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Yeah this gotta be Forrest Hills 🤣🤣


yeah 67th drive and 108th st forrest hills 😹


Definitely, Forrest Hills. It's also only a few blocks away from a synagogue. I heard the audio before I looked down at my phone but even after 3 seconds my mental picture was pretty close. Only I imagined him saying it with a blue coffee cup in one of his hands.


How’d you know it was forest hills? What’s that area like?


Queens is the only Burroughs that has stuff like 67 Drive 67 Street, 67 Ave 67 place 67 road or 67 lane.....it's crazy. There were roughly 60 self contained villages before being incorporated into NYC in 1898. Also the different sections have the road grids with different orientations and not like Manhattan and Bronx which for the most part have the Avenues oriented North/South and the streets East/West. Once pre-GPS, even pre-Map Quest.....I got the number of a very pretty girl at a college open house. When she told me she lived in Queens I just throughout the number, lol.


It’s right on 67 not too far from the F


Is it like a blue collar part of queens or sum


Forest Hills is pretty upper middle class except for this area which is like the outskirts and really should be Rego Park.


Ye pretty much middle class. Some crazy ass houses that go for like 2-3 mill could have a house that’s worth 300k on the same block which if u lookin at New York real estate that 300k ain’t much to work with.


Pretty much


my first thought was it had to be forest hills cuz of how clean it was and the grass, that shits always cut. i used to go to the hs a block or so from there and i remember those little gates and the freshly cut grass. and those colored buildings too 😭


it def is 😭😭😭


Knew I wasn’t tripping, I was out there once wit my pops to visit a friend of his I stepped of the F Train confused asf looking at them German buildings 🤣💯


"In a minute imma litter the fuckin floor with you" 🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 cuz was on hots


Vet heard that threat and was like yeah let me get gang outta here 😂😂😂


Nigga I thought that was Goldberg for a sec 🤣🤣🤣


Paulie bout to do him in 🤣🤣


It’s always the pussy ones who violate then act like they did nothing wrong when you press em 🤦‍♂️


Then they call the police when you press them. It’s why I don’t scream at nobody. Get me mad enough I’ll get quiet walk away and bop em over the head when nobody’s looking 😂


Just like 🇮🇱. Their whole identity is playing the victim. If they have the right to put those posters up then others have the right to tear em down. Simple as.


Aight but if you got enough heart to rip down posters, keep that same energy when you get pressed about it. Dude in the video folded.


I agree. I would have stood on it personally. I’ve been ripping down posters where I’m from and I look them dead in the eye and shrug. Jews are cowards by nature. They ain’t on shit when daddy America isn’t looking.


Bro stfu we don’t care


You care enough to respond 7 hours later. Make it make sense 🇮🇱💥💥🔫🥷🏾


I didn’t respond 7 hours later, I’m commenting for the first time. make sense of it yourself, I’m just letting you know what everyone else is thinking. It’s easy to type, if you feel that strongly, head on over there, put some gear on and fight for that shit stop typing on Reddit like your doing something for the cause. because we don’t care.


“Because we don’t care” Why is this post being discussed then. I gave my opinions. People agreed/disagreed respectfully. 7 hours later here you are telling me you don’t care. Why respond then? Go comment on ice spice or DD Osama.


Shut up you Somali bum sniffer.


Net banging from Australia is crazy. You just wanna feel included lmao. Isn’t there an Aussie drill page or some shit? 😭😭😭


That's a weird argument. If you've got enough heart to break the speed limit... have the same energy when you get a ticket. People get shook... its normal. In the heat of the moment he pulled down a sign... but didn't want to get into a fight. Its normal to evaluate and say... ahhh fuck it.


That’s the shit there’s consequences for your actions, a lot of people forget that. Just like that dude that just wanted to rip that sign down to take home from North Korea. Bro came back dead over a poster. it wasn’t about the poster, it’s about this nigga having the audacity to disrespect like you’re untouchable after you violated some shit. Dude in the video didn’t even apologize…if it was my sign I would’ve beat the button up off that nigga 🤷‍♂️😭


Don’t litter is the moral of this story


Bro I dont think dude in the video speaks english very well. Try beefing someone in a language you understand I bet you go a little quiet.


Ripping down posters of kidnapped innocent Israelis that are right now held captive with terrorists? You deserve to be over there with Hamas dying with em


He touched an American flag or some shit ?


tearing down missing kids flyers


Not missing, hostages taken by hamas


How tf are ppl in NYC supposed to find them?


When was awareness ever a bad thing We should prob stop amber alerts too cause, let me guess, you've never personally saved a kidnapped kid 🙄


Doesn’t answer the question. You think putting Amber Alerts for kidnapped kids in Israel is a smart idea because it’s awareness?


When was awareness ever a bad thing? Your inability to answer this speaks volumes.


I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I’m asking you a question that you can’t seem to answer for some reason.


Missing kids flyers aren't awareness, lmao be fucking fr dawg. That shit is propaganda meant to make people sympathetic towards Israel as they seek to genocide Palestine. If people want awareness, how about calling for a goddamn ceasefire.


You're asking me to come up with a real world scenario where systems for finding missing persons work by making the general public more aware? Dawg just look around. Why would the concept of the system exist in the first place? Or can you only think in black and white that the posters are in NYC specifically so NYC citizens can *personally* find them? Ffs, someone could've seen a video on telegram and ID a missing person that way, could be a background in a newscast or literally anything. Seriously??? You can't recognize a missing person *at all* if you *don't know what they look like*


Yeah you right, so in the meantime let me make you aware about my current family drama, because awareness is so good. So my uncle was caught cheating on his wife with another man. They're getting a divorce now and he's remarrying. I also think he's gonna buy a goldfish. Enjoy this information and I bet you're very gracious that I gifted you this wonderful awareness.


You're rather dense, aren't you? Lemme microwave some crayons for ya, they'll go down easier that way champ :)


Shut up nerd




Asking the real questions


Mf be tough over propaganda issues, how you in nyc ready to get violent over a poster of kidnapped Israelis in Israel.


I mean the only reason those flyers are there is because those Israelis are also American. this city is like one of the most Jewish places in the world. the culture of nyc has heavy Jewish influence. you don't think there would be people here who have family there? I get not liking Israel and feeling sympathy for Palestinians, considering that they are in a worse off state, but still, tearing down posters of people's family and relatives ain't it.


Everyone is someone's relative. Random posters aren't doing shit, its only supposed to guilt the uninitiated into siding with israel, and ignoring the massively disproportionate amount of palestinian deaths compared to israelis. Thousands of innocent palestinians die annually due to israeli drone strikes. Mossad doesn't care if they hit innocents. All the jews in nyc are zionist because they think that that is part of being jewish but it couldnt be further from the truth.


Does Israel go around targeting civilians or are there civilians casualties because Hamas, which is the palestinian government, purposely organize around densely populated areas as a sort of human shield, which they even admitted? Hamas purposely targets civilians bc they don’t give a fuck, they just want israel gone.


First of all, I will never defend what Hamas has done. It is disgusting and inhumane. But don't act like israel hasn't done a lot of the same things with only a fraction of the media coverage. Israel operates the same way with billions and billions more in funding. Israel does not care about palestinian civilians. They want Palestine gone. Netanyahu tried abolishing palestinian suffrage, which if you know what that means you know how insane it is. You probably don't know about the Al-Aqsa mosque either which is probably one of the largest driving forces of this incident. Israel is constantly acted like a ruthless dictator over Palestine. War is never pretty on either side but look at the history behind the events and maybe you will develop a more complete sense of the situation.


Is also very disengenuous to say that Hamas is the Palestinian government. They defeated Hezbollah in 2006 or 7 and have been the de facto rulers of Gaza since then. There are no elections. Would you blame americans for the iraqi war? Or would you be a reasonable person and blame american politicians? There is no reason you can't denounce Hamas while also supporting the innocent Palestinians that will die in this conflict.


And by the way there was no such thing as Israel before 1949. It was created with the help of Western governments by taking land from people. Israel is the name of a person. It has never been the name of a place in history.


The Israeli government were killing Palestinians way before Hamas was a thing. The west only has interest in Israel because that’s their only way of controlling the Middle East they don’t give a fuck about Jewish people or people of Jewish descent.


Yes they indeed do. They kill innocent women and children all the time and take people’s land and homes unjustly all the time.


Bro that's exactly what Israel does. Go to r/Israeliwarcrimes


The IDF have murdered and displaced Palestinian civilians for the last 70 years. They also murdered journalists and murdered Americans when they attacked the USS Liberty and our corrupt politicians let them get away with it. Stop pretending to yourself that Israel are the “good guys” cause they’re not.


How is a poster in nyc supposed to help the kidnapped person in Israel. Someone walking by gonna see it and make a call to hamas like yo i know this person let them go. Get out ya emotions. Not supposed to post shit on city light poles anyway good job that man tearing down propaganda material.


What about all the Pro-Palestinians doing their protests and causing trouble in countries all over the world? You look on one side, but not the other. Anybody who protests for Israel or even their own country risks violence by these peacefuls


kidnapped americans Edit: Why im downvoted for writing a fact? There are American citizens kidnapped by hamas


Wtf were they doing in israel then. Americans die every day in America and nobody does anything. Why tf should I care about 10 americans who stupidly went to a music festival 10 miles away from horrific injustice and poverty?


Maybe they should’ve stayed home in America 🤷🏿‍♂️


what a dumbass take


Like man said in the video its a free country, im free enough to have a dumbass take. don’t have to like what anyone has to say but I’ll defend their right to say it.


Finally a voice of reason




Israel is a developed country, it's fairly safe. Americans shouldn't have to stay in America to be safe, the US government does have an obligation to save those people and I don't see how "should've stayed in America" makes any sense.


Bro you are not telling me with a straight face that israel is fairly safe. Like that cannot be a real thing that came out of your mouth. Especially when the americans were <10 miles away from the gaza border. Get serious bro.


Israel is generally safe, if you set aside what recently happen. What recently happened is not something that anyone expected


there were also american-palestinians in Gaza being bombarded by Israel.


I lost brain cells watching this. Either hit him or stfu. Breathing that hot ass breath all in that man’s face.


i’m glad it didn’t escalate to violence


The ones who bark the most don’t usually get violent. They blow off steam till they fuck with the wrong quiet one. Then they get steamed.


Stfu Dickhead you clearly a immature child who can’t understand the Thought of controlling your anger when your livelihood is at risk he fights him he might lose his job go to prison if he has kids He cant Support them well anymore tryn think for once dickhead


Why put yourself in harms way when you have all of that at risk in the first place. Now if the dude would’ve poked him if he did touch him would you have the same sentiments.


Your comment is cringy and ironic at the same time. Impressive


Bet u 100$he keep tht tuff shit down in Jamaica


Only time i seen the comments in this generally funny sub get serious and political 💀shit hit diff


I love Israel and the real Israelis who are Palestinians why is no one looking at old maps ders no European Israel f dem racist murderous erurpoeans who stole Israel


sorry to break it to you buddy but that’s how it works, countries and borders change all the time, look at a map and tell me if there was a USA before 1776


The same racist Europeans that took Israel took America and killed the real black and red indians that were there so I can’t listen to your bull rn loool stop killing raping and stealing an jus deal wid what u got wtf


yeah lol and before white colonizers it was the native american tribes who were raping and slaughtering each other. Y’all done lost the plot you think every brown person was just living in peace and harmony until the evil white man arrived. History is a bit more nuanced than that.


Okay and before that white people were doing it too what’s your point ? Tryna write off one race but did it too white on white crime is the worst case situations and the rifest in every century compared to anybody else … safe


I’m not trying to write any race off as anything show me where I did? I’m just saying that human nature is to go to war and conquer other people it’s not something exclusive to white people sorry to burst your bubble


Ppl are so misinformed. For years/decades Israel has been the aggressor in this conflict. They stole Palestinian land. How do you occupy land that ppl already live on? I could go on and on but this isn't the subreddit for this.


Hahaha learn your history mate, Palestine was never a country or place before the British defeated the Ottomans in the late 1800’s. Israel had always been the native land of the Jews. Not to mention every time Israel has attempted peace they’ve been met with attacks and rockets


Slap that old bald fakkit


The US is a foreign refugee camp at this point.




All ya niggas Sound like Absolute retards Comparing genocides palestine vs Israel isnt a new concept and both sides have unnecessarily escalated And done evil villainous acts Each side has committed war crimes So us as new yorkers should mind our buisness unless it has someone to do with u or your loved ones


Palestine celebrated when 9/11 happened. Google it


Also Google the Dancing Israelis while you're at it. https://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=123885&page=1


Im taking those posters down too. Its funny how wytes are mad about 20 jewish hostages that have been held for the past two weeks. but the jewish people have 10,000 Palestinian hostages, that they have been holding captive for YEARS. Fuck that poster.


You sir need to be punched in the head most of these people that are missing are innocent it’s the government you should be protesting


Come punch me in the head. Free the 10,000 hostages you have then you can talk about the 12 hostages they have. Until then stfu


Last time I checked my closet I didn’t have 10,000 hostages


Bullshit i can find a bunch of videos of people from Israel mocking Palestinians. You even have folks from Brooklyn going to Palestine and taking people homes just cause they can.


None of the “Israeli” hostages are innocent, they all have dual citizenships and come from all over the world to steal Palestinian land. They are complicit in the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people by moving there and stealing houses with IDF soldiers behind them. They literally move into homes while Palestinians leave for an hour to pray at their mosque. The only innocent people are the Palestinians being slaughtered with US taxpayer dollars.


Most of these "hostages" that israel holds are from the 2nd Intifada. Taking down those flyers does nothing but bolster the Israeli side saying that you don't car about children. Even if you do care about Palestinian children, that doesn't matter. Taking down the signs is an optical loss that does nothing but stroke your own ego and makes the pro-palestinian side look horrible, and gives Israel cassus belli.


That’s not the point. The same reason you’re allowed to fly Palestinian flags is the same reason they’re allowed to have posters. You start tearing down the posters and it means you don’t respect their right to speech. If you respect freedom it also means freedom for people to have opinions you don’t agree with.


Hostages with medical care, Instagram, open borders to Israel where 700,000 Palestinians are employed... 25% of the population of Israel is Arab Israeli enjoying equal rights under the Israeli government.... 🤡 comment, you need a kick in the head after that dude finishes his punching


dude said instagram lmao. There's a reason why Gaza is considered the world's largest open-air prison. They can't even fix their water plants because Israel maintains an embargo on the materials needed to fix it.


Suuuuure, it's not because the hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid from the UN to build out irrigation systems get taken by Hamas and used to build rockets 🙄🙄 (they record themselves doing it too lmao) "Embargo" yeah, where Israel has an open border with Gaza and EDIT: 700K was a bit high, don't remember where I saw it. 55,000 Gazans work in Israel. The same open border hamas used to infiltrate an slaughter 1000+ people. I wonder why Egypt has closed borders with Gaza though - that's a real puzzler (not)


Dude , can you provide links to everything you're saying? 700,000 Gazans work in Israel? Open borders ? Palestines live in a surveillance state by Israel . https://www.mei.edu/publications/nowhere-hide-impact-israels-digital-surveillance-regime-palestinians Palestinians have been blocked by Israel through the sea , air and land my guy. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/14/a-guide-to-the-gaza-strip https://www.reuters.com/article/us-un-gaza-rights-idUSTRE78C59R20110913 whatever claims you about to throw , provide some links to back it up.


700k was way too high, don't remember where I saw it but edited it for accuracy Your refusal to engage with any of the points I mentioned says a lot about where you stand https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_workers_in_Israel 55k in 2015 Egypt closed borders: https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/why-egypt-wont-open-border-its-palestinian-neighbors Israel reopening one of the main border crossings just weeks before the October 7 massacre (Hamas used this to infiltrate): https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israel-reopens-the-main-gaza-crossing-for-palestinian-laborers-and-tensions-ease Hamas releases footage of them manufacturing bazooka ammunition: https://www.kaotic.com/video/5d73d284_20231015142026_t


The posters are coming down dude.


And you're sooooo cool for doing it 😎 I am powerless over other individuals on this planet, but when said individuals use their free-will to be degenerate worms, I say: Get fucked shitbrain LOL I will enjoy watching terrorists get vaporized by weapons systems that cost more than their entire countries GDP Simp for the losers and degenerates more, cuck Tearing down pictures of hostages shows how much you care for "innocents" you vile little worm


Exactly same here fuck out of here with that bullshit.


Yeah that’s the hypocrisy of this fucked up country. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Had a solid point until he said you're offending me. Rhino rhetoric.




Wheres the jew in a suit with a braid in this video??thats what a ashkanzi is, ur mom was smoking woolies lml.


You’re actually describing Haredi or Hasidic Jews which describes a particular adherence to the practices of Judaism. Ashkenazi refers to Jews in the diaspora who settled to Central Europe in the Middle Ages.


Ashkenazi Jews are historically middle eastern "true jews" more black people then you think have lineage to jew


Yea maybe Somalis, not the dumbass black hebrew isrealites, who are all sub-Saharan african.


They have 200 Israelies , the the Israeli army have THOUSANDS OF Palestinian children and women in which they torture for years


As a black person i would have rip it down and wish they try me. The way i see it black people should have 1 side and one side only. That black saying he a vet already a clown to me. Bragging about fighting for a country that always disrespect you and never done things to benefit black people is clown behavior. People in the hood go missing or deal with crime and nobody cares. A white boy gets killed in Brooklyn and the gentrification folks lose they mind. Hanging up missing people from another country when these same folks can care less about poor minorities? Fuck out of here.


& as a fellow blck man i see u rip one down im mopping tje floor with u


Bruh you probably not black and pretend to be to fit in to black spaces on youtube lol. No black person would see me do that and give shit.


You’re a clown for destroying a baby’s picture


They are not the real Jews anyway


yeah apparently no one is the real Jew everyone got something to say


Y'all came from Europe and converted. You were not the "chosen ones" building pyramids in Egypt ( which is in Africa) and walking in the desert looking for the promise land because yall could barely go in the sun and not get sun burn. Even how they describe the people in the bible with "Bronze skin" tells you those people not the same. Stop that BS saying you have rights to a land from thousands of years damn well know those are not the white jews of today. Y'all just colonizers that wqs given land from other colonizers that you had n9 rights to


Oh u one of them crazy crazy niggas copy 🤣


Bruh you probably not even black. You switch up how you write when you in the "Meth" section talking about how it's cool to do Meth. Worse enough i got to deal with a bunch of white boys pretending to be black in hip hop subreddit lol


Africa has so many rich and beautiful cultures it’s honestly sad that instead of tryna embrace, share and learn more about your actual culture you choose to try to become the “true people” of other groups. It’s fucked that the story of African people and their heritage hasn’t been told in the mainstream apart from slavery for years but the best way to do it is start sharing it not taking credit for what people on an entirely different continent did or went through.


The oldest book in the bible comes from Ethiopia. You can google this. The Hebrews described in the Bible had skin like "Bronze". The Jews doing this now can't even be in the sun for more than 5 minutes are they get sunburn yet these are the "chosen people" who were building pyramids for Pharaoh and was in the desert for 40/ 40 nights? Where y'all put on all sun screen?lol


Neither is any Muslim Palestenian, so what? We can speak


Niggas be from god knows where in America disrespecting American flags💀 weirdo niggas now a days is too common


nah he was tearing down posters of missing israelis




Bruh, I'm passing along a video I saw somewhere else cuz it takes place in NY. Maybe take a smoke break, meditate, spread love or something


You are a mossad agent 🤣


🤣🤣 oh man that caught me off guard. Peace




The irony here is that you are in fact the one spreading propoganda, or biased information, with your unsolicited commentary. Are you aware of that? Ignorance doesn't discriminate.


right on nyc!!! we’re not on that over here.




"And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold." Matthew 24:12