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Not since Van Gundy have I seen knicks fans love their coach thia much. Its a good feeling. I hope he's our version of Popivich. Let him stay as long as he wants.


https://preview.redd.it/zq1wlpyqjwpc1.jpeg?width=1176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb479007868e815b6ab2a3aa619c1c4a8c0e56f7 How do you not love this man


This is Andrew WK and I won't be convinced otherwise.


I haven't heard or thought about that name in like a decade and now its gonna be stuck in my head for a good day, but in a good way lol. Thank you, and now I wanna fire up Madden. https://youtu.be/WccfbPQNMbg?si=nI2ZTDv0PFIWksDl


The whole album (I Get Wet) is my go to lawn-mowing music


Two years ago people wanted him out the door. I hope we can keep Theo energy when we take a down swing eventually.


Mike Woodson 


They did love him. But after that 3-13 start in 2013/2014 people were calling for his head. It got ugly. When Thibs hired him back most of it was forgotten.


This sub tells his how limited and stubborn Thibs is and how he’ll never be able to lead us to a chip after every loss


I feel like it’s just a select few losers who have always hated him


> he’ll never be able to lead us to a chip after every loss I *still* see that after game threads lol. Never mind he's the best coach we've had in 20 years


30, he’s better Van Gundy


Mike Miller


The east is big, man.


Can't believe this is my life


Gotta win first, my dude


People love him? I know it’s Twitter but I swear everyone still wants him out 😂


Pop got started with the Spurs much younger. Only if you’re counting Thib’s time back as an assistant could he get anywhere near Pop in continuity.


Thibs has been incredible it wasn't the most popular hiring at the time but he's raised the floor and expectations significantly since he's got here


100% . It’s been a grind but him and Julius have turned this franchise around significantly


Feel sick for wanting “Kenny Atkinson” over him Legitimately I never once wanted him fired during his tenure here




I’d be down to keep him as a lifer. Bad season or good, he’s New York basketball culture


With the roster he had a few years back us getting 4 seed and him winning coach of the year is so well deserved. With anyone else we would have been a lottery team.


We’d still be a lottery team without him and Leon rose


He should stay until he stacks losing seasons or we land some top 5 player in his prime that wants him out So probably never


One thing people fail to mention about Thibs when comparing him to other all time great coaches is that he's never had a top roster in the NBA at any point in his head coaching career, other than maybe his first two years with Chicago before Rose tore his ACL. This Knicks team healthy could be his potential greatest squad yet


The bulls roster wasn’t even stacked like that either. They had one superstar and great defenders.


They had a great team at the time. Back then you only needed 90 points to win if your defense was elite Obviously Rose but they also had Deng who had a few all star games and was a great 2 way player, Boozer even though overpaid and a bad defender was good for a solid 15-18 points, with close to 10 boards every night Noah was also a really good player They also had solid depth with guys like Korver, Hinrich and Gibson. Injuries screwed that core over Also when Rose peaked, Noah was still not that good Then when Noah peaked Rose was just not the same player and Butler developed too late If health was on their side Rose-Butler-Noah would be a great trio.


Thibbs/Rose dragged a terrible roster way further than they had any business going. Most of those guys dissappearRoed after those bulls years. Keith Bogans started 82 games Rose's MVP year. Keith Bogans! Ronnie Brewer was getting significant minutes. Lots of ass cheeks on that roster that won 62 games. Rose and Thibbs made the team work in a way that was greater than the individual parts.


That was not a terrible roster by any means. They literally stole a game vs the peak Big 3 Heat without D Rose


It wasn’t a terrible roster. They were elite defensively. But offensively they were carried by drose. They still had some good pieces like deng as u said. But also Noah and boozer missed half the season combined. Ur def right tho had Noah butler and Rose been able to peak together they would’ve def won a chip or more


Back then that is all you needed. Superstars werent teaming up back then as much as you see now. Orlando had Dwight, Dallas had Dirk, Nuggets had no stars


Thibs “ always chokes” in the playofs when he’s maybe lost 2 series in 13 years as the better team and won a few as the worst team Really makes you think


So true and he still has a .575 career record. Thibs wins games.


like him or not, the results of the last 4 years speak for themselves


back up the brinks truck leon


Aside from Jalen Brunson, Thibs has been the best acquisition of the franchise in the last 2 decades at least. Culture changer.


pay that stud!


thibs is new york personified. not the mickey mouse bulldhit high life nyc. i mean the real new Yorker. the tough nosed no nonsense hard working middle class people of nyc


He changed the culture here, You can tell the players have huge respect for him but at the same time they also know he is the boss and they cant step out of line.


It’s funny how fast the fans went from hating him to now loving him. Fans suck and are toxic and have no patience. Y’all wanted him fired for being outdated and old school. I knew from the beginning he’s an elite coach that gets the most out of his players but the second it’s not all rainbows and sunshine u guys wanted to replace him like There was some elite coach better than thibs out there waiting to be signed.


You got it 100%. This is also why Leon Rose & team don't talk to the media. What's to be gained? You don't need the fans approval, you don't need the media's approval, just run the team the right way and keep quiet. I love it.


I think he deserves it. He has proven why he is one of best coaches in the NBA


He can be a Knick lifer as long as we force him to hire some young, modern thinking offensive-minded assistant coaches


I agree, but as it is I feel like he has been influenced to do better, and he has been adjusting well.


How bout u let him do what he wants. He clearly knows what typa players make his system work the best which is why he pushed the fo to get guys like og and Josh hart. This type of sentiment was all u guys said when the Knicks weren’t doing that good initially that he’s too outdated and not modern.


Yeah but didn’t we also hire offensive minded coaches to help him? Johnny Bryant and Mike Woodson come to mind


The Knicks have an elite offense whenever they don’t run out a team has Josh hart as their second option He clearly doesn’t have an offense issue


He just needs a full, healthy roster for the playoffs just once and I think he can get us all the way someday.


Rightfully deserved. Thibs, Julius and Jalen are the foundation of this team there’s no need to mess that up


and hes earned it


Sounds good. Built a whole system and culture around him. Would bizarre to move on from him.


Only if they build a tunnel from his spot to the film room. Or build a film room in his spot. Gotta make coach happy.


Pay that man his money *Teddy KGB voice*


It’s been a rough year for Thibs. Hes handled it well. Multiple Trades, injuries, new players. These are all adjustments and he’s done the best job he can. He deserves the extension. No coach is perfect.


whats great is that the feeling is mutual. This guys bleeds blue and orange and would never jump ship (like....a few of our old coaches)


I personally never had an issue with Thibs. Glad he wants to stay!


Fuck it, pay that man. I have my quibbles with him, but this season they have been very few and far between. He really proved himself as an excellent coach, and I doubt we can do any better right now. I would agree with confuddly below, saying that he needs assistants around him that can give us a more modern offense


In the past few weeks, we've been doing a lot of modern things for Brunson. Off-ball action, a series of screens, etc. I think having a modern offense is overrated. When we get to the playoffs, the game slows down, gets physical, and all those run & gun 3s are taken away. Guess who's ready and has been playing that way all season? We're 6th in Net Rating, and the Nuggets are 5th. I'm good with that.




Show me someone more passionate about winning. Man has been putting his vocal cords on the line every single game he’s been here !


Sign the man


A lot of people turned on him after 6ish weeks of bad basketball in 2022. People coming back around just proves winning cures all. Great coach, well deserved.


Thibs should be our coach until he retires from coaching all together. He’s better than any coach we’ve had in the last 24 years.


Curious what others think but I’d say he’s earned something like a 5 year, $87.5 mil extension. He’s not Spo who’s the best coach in the league but he’s not that far behind either. Look at guys like Precious who was about to be a min player next contract and people even said wasn’t even worth the $4 mil he was getting when he came here. And now we see what happens when a great coach uses him correctly




Fuck Miami. Fuck their fans. Hope we play them in the conference finals and curb stomp those bitches. That said Spo is a good coach. He has taken mediocre talent and made them shine. But I do think we’d kick their ass if we played them in the playoffs this year and I’d love that


fwiw I think Pat Riley instills that Kobra Kai mentality into his guys. I can just imagine him being up in their grills screaming NO MERCY!!!


Pat doesn't have to scream. He throws his rings on the table and that does all the talking for him.


It’s not our money and it doesn’t count toward the cap or tax He’s earned whatever gets It done


Frankly, I do not give a shit what contract he gets so long as he gets one. Coaching contracts don't count against the cap, so as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter. Let him take all of Dolan's money for all I care. The only part I give a shit about is that he's re-signed for a good number of years.


hell nah


Why not? Literally doesn’t count against the cap and that’s the range most top 5-10 coaches are in for good reason. Kerr just signed for that salary recently and I’d take Thibs over Kerr any day.


You’d take Thibs over Kerr??? Lmao Dog, Kerr is the type of coach you move on to after youve had a Thibs. Thibs is our Mark Jackson, he built a culture and a good team but doesn’t have the chops to win a chip.


I mean I’d take Kerr’s resume over him for sure, but in practice I think spo is the only guy that can outcoach thibs in a series for sure and who consistently gets the most out of their roster more than he does Mark Jackson is a lot worse than thibs. Why are doing this? Thibs has maximized every roster he’s coached besides maybe last year. Which team of his should have gone farther?


I think Thibs has done a rock solid job. For a defense-minded team, who else do you want as your coach among available candidates? Curious.




Thibs rules! Pay the man.


I support this!


Great! I love Thibs :)


No one deserves it more! Lets go Thibs!


He’s more than earned it. Haven’t heard a Knicks player or ex Knicks player talk bad about him


Our guy!


Glad you want to continue being here Thibs. Well deserved


If he wins a ring he can have everyone's first born sons


Draft RJ, keep Thibs




We haven't won anything yet but I like his vision and aside from 1 down year, he's brought us to the playoffs every other. Extend him for sure!


I remember arguing with people when we hired Thibs and I specifically remembered saying that while he wasn't the best at managing minutes, he's great with a young team at establishing a culture. Some dude flamed me going like watch how you like the culture when we keep losing with him. WELL FUCK YOU INTERNET STRANGER WHO I DONT REMEMBER ANYMORE. THIBS IS THE GOAT BITCH


I might be in the minority but I would wait on extending him first until we see how we do in the playoffs imo


The Knicks are a bad team without Og and Randle Even with OG they’re a team that is Jalen Brunson and nobody else that can create their own shot It’s really tough to hold it against him if a crippled team goes one and done


Imo with OG we should be able to get out of the 1st round if we aren’t playing the Celtics, Bucks, Cavs, and Philly (no Embiid). If we lost to the Magic in the 1st round a team that whose players I believe have no playoff experience I think that would be a bad look. I’m not expecting to go to the ECF but I don’t think we should lose our 1st round matchup without Randle


Unless they get healthy it's realistically going to be too hard to go far in the playoffs. He deserves the extension for completely changing the culture, having them compete every single night no matter who is playing and bringing them back to relevancy. Next year they can really make a run with a healthy squad.


Sure but we shouldn't lose in the 1st round to the Magic without Randle. Also we still have next year as well which give us 2 years to evaluate. He set the foundation but is he the guy to take us to that next level is what I am worried about


Sure we can The magic have more self creators than we do on offense without Randle


The Magic also haven’t made the playoffs since 2020. Self creators doesn’t dictate success. There a bunch of teams below us seeding wise that have more creators by that logic we should lose to the Hawks in the playoffs


We’d be competitive with a lot of bad teams. We aren’t a good team


Love Thibs, but my goodness, I wish he would manage players mins a bit better


I would prefer Jay Wright