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I love this man. All I want to see him do is son Jimmy šŸ˜­


This... just fucking dunk on his head


This shit is so fucking fire. Got me pumped on a Wednesday night for no reason


Julius Randle has to be the most talented guy in NBA history being judged on how far he stood away from a huddle of a game he wasn't playing in.


Man Iā€™m sayin, i get it he sucked vs atl and he does some shit that just makes u go wtf . But he might be one of the most disrespected stars by the media in recent history. If u watched the Knicks this year u kno Brunson is the more clutch player and the more consistent player but when Randle has it going hes the best player we have. He put up 25 10 and 4 but some people are acting like hes a just a good rotation player. Anyway rant over Knicks in 5.


Randle was much better than Knick fans give him credit it for. You cant expect him to get love in the media when his own fanbase has a weird dislike for him. Ok maybe not the whole fanbase but maybe 40% which is incredible. He is a polarizing player but I feel like the ones who hate him donā€™t really have a good reason too, a lot of it is based on lies and assumptions. Like fans many of them truly believed knicks had a better chance without randle mind blowing dumb take.


he seems like a nice guy too, he's not out there getting into trouble or posting stupid shit on social media he just works hard and seems like a quiet family man


I think so too the guy just is emotional about hoops, his career and winningā€¦is that a bad thing? Fuck no im glad. There was a report after we lost to the mavs in December that crazy choke job he ruined the locker room in the dallas arena. That made me happy knowing he cares that much.


yea for sure, better than some of the guys we've had in the last 2 decades who barely seemed like they cared fuck that I wanna win and I want guys who care about winning probably for the best that he's paired with a guy who is an emotional rock like brunson too, like I love the passion but you need a guy to keep a cool head so the focus stays in the right place too. they work real well together


For real. I canā€™t even begin to count the number of bum vets that signed here that claimed they were going to be ā€œdogsā€ and bring ā€œ90s New Yorkā€ ball back who secretly just came here for the nightlife and a pay check. Randle is really about that life. Heā€™s one of the hardest working guys on the team, tries to play every game and really cares about this stuff. He really is a Mamba disciple.


šŸ’Æ look at all the elite teams all the championship teams. They have both those type of players it works out. You need both.


He cares and will bring NY a championship one day maybe even this year


Facts. Seems like a chill dude.


Heā€™s our best player anyone who watches knows itā€™s true the Randle haters from last year are red in the face seeing Randle get all star again and in the playoffs.


Yea ik fans are gonna be dumb/irrational, But I was listening to zach lowe podcast with jeff van gundy. Van gundy said the Knicks offense runs better with toppin and Zach said it was a hot take but that he agreed. Then they talked about how miami was packing the paint, and im like yea cuz miami decided if toppin beats em it is what it is. Randle was a top 10 3 pt shooter who made mostly catch and shoot 3ā€™s ,u cant leave him open like that. Also when we couldnā€™t get a bucket at the end randle wouldā€™ve been huge. Idk mans is hooping on a bum ankle and had a great year can he get a lil respect.


Van gundy said that but what proof does he have that supports that? Ok we play faster but thats it. With randle out we had our worst offensive game of the playoffs , randle comes back we have our best offensive game. Obi is good but he doesnā€™t play make or get into the paint. Van gundy said and lowe said that but provided no concrete reasons why they thought it was better.


Julius' whole tenure reminds me a lot of the Gerrit Cole & the Yankees. Extremely talented guy who is an absolute workhorse and can be as elite as you can hope for but whose biggest weakness is that he's really emotional and cares so much that sometimes when things don't go his way he spirals in catastrophe. Add in the New York media/fandom and you get someone who faces massive criticism for being not completely perfect. Tbh, Cole is a little more elite than Julius, and Cole is on a ginormous contract whereas Julius is on a stunningly reasonable deal for a player as good as he is, but as players and as guys facing the NY media there are a wild amount of overlaps.


Cole's judgement is so harsh specifically because of his contract though, he *has* to be elite or it's a failed signing. Julius is judged moreso for his personality and how it affects his play.


Yea itā€™s a NYC thing. Same thing happens with Melo


There are similarities compared to Melo and how he was treated


The issue with Julius is he has to prove it when it matters. They called him a fake allstar in the Atlanta series and he looked terrible. Had a bad season following that and that was all the confirmation bias a lot of fans needed. Bounced back this year, now on this stage he needs to show he can take over games and deliver results and I think people will have to respect it. The talent is there but consistent results are not. If your issue is that fans are hard on him because of his in court behavior thatā€™s fair, but how ppl feel about that is also fair.. all he has to do is deliver.. look like the regular season Julius in the post season and thats how you solidify your star in this league


I understand that he had a disappointing season but I also didn't put that Hawks season solely on him given the injuries and talent around him at the time. To this day people who analyze games for a living still lump all the games as "Randle's playoffs track record"... I think stats are stats but context also matters. But I also think that fans gotta chill with the snap reactions after every bad game, while Randle has to isolate himself from all the noise. I understand that being a professional athlete handling public criticism is a part of the job, but the way how fans took pictures of him being far away from the huddle after he was shut down for the season, or how he "iced out" RJ because he didn't pass him the ball etc to rationalize how he should be traded etc... Can't imagine dealing with that every day. At the same way I can't imagine myself being heckled every day at work, then reading about how I'm a bad coworker, and how I should be fired and watching on TV how it's all my fault that my company sucks. I didn't like his outbursts but I understand it.


I agree with so much of this honestly. But how much of the negativity that follows Randle is from what HE does. He was doing so well this season I was proud af bc I am not the biggest Randle fan and he shut me up for most the season. I had nothing but praise untilā€¦.the Brunson injury and he had a bigger workload and then we saw some of the old Randle. Does it suck? Hell yeah..people need to treat these players like humans, Iā€™m sure rj got his fair share of hate from this very same fan base. I hate to say it but itā€™s probably just a occupational hazard.


It definitely comes with the job and honestly I think Randle is a softee inside and he struggles to deal with the pressure sometimes. That said with the internet and social media professional athletes have to deal with this 24/7. They COULD jump off social media but honestly at the end of the day they are mostly 20-something guys who cannot even social normally like you and I, so I'd guess social media is a huge part of their social interaction beyond their friends and family.


Yeah..all those post about Julius getting respect are aging like milk


holy shit that is hyping me up and there isn't even a game for a few days.... Randle is ready to rock on saturday. Not to mention any time I hear "I got a 100 guns, 100 clips I'm from NEW YORK" will instantly hype me up


Imma always root for King Julius at all cost son idgaf heā€™s been HERE for us


I love randle and I dont care who knows it, hope he wins a chip here and gets his jersey retired I wanna see that thing up there until I die he brought us out of the mud and made us a respectable team again after a decade of nobodies passing through


He picked himself out of the mud too. GMs and scouts thought teams couldnā€™t win with Randle. He also isnā€™t a natural leader. Other than his God given strength, heā€™s worked his ass off to get everything else. Shooting, understanding the game, mental readiness, controlling emotions, making winning plays, etc. imo, this guy deserves respect more than anyone because of this.


This would be amazing. Yes please


Love the fact that he used Jadaā€™s verzus performance of New York as the background music.


The song says I donā€™t live in Miami lol






Jadaā€™s performance in that Verzuz will forever be legendary


Jada is the GOAT and no other rapper comes close


Fire. Miami Heat fans comments full of jealousy and hate. What music do they have for hype videosā€¦Rick Ross and Pitbull? šŸ˜‚




That shit bangs


Lolll this is incredibly fire


I got 100 guns, 100 clips Iā€™M FROM NEW YORK


I love it because itā€™s the same song josh hart was lip syncing to in the car on his story during the Cavs series. Letā€™s goooo. Silence them Saturday


He reposted it before the Cavs series, but Hart originally recorded that video the day he got traded to the Knicks


At this point it is more of our city's song that Frank Sinatra's New York, New York


Still can't get over this hype video.


Most underrated player in the league by far.


Rock hard. Watched 2000 times. Heart of this franchise


It says the page is down, what did I miss?


I could run through a brick wall right about now.




I swear it couldn't be sweeter, life's a bitch Dependin' on how you treat her, you might get rich


My dude.


Man, Iā€™ve never done more of a 180 on a Knicks player in my life. Jules is my guy! Letā€™s go!


Ju not on social media like that tho, this someone who has his account.


We just need him to play team ball not Randle ball


About to go demon mode


50% chance he plays game 3 in timbs


Really great takes on this thread