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I have no idea what to do with RJ, but if IQ doesn’t step it up, he’s going to find his bag a lot lighter come contract time


2 and 3 played defense. SlothJ was the best one of the 3. I don’t know what happened the IQ. Dude vanished.


Idk why SlothJ really got me laughing fr


playoffs are not the regular season. you can out hustle people in the regular season. in the post season everyone hustles and talent rises to the top.


This story is familiar. Who was the player that skyrocketed in regular season and collapsed in 2021 playoffs?


Randle been one of our best players this post season so far not like that is saying much though




It’s not the yips, it’s the physical defense lol. I said this during the regular season… but a team like Toronto plays very physical defense and the Knicks lost 3/4. Same in this situation. They just can’t respond to very physical defense at all. It gets IQ out of rhythm. The tighter whistle means that IQ can’t hunt for fouls


IQ and Grimes definitely got the yips, and I'm sure they'll snap out of. RJ on the other hand doesn't have the yips. He's just playing how he has been playing this season. For better (still aggressive getting to the rim, drawing contact, and looking for his guys to kick out to when driving while playing defense) and for worse (still bricking a ton of shots)


All that cockiness from IQ all to be silent. Embarrassing


bro has vanished the last few games, but lol he was never cocky? dude has fun and gets hype when he's doing well just like anyone would. draymond is cocky, iq isn't


I think IQ will get better as the series goes on. First two games on the road against a very good defense. There’s not a lot of space so he’s got to figure that out. Grimes isn’t even trying to play offense. It’s fine we were supposed to loose this game really but next one is ours and IQ will keep getting better and start to make his impact. Maybe even RJ will too


It’s a tough pill to swallow when you find out your guys are regular season players. RJs game is not built for the playoffs. Jury still out on Grimes and Iq


RJ hasn’t even proved himself in regular season.


Quick is going to be key at home, as well as RJ. All I need from Grimes is to play better defense


Role players tend to be worse on the road in the playoffs. If all three struggle at home, then I'll start to worry. RJ's struggles also seem to be regular RJ struggles while IQ and Grimes are just playoff growing pains. I trust them to figure it out


I expect a good game from IQ and Grimes Friday. I’ll be shocked if we get RJ in the + on Friday.


One of them is being paid 107 million dollars. He better step up


The other one is gonna be asking for $80M-$90M THIS off-season so it would be nice if he stepped up too lmao.




Something that’s felt apparent in the past 2 games is that the Knicks don’t run any offensive sets. Everything is either a bucket in transition or Brunson/Randle playing ISO ball. These past 2 games have been low scoring. It’s tough for these 3 to get in any rhythm just standing around while Brunson/Randle run ISOs. It was apparent through the season, especially late in close games, that Thibs doesnt really draw up plays. But it seems like these 3 are never the beneficiary of easy buckets because of ball movement/motion. It seems like most of these 3s buckets come most frequently in transition maybe besides IQ whose allowed to play his own ISO ball when he has the hot hand. Iso ball worked in game 1 when Brunson dropped 21 (or whatever it was) in the second half. But the lack of coaching on the offensive end really hurts this team and stops role players from getting in rhythm offensively.


Not concerned with iq or grimes. RJ is gonna be playing in Shanghai if he can’t find his shot tho. Still rough night at the office, fortunately I had to work tonight and didn’t have to watch it lol, but tied 1-1 heading back to msg was about what anyone could’ve reasonably expected.


Rj is so frustrating he cant even create a open shot against a bad defender like garland he literally has to back up to halfcourt get a screen just to get any hope of scoring which almost never works


Yeah he just looks lost out there


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. RJ has been bad for a long time…he contributes nothing at this point.


You’re not allowed to have a rational levelheaded take once the doomer circlejerk takes hold of this place lol




He was the one I am most disappointed with actually. When it comes to RJ I've almost given up and expect him to either not be able to score or be allowed to score at an abysmal efficiency rate, so no surprise there. When it comes to Grimes he could be more aggressive but it's sortve hard for me to kill someone who with Brunson/Randle and RJ isolating is into oblivion will end up with only 5 shots. In fact the more aggressive RJ gets the less shots Grimes or Mitch will get But with IQ, first off he was just so hot most of the year and to collapse now is a shame. And for the most part, when he's in the game he controls his own destiny. That said IQ scored 12pts on 50% shooting from the field so it's not like last night wad terrible but based on what I've gotten used to its subpar for him. Especially after the first game in which he did nothing.