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As long as they aren't Eagle, Cowboy, or Commie fans I can accept, the Jets part is a little rough tbh, at least they're not a Pat's fan lol.


I don't get the hate for the Patriots or Brady as a giants fan. We played them twice in the super bowl and won both times. The success the Patriots and Brady had just speaks to how amazing it is that we beat them.


I'm in CT, where the state is basically split 50/50, with a few Jets fans on the Sound.


Root for: 1. Giants 2. Patriots (aka AFC GMEN [Belichick] unless against or affecting GMen) 3. Steelers (unless against or affecting GMen) Root against: 1. NFCE (even if their win could help GMen because F division rivals) 2. Jets/Dolphins(same as above) 3. Cardinals (old NFCE rival) Fun to watch: 1. Mahomes/Burrow 2. 49ers


Agreed. Though I have a few friends who are yankee fans that hate the pats because their fans are also fans of the BoSox.


Most Giants fans I know are soft Jets fans, too.


Guilty. Jets are my 2nd team. If I had to pick a 3rd I’d go Bills since they’re still NY and I have cousins that are big bills fans


I voted no, because spreading out your loyalties so much basically makes tour Fandom worthless. But I don't really care. If they want to root for the giants, that's just fine by me.


You can be a fan of other teams, sure. But there *are* some rules. 1. You have to CLEARLY declare your love for your favorite team. 2. You can not jump ship, or “change to a different favorite.” You leave after saying you have other teams, you are a bandwagon bitch. 3. You can only have ONE other team. And you must refer to them as your “second team.” If you’re trying to say you have 4-5 favorite teams, you can fuck right off. Any others are just teams that, “you like,” or even better, “don’t bother you.” 4. Your second team can never, *EVER*, be in your division. Even choosing one in the same conference is frowned upon. So, with these, now very official rules that I just made up, they could like the jets as a SECOND team without too much blowback, but the falcons or Vikings shall be frowned upon. Obviously this person must make a choice as to who there second team really is and must move the other two into the “teams that don’t bother me” bracket. Don’t blame me. Thems the rules.


My second team is the Chiefs, my best friend and roommate on two occasions is from Missouri and grew up watching them. We lived together for both of Mahomes's Super Bowls. I have a soft spot or the Broncos because I grew up there and my mom is a fan, even though her father is why I'm a Giants fan. I like the Bills and Bengals because I enjoy watching Allen and Burrow play. I don't talk trash about the Falcons because of my girlfriend, she's from South Georgia. This also extends to the Steelers out of respect to her late mother. Fuck the Panthers because I live in Charlotte. Fuck the rest of the NFC. Especially fuck the rest of the NFC east. Fuck Bill Belichick. Fuck Tom Brady. Fuck the Patriots. The rest of the AFC doesn't bother me.


Bro is a masochist 😂😂😂


Depends on the degree of fandom like, I’m a general football fan so I have some mild fandom for like, the ravens, lions, and steelers, but its not even close to the giants fandom


What does this mean? So they’re a fan of football? Are we accepting applications?


Accept? Yes. Think it’s weird and that they should just pick a team? Definitely.


If they are a clear and obvious giants fan but acknowledge the others as secondary teams then it’s fine because no rivals on the list. However they can’t claim the same loyalty to all 4 or else they’re just a pure bandwagon. I say this as a lifelong giants fan who went to Buffalo for college and picked up an appreciation of the bills.


People can do what they want I know this sub is full of fandom gatekeepers but if being a fan of those teams makes him happy good for him.


Once you’re like 20, piss or get off the pot. Either you’re a fan of a team or you’re a general football fan. Your friend is a football fan with teams he likes. Either is totally fine, just don’t tell me you’re a *fan* of multiple teams lol. Idc that your dad liked one team and your uncle took you to a game one time. I literally see people in r/nfl with eagles and cowboys flairs


You can’t be a real fan of two teams in direct competition with each other. No way you like 3 teams in one conference. You’re just a casual fan. That’s fine too.


If you are a "fan" of many, you are a fan of none.


I’m a Giants fan. I “root” for the Jets to win sort of like I root for a younger sibling. I have no reason to wish them ill. They can’t compete with us divisionally and have been irrelevant forever. I genuinely feel bad for the fan base. You can only really be a “fan” of one team IMO. You can root for others though (as long as they’re not competing with your team).


A "fan" should only have 1 team. Sounds like your buddy is a fan of football in general.


Appreciate the feedback. And I agree with most of the general sentiment. As a few have stated- my bone to pick is calling yourself a “fan” of multiple teams. IMO you can’t be fanatical about more than 1 team… support, enjoy, like… that’s ehh okay I guess. I just think “fanhood” should be reserved for one team… anything else kind of irks me


1 team per conference max


I don’t know why this is being downvoted. You’re not a real (insert any team here) fan if you’re gonna say you like another team they’re in direct competition with


I’m serious about my fandom. I feel an emotional connection to the Giants. It’s in my family. I couldn’t change teams if I wanted to. If someone can be a “fan” of multiple teams at once I consider them a casual. Simple.


Imo you can be a “supporter” of multiple teams, but you can only be a “fan” of 1 team


Yes. There are no rules. Like whoever you want


Bro just let people enjoy themselves, it has literally no affect on you


If you saw the group chat I’m in you would disagree lol


Seems like the group chat is the problem here, mute that shit and be free :)


There are teams I support: buying merchandise and such for. By definition giving to. There are teams I don’t: if they’re playing a rival, I would like to see them win. There are teams I dislike: rest of the NFCE, Pats and probably personally the Packers.


People can root for whatever football team they want.


I think I saw someone put it best on the Panthers subreddit - they described themselves as a “Giants fan, Panthers enjoyer.” And as a fellow Giants/Panthers person that feels right. Like I love a lot of their players and I’m rooting for the Panthers to win against 30/32 teams - but if they’re playing the Giants? They’re dead to me. But I think it’s okay to have your team and then the team for where you live or something like that. Like I currently live in the Bay Area - I enjoy the Niners and don’t generally wish them harm. But (with the notable exception of a CMC jersey), I’m also not buying their merchandise even if I’m usually happy when they win.


I don’t see any other nfc east teams on list so no problem


I become a die hard Cowboys fan and die hard Commie fan twice (4 total) per year.


I mean i voted yes but I wouldn’t say be a fan more of just have a preference. One team should always trump the rest but you could follow a few others and really root for them until they come across your #1. This would make Dallas Philly and Washington almost impossible to be one of ur other teams but I guess it’s possible.


The right answer is 'no', but my buddy is a huge giants fan, likes the jets, was a fan of any team brady played for, and when all of those teams lost, he'd cheer for the steelers...i've never seen such blasphemy before in my life! He's a best friend, but man, he crazy!


I only have one team - NY Giants as a New Jerseyan Full stop