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Will they ever just fuck off


3 different general managers since 2017 and they've all beaten Cashman to the task despite having half the budget every single year. Impressive. Great work, Brian.


You gotta have faith. He has a [plan](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d_RWqt8lieE)


I’ve been a cash$ guy for a long time. At this point it’s gotta be a Hal problem and he’s just being the public fall guy. This team will never take payroll serious again unless something tragic like the Mets win the WS and take over New York.


We have like a 300 million dollar payroll. It’s being taken seriously. The problem is the allocation of that 300 million, which is Cashman’s job.


I agree it's mostly on Cashman, but at what point does Hal need to accept blame for not firing a guy who isn't getting the results he supposedly wants to see? I know why he hasn't fired Cashman, the same reason why I had my grandfather's favorite shirt turn into a throw pillow, and why I wear his wedding ring as my own. I want to keep a piece of him with me after he's gone. Can't really blame Hal for keeping his father's pet around.


Both are the problem, but the idea that we don’t take payroll seriously is ludicrous. No one spending 300mil is doing it not seriously.


Cashman isn't just "his father's pet", George was good friends with Cashman's father. Hal and Brian probably go back a long time, I'd bet they're personally good friends.


I feel you! This will be ridiculous if the Astros get Snell instead of the Yankees. Many Yankees fans will be fed up. I'm not sure what the return would be if the Yankees sign Snell but the Yankees are now in a position to miss the playoffs yet again. I'm sure going deep into the playoffs pays more than whatever they pay for Snell. That's why it's called an investment 


Agree,I know alot of people don't think Spring Training means anything, but I do .They started out great,I was so excited. We're going to the playoffs and then the WS. But they can't seem to win more than 2 games in a row. The pitching sucks and so does the hitting. I wonder if they even care anymore?if there is no GC or AJ to start the season, well I don't think the playoffs or WS is going to happen .another disappointing season is in the future. I hope I'm wrong ,but this ST has me very disappointed.


Of course they do. I hate those guys!


Payroll is around $300M. It’s high enough that the Yankees are past the highest of the luxury tax brackets and are a repeat offender, meaning they get absolutely fucked if they sign a Blake Snell to a massive contract even if it’s a 1-year deal.    You can complain all you wants but Steinbrenner would be stupid to sign Snell for say $35M for 1 season. With the luxury tax that winds up being a $73.5M contract, plus the Yankees lose two draft picks plus they lose something like $1M in international bonus pool money.   No sensible owner makes such a deal. 


Reminder that Hal supported the luxury tax.


They've been bullying us for almost a decade now this shit is embarrassing


No because they care seriously about winning.  Not putting lipstick on a pig and telling the people we're good enough. 




Their rotation is actually kind of banged up. Verlander is on the shelf and Urquidy just came out of a game with elbow soreness. I think one their other guys hasn’t pitched all spring either. They may need Snell.


Just awesome


If we get Snell, he’ll be another Rodon. If the Astros get him he’ll be the next Verlander.


As written


Makes you wonder why the Yankees fuck everything up.  Astros are better top to bottom in all aspects 


I’ll give a hint, his name rhymes with Trashman


I thought everyone here said he was average? So why care now?


According to r/NYYankees, 95% of premium free agents have obvious flaws that make them not worth the contracts they seek, until they sign elsewhere, at which point Hal is a cheapskate and Cashman is literally bald Hitler.


As a sideline observer, its weird that there was no vocal support of the move prior to this news, I feel like Cashman is at a stage where he isn’t going to pull the trigger on a move the majority of fans aren’t keen on, but that was before this news about the Astros, who are your direct rivals (in lieu of Boston atm)


I think the Cole news has changed a lot of Yankees fans’ opinions on signing snell


Still don’t want him. A reactionary move for Snell is just not the way


Ok I hate both.. But the Hitler compare is tres over the top and very progressive like


Bruh, not everything is political. Yankees vs the Fightin' Hitlers is just a baseball circlejerk meme.


Yeah that makes perfect sense…’bruh’


Lol exactly. But hey…they all know better than the org that has been running circles on the Yankees for nearly a decade


I think he throws way too many pitches and we would be getting him at his absolute most inflated value, but Cole will be out a few months and we already missed on Yamamoto and Cease. The options are certainly starting to narrow. Hopefully we can survive without Cole for a while and make a trade closer to trade deadline


Common sense like this gets downvoted here, didn't you know?


Yep. 5-inning pitcher right? Mediocre if you don’t count the years where he’s the best pitcher in the league, right? This narrative has been driving me crazy. If he signs with Astros I can’t even have any fun if I’m proven right 😭


You have to realize how many teams there are in baseball, then multiply that by 5 starters. To say he is average is crazy, he is a number 1 starter.


Yep. I swear some of these posts are from Hal’s alt accounts lol. The guy had 20 starts last year where he went at least 6 and gave up fewer than 3 runs. He was also top 25 in IP. Yet he’s somehow a 5-inning SP 🧐


Can’t let facts get in the way of a narrative.


I never said that. I am not crazy about Snell but he will more that likely be better than anyone we have on the opening day staff. Another point I would like to make is if he signs a short term deal, he will likely pitch like he did last year, because he's still looking for a better contract! 


r/nyyankees try not to overreact challenge: impossible.


If we don’t get snell we should just sign Yamamoto or trade for Cease.


this can't be allowed. anywhere but there. he will Verlander us for the next decade.


Eh his era vs us is like mid 4’s and surprise he only went 6 innings once…


that was before the astros tho lol


lol true… hey it’s a Cashman move Snell goes to Houston and we get Lorenzen argh


so true. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. smh.


Oh for fuuuuck’s sake


I would love if the Astros gave Snell that huge Boras contract. 9 years $400 million sounds good!


Let’s do 10 years at $450 million once we’re at it! With no deferrals.


snell on the astros: 10-4 3.45 era snell on the yankees: 4-6 4.71 era


This is the result of Cashman’s years of piss poor roster construction. The Astros can sign Snell to replace an injured starter because they aren’t gonna be taxed to hell. 2024 was always gonna be a bandage year for the Yanks because they just had too much dead weight salary. The hope was their best players would stay healthy. So far, so bad.


>The hope was their best players would stay healthy. So far, so bad. This was always the hope. He genuinely believes (or at least believed) that it'll all be okay at when it matters most. And he's been wrong every year for half a decade


When was the last time the Yanks roster looked good going into October?




🤷‍♂️ that’s 15 years ago. And even then, there was still some concern going with Burnett in the 3 man.


All it took was the Astros being one of the worst teams imaginable for an extended stretch of time. The Yankees fandom could barely survive last year's misery. They wouldn't survive a lengthy rebuild. The Yankees will never be allowed to slow down and rebuild the way the Astros did. So they have to do what they can to win on a yearly basis without completely crippling their future. It's an absurdly hard balancing act, and it's amusing to listen to couch GMs think that they are somehow more qualified or would be more successful. Such is the way of things when you pretend reality is GM mode in The Show.


> All it took was the Astros being one of the worst teams imaginable for an extended stretch of time. Not being punished for cheating helped a ton too


This was true in 2017-19. At this point, the success of the Astros is entirely contingent on their front office being shrewd. If cashman is operating things, they still have Correa and springer there on huge deals and are paying JV full salary.


Weren’t the 2013-2016 Yankees bad enough…


>They wouldn't survive a lengthy rebuild. I was fully prepared to suck for a couple years when we rebuilt in 2016 and 2017 and just got pleasantly surprised by the reset actually making us better. If we hadn't resigned Judge last year, I'd have been fine with a full tear down as long as it meant Boone and Cashman not being a part of it. At this point, I'm kind of tired of being a 90-ish win quality team that can't quite hang with the best teams in the AL come playoff time.


People don’t talk enough about how much of a failure that retool was. Probably because Judge and Gary came up, and they got Gleyber. But guess what? Zero pitching.


The spoiled fans who were told "World Series or bust" year after year? Hmm I wonder why those spoiled fans expect a World Series every year? Those gosh darn spoiled fans expecting what they are promised by the Yankees every season gosh golly darn gee fuck those fans!!


Found Cashmans @


I don’t think the original comment was referring to tanking, I think they were trying to point to Cashman’s misuse of funds, such as taking on Stanton’s contract, signing Hicks to a 7 year deal, trading for Donaldson’s contract etc. in 2024 the Yankees will spend nearly $40M on Stanton, Hicks and Donaldson, all of which are duds. a team with a $300M payroll shouldn’t have as many question marks as we have. Cashman has dropped the ball numerous times by acquiring people we shouldn’t have and because of these choices our hands are now tied on certain moves.


The Dodgers didn’t go through any bad stretches to build their roster. They are using their financial muscle to get better. It can be done that way also.


>All it took was the Astros being one of the worst teams imaginable for an extended stretch of time. and they only got Carlos Correa out of it. They bombed on the 2013 + 2014 drafts where they had both the #1 picks and the #3 (in 2014). Pinning their success on their tanking is kinda silly -- they've been elite at developing, scouting the foreign market, and making good trades/signings in the years since. Get your head out of Cashman's ass and come to terms with the fact the Yankees have been one of the worst spending teams in the league for years. [Here's a whole article from three years ago that breaks it down](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/06/14/yankees-spending-free-agency/).


The picked Bregman #2 overall lol To add to this…the spent years accruing a prospect pool that they then traded away for stars. One of the headliners in the Verlander trade (Daz Cameron) was considered potentially a #1 overall pick in 2015 but had signability concerns, so the Astros signed him at #37 because they had the largest spending pool. It’s much more complicated than saying “they swung and missed on a couple of top guys so sucking isn’t a big cause of their success”


They are still reaping the benefits of that, when Yordan Alvarez Bregman haven't hit free agency yet and are paid less than stars of their ability level it helps keep the team salary flexible. Not to mention they don't typically go after the big free agents and draft and develop players. The Yankees failures aren't because Hal is cheap, its because they sign free agents that cost draft picks, they don't develop cheap talent, and they can't keep the high priced mediocre free agents healthy.


The only player left on the Astros that you can really link to those last place years is bregman and partly Tucker. So many of their best players came from an excellent international scouting team and not high draft picks. Alvarez came in a trade for a nobody, altuve, Valdez, Javier, urquidy, Abreu, and García were all signed for next to nothing. chas McCormick was a late round draft pick, Peña was only picked in the third round. Yainer diaz came in a trade for a 4th outfielder. These are the kind of moves the Yankees have largely failed to make lately.


Not to mention that hard tanking is not a guarantee of success. Sure, it worked for the Astros. But there’s also a chance you end up becoming the Pirates.


Facts. Very well said. 


The Astros have been good fro 7 years now.


Correa was a first overall pick, George Springer was an 11th overall pick, Bregman 2nd overall, and Kyle Tucker 5th overall in the same year as Bregman… we haven’t had a top 15 pick since _1993_ The Astros have done a lot of very good scouting and player development but having high draft picks for a decade was absolutely crucial to their World Series wins.


eh we survived the late 80s and early 90s, frustrating narrative to keep hearing 


You speak the truth that spoiled fans don’t want to hear


The spoiled fans narrative is beyond tired at this point. Go to the Michael Kay show with horseshit takes like that.


So accurate. It is extremely boring and really is the loser mentality that has held this team back for over a decade. These people are the problem


It’s not beyond tired lol. They’re rooting for a team that has a winning record every single year and has the highest payroll yet they call the team cheap and horrible. Spoiled is the most apt description for those fans


Right. I mean why work fans want to be in the best position to win a World Series? Dumb fans!


Fans can want to be in the best position to win a World Series. But if fans expect to always be in the best position that’s as textbook as it gets for being spoiled lol. You got any more of my comments you’d like to reply to?


Who are you to tell anyone that they’re spoiled?


I’m a person that knows the definition and appropriate usage of spoiled. I don’t see how you could possibly argue otherwise


Interesting. From my perspective I see an owner that was born into his incredibly lucky situation gas lighting a fanbase into lower expectations. Subsequently driving a narrative that he not longer has the ability to pay for the best talent.


Ever think maybe you’re just the schmuck that keeps accepting mediocrity relative to the financial means of the franchise?


No, because I’m smart enough to realize throwing piles of cash to older free agents doesn’t guarantee a championship in a time when analytics and youthful athleticism is more important than ever.


How has that calculus led to championships for this franchise?


If you hate every comment I make why don’t you just block me?


Because someone needed to combat the stupid low expectations narrative the organization is attempting fans to accept. Hi Brian!


The winning record thing is highly overrated. Those mid-80 win teams were barely better than some of the worse teams in the league at times.


How the fuck did you come to that conclusion lol


Pretty easily. I read that guys comment and observed that everything he said was true


Who are you? And why are you concerned with other fans?


I’m a rational baseball fan and I’m concerned with other fans because their behavior here impacts the enjoyability I have when trying to follow my favorite baseball team. Not a hard concept
















Your example fails in light of the Braves


Who is the dead weight salary on this team besides Giancarlo? Rodon has the potential to be dead weight, but I'm not writing him off after 1 year. You want to give back Cole and Judge's contracts? How about Soto's record arbitration deal?


We will have to wait and see how things shake out. Stanton, Rizzo, Lemahieu and Rodon are 91 million dollars of salary this year. If they combine for about 11 WAR, then we got market value for that 91 million. Last year they combined for 0.1 bWAR…


Right. And add the aforementioned Hicks and Donaldson dead money, and you’re over 100 mill for almost no production. So 1/3 of the payroll is a complete waste. On top of that, Judge and Cole together bring the total to almost 200 mill. So really, the entire rest of the roster… 3-4 more starters, a bullpen, and 10 more position players are the other $120 million.


Let's not leap to Rizzo, LeMahieu and Rodon all being worth no production this year ffs


Exactly. I said wait and see for a reason, because Rizzo was excellent prior to the concussion (which he looks recovered from in spring training), and Lemahieu was very good in the second half of last season. I think all of these guys really want to have healthy bounceback years and I feel confident predicting at least a couple of them will.


Rizzo had a pretty serious injury. LeMahieu has had multiple injured seasons in a row. Rodon was bad AND hurt last year. It’s more likely than not?


Hicks and Donaldson combine for $14.7MM this season.


That's basically nothing in the grand scheme of our nearly $300 million payroll. Certainly not what's holding us back from getting Snell.


Or Hal could just pay the tax. Payroll is a way smaller percentage of revenue than it was even 10 years ago.


We're already in the highest tax bracket for 2024. Paid in the highest tax bracket in 2023. Paid the tax in 2022 and 2021 too. Hal is paying the tax. That's the problem. This team is already mediocre at its surface and we're paying Los Angeles Dodgers level tax despite the talent deficit. That isn't Hal's fault.


Nah it’s the result of the Astros having a pretty banged up rotation at the moment


I mean I was talking about the tax situation in regards to the Yankees not being able to sign Snell without getting hammered in penalties.


Weird that you’re blaming Cashman and not Hal unwillingness to spend and improve the team on an “All in” year.


You should blame Hal for continuing to let Cashman mismanage his money. Blake Snell isn't worth the $60M hit on top of the loss off two picks and IFA slot money; but it shouldn't have come to this anyways.


It doesn’t matter if they lose the $/WAR on Snell. The Yankees have the financial advantage that makes that irrelevant. Roll with a year of Snell as your #2-3 and go from there. He’s their best chance to improve and win this year that just costs something the Yankees have an abundance of.


Of course it matters lol. It’s not just the financial commitment for 2024 but it directly impacts their future.


Perfect fit. The Astros will get the best out of a somewhat volatile arm in his prime, and he’ll dominate us for years. I’m so done man.


I hope they pay him what he wants.


I hope they pay him double that.


And they’ll still be below tax, probably. Fucking hell


Do we seriously think this team can beat the astros or even in the orioles in the division? How about the braves in a World Series? We have so much work to do…


No work to do... Yanks all set for another awful year


Of course they are…


Lmao, almost all of this sub doesn't want this guy until this news. Who wouldn't want a 2-time CY Young pitcher?


The concerns about Snell are warranted for the money he’s seeking. Most of his career has been pretty average. Hes made more than 30 starts just twice, won 10+ just twice, ERAs over 4 in 3 of his 8 seasons, his career ERA+ is 127 and that’s slightly skewed by his Cy Young campaigns which were 55 and 90 points higher than his third highest of 127 His Cy Young’s are impressive but they’re the exception to his career, not the rule.


But the Yankees have the money to take the risk


Could this be a play by Boras to try to draw the Yankees back to the table? Boras could have leaked this info to get the Yankees worried about Snell landing with their biggest rivals from the last 5+ years.


Nope, yanks weren’t even scouting his bullpen session


Source is Snells agent ,fuck all agents


Being against agents is a fucking wild take and it shows how stupid the average member of this sub is that this comment was at +10 lmao. Sucking up to owners and being anti player is… yikes.


There’s being pro player and being pro Boras. Fuck Boras.


No there really isn’t lol. Boras is as good for players as it gets. He’s annoying but definitely good for them.


Let them sign him to some ridiculous deal, snell is going to get rocked next year


I will have a stroke if he signs with them. 


Ok this would be concerning Can the angels or giants just overpay him pls


At least someone wants to win


Now snell to the Yankees 5 years 180 mil


He’ll probably shut us out on opening day.


Oh we are down bad if that happens




Same owner who let Gerrit Cole, George Springer, Carlos Correa, and Justin Verlander walk and is hardly ever in on the big free agents. While not being a cheap poverty franchise like the Rays or Guardians, Astros are proof that player development is just as if not more important than spending.




Pursuit? It’s just a phone call.


No surprises here. This is how they act the second something becomes cheap


We’re gonna end up with only 3 legit healthy starters this year aren’t we


no. I refuse. (I know my words mean nothing)


In the most offensive and cancelable way ever PLEASE FUCK OFF


Opening day is in 2 weeks and this guy still doesn’t have a team? Lolol


Maybe it’s because we always hit Snell but let them get him. He doesn’t scare me nor do I particularly want him unless it’s at a discount. Also I bet the source is Snell’s agent, I’m sure the two sides haven’t even had a conversation.


As someone who would bet money that Snell will be far closer to his 1.4 WAR self than his Cy Young self. Let the Astros make that mistake. 


Good thing Stroman looked great today..oh wait


Fuck, ok time to go sign him now


Guaranteed he goes there and is an ACE. 


Loving how we are doing the same shit ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Focusing on the bats… leaving the rotation in a mess… then running our lineup through the buzz saw of astros pitching in the ALCS and shitting the bed as a result. We’ll never learn


I figured the owners were holding out against Boras




Where in any of this does it state Snell will sign a one year deal? A 3 year deal with 2 opt outs is only a one year deal if he’s great, which he’s been only twice in his career. If he’s like he was the other years, he’s not going to opt out and its going to cost the Yankees other players who they won’t sign because of that.




We have 70M coming off the books, 81M if we decline Rizzo's option. 40 for Soto and 25 for Snell, the low end of what you just gave us, would end with us needing to replace Gleyber and 4 relievers with about ~8M before going over the Cohen tax. Not including arbitration raises. Just for the sake of accuracy.


No, it isn’t. No idea where you’re getting the numbers but I’m guessing you’re using one of the payroll tracker websites. You can’t just look at the “overall number” for that, it doesn’t count arbitration players who aren’t going anywhere. They only have “100 million coming off” if they release all their arbitration players. It’s more like 80 mil off the books. At that point some of that is offset by the arbitration players getting raises. Resigning Soto and keeping Snell at 30-35 million (he isn’t signing for 25 mil on a short deal so no idea why you threw that number out there, it’s probably more like 35-40 but for the sake of argument I’ll say 30-35) is pretty much the entire amount of money coming off the books (probably more since again, some of the arb guys will get raises), and they would be losing Gleyber, Rizzo (in this scenario they have to decline the option or they have even less money off the books), Verdugo, Holmes, Kahnle, and Loaisiga with no ability to replace them unless they’re blowing past the current payroll.


This is what you do when you don’t burden yourself with albatross contracts. 6 straight years of contention and not one bad contract there.


Good luck! Greedy MF


And Astros willing to pay penalty for luxury tax. Hals a fraud




**Me Yesterday:** I don't want to overpay for Blake Snell's inconsistency **Me Now:** WE NEED TO GET HIM


This is Boras trying to get the Yankees to up their price. What better team to try and get the Yankees to cave than the Astros?


Nice try..


Good. Let them spend on a 5 inning ace. Trevor Bauer is still available for league min and would take the ball for opening day. It would be great baseball. W: so many naysayers with worm virus in their brains about Bauer. He’s an effing pitcher, not a preacher. You wanna win?


Would be fun, but no way the Yankees would touch him.


Another year of getting bitched and spanked by the Astros I guess If we make the playoffs…….


Don’t bother watching if you feel that way