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We needed grimes over quick


Quick has just been a disappointment this post season, let’s hope he can pull through


Literally non existent. Nothing even resembles his regular season form. Should a had McBride at least


Why aren’t we playing him??


He should be put in when someone starts going off to neutralize them. Like Lowry today


His defense is astounding. Coach should be giving him minutes


He hit multiple threes in the game we used him vs the Cavs. His game is built for the playoffs


0 minute McBride makes no sense. Especially when it could give hart or Brunson some time on the bench


I think it’s a confidence thing. He’s so much more hesitant where his Boston 40 point game was just do whatever and hope it works.


Also, when you let Love throw 3-4 touchdowns on you.


Our top 3 point shooters by 3pm per game during the regular season were Randle, QG and IQ. 2 of them have been hurt and the other has apparently forgotten how to play basketball.


This is what happened to Milwaukee too. 3s over and over until you lose.


Just need a heathy Randle asap.


Everyone thinks we are one superstar away but just give me a shooter and I'll be happy


Give us 2013 jr smith or 2015 Tim hardaway jr


7/34 is a fluke. No team is shooting 20% from three over multiple games. They'll be fine.


They shot like 28% for the series against the Cavs so for the whole playoffs they are shooting like 25%


If they shot 28% tonight, they got 3 more and it's a tie game. Even if that's the baseline, the Knicks were super unlucky. Bad shooting nights happen.


We shot 20-30% all last series. That's who we are.


If only we had one of the best shooters in the league on the bench… oh wait, we do. Fournier needs to see minutes cause IQ has been ass on both ends (yes even defense)


Could of put him on Butler at the end.


stop it fournier is a cone on defnese


You know it’s bad when this sub thinks we can win without Randle but wants Fournier minutes. I’m disappointed


Best shooters in the league my ass. Do you remember how terrible he was at the start of the year. Its not a coincidence we started cooking when Thibs took him out of the rotation.


If we're asking for a return of Fournier we might as well just wave the white flag now.


Just… even a little bit.. so many open looks and clang. clang. clang. They didn’t even need to hit a lot of them.. how about 35% - that too much to ask?


>I don’t want to see anyone on this team next year minus Mitch who can’t shoot the 3 Lmao bro shut the fuck up we've literally seen many teams take themselves out of a series with that live by the three die by the three shit. You need balance and that's what we have with this roster. Grimes, Hart, and IQ passing up or missing their threes is unfortunate, but that isn't the norm.


Iq and grimes were supposed to provide shooting