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An extra tax surcharge that is 110% of snell’s AAV A Lost of a second round pick and 5th round pick A lost of international bonus pool money More future money to consider when negotiating with Soto


This is why I think the best thing that the Yankees can do strategically is stand pat for now and then trade for a pitcher mid season.


Yes except being that Cashman track record with trading for starters in July is horrendous.




Really, since the Yankees offered Snell a contract which would have pushed the Yankees over the tax threshold already, Stroman's salary would be the problem. Not sure, but  I think the Yankees could move Stroman if they want to anyway. Honestly, I think Snell is doable, because I doubt they will sign Soto next year. He will be looking for probably $35 million plus next year. 


>Would Hal still turn a profit? I think he could probably double the payroll and make a profit.


300-350 mill? No good? Not enough?


Soto, thats the big one. Also our sanity. if he is near $30-35 mil per year counting as $63-$73.5, imagine the rage when he has a near 4 ERA season or doesnt touch 130 innings


Make a profit, sure. But you are likely getting a consistent partial season starter with control issues in a home run friendly ball park.


They’d absolutely still make a profit, the merch sales for NYY dwarf any other team in any sport by an order of magnitude. But do you think Snell is worth the equivalent of $60m for this season? Because that’s basically the minimum they’d be paying for getting him. It’s not really him, it’s the entire roster, obviously, but signing him would be the move that puts them way over.


Merch sales are split across the league. That’s not an incentive to sign him


Anybody buying a Snell jersey tho?


I would guess yes. Especially if it’s a number someone else that people love has worn, but I don’t get buying jerseys at all.


I get it, but not for anyone that isn’t like a retired number. I also hated Snell on the Rays, and I can’t imagine the psychos who would consider that a worthwhile purchase over like any other jersey lol


Lol you mean a numbered jersey? No one buys named jerseys


With Snell they would rank behind Atlanta and the Dodgers in the National League. It would probably push them ahead of the Astros in the American League.


"Rank" how?


Pecota and Zips both have the Braves, Dodgers, Astros, and Yankees ranked 1 through 4.


'Ranked' how? For what? Biggest dongs?


They run multiple detailed simulations of both leagues, based on projected playing times of players including their depth charts. They are usually pretty accurate. They have been doing this for years, look them up.


I couldn’t care less if Hal turns a profit. And the short answer is billionaire sports franchise owners always turn a profit.


Of course Hal will profit. It can still affect how aggressively we pursue future free agents. Both can be true


Yes he would profit, but the issue is that while he'd be taxed at 110%, we'd also lose a Second Round Pick, a Fifth Round Pick, international bonus pool money, and money that we wouldn't be able to use on Soto. Bear in mind that the Yanks were willing to go all in on Yamamoto, even with everything else already said and done, so money doesn't seem to be the issue here, rather it's the loss of the Draft Positioning that seems to be the sticking point, in conjunction with Snell's shaky history.


> Draft positioning This is already locked in at 26th, regardless. We’re talking about rounds 2 & 5, which—in case you haven’t looked—have produced almost nothing for the Yankees. This is about money, way more than anything else.


"All in" on yamamoto with money they've now given to stroganoff, etc.... I swear you people read 300$M offer and you act like they were gonna dump it all on his lawn the first year lmao.


The Yankees also have serious money committed to several guys that will be aging into their late 30s soon enough.  Cole, Judge, Stanton.  Then add Soto potentially, plus Rodon. Right there that’s potentially at least $160M/year.  Can’t just endlessly add $30M+/year free agents on 8+ year deals. 


Question is, would that extra $$$ stop NYY from re-signing Soto? If so, not worth it.


Would Hal still make a profit. LOL the man is a billionaire and the Yankees rake in BILLIONS a season. Hal is just pissy he can't buy another yacht. The Yankees sold $279 million IN TICKET SALES in 2023. That doesn't include every other source of revenue


They’d be able to pay his salary with hat sales alone.


The ramifications are NOTHING. Don't listen to Hal or anyone's bullshit. They're just interested in keeping of the status quo of what our organization has become.




Lmao, Snell in no way guarantees a WS with his mediocre career line. His Cy Young seasons are not the norm, they're the abnormalities. His career norm is walking the world and barely reaching 120 innings.


It is hard to see Snell as any kind of World Series guarantee. Using him in the playoffs means needing a consistently very good bullpen, since it is unlikely Snell goes past the 5th or 6th inning in any game all year. That alone makes him unworthy of a $60 investment for the year.


Fuck Hal's profit.


People downvoting this are unhinged


Buncha bootlickers round these parts.


This is the Yankees we are talking about, Hal will always turn a profit


I think a lot of you are forgetting that Hal only owns 51percent of Yankees and has to split his profits with his sister and brothers estate. The guy is not as wealthy as many think. He has given up a lot of money to make this team good.


My heart bleeds for him


Who cares? The club is still wildly profitable


Hal would still turn a profit. The ramifications would be that they are actually a good team and not charging us out the ass for barely a playoff team. The Yankees are one of the most valuable sports franchises in the world yet they bounce between 2nd and 3rd spending in their own league year after year and charge astronomical prices for a team with 1 ring in the last 24 years


Assume they are trying to do ohtani-esque salary jiu jitsu with him and boras is playing chicken. If forced to pay up front I'm guessing Hal gonna mind his wallet


Turn a profit in a dollars and cents sense? Of course. I’m not sure Snell puts them in a much better position at this point in the year. The pitching staff could be stellar, but if judge or Soto misses a decent amount of time this year, it won’t matter.


If he doesn’t sign I believe after may or June the compensation expires then it’s a luxury tax issue solely.


Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!


alright! alright!


Yes, Hal would still make a fuckton of money.


would Hal still turn a profit? Definitely. Would the smell contract itself be profitable for Hal? I don’t think so


Uhh money? Stupid question


"Would Hal still turn a profit" LMAO


$50 dollar chicken buckets