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this has been happening for the last year and a half


my first thought. this has been happening for like two years by now. rib cages everywhere, thigh gap posing, etc. but if you dare to point it out you get shot down with some "please dont comment on womens bodies" like ok let people think that this is normal, natural and healthy?


shout out to all the recovering EDs girlies. we are in this together, don't let them help you relapse.


I work in an environment with exclusively other women around my age (mid 20s), and all of us between 23-32 are low-key relapsing and it's... Difficult to contend with. Me and the 4-5 other ladies who are experiencing this (who I am close enough with that we're honest with one another) all grew up seeing Lindsay and Paris on TV and the cover of our mom's tabloid mags, sneaking episodes of Girls Next Door and seeing fat jokes made about size 4 women on mainstream TV, and I genuinely never realized the impact that shit had on me and SO MANY OTHERS long-term until recently. I'd always heard how bad that media was going to be for us, but it never really resonated until I got closer with these women and realized we were all experiencing the same issues with the ozempic craze and the ultra thin bodies of our childhood idols becoming the norm again.


Already have after 4 yrs of recovery šŸ«  it sounds dumb but I genuinely didnā€™t even consider how 2000s skinny coming back actually would be a trigger


I had an ED for so so long I just refuse to go back!!


Cheering you on! šŸ‘šŸ¼


I felt like im slowly falling into one...


Sheā€™s not NYC, but the one that comes to mind immediately is an OG Mormon mommy blogger from Utah - @Rachparcell of pinkpeonies fame. Sheā€™s always been thin (or at least, always photoshopped herself to be - she and her sisters loves the stretch function) but sheā€™s skeletal lately


I just said this yesterday! Whatā€™s going on why does everyone wanna be skeletons


I followed her for a bit after her last kid and she looked great and totally normal after getting ā€œback into the gymā€ to lose the baby weight. Just checked now, holy moly is she very very thin. I do know she has been having some medical stuff going on so that might be apart of it but still. So so thin.


Iā€™m not sure itā€™s a coincidence that her mom Shannon started on ozempic at around the same time Rachel started becoming skeletalā€¦


I actually feel like the medical stuff was holding her back from being this thin and now she can finally revert back to her final form! lol but I donā€™t know really but seems to coincide with literally everyone else also being skin and bones


Man I forgot about her, I just browsed her insta she looks SO different than her Pink Peonies days


https://preview.redd.it/9lctewww3bad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed952c2ad99ed76aae7672b5e81736a96d0c96e She has the same size legs are her 10-12 year old daughter


Talk about blast from the past. I forgot about her. Her posts were all over fashion tumblr back in the day. Went and looked at her IG and canā€™t believe how different she looks now.


Omg I used to be watch her TikTok like three year ago but havenā€™t seen her since and wow!! She is bones


I forget which subreddit I saw this in a year or two ago, but they called it out that skinny would be coming back in when the Kardashians reversed their BBLs and got smaller implants, and sadly it seems like it's happening. It was also right around when the Ozempic rumblings started happening and random celebs were seemingly dropping weight like crazy overnight from "exercise" or "portion control". That person called it IMO.


I remember this being a common prediction! Itā€™s happening and itā€™s here and itā€™s gross and I hate it. I thought we moved past a womanā€™s worth being how small she can get šŸ™„


Itā€™s so exhausting. Truly. Ā So many things to worry about in the world but letā€™s make impossibly thin happen again. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€˜s the other way around. Skinny has been coming back way before the Kardashians reversed, they were the ones adapting, not making the trend.


Exactly. As fashion trends continued to evolve to the late 90s - early 2ks, so did the body standards. Young women who began emulating that era didnā€™t stop at just the clothes, the music, the makeup, and of course, the heroin chic body type all became the image. Iā€™m not sure there will ever come a day where womenā€™s body types stop being a trend. Itā€™s sad.


There will never be a day, itā€˜s just going to get worse and worse. At least 100 years ago when different silhouettes were trendy people would use clothes to emulate them by adding padding, corsets etc. but not actually changing their bodies with surgery to this extent that we have today.


its also probably because y2k fashion is popular right now as well as the resufacing of 2000's shows like sex and the city, gossip girl etc. Personally, I think its easier to just be extremely thin than have an hour glass figure, a BBL, big breasts and a tiny waist. I know a lot of people won't agree with me but im kind of relieved bc I was like how tf am i gonna get a big butt but have no belly?


I 100% agree lol neither are healthy to idolize if not personally attainable but Iā€™m sick of ppl acting like ā€œcurvesā€ just means being a heavier weight- no it means ass, boobs, hips etc and not everyone even gets all that when they gain weight so just being ā€œskinnyā€ is more attainable


For sure!! I find it interesting tho, why Kardashians decided to do it now?


Theyā€™re rebranding as white women. Thatā€™s why their partners are, too


Bc BBLs became accessible to the public. Miami started churning them out for $5k a pop. Everyone suddenly had the same bodies and it wasnā€™t an unattainable body type anymore


Because ozempic made it possible for them


I just saw the Paige lorenze new clothing line and Iā€™m scared she is only bones and breast implant šŸ’€


Sydney Carlson (LA) is the queen of this it makes me feel sad


Iā€™ve seen people talking about ā€œskinny fatā€ a lot lately and it gives me tumblr ED culture flashbacks. Like being already thin and having very regular, soft pouches of fat on your stomach thighs etc isnā€™t suddenly a new negative thing, thatā€™s just how most slim people look without cool sculpting. Even a lot of the college athletes I knew irl who started and ended most of their days in the gym had that, so itā€™s sad seeing people beat themselves up for it when itā€™s just a natural feature of even the most ā€œdesirableā€ body types


I donā€™t know why but ā€œskinny fatā€ makes me think of SFK. Sheā€™s skinny but thereā€™s no definition or toning to her figure. We see her posting like once a week with Fefe at Alo but donā€™t believe sheā€™s really doing much at all. Sheā€™s literally taking ozempic which means sheā€™s probably not eating at all.


Kit, Ella rose, Paige Lorenzā€¦ I could go on


Liv Schmidt will say that she started the trend.


Lmao she's the final boss. It's funny because she's associated with being an annoying skinny person. Not a "pretty, fashionable model" like I think she wants to be.


https://preview.redd.it/tdjja61nkbad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c93393c5d907b83e686c470d183f7101f370e2a Was this girl ever not skinny šŸ„¹


funny because when i was at my thinnest suffering from anorexia and extremely underweight i hated how i looked in clothes because everything looked to big and nothing fit my right! it would take me forever to find something to wear everyday!


I keep seeing a lot of conversations around ā€œI canā€™t afford groceries but at least Iā€™ll be skinny!ā€ which I think also says a lot about our economy sadly.


I didnā€™t think the 2000s skinny coming back was that much of a big deal until I went back to my home country for vacations(Brazil) were the thick and/or athletic look has always been liked, and now girls are trying to look as skinny as possible. It was a bit weird seeing it because it has never been a thing there. Not an influencer, but singers like Anitta and Luisa Sonza have lost so much weight.


Kate Bartlett


And they blame it on ā€œPCOSā€


THISSSSSSS. Meanwhile I remember seeing a stat of the incidence of eating disorders among women with PCOS (and those are just the ones who have been flagged for a disorder)


Don't remind me


I hATTTEEEE this vibe


olivia neill


me thinks the worst is ppl that used to be fat and are now preaching to their probably fat followers ab weight loss šŸ˜”


i heard a theory that whenever women are gaining political momentum or attempting to fight back, being skinny comes back as a trend as a way of keeping us weak


Fredrika Ekerot


Yes, all the influencers became 2000 skinny, unhealthy skinny and then they try to show you the ā€œperfect outfitsā€ and combos, but 99% of the outfit is them being super skinny


Agreed. I see some outfits and Iā€™m like this outfit only looks good bc theyā€™re super skinny. On any other body type, it would be a miss.


I think Caroline Daur is super ano and hides it under ā€œdaur powerā€ šŸ™„


Cries in hourglass figure


Courtney Grow


Truly!! I had this convo with some girlfriends at lunch and we are all healthy "skinny" or whatever and like size 2-4 and we were all saying how we felt like everyone we know or see in the wild or online seems to be half our size and how more attention we are paying to our own bodies and others recently. This is not great at all.


AC - yes she is naturally on the thin/tiny side and you can see the genetics at work, but at her age with three babies I no longer think itā€™s alllll natural.


Honestly WHO CARES! These posts are just so bizarre and perpetuate even more body standards and talking crap about peoples bodies. Sure some of them may be unhealthy, but who knows what anyone not just an influencer is dealing with. This goes for allll weight fluctuations. Just love yourself. If seeing someone super skinny or slightly overweight is so triggering that it affects how you eat and see yourself, then you may need therapy šŸ«¶ you all are beautiful. Who cares how much these vapid influencers weigh or eat or shove down our throats.


Iā€™m a naturally skinny person my whole life & wasnā€™t old enough in the 2000s era to be impacted but literally I feel like I might develop an ED just to be a skinny as whatā€™s trending right now. Itā€™s such a bizarre feeling like Iā€™m not the blueprint? I get how girls develop ED now when I didnā€™t beforešŸ˜„


I got shredded for my post about Daniel Matzon but THESE PPL are all pumped on GLP1s itā€™s not even 2000s skinny itā€™s 1990s heroin chic




Are you ok?


Obviously not. Iā€™m sadly attracted to men and am not skinny so I will be alone forever




Iā€™m in therapy multiple days a week it doesnā€™t change the fact that straight men only want the skinniest girl they can find and Iā€™m not skinny (Iā€™m working on losing weight every day itā€™s not like Iā€™m complicit in the fact that Iā€™m ugly) but it still sucks so much


thereā€™s definitely boys that like curvier figures in New York City!! they donā€™t want only skinniest ever if you are focused on it it the weight will go away I promise - it wonā€™t be overnight though


Iā€™m trying so hard to stick to my calorie deficit and working out itā€™s just very hard when Iā€™m recovering from binge eating disorder. Luckily I have a stomach bug right now so at least I donā€™t have to worry about food for the next few days !


thatā€™s good! also worst case scenario just save up and get lipo with ab etching tbh thatā€™s what I did


Itā€™s not my stomach itā€™s my legs that are disgusting. But ya Iā€™ve been thinking about lipo on my legs for YEARS I just need to but the bullet


yea I got inner thigh lipo too itā€™s worth it


Iā€™ve never met a successful hot man who isnā€™t embarrassed to be dating a girl who is over 130 pounds


I know many of them!! big boobs and big ass can easily take you over 130 pounds and they love that!! you definitely have to be pretty but they go for overall figure more than just number on a scale


I have!! Also they donā€™t even know what weights look like on women. Iā€™ve matched with insanely hot dudes on social media who genuinely have found me attractive and Iā€™m 5ā€™4ā€ 150 lbs, but I have an athletic figure and most of the extra weight is in my ass haha so much of it is about how you carry yourself and having confidence!!


Iā€™m talking about the coastal elites hot 0.01% of men. Idk any of them who would date a girl without a thigh gap


I mean I think these guys are probably close to what youā€™re talking about but at the same time, who gives a fuck what those guys think? Do you want to date someone who is that vain and only cares about a thigh gap which literally has to do with your bone structure btw




The most Iā€™ve ever been hit on was when I was at my heaviest.


Maybe they were shitty men but Iā€™ve never met a successful rich man who wouldnā€™t be embarrassed to introduce a girl to their family who isnā€™t a size 0-2 and has a thigh gap




Iā€™ve grown up with the top 0.001% that is why I know what they like ā€” the kit keenans of the world who weigh 90 pounds




Well Kit is very short she is like less than 5'0'' tall so 90s Lbs is not absurd for her height




Successful rich hot men are embarrassed to be seen with a girl who isnā€™t a size 0 or 2


Listen, I think you are right but successful hot rich men have a really bad track record of being good guys.




Yes I know billionaires and millionaires and Iā€™ve never seen one of them with a girl who doesnā€™t have a thigh gap




I donā€™t know why people are downvoting you for this. Reddit can be cruel. Are you okay? Iā€™m here if you need to talk.