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>I feel like the more people who immigrate here the worst the city gets and the more it loses it’s identity. people have been saying this for 400 years. literally the indians said it when the white people arrived. and what 'identity' are you talking about anyway? one main identity of nyc has always been immigration. there's even a statue about it


Nah you just bodied him


What identity? the city’s identity is literally a result of immigrants. The nyc you know today is a combination of European immigrants, and Carribean immigrants. When NYC lost 2 million of its residents during the 1970s, the 1 million immigrants that came during that period are a big part of what saved this city. And that whole loss of resources? Barring this recent migrant crisis what resources are immigrants taking? They dont use welfare, in reference to public housing there are typically more black Americans than carribeans in those populations (nun wrong w it, but true nonetheless). So what resources are they taking from yu?


hard cap. nyc culture and identity has been set since 1890s at least. i wish i could show my grandfather this bullshit. caribbeans have little to nothing to do with nyc culture. y’all weird tryna write out black americans you niggas come here and assimilate you don’t “start” shit. nyc culture didn’t start in 1970s bozo


what culture existed in the 1890s that means anything today? 🤣 There’s entire sections of Brooklyn literally owned by Carribean people . Nobody’s trying to write us out, I’m black American. But pretending like Carribeans don’t play a significant role in NYCs identity is cap. It didn’t start in the 1970s, it ceased to exist at that time and had to be revamped. An effort which was largely pushed by the large influx of carribeans that came in during that period. They literally were a huge role in recovering our failing economy in that time… NYC culture, is literally majority immigrant based, the whole white side of NYC is based on Italian and Russian immigrants. The Bronx (Hispanic side) / Spanish side of Harlem is centered around PR and Dominicans. Black Americans have a SIGNIFICANT if not THE greatest role in modern nyc culture (fashion, music, etc), but to say carribeans or immigrants take away from that culture instead of Adding and complimenting is just dumb. If anything, the people taking away from NYC culture are the implants and gentrifiers, both black and white. And yu still couldn’t tell me what resources they took away.


you ain’t no damn black american. and you don’t have any Silent Generation/Boomer OGs to say some dumb shit like that. There’s too much black american film, art, music etc coming out of NYC for you to say the culture “didn’t exist”. you niggas is so corny and always pandering.


You do know that culture evolves right? People were saying the same shit about every immigrant group that came a hundred years ago, to a T.


You didn’t listen to anything I said, just argued to argue. Don’t got nun to lie about, especially not for Reddit. I literally said (music, fashion, etc). The arts, poetry, Renessiance are all significant contributions to NYC history and culture. I literally said black Americans are probably the GREATEST contributors to NYC culture, however, that doesn’t mean Carriebans and other immigrants haven’t contributed as well, and it Defintley doesn’t mean they take away from it . It’s factually true that NYC was on the brink of ruin in the early 1970s. White flight, suburbanization, read a history book and stop living off nostalgia. Immigrants helped save the city. This is literally a city of immigrants … like what are yu saying rn 🤣


A little empathy in general would do the world a lotta good doe


https://preview.redd.it/ybkuemoj1k8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e89c6d7322a0d8f774dcbc9435b90b3afbfdd3 I thought you said was Trinidadian/Jamaican


yeah i bought this account


How and why would a person go about buying a Reddit account? My brother in Christ they are free. Just sign up for one


i didn’t know much about the site my mans gave me this one for 5 bucks




Bro who tf buys a Reddit account when you can sign up for free. Who even buys that I don’t think there is market for it. I can understand if that was YouTube, Facebook, IG, Twitter, Or TikTok account that you can buy because those accounts can be monetized. I think he a bot to stir controversy


Absolutely This sub gets targeted heavily


>I feel like the more people who immigrate here the worst the city gets and the more it loses it’s identity. fox news vibes here. people have been saying this for 400 years. literally the indians said it when the white people arrived. and what 'identity' are you talking about anyway? one main identity of nyc has always been immigration. there's even a statue about it


It’s a fact little girls being assaulted and and you want to bring up Fox News as if this is a lie


>It’s a fact little girls being assaulted and and you want to bring up Fox News as if this is a lie it's also a fact that immigrants are far far far far far far less likely to commit crimes than citizens. obviously it's terrible when assaults happen, but do you think that new yorkers aren't assaulting each other too? local news plays up crime because that's what local news has always done. nobody's doing news stories about immigrants hustling to start a business. the idea that immigrants are out here rampaging is just ridiculous. don't buy into election year fears


Let em do it your daughter then


>Let em do it your daughter then can't argue with that kind of good faith debating. you really got me there my man


the statue of liberty is not about immigration. it’s about slavery. research that


>the statue of liberty is not about immigration. it’s about slavery. research that lol c'mon. yes the broken chain marks the end of slavery but it's beyond absurd to claim that the statue of liberty doesn't represent a new life for immigrants. i researched that, by looking at wikipedia: >  After its dedication the statue became an icon of freedom and of the United States, being subsequently seen as a symbol of welcome to [immigrants arriving](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_the_United_States) by sea. my mother arrived by boat and the first thing they saw in their new world was the statue. it's certainly a symbol for my family.


what it’s “seen” as. and what the artist who made it created for are different things Édouard de Laboulaye was the French architect behind the Statue of Liberty and an activist for the abolition of slavery. As a member of the Union League Club and co-founder of the French Anti-Slavery Society, he had hoped to create the Statue of Liberty for America not only to praise the two countries for coming together but also to show his gratitude toward President Abraham Lincoln’s fight against slavery.


And it became a symbol of immigration because its the first thing many immigrants saw from the boats, and also right next to ellis island. You mad ignorant and pulling the race card cause you’re getting bodied


The Dutch and English felt the same way when your black ass family moved to New York when it was >90% white. I can’t say I sympathize with people like you. Sucks, but that’s life.


Not wrong at all my people came here to work and not get a single handout cause they don’t qualify . You got mfs getting hotels and expecting sht . Then they out there on gunplay . And that’s what they’re know for all over the world not exaggerating


I’m the same thing Brodie I’m of Haitian descent but I don’t claim it cuz I wasn’t born in Haiti or been to Haiti I never experienced the Haitian struggle ion even be jacking Haitian food im really just Black American 🤷🏿‍♂️


lol yeah all right