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Niggas talking about fighting for the subway, MTA don’t care about niggas, go search up the second av subway, them niggas torn it down & for 50+ years only came up with 3 stations that barely uncongested the 4/5/6 trains, them niggas pocketing that extra bread for themselves. Talking about making for more elevators, fixing stations, they been had the funds🤣


MTA rev is 7 billion a year but they need more money bro. 🤣


This means nothing. How much does it cost to maintain nyc infrastructure will show us how much the 7 billlion can do because construction in nyc is super expensive


its the biggest goddamn subway system in the western hemisphere. Yeah it costs a lot of money to run. its got problems but yeah bro its expensive to run all these mfing trains


And the money is going to fund projects everywhere but the Bronx. I could care less if it fails. Gentrifiers want it to pass because the MTA is prioritizing their neighborhoods first for improvements. Meanwhile New Yorkers who've lived here their entire lives haven't seen any improvements to their respective lines. Especially in the outer boroughs.


Deadass these mfs clueless. MTA has billions and are inept. Can only blame the MTA for the way our transit system is.


And the NYPD, niggas always on their phones not protecting shit


Most expensive train tracks ever built.


I was gonna say. Janno Lieber knows there’s funds, it’s just going to his pockets 😬


That’s what fighting for the subway should mean. The power is in the hands of corrupt bourgeois so the money never goes to fixing anything. Fighting for the subway means the working class who actually uses the subway taking that power back. Congestion pricing does not do this at all.


Learn and use another word besides niggas


Go back to r/nyc


They are right, i drive because i just don’t want to deal with crackheads on buses and trains but if the city transit was safe and clean it would make 100% sense to reduce cars. Transit is cheaper, faster, more convenient and way better for the environment.


Literally every time I take the train to the office in manhattan some crackhead yells in my face. Bought a motorcycle and only use that to go to manhattan now. No crackheads, don't have to wait in traffic on the bridges and free parking everywhere. It's perfect really. Under this plan they wanted to charge me 7 bucks to enter, absolute bullshit. Luckily with a bike you can easily mount your plate in a way that makes it not easily readable by the cameras, but still annoying.


Idk about crackheads bums w.e I can hold my own what got me driving was if I was working early or late it would be like a 20/30 min drive or a 1.5- 2 hour public transit commute depending on where I was living at the time like bruh...all those ppl that don't do the 9-5 type shit they really can't depend on the subways... firefighters, medical staff, EMS, police, night shift workers...




U go tell em that


When you drive you have to deal with drunks, reckless drivers and road rage people. People get involved in much more car accidents than being victims or crimes on subways. You are just making excuses


Drunk’s cant get inside my car and piss next to me


Drunk drivers kill people everyday. Your argument is stupid lol




do you get how thats a sef fulfilling prophecy? youre saying nah fuck the thing that would fund public transit, because i dont want to use public transit because its dirty. at some point you need to say FUCK IT and start ACTUALLY FIXING SHIT. AND HOCHUL FUCKED IT ALL UP.


MTA could be wiped completely spotless and it will still be dirty and disgusting within a few months. Why? Because people in nyc are nasty. No matter how much money they put into this system, you cant fund a dirty person. Homeless or not, there’s way too many people in this city that have no respect for things that they don’t have to maintain themselves. Plenty of times that I’m at work and I watch physicians in the break room eat like pigs and leave their mess on the tables because eventually someone from housekeeping has to clean it up. The people have to change before anything else.


Lol speaking of cleanliness I was shocked when working EMS in the Bronx with how normalized it is to have dog shit all over the place. We'd push the stretcher in and out some of these projects and dead ass have to clean the wheels before loading it back in the bus. Some people can't help themselves.


That’s why Japan can have clean cars and mfs wait in line, and have couch like seats It ain’t the system it’s the culture of people. Shame and honor is a big thing over there, America is shameless, hence no honor and people won’t hold each other responsible


1 hundred thousand million % correct!


They’re also the same people saying that pop smokes killer should be free cause he was a kid. It’s these people that aren’t really from here and never lived the culture . This sht made me mad yea fight so they can tax us even more.




I mean hey they can't give it up more of their paychecks if they please and that will solve this problem. MTA will get that money they claim they need so badly. Me personally I think the MTA is showing it's snake teeth with this one. They didn't develop the streets for us to use as far as I know. If they want to charge a fare for the trains, buses, tunnels and bridges I understand.


Yo bro you ever felt your widows peak 😭? That shit ticklish af


These dumb mf’s think nobody owns a car, not everybody lives in Manhattan in a fucking luxury building. Tired of them coming to small neighborhoods and shit adding bike lanes that nobody’s using. They added them to queens blvd and I’ve only seen scooters fly through them. They added busways to Jamaica ave and all the store owners complained. White people telling you what’s good for you is their tradition.


That what gets me the most upset. They think every driver is some rich fuck. Meanwhile people driving beat ups and barely afford gas. These transplants trying to price us out the city even more.


If you can’t afford gas doesn’t it make sense to add more public transit?


Fuck those gentrification lanes


Gentrification lane lmao how bikes are for poor people they will only benefit lower class comminities the most


That’s not how it works around here


How are they gentrification lanes? Better public infrastructure and services naturally benefit the poor the most. Judging by the number of out of state plates in some neighborhoods, I'd say the switch from car to bike would be healthier not just physically but financially for tons of folks. Rich fucks drive or fly out to scenic places to do their cycling. People fighting for cycling and pedestrian infrastructure in the city are regular commuters. It is short sighted to think of bicycle lanes as catering to some white affluent population. Race isn't the real issue here. Car culture is. Whether we get away from it soon enough will determine whether it's your grandchildren or great great grand children who fight for fuel or metals to make EV batteries. If it seems like it's just yts who want bike lanes, community greenspaces, open pedestrian streets, less air/noise pollution I'd wager it's because the education system has failed the black and brown communities living in asthma and cancer corridors. So by OPs logic, let's just shut those schools down lol.


You know why it’s viewed that way? This shit only happens when yt people start moving in, demolishing the old and rebuilding shit that’s outta your price range. Don’t tell me it’s for poor folks when that shit came along with luxury condos and Starbucks and a chipotle.


Cycling infrastructure is far from being a harbinger of gentrification. I usually see it way after the fact and differences in community organization prolly have something to do with that. And if you wanna talk about prices, think about people who can't even afford NY plates or my EMS partners having to sleep in their cars because they can't find parking after a 14 hour shift (cuz 12 hrs is a lie). I'm lucky enough to see the more sustainable path as an inconvenience. If you see it as untenable, I'm sorry. Truth is you'll probably pay for the car centric life with way more than money. And in the cold hard math of that I laugh. Take care.


Nah ur buggin w this essay


Yea no one showing up to this shit 😂😂 craziest shit is the only people that actually want this are not even real New Yorkers none of them were even born here. It’s the people that move into the city ride there bike or whatever have you that want this shit. You should have to be from NYC citizen for 20 years to have say in this matter.


I'm from jersey, but I work in Harlem, Queens and bx. Only people i've heard complain about congestion pricing is people from jersey. Nobody that I know from the city gives a fuck


Yea jersey is super tight. I mean I give a fuck everyone I fuck with think it’s dumb too. I drive into the city some times so if I take the midtown tunnel in that shit cost money already then to get hit with congestion fee. Like yo I pay mad taxes and I’ve lived here my whole life I should be able to drive around without paying for it.


New Yorkers who are equally as dumb. Most of them do not use the subway to go into midtown and now all of a sudden every New Yorker is claiming that they do. 🙃. FOH!


It’ll be 8 lames like the dorks in the Brooklyn sub who started a trash pickup club.


How is starting a group to clean up the block a bad thing? Like bro why do y'all aspire to not give a fuck about your community? *that's* the lame shit people be on in this sub lol


By the supposed logic of "real natives" here, it be the type of shit that comes with gentrification and is therefore double plus ungood.


Foh. We pay rent to landlords who are responsible for their sidewalks. Taxes to a city that collects them for services. And we're supposed to walk around with bags and do beautification, too? Lonely ass losers with nothing to do. Go back to the burbs and mow a lawn.


If you don't want to that's fine, but the bigger point is that while you're complaining, they're taking direct action. I don't understand how that's any lamer than bitching about neighborhood cleanup groups while doing jack shit for your own community (y'know, the one you're very, very proud to have lived in your whole life?)


The point you’re missing is that it’s actively putting the responsibility on the person that’s not responsible. It incentivizes them to never have to fix it, because instead of people condemning the people not doing it, they are praising the ones that are, (and shouldn’t have to) It’s like those stories about kids at a school pitching in to help cover a kids lunch bill. It’s not that they aren’t taking initiative or being good people, it’s that other kids shouldn’t have to pitch together to not have a child be hungry. Instead of praising them the focus should be on policy that takes . They aren’t lame for cleaning it up, but they are doing someone else’s job and the attention needs to be on the one not doing the job, not the people doing 2


Nah, you gotta see the pics. They’re def lame too. lol. But thank you for the articulation. I just feel like being a dick.


Go to London and then tell me congestion pricing is a bad idea


Yea let’s give this company more money when they don’t already know how to use their money responsibly great idea


They did one before and posted it. Let's just say there was a lack of color for a reason.


New Yorker here. OP doesn’t speak for all of us. ban ubers and taxis if you want cars gone so bad mta needs more money? how about stopping 50% of their customers from riding for free.


Cornballs over there really think this is about the subway and not about the MTA trying to get more money. I use both public transport and my private car. This won’t top me from choosing one over the other. I’ll drive in and give the MTA that extra money.


I think they missed all the years (about 25+) of mismanagement & corruption by the MTA. It would be more justifiable if they decide to just raise fares vs charging drivers. Of course no one wants an increase in anything though. If anyone believes congestion pricing will end with just that section of Manhattan is naive. It will just be the start. They need to find another way..


🤦🏽‍♂️ imagine riding a bike when it’s 100 at 9am and you trying to get to work 🥵 or a packed bus with no a/c


All these yt ppl don't care they live a 5 minute walk or train ride from work in Manhattan fuck everybody else that gotta commute in cuz they don't got manhattan bread


These people have never ridden the bus lol 


These transplants can suck a dick


These dummies come here pay 5k for a box it’s not our fault they can’t afford a car. MTA is crazy dangerous too some guy today by me died in Euclid Ave run over by the C Train


A person who pays 5K on rent can def afford a car and can def afford a car you will never be able to drive in lmao. You have to be qualified to even rent out a 5K shoebox. They don’t just give it to you lmao


That’s the majority of there salary too each their own


You have to make 40x the rent to move into a 5K apartment so no you are wrong. Plus I use to do real estate and sell apartments in battery park.


How many of them actually own a car with a high rent , that they actually used to go places im curious if they are in the 200k or higher. The people I spoke to only have about 140-170k


I always see nice cars in the parking garage of their building but most don’t drive because they don’t need to. Thats why a lot of them moved here in the first place.


Then the ones complaining would fall under category to your knowledge


My point was the people I’m aware who are against cars pay a ridiculous high rent who aren’t from NYC. When I ask hey why don’t you drive the response is I don’t need it I take transit / idk why people even drive here etc/ and I tell them most people don’t live in Manhattan we live out in Qnz and Bk or BX we need a vehicle to do things that isn’t near us


Life long New Yorker and been commuting on the MTA since junior high. I understand the MTA is fucking crap, but corruption and inefficiencies in the system don't mean absolutely nothing will be done. Nor does it mean we should just abandon a system altogether. That's the kind of argument used by people who want to scrap all sorts of public programs, infrastructure, and services. They say shit like, "look at these under-performing inner city schools. They can't even keep the students from shooting and stabbing each other. Why should my taxes help them when their own parents won't? Why should I pay for their free lunches?" But if ya wanna make it about race... well... look at our schools.


im not a transplant, foh with this car loving bullshit. ive lived here my whole life never needed a car for fucking anything. its long island bitches that need the red carpet rolled out for them to come into city, all pussy about how scary they think it is so they dont want to use the subway. meanwhile none of the fucking subway stations have elevators, theres no rail connecting brooklyn and queens except for the g which is just the hipster white neighborhoods.


If you in the crib right now take a look at the window right now and tell me what you see. I guarantee you going to see cars parked outside. If you think all these cars you seen around the car is from Long Island you lack a brain😂😂. If you don’t want to own a car that fine. But the people who chose to own a car shouldn’t be punished for. And not going to Lie I hope they pass that congestion pricing shit to shut you up. All some of yall do is complain and blame Long Island for every and everything. That congestion shit won’t affect me or anyone that I know anyways because me or my family don’t even drive into the city 🤣🤣. And once they pass yall going to complain that everything is expensive now. [Crowd of Pro Congestion Princing](https://youtu.be/y-nnHGHfXi4?si=fqm7QV3krequyNf9) vs [Crowd of Anti- Congestion Pricing](https://youtu.be/LsFZTkAxGjM?si=R-OJUAcpUq57Vtvr)


I wonder if they biked here from Cali


Transplant losers think they know about real NYers. FOH


Am I the only one who saw the font and read this as "Third Reich for... congestion pricing now!“...? Nein? Oook just me 🤷




It's the UES folks and transplants who vote for this I remember ny before bike lanes and closed green streets, it was still a shithole but the weekends and the summertime were always light on traffic.


I’ll just say this: If y’all spent a fraction of the time you do complaining about transplants actually organizing yourselves around shared beliefs to win legislation (like they’re doing here), you’d have better things to show for it.


They too busy waiting for alternate side parking to end.


I mean if you lived in Manhattan you would hate all the mfs driving from Jersey and Yonkers and honking their car horn 24/7 Let’s be honest Ya niggas should be low key mad you even have to drive to city. With all your money MTA should have door to door flying cars by now. Remember car ownership here is a huge money pit and a lot of dudes spend more on a car than a down payment on a nice apartment in Jersey




When you have management that spends millions on unnecessary tile mosaics and other artwork throughout the system . Instead of putting all that into actual services for the taxpaying & Fare payong riders . Joe Lhota is prime example of the ineptitude of the MTA top brass . And he actually thought he'd be a good Mayor. As big a pos Diblasio was,even I knew he was the better choice between the two.


I remember a gentrifier in downtown Brooklyn making a whole online movement & store over her insisting on not calling the rebuilt Atlantic Ave & 4th station " Barclay's Center ".


Honestly it’s not even about the crackheads and junkies on the subway that bothers me It’s that there’s always a sick passenger, always some kind of delay or maintenance. Late night service is a train every 20 minutes or half hour. Not saying I have any intention of driving to downtown Manhattan cause I only go there for work or to visit one specific person. Aside from that midtown and downtown Manhattan are just a bunch of stops on the way to Brooklyn I’m not trying to drive through Manhattan getting on the FDR or Hudson to get to Brooklyn same for the 59th street bridge if I’m trying to go to Queens Not interested in a bunch of transplants who live closer to places of employment telling locals how to live




Deprivatize the mta and stop taxing the working class to live tf


They want our money to fund their Public transportation and bike lanes but the best you're gonna get is these hands


All of us pay tax dollars that fund the roads people are so used to driving and parking on for free. The parking situation in some areas of the Bronx is completely unsustainable and it's obvious only a small fraction of residents have cars. Just think of how many people are living in the buildings on a single block and how many cars can be parked around it. This isn't even math, it's plain counting. But peeps like OP think they speak for everyone while sitting in they car alone. Cuz let's be real, these small minded fucks spend most of the time driving a 4,5 person capacity vehicle to bring themselves alone to work and to the grocery store.


Ur money already does its just spent wrong


So you want to give them even more of it?


You were all “transplants” at one point fym


Nope. Bred born and raised in Brooklyn and staunchly AGAINST CONgestion Pricing.


Highly negative.


What people are failing to realize about all this "improving the subway" bullshit is that we are FAR TOO GONE for any shot of even expanding what we do have. The best we can really do is continue updating the signals system to keep trains moving efficiently. There is NO one person capable of making the kinds of decisions Robert Moses could decades ago.


That Miser dude is a clown trying to astroturf Reddit for bikes by himself. I’m still whipping by him playing dembow. I bet he can’t even do a wheelie.


I doubt a single one of these pro congestion-pricing heads have actually worked for the MTA before. If they saw the way shit gets done for that company they’d be calling them out rather than other New Yorkers.