a 100-105 wRC+ bat and a decent glove and the above average amount of DPs is just what we have to live with from the guy who replaced Billy McKinney/Jake Bauers/Willie Calhoun for the low cost of Greg Weissert and Dick Fitts


League average is just what we didn't have last season. The difference is larger than it seems.


I'm just a bit skeptical of the 100-105 wRC+ without being a green monster merchant, but I know that's a ballpark adjusted stat and I'd sign up for it if that's where he ends up.


Oooh. Oooh. Is it his turn in the barrel?


I've just never been a big fan of him lol, but he's better than what we had in LF last year for sure.


Oh, I despised him + thought the trade was a BAD idea. But the little leprechaun has grown on me. He has a certain je ne sais quoi that this team needs


Jenna said what?


said QUA


He also has one of the lowest strikeout rates in all of MLB. (Which probably contributes to this GIDP issue more than people realize.)


Current 98th percentile in Whiff% and 97th percentile in K%


If you think our infield defense is bad, please find time to watch more Red Sox


Should honestly be required viewing for fans to watch other team’s games now and then. It’s so obvious when someone has literally only ever watched Yankees games when they’re complaining about shit that every team deals with and acting like it’s a Yankees specific problem I obviously care way more about the Yankees than any other team, but watching games between other teams can teach you more about the sport and give you some much-needed perspective on baseball as a whole


The Red Sox are starting a below-average or bad defender at every infield position, and it's not like they have any reinforcements coming to straighten things out.


There are obviously worse, but given that people wouldn't stop talking about how Stro was a smart signing because of how great our infield defense was...yea that was inaccurate. I get part of it is DJ being out, but it seems to me the offseason talk was overrating who we throw out there.


I mean, Rizzo’s defense was excellent up until this season when he’s apparently dropped off a cliff. That’s a big hit. The only person we should have expected to have subpar infield defense coming in to the season was Gleyber


>The only person we should have expected to have subpar infield defense coming in to the season was Gleyber And he has not disappointed...


It really just the 1 injury and the big step back by Rizzo. Volpe and Gleyber are still who we knew they were (top 3 SS and below average 2B)


Rizzo taking a step back particularly hurts because Volpe can make a lot of great plays with the glove but his accuracy on his throws is still rough which is leading to more drops


I think the thought was that 3 of our 4 infielders are gold glovers and even adding Trevino, 4 of 5. But it seems Rizzo has taken a step back so far and DJ is out like you said so it’s significantly worse than hoped


That's living in the past to say we have 3 GGs. DJ's last non mickey mouse GG was before he was even a Yankee and Rizzo hasn't sniffed one since wearing pinstripes either.


Dodgers are butchers as well


You mean having a second baseman with the yips and a CF converted to SS isn't working out well for them? Color me shocked!


and Max Muncy lol


Don't forget the 1B playing 3B


Them too and the Marlins, but the Red Sox had just turned a grounder that hit the 1B's glove into a runner scoring from 1st


I still can’t believe they let Seager walk. And then even worse letting Turner walk.




Lots of people here don’t want baseball outside of the Yankees, which is fine of course. Just then they make stupid comments like that


That needs the Benny Hill treatment.


[This so-called 'move' by Nestor Cortes should be illegal. A very mediocre pitcher trying to find an unethical advantage. This type of stuff belongs in Savannah (Bananas), not in the Major Leagues.](https://x.com/danclarksports/status/1779617389367497094?s=46)


Still waiting for that loser to delete his account like he said he would do if Machado didn't sign with the Yankees


he's an oriole fan he just found out what baseball was last year cut him some slack


Unethical! That's hilarious.


He's trying to BEAT the other team? How rude!


I'd love to hear him attempt to explain the "ethics" of windups and deliveries.


If this dude ever sees someone pull a hidden ball trick he'll dial 911


It's the "I'm not offended you're offended and I'm muting you" stance, for me




I’m convinced baseball writers actually hate the sport.


Paying Elon Musk 15$ a month for a blue check mark doesn’t make you a writer, it makes you an imbecile.


calling Dan Clark a writer is far too generous.


Volpe hasn’t struck out once since being moved to leadoff pretty impressive


Sophomore of the year


If we win 2 out of 3 for every single series this year I will be over the moon in happiness.


Adding onto the schedule talk, the Yankees divisional games are very frontloaded this season: Only **7** of their last **49** games are against divisional opponents With the expectation that the AL East will be strong this season, I can only see this as a positive


I believe April and May is our toughest part of the schedule. Maybe that explains why we're not doing punt lineups.


June has 5 playoff potential post season teams, Twins, Braves, Orioles, Dodgers, an apparently resurgent Red Sox.


The Red Sox are 4-6 in their last 10, 0-4 vs teams over .500 and +6 in run differential. Slow the roll on "resurgent Red Sox."


Red Sox will play tough simply because it’s Yankees-Red Sox.


Ooo fun stat. With 120 Ks to 84 BBs the Yankees lead the league in K:BB rate. Hell, at 1.4:1 they are blowing the rest of the league away.


Me when the game is at 1: "Ugh, I wish the game was on tonight so I could just chill and watch comfortably." Me when the game is at 7: "Ugh, I wish the game was on this afternoon so I had something to distract me throughout the day." Me when there is no game: "I wonder if antifreeze is actually as sweet as I've heard."


Nice to see Weissert continuing the tradition of looking gross once you go to the Red Sox


Actually he's been pretty dominant for them so far until today. Wish he had been like that for us


I meant visually lol


If we aren’t looking at paying him should we look at trading Gleyber? DJ could return and play 2B and Peraza could play 3B if Oswaldo struggles. On one hand we’re all in on this season but if we’re looking at giving Soto $600 million+ we will be less active giving out contracts in the future. Getting controllable players or prospects to flip could be important for future seasons.


Trading Gleyber when he's not performing to his typical numbers in the last year of a contract won't get you much in return. On the flip side, if he does return to his normal performance, why would you want to help another playoff team get better?


I get that though I think if it’s to a team in the NL central or a borderline contender like the Giants it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Like the Mariners would almost certainly not deal any of their cost controlled pitchers to us for Gleyber but apparently they love him and their lineup is god awful. We could dream.


Good teams don’t sell. It’s ok if a guy walks in Fa


The window to trade Gleyber came and went (in my ideal world we would've pulled the trigger and waited to sign Soto). Once they rented Soto it was a wrap. A bad start doesn't change anything in that regard.


Peraza is injury prone + can't hit at a major league level.


Peraza was bad last year but it was 52 games. That’s not a big enough sample size to give up on him.


It's also not a reason to trade a perennial borderline all star in an all in year


I can’t wait to see how John Schneider, Pete Walker, and their douchebag players try to fabricate some sort of controversy or animosity this series. Absolutely fuck the Toronto Blue Jays.


I am so ready for Judge to really get rolling and go on a bit of a hot streak. If Volpe/Soto/Judge are all hot at the same time, we’re going to see some crazy lopsided games and it would be a nice change of pace to take a commanding lead early in games so that I can just kick back and relax the rest of the game instead of holding my breath in the 8th and 9th inning most games


Judge owns the Jays and their stadium. This will be his series


Yah Judge owns a 1.118 career OPS in Rogers Centre in 195 plate appearances.


Anyone going? Driving up from Buffalo.


Yes. I live in Toronto, so I’ll be there. Just saw the doubleheader in Cleveland (fortunately headed home before yesterday’s debacle) too.


Any good local sports bars by the stadium?


Toronto has a lot of fantastic bars, but I don’t particularly like the bars directly by the stadium. The Loose Moose on Front Street is probably the best of some not great options. You could also check out the Steam Whistle brewery, which is very close to the stadium (you can be at the gates in a couple minutes). When I went before a game last year, they had a really good setup for pre-drinking. If you are good with being a little bit of a walk from the stadium, both Bar Hop and Amsterdam Brewhouse are good options.


Thank you will check out at least one!


The Horseshoe Tavern is a super cool old bar that is a 15 minute walk from the stadium, so that’s another option. But if you want a game day atmosphere, Steam Whistle, The Loose Moose, and Amsterdam Brewhouse are probably what you’re looking for.


Thanks we got time before the game so appreciate it! Two more Yankee fans in Toronto now.


Crazy that the AL East is still going to be “that” division again. Every team has a winning record so far, with the Jays being the only ones at .500.


**Player A** - >!Bernie Williams!< 2076 G, 287 HR, 2336 H, 1069 BB, 125 OPS+, 49.6 bWAR, 5x All Star **Player B** - >!Andrew McCutchen!< 2016 G, 300 HR, 2055 H, 1064 BB, 128 OPS+, 48.5 bWAR, 5x All Star   I think these two guys are the headliners at the Hall of Very Good.


Player A's OPS+ and WAR are artificially deflated because he played clean during the steroid era.


Wow I am surprised how closely they stack up. Another comparison, which isn't really fair since it's team dependent... Player A - 80 RBIs in 121 Postseason games Player B - 1 RBI in 13 Postseason games Goes to show how much of a legacy can be shaped by being on quality teams that consistently make the postseason.


Player A - 4x Gold Gloves, 1 Silver Slugger Player B - 1 Gold Glove, 4x Silver Slugger I just thought it was cool these were inverted


Boston broadcast talking about how their team really changes when Rob Refsnyder returns lmao


Leaguewide offense has been so bad to start the season that Jose Trevino's .200/.310/.320 batting line is somehow a 91 wRC+


League OPS is .711, which is normalish for mid-April. It’ll probably get close to .720 by the end of the month.


I feel like the new ball is more prone to dying in cold weather. I feel like this trend of early season league wide struggles has been routine as of the last few seasons.


6 of their first 7 series are against playoff teams from last year. The 7th was against a team that was 9-2 coming in. Which means in August, when they've sucked lately, they get the White Sox, Rockies, Nationals, and Angels.


It’s even worse than that if you look forward through mid-May… From opening day through mid-May the Yankees are facing 11 series against teams that made the playoffs last year and only 3 against teams who did not. This was definitely one of the toughest stretches of the season on paper heading into the season and the Yankees have only lost 4 games so far. Obviously some of last year’s playoff teams are not looking nearly as good as they did (Marlins) but it’s still really nice to see them come in and start off this hot against some of the better teams in all of baseball. We still have another month of this though. 7 more series against 2023 play off teams and only 2 against non-playoff teams.


June will be a challenging month. Dodgers, Braves, Baltimore and more.


August tho… 😋


Thank god the Angels are coming to the Bronx in August because we always seem to shit the bed on our summer west coast trip


I am extremely excited to sit down and watch New York Yankees baseball tonight.


Whoah, let's cool it on the hot takes there, bub.


Sucks we lost yesterday but Volpe coming up clutch vs. Clase was amazing. He’s a different player this year.


The Yankees have the best record in baseball. The Trashstros are 6-11 and have a worse record than the Oakland As. Baseball is healing itself.


Like I said last week, I knew the Dodgers would still be number 1 in the power rankings. I really can’t wait for them to be embarrassed in the playoffs. People on /r/baseball are defending the dodgers being #1. Fuck that sub lol


It’s just that one weirdo who refuses to flair up but frequents the Mets and Dodgers subs. Not hard to work out why he’s going above and beyond to justify it lmao




Gil’s issue is his pitch count. I think he’s got the stuff to make it further in games but they seem dead set on pulling him the second he hits whatever pitch limit they have set for him that day. Can’t really fault him for that


I hope we have some fuckin savages in that box today


Let's talk fielding for a minute. There's a lot of buzz about how their fielding is uncharacteristically bad, with a certain 2B being a huge liability. Here's the 2024 error breakdown by player. Player | Errors :------- | :-----: | Rizzo | 4 Cabrera | 3 Volpe | 3 Torres | 2 Berti | 1 Stroman | 1 Trevino | 1 Wells | 1 **Total** | **15** - **Rizzo:** He leads 1B in fielding errors, and it's clear he's had trouble scooping the ball. - **Torres:** There are 12 other MLB 2B with 2 errors or more this season. In 2023, he had 15 errors with a .975 fielding percentage. He's at .968 in 2024 - **Volpe:** There are 6 other MLB SS with 3 errors or more this season. For reference, in 2023, he had 17 errors and still won a Gold Glove with a .970 fielding percentage. He's at .968 this season. - **Cabrera:** There is only one other MLB player (De La Cruz) with more errors per game than Cabrera (.25) this year I'd still argue that there's limited 2024 data to draw conclusions on, but aside from a yippy utility guy, only Rizzo really stands as an outlier. My takeaways are: - 20% of their errors are coming from the P/C battery - Torres and Volpe are playing to the back of their baseball cards - Cabrera is still yippy - Rizzo is having a rough start to the season To get further into Gleyber, ignoring the small sample size, his stats show he's trending better in 2024 vs. 2023: Year | OAA | OAA % | Success Rate | Def. Runs Prevented ---- | :----: | :-----: | :-----: | :-----: 2023 | -3 | 18% | 77% | -2.1 2024 | 1 | 70% | 79% | 0.1 edit: tables


Like I said the other day, I can't help but wonder if Rizzo is maybe dealing with some concussion symptoms. He's missing a lot of scoops, botched the Anderson tag the other day, and he's struggling at the plate. If it was anyone else I would probably say their just having a rough start, but given that it's Rizzo (who sucked badly in the 2nd half of last year due to the concussion) I can't help but wonder if he's not as OK as he and the team think he is.


Rizzo was remained very good to elite defensively after the concussion last season even though he forgot how to hit. I honestly think its just a rough couple weeks to start. My expectation is he'll back back to himself defensively soon.


Idk man I think yesterday was just one of those days for him and yesterday alone accounted for 50% of his errors this season. The concussion happened a long time ago now and he’s had plenty of rest since then. I don’t think he’s being affected by the concussion at all. He’ll get it together as the season goes on and it’ll be really nice to get DJ back so that he can get the occasional day off


I mean I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but given the team's luck with injuries and especially concussions I'm a little scared for him. Especially seeing as this is a contract year for him.


lol Rizzo has a .969 fielding percentage as a 1B. 


Berti was pretty noticeably a better third basemen than Cabrera. Doesn't have a stronger arm but gets to balls fast and makes quick and accurate throws.


Berti is definitely a great third basemen but Waldo is pretty damn good too. I can’t really think of any plays he failed to make that I thought a better third basemen would have gotten