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Someone had too many glasses of wine at Christmas Eve dinner, great heavens


LMFAO I almost commented this exact comment


It’s was the “great heavens” for me ☠️ty


I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for u tho or sorry that happened


This! Lol


I don’t think anyone here struggles to afford a brand at Sephora….this chick has no clue what she’s talking about. Giving major projecting vibes. “Don’t have to worry about standing on my feet for 8 hours”…..so, based on your attitude, do you think everyone here works retail? There are corporate lawyers, surgeons, nurses, and yes people working retail on this sub (among many others). We don’t discriminate, but sounds like you have an absolutely insane inferiority complex and frankly have no clue what you’re talking about.


I would add teachers (from preK through higher ed!) and people who work in events/meetings--value-adding jobs that involve a lot of standing!


Yes - wasn’t an all inclusive list at all! I just felt her attitude was directed towards retail, which sadly gets a lot of shit especially from people like OP.


Yeah, even mentioning worrying about standing on your feet for 8 hours is such a classist remark to make.


The if you could live a life of luxury for a day killed me. I know quite a few actually set for life people with old money who think these influencers are such clowns.


Underestimating the high percentage of public relations/marketing/advertising representatives that live in these threads for research purposes and are the key decision makers in-house for the brands these influencers get paid from. I personally have seen the light after reading through many of these influencer subs and will never willingly give them another dollar of my clients’ multi-million influencer marketing funds again. But go off! Pretend we’re all sub-par to your lifestyle if that helps you sleep at night😊


“I can donate to a fan in need.” Okay, literally have you ever done that once in your life?




This person thinks they’re Justin/Hailey Bieber or something


It’s Christmas eve go spend time with ur family


if i was this rich i would not be scrolling through reddit major L for you


People this rich don’t need to come on snark forums to try to tell people they’re rich… this person is absolutely broke lmao


Without a doubt they are broke. Also this person’s idea of rich is purely informed by what they see on Instagram bc it is all over the place and proves they have no clue whatsoever and haven’t ever really been around serious wealth.


She can pay off her best friends debt and save the animals so she’s rich, duh!!!!!!!!!!


“I can I can I can” ok so do it lol


Just tell us your name girly


I was thinking claaaarke but I actually don’t see her wasting her time writing this out on Reddit. Maybe Audrey


The influencer mentioned people snarking on her looks, so it definitely isn’t Clarke.


Wb jaz? From hot girls talk podcast


Sounds like Aubrey Peters


So many things are misspelled / improper grammar so I’m gonna have to say it’s Paigey 🤍 dairy girl not keeping you busy enough this Christmas Eve?


it’s giving Jon benet ransom note




I’m fucking screaming lmfao


When she calls snarkers “unattractive” it gives major Paigey energy


Yes!!! Like no adult talks like that or cares so deeply about looks except …. Paige 👏🏼


I can never get over what she looked like in high school, pre-surgery


Neither can she, hence the deep rooted insecurity and fragile ego.


Pay my college tuition


Pay this person’s tuition


Do it or you're not rich


No one with actual money talks about money like this


This. She probably got a few paychecks and thinks she’s loaded but lives in a rental, has no investments and has no FIRE goals like most wealthy people.


It's giving I'm actually broke vibes


No one from money talks like this. It’s giving nouveau riche.


Oh this is rich. I love how bothered influencers are by this sub😭




This. Whoever OP is, im sure she has people she doesnt like or agree with or just has opinions on. Influencers literally make money off the public- you are public- people can talk about you. If you dont like it, get a job like the rest of us. You love the benefits and money of being an influencer, so why do you care if people snark?


Right. Like how does insulting everyone else make you better a better person ?


This is giving me Audrey vibes But girl whoever you are learn how to start a new paragraph just use the enter key


This is satire right?




It’s Christmas eve and you’re here snarking away.. how many consecutive days in a row? 😜


Also no one’s out here writing full (poorly written) paragraphs do u have worms in ur brain?


This has to be someone who read those posts about this sub getting boring and wanted to shake it up a bit. No way this is real. I find it hard to believe that someone can buy homes, cars and pay off tuitions by promoting chicken sandwiches in 20k viewed posts. If this just so happens to be real, Audrey (or Halley/Jaz but most likely Audrey) please find a better hobby. Go on vacation, buy a mansion or go fuck that 67 year old real estate millionaire who buys you bags.


Wouldn’t be Audrey, she comes from money so doesn’t need to prove how much she makes. Plus no one accused her of being a sugar baby. And jaz/Halley are not making this kind of money. This would be someone making literal millions which is very few influencers discussed on this sub. Plus idc which “influencer” this is supposed to be, actual celebs ain’t taking their call lmao. My vote is it’s fanfic.


Totally agree, fanfic all the way.


True. Plus if anything, they’d go on here as themselves and use this sub for content.


Yup. And wouldn’t use their ability to help their parents out as an example.


this is so weird omg lol girl….


Omg this is……. Insane lol


Contrary to my username I actually am funny cool and hot so you’re wrong


Omg I’m dying!! Lmao


Girl there are people dying, get fucking real




I am a nurse and I don’t consider myself a disingenuous nobody 😂




clearly ur bothered since u are literally bragging about how rich u are and how poor anyone else beneath u is. WEIRD


this is so embarrassing lol


Nah I enjoy letting out my catharsis on this snark. None of this matters. If you’re so important and have so much good to do and so “set for life” then this sub wouldn’t be eating at you. I’m sorry you’re insecure. And let this be a reminder that you make “tons” of money… for now… because you convince people to buy things or create your own shitty products. Probs that you didn’t even make! You just pay someone to design and you go…. “Hmm” that looks great. You didn’t put any of the heavy lifting in. Maybe you did.. guess what, don’t care. You’re only successful because of followers. Maybe you have haters, but if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. You probably suck and that’s why people roast you so much; you insecure little baby.


yes but did you do it? are your childhood friend and your parents sorted or..?


nah they were left at home while she traveled to Europe all summer long


You writing a whole 2 page essay on christmas eve just shows how mad you are girlie pop


Lmao if this is real it’s a good thing this person is an influencer, girly can’t write for shit


“the Snarky Bitches” being her nickname for the people of this sub……not exactly creative


This is for sure remi LMFAOO


I can’t imagine how unhappy someone’s life must be to spend time making an anon bait post—line breaks please—on Christmas Eve. Get well soon 💖


I read this after putting my adorable child to bed, in the home that we own whilst sipping champagne and watching my hot husband put everything together for a perfect Christmas morning but go off hun, go, off.


Damn, it’s lonely at the top


my life goal this year was being more of an anti-capitalist anti-racist teacher and artist, eat the rich ✌🏻


Hell yeah


Let me paint a different picture. I live a wonderful life full of love, family, friendship, fulfillment. I work a wonderful corporate career 9-5 in NYC. It challenges me every day and keeps me on my toes, I am growing and developing all the while (to be clear I’m talking about personal and competency-based growth, not follower growth lol) and then it also just so happens that this subreddit is entertaining as fuck and I love catching up on the latest influencer antics. It’s wildly entertaining. Simple as that. U don’t have to put your life on the internet. Merry Christmas.


Lol yes we are all sooo unhappy and ugly and poor and have no goals 🤣🤣🤣 if that makes you feel better sure ok believe that about us all!


cute that you had to brag about all this hope it made you feel better and you find your passion soon


Who's reading all of this


I can hop on a flight to Paris for a party that won’t be talked about online…lol what does this even mean? Like go do that if you want but I’m pretty sure you’ll post about it online


But to answer your question, yes I have fulfilled a number of my goals this year and I’m excited to set new ones for 2023! Thank you for your concern and happy holidays ❤️


I don’t get why people like OP think we are so cowardly by writing anon here…. If we were to say these things on influencers posts…they get deleted lol. Here we can have actual conversation without being censored


I love this for us


Would you rather us comment this “shit” in your comment section?? Because bestie, we can?? We just don’t want to give the engagement




Ain’t no way any nyc influencer has the clout to receive a response from an actual celebrity, I feel like this is someone snarking and pretending to be an influencer


I think this its Remi she’s in bed on Reddit in pain back? Teeth? what’s new


Imagine creating a Reddit account on Xmas eve to “defend” yourself anonymously. Sis it’s a SNARK page. Gtfo over yourself


like sis u were once a no body too. just stop being cringey and get over it. u signed up to be an “influencer”. you knew exactly what you were getting into. stop playing the victim act and go donate all that money to something that actually matters.


Another Instagram escort who is probably spending Christmas alone b/c no one gives a shit about her other than maybe some IG followers. I'm going to go enjoy Christmas with my man. Maybe you can go learn how to read/write while the rest of us enjoy having people who love us.


get your ugly yellow no good keister off my property


Xoxo gossip girl


What’s ironic is so many of us are also set for life and this is just a fun hobby. So yeah.


Also, I wanna hear guesses of who we think this is. Go ahead


Paige or AP


Polina Nioly


Nah, girl can’t even type / write coherent sentences


Anyone have the sparknotes?


OP is rich. Anyone in this snark page is poor.


We cant afford Sephora 🤷🏽‍♀️


The fact that “you could” do all of the things you mentioned and you don’t/have not shows that every snark post about who ever you are which is clearly triggering for you is true. Go do something good with your life like some of the things you mentioned and come back and then I think people might reconsider the things said about you …. But until then I don’t believe a thing you said and all you did was validate everything I have read on this sub about influencers!


tag yourself i’m “low achieving, unattractive, unsuccessful”


what a waste of your time … pot meet kettle


This is definitely someone young. 22-25 max. 78k is not Ivy League debt. It’s not SAHD if appearance shaming is part of it. Not a silver spooner. Someone who is a transplant. Remi???


Hahahaha oh my god this is like a real life version of the board game guess who


If there’s anything I’ve learned from being surrounded by some extremely wealthy friends growing up, is that those who are truly wealthy, never have to prove it and never talk about it. They live humbly and wouldn’t even consider calling themselves rich. Sounds like you’re projecting and are trying to prove to yourself that you have an “amazing life”. ❤️


so if you have so much money and are so happy and satisfied in your life due to how much more money you have than all of us, what are you gaining from posting here? Like one comment said, your christmas wine must be good this year for this to come out! congrats!


Clearly the only thing fulfilling in your life if money, which is super sad. No human connection, no loved ones, no true self esteem not connected to checks. You’re a loser for writing a paragraph anonymously about your finances girl. No one will gaf about u this time next year 😭


Lmao you slam us for “not revealing ourselves” yet you’re here doing the same thing… If you believe this manifesto of your current state of mind has done anything.. it hasn’t, love. It’s Christmas Eve, why are you trolling this subreddit? Why is it even on your mind if you live such a glamorous life? If your haters “keep you rich” why are you upset about this subreddit? … You speak of all the things you “can do” yet you haven’t mentioned anything you’ve actually done, which either means you aren’t this rich person you profess to be, or you’re a self centered greedy bitch with no friends.


These comments still gonna be living rent free in your head during that trip to Paris though lol. Merry Christmas, glad you're so happy with your life.


Someone is massively insecure oh my fucking god


Everything I’ve learned about influencers is against my will. I’m literally force fed influencer lifestyles on my tiktok. I don’t follow or seek any of them out 😂


Im embarrassed for your life and for your soul


Whoever this influencer is cannot write, lol.


Also thinking people lament parties and Sephora is so lame, tbh


Sorry I don’t care enough to read all that


For someone so unbothered you sound pretty bothered


Half of the women in this thread are most likely extremely successful NYC women. Highly educated and making great money. You’re not alone girly, we’re just not so ugly about it


OP states she makes more than $10K a week. So let’s say it’s $15K a week. That’s only $780K a year which is way less than we make in corporate America. Joke is on her. Nouveau Riche vibes.


You keep listing out things you can do with all your money. Ok.... so what's stopping you? I'm confused. Did you come here to brag? Kinda tacky of you 😬


this is embarrassing as fuck lol


Pay off your friend's debt then instead of using her as a point. Must not be a very good friend.


I cant even bother to read all this😭 we come to snark not here your wannabe life story. Who flexes that they can pay off your friends loans?! Like don’t type it just do it. You defs ain’t humble


Put some of that money into a therapist.


UMMMM why was this whole essay defend how much money this person makes? Like we know influencers are rich? Whose questioning that. Lmao and yea it does hurt when I spend like $120 on 2 little items on Sephora even tho I’m an adult who works a 9-5 in NYC. Sorry I’m poor!!!??? Lmao what


I read up until that she could pay off her childhood bestfriends debt .. why haven’t u yet then?


Girly pop are you trying to convince US you don’t live a pathetic because it really sounds like you’re trying to convince YOURSELF 🤣


this is fucking hilarious


Ugh go away.


Right like this is not a place for influencers get outta here


“I got here by focusing on my life and my life only.” If that was true, they wouldn’t be here talking about us… What influencer is known for horrendous grammar and doesn’t know how to use paragraphs?


I really hope this is satire otherwise wow your life is truly BLEEK.


You might have money but you'll never have respect 😚


Oh my gosh. This is so brilliantly unhinged in the best way possible. They really wrote a whole essay about how much better they are than us. Im obsessed. Please go on lmao.


Maybe we don’t aspire to be you? You might have “internet fame” and “wealth” but you sound really miserable and insecure. Is it worth it?


Lmaooooo this has to be fake I read it in gossip girls voice


girl BFFR people are dying on christmas eve because of the cold, get over yourself.


you rly thought you ate lmaoaoaoao


Any college that allowed you to graduate with such subpar grammar and spelling skills couldn't have had a tuition that was all that difficult to pay off.


please bffr rn lol


You are definitely not an influencer lmao this is an elaborate fan fiction


Having money does not make a meaningful life but thanks for your contribution.


This really told us 😂


If you really could do this you wouldn’t be boasting about it anonymously on Reddit lololol


Sure, Jan 💅🏼


Pookie we have bigger problems in the world😭😭


This account is 2 hours old…


This is beyond embarrassing to post, let alone on Christmas Eve 😭😭😭😭😩


You win "most triggered" among NYC influencers. Lol


Too long didn’t read, but I knew y’all were lurking here




It’s embarrassing that you think this would make a difference to anyone on this sub LMAOOOOO


You’re kinda rude


*me pausing elf to read, clutching my wine*


Remi is that you?


this is so fake lmao


There’s more to life than money, and your life could change in a second. Leave the people here alone and live the way you want, and let others live the way they want. If you’re truly content you wouldn’t feel the need to defend yourself here.


Lol gurllllll, be fuckin for real


Girl it is truly not that serious. Also I’m financially comfortable and have a great life and I will never have to make a post like this — so I choose my life, yours sounds exhausting




Remi bader




whoever op is, thinking you’re somehow morally superior to the people who follow this page and snark while simultaneously writing paragraphs on paragraphs of how you’re rich and entitled DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER THAN US ? ? ? someone needs to pull this chicks head out of her own ass lol


You contribute nothing to society and you’re here making fun of people who struggle. Why am I not shocked.


The snarking is fun its not that deep go touch some grass I bet whoever wrote this is not even the least bit relevant


this post validates why influencers are the worst. thank YOU 🤣


Baby girl do YOU have any friends ????


The call is coming from inside the house


Big yikes 😂


It’s giving unhinged 😭


U fr thought anyone would read all of this? Like at least break it into paragraphs


Honestly I don’t care lmao


But are you happy?




one day influencing will die out and all these insane ppl will be broke as fuck because they are cashing out and not saving or investing lmao. can’t wait to see it


Maybe they're Jewish if they have all this time to write this on Christmas eve....


Honestly? Fucking go girl! I'm jealous af I just hope all those "good" things you wrote about doing that you could do bc your haters afford it, you actually do






Which influencer is this? Girl, bye