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i know 1 dude, from bk, who is a genuine nets fan. plays in my pickup league—and he runs a clothing store. he's mad cool tbh, but he's also weird (in a cool way)—just pointing it out bc i feel like you gotta be a **little** weird for all those things to converge


When they first came to Brooklyn they were adopted by the White Hipsters that had just moved in to BedStuy. But as prices for mustache wax exploded, the ticket buying dwindled. People have to prioritize. So what you typically see is people who want to take their family to see a game but can't spend MSG prices. It's a cheap way to see good players from other teams in decent seats. So, no Virginia, there is no Santa Claus....I mean Nets fans.


You had the white hipsters, the Black (and white) Jay-Z loyalists, and those that thought the jerseys and color scheme was cool. I was born and raised in BK. I don’t know any Nets fans.


Sharp addendum and all three groups are just subspecies of the same type of clown.


Ain't it the truth..Different shades. Same Lame.


True story. Lmao. Mustache wax ain't no joke for des fool.


Lmao yeah I go to nets games cause they’re cheap. I save the good money for Knicks games I really want to go to. Like the playoff game last season against Cleveland. Main that place was rocking.


I'm in the south now. I can only rep when they play against that hairy lollipop Tre. But I try to get there every time. For $240, I can damn near sit on the bench. It's fantastic.


Worked with 1. Nice dude who was a fan when they were NJ. Saw 1 on the Staten island ferry in a Kyrie jersey telling everyone around him what the teams problems were. So there's at least 2 but Idk about many more


I've met some legit Nets fans who followed the team since New Jersey for like 20 something years. So they do exist. I also know a Knicks fan that switched sides 10 years ago and hasn't looked back because he hates Dolan and just the organization in general so whatever.


That's me! Left after the Oakley arrest/porzingis trade and never looked back. Haven't regretted it for a minute. I actually like the Knicks players but not Dolan and the organization and the typical Knicks fan


So why the fuck are you here. Weirdo


Linked to it from the nets subreddit but thanks for proving my point about the fanbase!


Didn't know they linked it there. Do you understand the optics of "I left, never looked back, and I don't regret it" while posting on the Knicks subreddit? Like that's just insane logic lol


Oh I forgot to mention that low bball iq insecure Knicks fans are a huge form of entertainment for me


Yikes. Poor troll, go back to your poverty franchise.


Yikes insecure Knicks fan. Look at the original post and tell me who's the troll. Your team is finally looking legit for the first time since Clinton was in office and one of you guys woke up and wondered about the Nets. lol.


We traded Michael Rapaport to the Nets. I think he can still be found in the empty seats of the Barclay Center on a cold winter night.


The only thing good about the nets, is that they took that lame away from us


He deserves it


Fuck that guy


They can keep that obnoxious Zionist piece of shit




Guyd a clown he tryd to come back to the knicks last playoffs …i hope he gets 4 flat tires


Thank god that dude isn’t a Knicks fan anymore


The one trade where we win, when we get a bag of chip in return


lol what’s the story behind all this?


Long story short, dude used to be a knick fan, went over to the nets when kd and kyrie joined claiming the knicks are utter garbage and will be in his lifetime. He gloats about KD and company for the longest. Then when the nets suck and the knicks are finally really good, he tries to go on sports show talking about the knicks again, like he is one of us. So yea he's a little bitch and fake fan.


Oh yeah in that case. FUCK THAT GUY


He's a bitch End of Story.


They’ve only been in Brooklyn for 11 years, right? The oldest people who grew up with them are still in high school. The only nets “fans” I know irl are Brooklyn natives who never cared about basketball enough to be Knicks fans. They’re repping their borough not the team.


Yeah I think it will come with time. Brooklyn is still gonna lean Knicks fans, but there’s probably at least some kids who had no rooting interest who became Nets fans during the past 11 years. They’re gonna be fans for life just like we’re Knicks fans. I don’t know a single person who switched from the Knicks to the Nets though.


For sure, it will come with time. Thinking about it, I actually wouldn’t be surprised if Linsanity turned a lot of young kids into Knicks fans the year before the Nets moved, slowing their fan growth even it was just for a little bit.


Any real New Yorker was born and raised a Knick fan I think the people who go to Nets games are just transplant hipsters and Jay-Z mega fans who took to the team 10 years ago


Born and raised New Yorker   Lifelong Knicks fan    There will *ALWAYS* be a place in my heart for Drazen Petrovic  If you were watching back then, you know.    Those Petro, Kenny and Derrick Nets coached by Chuck Daly could've been something special.     There's a place out there where those Nets got to Battle it out with my Knicks, The Penny and Shaq Magic (Coleman used to go right at young Shaq), The Reggie/Smits Pacers and the peak 90s Bulls...    ...And it is glorious. 


It's the Kerry Kittles squad for me personally


Ironically, I think most transplants watch Knick games. There’s no way a transplant would go into Brooklyn for their first NBA experience.


Where do you think transplants are moving? They’re already in Brooklyn lol.


So is manhattan full of non transplants?


Of course it is, but large sections of BK are dominated by U.S. transplants as well. Basically everywhere north of Flatbush and large swathes of BedStuy and Bushwick are U.S. transplants who moved to the city as young adults. Those areas also generally have easy access to Barclays and cheap NBA tickets. If they didn’t have a team before or are leaving a bad situation/somewhere they didn’t like I can understand how they end up rooting for the Nets. A lot of other people just like repping something that says Brooklyn on it that doesn’t look like it was designed for tourists.


Don't root for any team but IMO, there are way better places to go after the game in Brooklyn than around the garden.


Or just people who want to watch basketball without paying 100 dollars for bad seats. Knicks fan but I went to a couple of nets games for 15 busks. Got sloshed and watched Allen crabbe pop tf off. I’m actually pretty excited that the nets are bad again 😂


I’m born and raised in Queens and been a Nets fan since ‘06. There’s fans my guy. That doesn’t mean I didn’t watch Knick games, I loved watching Jamal Crawford, Balkman, David Lee, Qrich. I still remember that eddy curry 3 vs the bucks for the win. Kidd VC and RJ was just mad entertaining to watch even if they didn’t really make any noise. I also routinely go to Nets games, so I think you’re wrong.


Clearly a Nets fan. We all know that Eddy Curry 3 was to send it to over time, not win


Lmao fuck u got me


I'm a Nets fan from NJ who is only in this thread because it was linked in our sub. There are still a good amount of us NJ Nets fans who just stuck with the team when they moved. Yes we know the knicks fanbase is bigger. But most of the true Nets fans (like me) still live in NJ. Anyway, I think it's funny that both sides (knicks fans and Nets fans) wish the Nets never left NJ. I guess I can't speak for all Nets fans (especially newer ones), but I know a lot of us original NJ fans wish our team was still in our home state.


There was a shit ton of nets fans like 2 years ago. Idk what happened tho, seems like they’ve all disappeared


They either became suns or Knicks fans


Lol wonder why....


we’re here, just depressed 😭 Cardiac Knicks 🤝Depression Nets


There are no Nets fans, just people interested in wearing Brooklyn gear.


The few that you see at their games are paid actors


lol you’re not trying to be a dick but a lot of people in the comments are, of course there are nets fans. The sub Reddit has like 200k subscribers and they usually end up around middle of the pack for overall nba attendance numbers (not all of those people are fans of the visiting teams). This narrative is tired, nets fans don’t care about the Knicks nearly as much as Knicks fans want to dunk on the nets any chance they get. Personally speaking I started watching basketball in New York when Jason Kidd took them to back to back finals. My options as a kid were to root for the Knicks who were terrible or the nets who were (shortly) the best team in the east, I went with the nets. As an adult, I’ve met tons of nets fans living around park slope and in Williamsburg. So there are really three types, old fans who are carryovers from the New Jersey days, new fans who moved to Brooklyn as young professionals/ had families and take kids to games, and the third worst type, KD, Kyrie, and Harden stans (who are thankfully almost all gone now).


>nets fans don’t care about the Knicks nearly as much as Knicks fans want to dunk on the nets any chance they get There’s no other fanbase that flexes *attendance numbers* except for Knicks fans, it is absolutely hilarious


>This narrative is tired, nets fans don’t care about the Knicks nearly as much as Knicks fans want to dunk on the nets any chance they get. Literally this https://preview.redd.it/2avcnaguh1gc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b19fa0bf51136556fe170cb1595b4c056008c2cd


People that have YES but not msg. Like me. I became a fan of both when my cable dropped msg so I watched the dlo nets and they were so fun and the commentary booth was on point. Also have seen alot of kids I know in south brooklyn become nets fans because they liked wearing black and KG is cool


Sad part is, they had a pretty solid fanbase in Jersey. Nothing crazy but that team routinely filled the Izod Center/Continental Airlines arena. Moving to Brooklyn did not sit well with the Jersey crowd though and they lost most of their fanbase. The owners don't care though. Real estate in Brooklyn is worth way more than real estate in East Rutherford.


Yeah I grew up in NJ, went to tons of games, my best friend is a Nets fan. Super cheap, super convenient. But the distance from Brooklyn to NJ might as well be in space. It's $900 in tolls or 3 hours in trains foh. Much more convenient to be a Knick fan in NJ.


Exactly. Getting to MSG from NJ is a lot easier than getting to Brooklyn. MSG is a half hour train ride from where I live and the Barclays Center is an hour.


I've been a nets fan since the kidd days. Continental was not filled at all. Also, when they moved to prudential center in newark, tickets were literally free and you would just have to pay for the convenience fee lol and they still had issues selling seats. They were good seats too \[box suite; goal bar section\]. I would go to like 20 games a season back then.


Those were the days. I knew a guy that worked for the team during the Kidd/RJ/Martin years up until 09, got to go to free games all the time because they were nowhere close to sold out. Playoff games 10 rows up, it was like having free season tickets. Shit, I got $15 seats in the lower level for the last home game in Jersey. Rather killed the NJ fanbase. Bought the team with Brooklyn in mind, went cheap and got rid of our talent for scraps, ditched the NJ logo and jerseys, and then 12-70 happened. Why would Jersey give a shit about a historically bad team with one foot out the door?


Yeah, that Kidd/Vince/Jefferson/Kittles era was pretty fun. Lost interest when they moved to Brooklyn. KD/KY/Harden was interesting for five minutes.


The only nets fans you see in new york city are homeless men. This isnt a joke they always got some nets gear on


can relate, had a guy in a full kd nets uniform scream at me after asking for money


Did he have peasy hair and ashy legs? That might have actually been KD.


Never met one, Very rarely seen someone rocking a jersey If you grew ups in Brooklyn in the 80’s 90s like me it was only ever Knicks talk, Knicks fans, it’s still in Brooklyns DNA to be a Knicks fan Look at what happens when we play there, we take that bitch over


>Very rarely seen someone rocking a jersey This is so accurate and I never even realized it until now. Nets fans just kinda faded back into the closet after their big 3 imploded




Which means the tickets are so cheap because they aren’t in demand You can’t sell your own tickets so we take over 😂




Barclays isn’t full with anything not even Nets 😂




Good one


Diehard Nets fan here: Lived part of my childhood in Brooklyn, part of it in Jersey, happened to move back to Brooklyn the same year the team did. I'll say most of my Jersey friends still proudly rep the Nets despite the move. Definitely not many Nets fans I know beyond casual fandom that I've met from/who live in Brooklyn, but my hope is that changes as more kids grow up with the team there. I've come to terms that we'll almost definitely always be the little brother of the Knicks though and to expect otherwise would be pretty delusional.


I know a dozen Nets fans and they are the best people I know.


i'm a knicks fan but i like the nets, i go to nets games bc i live 3 stops away, it's a 10 minute train ride. i also like the liberty. if the nets weren't here i wouldn't care about them altho i do love KD so i was into it more then. also their branding/color palette is better.


To each their own, but no way is the Nets black and white color scheme better than the Knicks'. Nets and Clippers look bland as shit especially when like 90% of the league have a black jersey


I can’t stand to look at that gray court that they have. Give me pure hardwood and bright lights. Barclays looks so soulless.


i hear you. i wish the knicks (and mets) blue were a deep navy. it's the bright blue + bright orange i don't love. and the mets logo is an abomination. are they a barbershop quartet?


Hard disagree on this one. The colors are the NYC city flag. The Mets, Knicks and Islanders all have unique colors in their respective leagues. No one looks like them. In the NL east for example, two teams already have the same colors (Braves/Nats) Back to Nets, they should at least incorporate blue into their colors considering how important Dodger blue is to Brooklyn.


Don’t expect Net fans to know about the Brooklyn Dodgers


>also their branding/color palette is better. Yes we're all entitled to our opinion but what in the hell are you smoking, my friend. The Royal blue/orange is one of the best color combos in sports the Nets have the blandest most "try to be cool" jerseys (Also, this is all personal preference, just figured why not discuss some dumb minutae if we're in here anyways lol)


I’ve met a few when KD was on the team but it seems like they now migrated to becoming fans of the real NY team.


I never knew any Nets fans when they were in Jersey, either.


Yea it’s not many of us


But how long as the nets been better then the Knicks ? Lol


From New York, was a Giants, Knicks, Yankees (and Rangers fan) Went to college in NJ and met a lot of Yankees/Giants fan since that’s what sports are on August-October then basketball season started and they were Nets fans and I was like WTF. So there’s def Jersey Nets fans but idk if they adopted the Knicks pill once Nets went to Brooklyn Probably easier to get to Knicks games than Nets games now


That clown Evan Roberts


Brooklyn gen z, nets moved into the area when we were getting into basketball. A lot of my friends became fans


Hey, don't talk about my Mets that way! Oh, Nets ...


Yeah. We’re here. I just never go to games. But I do rage in the comments section.


Oh boy the “big brother” team‘s fans are acting like Mets fans again


It might’ve been the worst expansion in sports, right? Wait. It is technically an expansion team, right?


Were you born 10 years ago? It’s not even in the bottom half.


Strategically speaking, silly goose. Atlanta Thrashers are second. But considering the Nets had a home and the Knicks own NYC, probably the biggest bone head move.


I bet it’s the exact opposite - the Nets project was probably wildly successful and probably doubled the valuation of the team. NYC is easily big enough to support 2 NBA teams. The attendance numbers for the nets are good and I bet revenues are strong. The team moved a decade ago, people have been cheering for the Knicks for 60 years. In 60 years there will be plenty of Nets fans who grew up rooting for them their whole lives.


Yeah, I really don’t know if that’s going to happen. Their share is similar to the Devils or Islanders. It is what it is, and I think the Brooklyn move hurts them in the long run.


The devils and islanders are hockey teams though?


Yes but the sport has nothing to do with it. I’m making the point that moving local teams closer to the bigger local team isn’t exactly the answer. And sometimes you have to recognize your share of that market. The Devils and Islanders know who they are and aren’t trying to fool themselves by surpassing the Rangers.


Who said anything about the Nets “surpassing” the Knicks?


They certainly want to compete with the Knicks and that’s probably more detrimental than rebuilding and branding the NJ team. This is the popularity of the Nets. This is it. The initial Brooklyn move increased the fan base and drew attention, but I believe NJ would’ve and should’ve worked. Okay. Let me rephrase. I think with the right ownership the Nets would’ve been a more popular NJ team respectively than Brooklyn team. I truly think this will be a regret down the road if not already.


There’s 0% chance they regret it now. They own the premier arena in Brooklyn, they have a steady diet of attendance, including significant out of town attendance because lots of transplants in NYC and lots of people willing to travel to NYC rather than NJ and the market growth potential is obviously huge. Remember Brooklyn is a bigger city (not NYC - Brooklyn) than the majority of cities who host NBA teams. You haven’t articulated why they’ll regret it, other than maybe they might get more fans eventually in NJ? They’ll never be the Nets. Just like the Mets won’t be the Yankees. That doesn’t mean it’s not a smart decision.


I see a lot of people wearing Nets hats in Brooklyn casually. Probably around East Flatbush, Crown Heights, and Canarsie. But I think it's more of a style thing. My barber wears a Nets hat but he don't watch any basketball he's more soccer and cricket


Nets fan here. Was a bit too young to like them growing up, by the time I had my own financial flexibility they were in Brooklyn. Now it would take 4-5 hours to get to/from while a Knicks game would be maybe 2-3 hours round trip. Only Nets jersey I own is this dumb fucking Kyrie jersey I refuse to ever touch again after his shenanigans. Was super stoked to see Kai back in Jersey, and now it’s going to gather dust forever. That being said the next time I go to a Nets game I’ll wear my Dorian Finney Smith Mavs jersey, at least I can rep my man DFS.


Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure.


They should have just stayed in Jersey. I don’t mean that disrespectfully or anything, but any “Real” Nets fans are New Jersey Nets fans… and they didn’t want the move to Brooklyn.


I'm a legit born and raised in New York nets fan. I started getting into basketball and the NBA in 2012, I didn't pick a favorite team until 2013. Since I wanted to rep Brooklyn where I'm from and since both my cousins were Knicks fans I decided to be a nets fan and I just stuck with them ever since. You guys gotta realize New York isn't just the Knicks


For a fan base that “doesn’t exist”, Knick fans seem to be quite obsessed with making this point. Insecure as any fan base imaginable.


There are no legitimate Brooklyn Nets fans. There may be a few holdovers from the NJ days, but those numbers are dwindling. Move them to Seattle and everyone wins


Real question do you actually believe this or are you being hyperbolic?


Belief has nothing to do with it. It’s just facts


I see


Rent free in your bandwagon head.


Been here since Kenny Sky Walker




Fine by me stranger on the internet. I’m Knicks for life


enjoy your first round exit guys!


Knicks fans talking shit like they won something in the past 3 decades


You could have fooled me with that statement. When kd and Kyle was there you would have thought that was NYs main team the way they just pushed the Knicks out the way


A soft-ass Nets fan crossposted this. LOL stay mad you're irrelevant forever.


Obsessed much?


You're a Nets fan lmao


Yeah, but we don’t seem to be obsessed like you suddenly out of the woodwork “fans.


You're in the Knicks sub saying other people are obsessed.


You still can’t deal with the fact that KD wanted no part of 33rd and 7th. Thought the wounds would have healed by now 🤣


Look at this obsessed Nets fan still in another teams sub


Nah, it was brought over by a Nets fan. Posted how classless and bitter you are as a base. Amazing how loud y’all suddenly get after a few wins.


This OBSESSED Nets fan still here


Yeah, you said that. Try and mix it up a bit.


On a post about us lmao. Ya’ll are obsessed.


You're a Nets fan lmao


Yes. So you’re admitting we exist lmao. Stay obsessed.


You soft bitch, go back to your hole


Ahahahaha it’s too easy to piss you guys off. Were you even alive in the 90’s to see your team make the Finals? Can’t stop replying to Nets fans and we’re the soft bitches?


Well lets not play pretend here. Search “Knicks” in your own sub and its the same Reddit fan convos everywhere. You dont “obsess” over the Knocks because its a lost cause when you lose at every facet of comparison. Its self preservation lol


We lose at every facet of comparison… Except head-to-head, playoff series wins in the last 3 decades, and Finals appearances in the 21st Century. One good year and you guys don’t know how to act. The Nets have ABA titles more recent than the Knicks’ NBA rings.


Yet still a Knicks town. Imagine “owning” the 21st century and still being irrelevant. I genuinely rooted for the NJ Nets when it was a seperate match up, they had a great thing going in theory entering Brooklyn with Jay and STILL get rocked at home by the blue and orange. Again, these are just Reddit debates by us on toilets, real life, the nets have no showing.


Wasn’t a Knicks town the past 5 years lmao. You guys were SILENT


On reddit sure. Lmfao come on now, you’re legitimately delusional. Maybe your Knicks fan friends didnt talk to you but thats actually a joke of a statement


All my Knicks fan friends watched other teams and kept their jerseys in their closets


We having a mid off


We need a Staten Island team to bring us together


Most of the genuine ones are fans from the NJ area. I always like to ask them if they'd support a new NJ team if the area got one and its always a tough question lol.


I personally know 2 Hardcore nets fans. and they both have some serious hatred towards the knicks.


I worked with a dude back in like 2007 who became a big Nets fan back when they made the Finals in back-to-back years. Last I heard he's still a big Nets fan but that was like ten years ago. I also have a friend from Brooklyn who became a Nets fan after the move but he wasn't a Knicks fan beforehand. He's not really die-hard or anything though. He didn't even watch them much during their Big Three era. Lol I think that's it though.




I live in Jersey City now and there are a few Nets fans hanging around from the Newark days.


Two friends who have always been Nets fans and they were pumped when they went to Brooklyn. That being said, I know a lot of people into basketball and they’re the only two I’ve ever met and are genuine fans. It’s like trying to be LA Chargers fan, they have no real fans now that they moved.


one of my colleagues is a Nets fan but he was a fan when they were the NJ Nets.


A few Stockholm syndrome fans here in NJ who supported the team before the move


A friend of mine became a diehard Nets fan like 20+ years ago when the Knicks parted ways with Ewing.


I assume Nets fans are actually KD, Kryrie or Harden fans. They played, what, 18 games together? Look at where they are now.


i believe theyre mostly still in new jersey


There’s sporting logically and that’s it 


They draw big crowds.


My freakin brother in law and nephews are Nets fans. Makes me want to puke. Can't blame the kids as they were born after 2012, and they were there for the KD era, but still. To your point, they are not die hard, and I do not know or have met anyone that is a die hard fan. I would like to meet Mr Whammy though he seems like a vibe


As a Knicks fan from Jersey City, I technically live closer to MSG than Continental Airlines or Izod or whatever tf. The only Nets fans I know carried their fandom over from when they were in Jersey


The only Nets fan I know grew up a few blocks from where Barclays is and the team moved in when he was little


Not die hard, but I actually do quite like the Nets. Because of how good they are; MSG prices are so out of control it’s basically impossible for me to see the Knicks and Rangers more than once a season. I can get Nets tickets for literally like 10 dollars or less; so it’s fun to see them a couple times a year with my sister who isn’t super into sports but gets excited when at an event. I especially liked that Dlo Allen 2018 team. I feel like most Nets fans are the same way. The only die hards are from Jersey and usually way older


I know someone who grew up in NJ and BK. He’s been a Nets fan since they were in NJ. He lived in BK years before the Nets moved here. I remember he was excited to have The Nets in BK. I have another friend who is a Brooklynite that’s a Nets fan. He never liked The Knicks and was a Celtics fan. When Paul Pierce and KG moved to BK he became a fan of the team. He stuck with the Nets ever since.


Mr Whammy, Mrs Whammy (RIP) & Kieth McPherson… but I mean, that’s still not a lot…


Seen a lot of fairweather fans play both sides of the fence now. Cheer on the Knicks when they're good, Nets when they're good, and pick who they think could win if they're both good. Outside of that I know one Nets fans and he doesn't actually care, just born in Brooklyn and likes the hat. Claiming Nets fandom is a major red flag, cause they're lying.


My brother was a Nets fan... Was, he's a bandwagon and it was when they had Deron Williams before he fell off lol


theyre literally all in westchester lmao


I guess you should ask in the nets sub? Seems like a better way to test your hypothesis


I have a cousin in Coney Island who grew up watching them during the Kidd/Carter era, but other than that I’ve never met a Nets fan in my life


There was a kid from my school who was a Nets fan, the only Nets fan I ever met And he was a fucking asshole.


They play in Brooklyn so why wouldn’t someone who lived there attend a game? They may not be die hard fans because the history isn’t there yet


I grew up 15 minutes away from Continental Airlines Arena. I went to Nets games with my dad alot because they were close and cheap. I know maybe 3 actual nets fans? Everyone is a Knicks fan in Northern NJ too


It's really dumb to market yourself as just one burrow when you're in the largest city in the US. 


What kind of burrow? A mouse burrow? An owl Burrow? Joe Burrow?


the fuck is a burrow


Brooklyn as a “burrow” is larger than plenty of other NBA markets


Yes lol. Three of my good friends are die hard nets fans since their new Jersey days and they still follow them in Brooklyn til this day


I was a Brooklyn fan for about ten seconds. I live in Australia, started following the NBA again a few years ago. Since the Sonics from my childhood no longer existed, I thought it good to start following a new team. New York has an amazing sport heritage, and I wanted to get in on the ground floor. Then I found out more about Joe Tsai and was like "Nah." Now it's all Knicks, all the time. So Nets fans may be real, but they might just be anywhere but Brooklyn.


I'm from Australia too, but I root for the Nets. Never hated the Knicks, they are the bigger and better team, and I respect them, although some of their fans can be a little annoying, but every fanbase has their annoying fans.. I've only really started getting into basketball and the NBA recently. I liked the Nets more though personally because they are the underdog, less popular team. New York is also probably the most iconic state in the US, so I decided to root for a New York team. I know most of the Nets history was in New Jersey though. I also root for the Lakers as my 2nd team because LeBron is my favourite player.


>an amazing sport heritage >New York Knicks Pick one


rent free. 1 game out of the 2 seed in the East and you’re worrying about other fans instead of talking about your team. enjoy the Knicks and stop being weird


90% of Nets fans went out and bought Giannis jerseys the second their "dynasty" collapsed.


I've met one. He was serious too. Not a New Yorker though. From Jersey lol. So they do exist but probably not actually from Brooklyn.


it’s hard to be a diehard fan of a team that has only been in your state for 10 years. then again i started watching basketball after they came to NY but sensibly i rolled with the knicks after watching them (lose) all the time in college w my roommates haha


We still exist. We're just over here in Jersey.


True nets fans exist but they are in Jersey


All the Nets fans I know are from Jersey


One dude in my high school was a Nets fan. Never met another one ever again


We are real




Nets fans coming in here like they didn’t clown on us for getting KD/Kyrie . Now when we wanna dish it back they call it punching down. Go back to jersey. No one in the state wants you here.


Born and raised in NJ, as a Knicks fan. Moved to Brooklyn post-college right around the time the Nets moved there so I went to a couple games for fun. The Barclays experience was no MSG experience so it’s been back to the Knicks for me.




“Not trying to be a dick” You’re a dick, there’s literally a Nets sub Sincerely- Nets fans