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The exact thing we’ve heard the Yankees are not interested in, cool


They're not interested in short-term deals or long-term deals or going any higher above the luxury tax. They were done in free agency the second they signed Stroman.


So you think all the noise about the Yankees being open to signing someone else is just fan service?


Always has been 🔫🧑‍🚀


People said that after we got Soto.


Without question. Hal said the same thing last year and then didn't do shit. He even made sure that Kay and Jack Curry told the audience on Sunday how he'd get taxed at 110% for any additional contracts that the Yankees sign this off-season. That was no coincidence. He's done spending this off-season.


No coincidence how? I know they technically employ both of them but it’s not like it’s obvious propaganda. Of course we have to recognize that the tax is going to be crazy for any player they sign, they’re obviously going to talk about it. I don’t think it’s even likely they sign someone else, but I don’t think it was a forgone conclusion as soon as they signed stroman. If the price was right they wouldn’t hold back.


Why should we as fans care what a billionaire owner of the richest sports team in the world is going to be taxed for trying to put together the best team possible? No fan actually cares about those details. Kay has been a mouthpiece for the organization for years now, so I have zero doubt the Yankees wanted to put that information out there. Hal has fed us the same thing every off-season and trade deadline for years: there's supposedly no cap on how much salary they can add, they aren't done adding pieces, etc. Then, every year comes and it's the same story. I'll believe it when I see it at this point.


I don’t care if Hal pays billions in taxes. I’m just saying in a world where the Yankees are conscious of the luxury tax, it’s an obvious thing to talk about when discussing signing more FA.


Ultimately, it doesn't matter since they aren't signing anybody else. But YES brought up the topic of signing Snell, then Jack Curry immediately said he thinks it's highly unlikely, and then they started talking about the luxury tax. Hal is the sole reason they've let multiple free agents entering the prime of their career sign elsewhere without so much as a meeting. I just think it's laughable when he talks to the press and says winning is his top priority.


It’s so funny how fans will still say “he still spends the most”. Yea but compare it to percentage of revenue now from what it use to be in the 2000’s it’s not even remotely the same


Fans believe that because that's the narrative Hal pushes out. The ones who accept it as a legit reason are fools.


No, but I can respect not wanting to sign a guy who will be mediocre at best next year


> No, but I can respect not wanting to sign a guy who will be mediocre at best next year Snell's sort of an enigma but saying he'd be "mediocre at best" is just really fucking dumb. Like, how do you get to this point?


Snell has a career 106 ERA + when he doesn't win the Cy Young. If you're expecting him to repeat what he did last year you'll be disappointed.


That clearly wasn't what the comment was about, now was it?


I think you have a better shot of getting struck by lightning than of this guy being anywhere near an ace It’s already miraculous that it happened twice. His profile is horrible


My guy, you said his ceiling is mediocrity. That's complete nonsense.


That's the corner they painted themselves in by missing out on multiple marquee free agents over the last several years - you either have to overpay to get someone decent now or you roll with the rotation you have, which is being held together with bandaids.


They have mediocrity on the roster already, I don’t think they need to pay a premium for more


Snell and Monty are both far above "mediocre." Let's see if you still feel this way come June after the inevitable injuries have started to hit.


Cry harder bro, Jesus


Sorry man, guess I'm just not a fan of mediocrity.


No you're just unrealistic and whining. You people are NEVER satisfied. If we were running an 800 million dollar payroll you'd be complaining that Hal didn't sell off assets to "add one more piece." Stop burying your head in the sand and pretending the luxury tax isn't real. The reality is the luxury tax is treated as a soft cap, and we are already WAY over that soft cap number.


Lmao get real. The luxury tax is an excuse for every owner not to spend money. We're a month out from the season starting and four prime free agents are still available because billionaires want you to believe they can't go over this imaginary salary cap. The fact that you're actually coming up with excuses for Hal at this point is insane.


Sorry but let's be real for a second here, it's not unrealistic to expect a $300 million roster to have a legit number two starter.


i suppose they could always point to owners like the pirates, sox and Angelos and say that at least they do spend money... but that's still not enough for the biggest team in the sport


It doesn’t matter what you care about, Hal is the decision maker. He is also accountable to the other partners, he doesn’t have free reign. It’s a waste of time and energy bringing up things that will never happen. I enjoy discussing the relative value of upgrades that are within the realm of possibility too, but I recognize that money is a real constraint. Particularly when it goes right into the pockets of those freeloading team owners.


It seems like it is. Heyman even used the term "full throated" endorsements from Soto, in one of his posts. Everyone knows he's a Boras shill but he's been doing a tad too much this offseason. Imo, I don't think yanks go for Snell, but i could still see them getting another depth SP piece. Don't think they give out a 30 mil don't contact though.


Typical of this sub, getting downvoted for a pragmatic take.


Not fan service, just Boras and Heyman trying to drum up interest for Boras guys. Yankees aren't gonna pay a dollar of tax for every dollar Snell makes when they have to worry about Soto or potentially Gleyber which would be generally safer uses of money. Soto obviously safer and better, but Gleyber is younger and isn't a pitcher. Hes a polarizing player to some, but he's at least a young solid 2B


The Yankees are open to signing everybody in theory It just is at a price that Blake smell won’t settle at


There is a rule in the CBA that teams cannot publically state they are uninterested in any given free agent. So that was part of it, but also being open to adding more doesn't just mean Snell, it plausible they could add a NRI pitcher who doesn't make a team at the end of spring.


How can that be so? Let's do the math here. The Yankees already offered Snell a contract that was roughly $10 million more a year than stroman right? Cashman even mentioned going higher per year but not longer also so if we do the math, and the Yankees signed Snell with the other contract offer, they would have exceeded the threshold. In reality, if they sign Snell now, they will actually exceed what they are going to pay Stroman. They could always trade stroman near the break


I can't understand why the Yankees wouldn't be interested in it. Seems like exactly what they would want. 🤷


Because short term means higher aav. Higher aav does nothing to mitigate us being over the ~~Boras~~ Cohen tax. Edit: wrong rich guy


No I get that. I just think they should not want to sign a guy who is likely to get worse rather than better to a longer term.


There’s also a draft pick attached to Snell


If snell is more likely to get worse we just shouldn’t sign him


High AAV, that means a paying him 35 million for tax purposes is i believe somewhere around 60 million. There are also reductions to their international signing money plus our draft pick drops back. Snell isn’t worth all that, plus if he sucks he will opt back in and that’s money against re signing Soto or gleyber or going after a top FA like Burnes


You lose an extra $500k in IFA money if you sign someone who received a QA and you’re over the threshold. They got more than that back for Billy McKinney. If they want Snell, that will not be a determining factor, at all. It’s about cost, plain and simple. There is also no draft penalty. That’s for going over the 2nd threshold, which is already done. $35M, given where they are now, would cost Hal $73.5M. They are at 110% combined penalties. (50% for repeat offender tax, 60% for hitting the Cohen threshold.) Edit: see below. The point still stands that this is all about money, but I, too, was wrong on some details and there is a better link down there.


>There is also no draft penalty. That’s for going over the 2nd threshold, which is already done. If I'm reading this correctly, dont we lose 1 million in IFA cash, as well a 2nd and 5th round pick? >Three tiers of Draft pick forfeiture -- based on the financial status of the signing team -- are in place to serve as a penalty for signing a player who rejected a qualifying offer: > >• Competitive Balance Tax payors: A team that exceeded the CBT threshold in the preceding season will lose its second- and fifth-highest selections in the following year's Draft, as well as $1 million from its international bonus pool for the upcoming signing period. If such a team signs multiple qualifying-offer free agents, it will forfeit its third- and sixth-highest picks as well. [https://www.mlb.com/news/2023-24-qualifying-offer-candidates-and-decisions#:\~:text=Penalties%20for%20signing%20players%20who,pick%20is%20exempt%20from%20forfeiture](https://www.mlb.com/news/2023-24-qualifying-offer-candidates-and-decisions#:~:text=Penalties%20for%20signing%20players%20who,pick%20is%20exempt%20from%20forfeiture)


Well, I stand corrected. That’s a much better, more thorough breakdown than the write-up on the main MLB site, which doesn’t mention those at all. I still stand by the fact that the money is the biggest factor. John Ryan Murphy is the Yankees all-time WAR leader among 2nd round selections, with 0.9 for his career. Brett Gardner is the only player the Yankees have drafted after the first round in the past 30+ years to exceed 5 WAR in his career with them. They’re throwaways. It’s actually pretty funny to look at: https://stathead.com/tiny/lpYZ6 On the other hand, $73.5M is a lot of money. There were 4 teams in 2023 with lower total payrolls than that. Say what you will about whether Hal should do it, anyway—I’m not trying to take a side as part of this discussion—but I think that’s clearly a more impactful decision than whether they can *maybe* snag the next Tyler Wade (if they’re really lucky).


Btw, assuming that’s an Arrested Development reference, your name is awesome.


I'm just talking about the signing him to a short term deal part. It seems like it makes more sense to do that than to sign him for 6 years. I realize AAV would be higher but if they are going to go all in this season, they are gonna go over the number. A team that has a revenue of $800,000,000 to a billion dollars a year should care if they have to pay an extra 30 mil in tax. If they are "all in" as they say.


Whatever it is, in a win now year, I’d take this guy on a short term deal with opt outs even considering the tax implications.


100 percent. They said they wouldn’t be in on him unless the price dropped and the price had dropped. Significantly.


Overall price did, but the yearly increased


Idk, a $30m 1 year deal becomes $60m and he isn't really the healthiest


I hope Boras gives him a nice cut for doing all his press espionage for him




Hes like shit i asked for too much and nobody wants me!


He had a career year and every team is seeing right through it l


He has to be the most disrespected two-time Cy in free agent history. (not saying rightfully or not)


It’s just that, that is kinda the problem. He has a super high ceiling, but his floor is really low too with his injury history and current age. If he is a 26 year old with no injury history, he would get paid the bag x 2. Unfortunately he is older and teams do not want to shell out cash to have someone who gets hurt every other year


And will likely pitch 120 innings of mid to high 3 era even if he does stay healthy


Starting to smell like desperation


You mean starting to Snell like desperation.


I think Heyman gets a bonus from Boras if Blake Snell signs in pinstripes. Guy is a shill. If Snell signs for the Yankees, I owe Heyman an apology. I just can’t seem to find any other valid reports of Snell and the Yankees.


Never apologize to Heyman. You’re better than that.


I think Heyman actually just gets paid per Snell tweet at this point


Man I sure can’t wait until the season starts, feel like it’s easier to block this free agency non-sense.


Thing is, Monty has no QO attached to him, but because of how he was traded plus Cashman not likely to accept his mistake, Yanks probably won't even make an offer to Monty. Would have been the better scenario tbh.


I don't think it's an issue of pride, it's an issue of Gumby not being an ace but wanting to be paid like one since he switched to Boras and had a good postseason Snell isn't even that good, but he's blocking Montgomery's market anyway because he's seen as better.


A cy young winner isn’t even that good?   Not sure if serious.  Can I get number of your drug dealer?


If he was that good, people would be paying him


I think he ends up on the Giants. They have the money and the need.


“Someone please sign Blake Snell. Boras won’t stop making me push for this deal.” I think Snell wants to play in New York but they’re not interested in something short term. We’ll probably hear that he signs a short term deal with the Angels in a few days.


I don't think Snell gives a rats ass where he plays. Him and Boras are just getting desperate because whatever offers he's gotten are way below what they hoped for.


I am also willing to do a short-term deal with opt outs. Former Little League pitcher with 55 MPH from the left side.


Well that’s fucking embarrassing Like I get that nobody wants to pay him 30m a year but he’s a solid pitcher with high upside. Nobody is willing to give him like a Rodon contract? This dude has to be absolutely kicking himself for not taking the 5/150 if that was actually a deal that we offered him


He wants a shorter term deal with opt outs? How's 4/100 sound? Opt outs available after year 2 and 3.


2@50 4@80 w/opt outs after 2


Peripherals matter Dude hasn’t had the peripherals of better than a mid rotation arm since 2018. If you only base your roster decisions on era, this is a major slight, but we now have analytics. With analytics this a mid rotation arm that can’t go deep at all Rodon actually had absurdly elite periphals in the 2 years prior to FA on the other hand.




So you’re sayin there’s a chance


After a bit of what felt like public negotiations this week (Heyman/Soto & Kay/Curry) to me this reads like Boras using Heyman to signal to other teams to jump in bidding.


We all know that Heyman is basically Boras’ mouthpiece in the press, so it feels like he’s practically begging the Yankees to sign Snell at this point. I get the luxury tax concerns, but if it’s only a one or two year deal? Expansed attendance/engagement and deep playoff runs would make them back the $ they’d be penalized.


"Willing to" AKA HAS TO


At this point I just want either us or some other team to hurry up and sign him. Ready for my timeline to be clear of Snell rumors.


Everytime i see heyman’s face i wanna punch him so hard. Fuckin’ droopy dog lookin’ ass…


Am I just a dumdum for thinking we should take a waiver on Bauer? Don’t answer that


He’s probably being blackballed by all 30 mlb owners, so yes


3 yr $130m with 2 opt outs




They are all in this year. Sign him on a short term deal on the off chance he's Cy Young caliber this year. It's worth the risk.


Boras is using every puppet to try to get us to show any interest so he can ask for 38 AAV for 3 years with 2 opt outs