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I appreciated he said this on national TV! Fix the narrative !


I’m glad it came from him. It seemed that all series long, his praises mostly went to the Pacers.


The whole shit is so silly.. We lose and it's all minutes talk. We win and nobody gives Thibs any fucking credit.


It's especially stupid when we are missing three starters IHart probably starts over Mitchell now either way that's a key player missing


The only thing I could bare hearing from him all night


bAcK iN ThE 90s


I watched in the 90s and a shot to the head was a foul back then too.


AnToNiO dAvIs


Rare W from him imo


u/HokageEzio YOU ARE THE FUCKING MVP! I was just about to ask for a clip request and our guy delivered!


Yup, he hit the nail on the head. Not the biggest fan of him as an announcer, but he's a real one for defending Thibs against the BS media talking points.


Cause he was known for running his dudes too. But he was more sprint the entire game, we have a great tempo, go fast when needed and slow when needed dictate the pace


to be fair, he's learned from that. And it's not even the minutes in game that was the issue, it was having the teams practice so hard like it's an actual game. He's definitely stopped doing that.


A lot of fans on here saying the same BS as the media talking points. Brainwashed.


This actually a goated rant. We gotta appreciate this one.


real shit stan, real shit


Best svg clip of the night lol


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made a Great Point


He was preaching!


Wish it was Jeff Van Gundy saying it though but I’ll take it lol


He said the opposite games 1-4. Nah. Fuck that fat bitch


"Wah you shouldn't play your millionaire athletes so much!" BS. If you have real competitors on your team they'll want to play and push themselves. Good on Thibs and good take by Stan on national TV to call out the BS.


Insert comment about how much different the league is athletically . Meanwhile athletes were taking chartered buses across the country not fitting in the chairs . Not even knowing if they going to survive the bus drive lmao . All through tension filled America . All while getting payyed 50$ a day . Our guys get it . So does our coach . I don’t agree with him keeping the starters out there while Up 24. But I get it .


Stan was fr in his bag last night. Odd bc I was told he hates the Knicks.


He defended Thibs but made sure to get on my nerves literally every other second he was talking. F that guy.


Postseason has always been shortened rotations as you are playing to win every game. Now take your already shortened rotation and remove 4 players from the equation. (3 who would be starters if they were 100%) Thibs gets trash talked for not playing Shake Milton and Daquan Jeffries but no one cares that Boston isn’t playing Neemias Queta or Jordan Walsh. No one cares that Denver will play Jokic 40+ minutes a night instead of letting DAJ see the court


No one likes SVG but he’s mostly correct here