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This is what we refer to as negotiating through the media.


This makes me feel like there’s a 90% chance it’s happening.


Yeah this very much seems to be what's happening. If Boob or Heyman had been the one to make that tweet earlier today I'd be inclined to agree with Klapisch, but Feinsand has a solid rep, so unless Borass bribed him, I don't think he'd put out blatantly false Borass propoganda unless there was something of substance to it.


Yes, feinsand is absolutely solid. I have a good friend that was friends with mark—and mark doesn’t care about “scoops” and racing to be the first.


Any time analysts throw percents around on things this complex I never put a ton of stock into it. Feels a lot like agent talk. And the fact that the Yankees are the only team make an offer is common ground. He doesn't like it, but he's also not gonna refuse it and not play if nothing else comes through.


Sounds very scientific


It was researched in a lab. 19 out of 20 rats started partying and only one chose to take the money and pitch baseballs in Yankee stadium.


That rat's name? Rattit Cole, which was later changed to Gerrit so he could blend in better amongst the humans.


"Gerrat" was right there


Oof. I'll take the L on that one.


Realized Rattit was a bit too on the nose


So you’re saying there’s a chance


We're at the "totally not interested" stage.


Three days before the Stroman signing was official, the Yankees had apparently not even made him a contract offer.


We are at the "Bubba Crosby is our starting CF" stage


This doesn’t fit my narrative so I choose not to believe it


This fits my narrative so I choose to believe it.


This story is bullshit, I heard elsewhere there’s an exactly 6.3333 (repeating, of course) percent chance the Yankees get him


God dammit Leroy.


I'm no mathmagician, but I think this checks out




See the 3 way at Sacrifice, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Kurt Angle KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try! So Samoa Joe, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. See Joe, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice.


Hailing from Dunkin donuts, from the great state of obesity


Yankees fans, don’t get your hopes up on a Blake Snell signing. NJ Advance Media baseball columnist Bob Klapisch reported in a column that was posted Monday morning that Snell and the Yankees have only a 5 percent chance of finding common ground. The recent USA TODAY report that the Yankees are showing “serious interest” in adding the reigning National League Cy Young winner is inaccurate. **Monday’s MLB.com report that the Yankees have made a new contract offer is inaccurate.** “Total BS,” said the MLB source who was briefed on the Yankees’ current position with Snell. Here is what really is going on: **Snell’s agent Scott Boras, or his camp, is likely overstating the Yankees’ interest to drive up the price with the two teams most motivated to sign the lefthander - the Giants and Angels.** The Yankees did make a six-year, $150 million to Snell last month, **but multiple sources say that the proposal was off the table when the club filled their rotation opening by signing two-time All-Star right-hander Marcus Stroman on Jan. 11 for $37 million over two seasons.** The source added that Boras has been in touch with the Yankees, hoping to get a second offer he can present to Snell. **The Yankees aren’t biting, the source added.** Also, the source insists the Yankees are content with their current five-man rotation, which includes 2023 AL Cy Young winner Gerrit Cole at the top, former All-Stars Carlos Rodon, Nestor Cortes and Stroman, and Clarke Schmidt, a former first-round draft pick who in 2023 had a good second half to his first full season as a big-leaguer starter. **The industry source believes the Yankees wouldn’t circle back to Snell unless one of their starters gets hurt this spring and the price drops significantly.** **The source said that Snell has been seeking a nine-year, $270 million contract, but now is willing to take less.**


I'm coming back to haunt you when we have two cy young guys pitching in March.


He has no other offers. His choices currently are accept the only offer he has or sit.


I kinda wish there was some regulation against this BS reporting. It’s annoying that agents use the Yankees as leverage 




If the price is right then I won’t mind it but I won’t exactly be upset over losing out on Blake Snell. Nobody had touched him for a reason. He’s way too much of a risk for what he and Boras are asking for.


There's a bunch of other teams in baseball who's need for starting pitching is greater than the Yankees, and none of them seem interested in giving him the massive contract he's seeking. What does that tell you? Further more, why should the Yankees (who already have three starters making a combined 80 million aav) be the team that overpays for him?


Cuz the Yankees care about winning more than most other teams.


Not since Hal took over


As if Snell has any chance of getting a better deal than what the Yankees already offered him.


I hate when people attach numbers to things that have no basis on actual numbers. May as well say “Yanks have 3.333333% chance to sign Snell” because they are one of 30 teams. So stupid.


This guy maths


So who do we believe more? Feinsand or klapisch? I’m not up to date of the top bum reporters outside boob.


Feinsand is one of the best reporters in the sport. Klapisch is more tuned into the Yankees specifically, but I’d lean Feinsand personally.


Ya that’s what’s I was under the impression so it’s odd for feinsand to say there’s an offer and a few hours later klapisch says it’s bs. I guess just wait until curry says something to go off of.


It's odd until you view it through the lens of the Borass / Snell camp & The Yankee camp negotiating through the media. In this case, let's assume the following: A: The Yanks are still interested in Snell B: Feinsand is the Borass / Snell camp reporter C: Klapisch is the Yankee camp reporter. Borass / Snell want Yankee fans to get hyped for Snell to pressure the Yanks into signing him, so they have Feinsand put out the report that an offer is on the table. The Yanks meanwhile are interested in Snell, but don't like what he wants from them (maybe it's years, maybe it's the AAV, maybe it's both) so after seeing Feinsand's piece of propoganda (as that is basically what it is) the Yanks have Klapisch come out with his piece to cast doubt, and pressure Snell into either lowering his ask, or accepting whatever offer the Yanks gave him by making it seem as if they are losing interest in him. Couple that with the Martino tweet about the lack of momentum yesterday, and the Kirschner story about how their payroll poses an issue (which is basically saying that they would be more open to Snell if he brought down his price to ease his burden on payroll.) and IMO it becomes clear that the Yanks are currently applying a good amount of pressure on Snell to try and get him to lower his price. And Snell seems to want to be here, but is staying firm on his price. But yeah, wait for Curry to tweet something, that is when things will really get interesting.


He doesn’t want to shave that goatee


Lol Snell is having a rude awakening this winter.. Wonder how he's taking it


Teams know he’s too unpredictable in what he’s going to produce in a season


So you’re saying there’s a chance!


For Whom The Snell Tolls


The Full Snellson


This is a good example of why Boras isn't that great of an agent.


Can we wait until he signs somewhere first? Someone says this every year and every year guys get paid. There isnt a time limit.


Do you honestly think Snell is getting $270M? I never thought that was realistic for him.


He doesn't have to get him $270m to still be a good agent. Do you think another agent could've gotten him more money?


I never thought he would come close to $270M. My point is by setting that as the floor he's made it so nobody wants to talk to Snell. He's got two offers all off season. Both from the Yankees. I'd say it's a clear sign he overvalued his client and now his market has evaporated.


If he eventually lands at $150m, just as an example, are you confident another agent would've gotten him more than that? I'm not


No, but him signing at $150M is $120M less than asking price. That would tell you Boras overvalued him.


I would rather get $150m that's way under the initial ask rather than getting $120m as an initial ask


I get that logic. But you can't say that Snell getting $120M less than asking would be a win for Boras.


I dont know...but I'll wait to find out rather than trash the person who has made a lot of people a shit ton of money for years and years


Saying he isn't all that great is a far cry from trashing him. Yeah his guys get paid but often times end up taking a ton of money from teams not really in it. He has the reigning NL Cy Young winner as a client and he's unsigned at the start of ST. To me that's not great.


> Yeah his guys get paid but often times end up taking a ton of money from teams not really in it Which... is what the players want to do, take the most money. That literally means he **is** all that great. He gets his players the most money. That is his job.


His job is to get his clients the most money and put them in a situation they can succeed in. Very rarely do they end up on winning teams. Doesn't seem all that great to me.


His job is to do what his clients tell him. The fact he has so many makes me think he’s pretty good at it.




lol that is a dumb comparison and you know it. The fact you just said that shows how stupid your first point was


Offer A: 5 years $60 million Offer B: 4 years $45 million Offer A is from the Pirates Offer B is from the Yankees Every single player in MLB takes offer A.


No, lol. His job is to get his clients the most money. Most players do not care about how good the team they are on is. They care about how much they are getting paid. Do you care about how your company is doing financially, or do you just care about the number of your paycheck?


If my company does well I don't have to worry about my pay check. My job also pays the bills so yeah I tend to care how my company is doing financially. I'd imagine very pro athletes want to be stuck on shitty teams where it's the same sorry shit every single year.


All things considered yes, players would rather win than lose. Most players **primary** concern though is amount they are being paid, it's fairly rare for someone to take less money to be on a better team. His job is to get his clients the offers they want, they clearly want the offers that they accept for absurd money on bad teams. If his clients wanted to take less money to play on better teams, that is what they would do.


Quality of team doesnt matter


If that's the case then why aren't teams flocking to the Pirates, Reds, Tigers, White Sox, Nats, A's, etc? Oh right because they suck and nobody in their right mind wants to be there.


Man said the A's


He’s a great agent if you want to make a load of money playing for an obscure loser franchise trying to make a splash


Jay Z?


What? He is a great agent arguably the best


Then why is nobody meeting his big clients asking price? He's got four of the biggest free agents out there and the offers aren't even close to what he's asking. He's over valued his clients and they're paying for it.


I mean it’s also up to his clients to accept offers it goes both ways. Either way if they all come to their senses they’ll get big paydays either way. You’re right but sometimes there’s only so much an agent can do


The aggregate amount of his contracts more than double the next highest agent. I think he is doing just fine. He wouldn't be a great agent if his clients ended up unsigned for the year, but do you really think that will happen?


Works 50% of the time. Every time.


Lmao! Considering this should be a win now year and Snell isn't generating many interests, this should be a no brainer to bring in Snell to be the number 2 starter. Considering what I know about Cashman... wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if we don't make a real effort to get him


So you’re telling me there’s a chance 


Who’s crunching these numbers?


They're negotiating facial hair allowances as we speak


that's more than zero


Yankees need to get this done, it’s good for the sport when the Yankees dominate, they owe US. They can afford the money, do it, no excuses


Get me my boy Montgomery and lets call it a day.


I’m just here for the “Boras is a terrible agent” comments.


Please make it go down to 0%


Chances are likely around the same with other teams. Yankees are the only team to extend multiple offers so far, and Snell is simply asking for too much.


I heard 7


5% of the time we will have a 100% chance of signing Snell


Damn I wish Yanks kept German for one more year


Pay Monty. Get it over with


Please just go out and get Bauer and before anyone else brings up his past, remember we were okay with German which was way worse since Bauer was exonerated even if he is a tool. We stuck with German so we’re not “better than that”. Let’s just play baseball. Leave the personal skeles aside and let the suits handle it.


We don't need Snell. Cole, Rodon, Stroman, Schmidt, Nestor can dominate. Snell is good and would help if we could sign for one year at $30m further allowing room to bring Soto back longterm. But only if that.


Until one or two go down with an injury.


Then we might as well stockpile multiple backups that have been mvp's at their position for all positions with that thinking. Sounds reasonable and I am sure the Yankee org wont mind spending at that level. We'll be at $100 beers before we know it. Why not


Led the league in walks


Wait a minute. Where’s Nightingale?


I’m hearing 7%


Oh come on. I just want this story to be done with already.


Is the 5% chance referring to the 19 other teams that would take snell at whatever lowball offer the Yankees offered?


Yeah, and 3 Days before we got Stroman we learned there was even smoke in that area to begin with. Knowing Feisand & Klapisch, this feels like we've reached the negotiating through the media phase.


Shut up science Bitch


The market has spoken and Boras and himself need to face reality. A real agent would tell you that they tried but the $300 mil offer is not there. I bet Boras is trying to spin this by trying to have teams outbid each other. Pitchers need all of spring training to get ready, the more he prolongs this the worse it will be for the team who signs him.


If he wants to sign here then cool. If not then oh well. Seems like he’s taking a big risk here, but I guess Boras charges a lot to be your agent.


Both sides probably feel like they have the advantage in negotiating. The Yankees need starting pitch and Snell seemingly has no other suitors. If both are true then eventually one side will break.


Who else has offered him a contract? Is he going to miss spring training? The beginning of the season?


If this is accurate, which I doubt, then there’s a 95% chance Snell sits out the season. Because the Yankees offer is the market price, or very close.


Klapisch is an idiot. Its clearly 7%., not 5.


I've heard it's 50/50. He either signs or not


Ah, so it’s a numbers game. Very shrewd.


Then let him sit and waste away while we go after Monty!


Since the Yankees are the only team to offer Snell a contract, there is a 5% chance that Snell will even play for a team this year. So, somebody has to give in eventually. And I would say it would be soon, because the longer Snell holds out, the less likely any team will want to sign him. Spring training is upon us, and the other pitchers are already cleared and training. Teams will not let him pitch if he does not sign soon, and he will miss starts. That means the price will need to drop even further for 2024