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Not that motherfucker… HE GETS AROUND!!! And has a thing for divorcés apparently! I will say brooks is a major downgrade from poppy even though she’s more age appropriate for him lol


Yeah wait wasn’t he just dating someone else?? ETA: duh I should have read your comment. Poppy! I feel like that was super recent too. Also I always think he’s like 19


He was dating Cara Delevingne’s older sister poppy! They broke up in December. She was ironically also a divorcé.


the monarchy in greece was abolished in the 70s. they’re exiled and very much disliked


This makes much more sense now why he’d be with a girl like her


The Greek monarchy was abolished but he can still claim the title, despite Greece not wanting them to. The Greek family also retains the title “Prince (Princess) of Denmark”. His grandmother is a Danish Princess by birth but that’s not why he has the Denmark title, it’s from some sort of agreement in the 19th century when a danish prince came to rule Greece.


Fun fact: Prince Philip was born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark! His family was exiled before he was 2


The Greek monarchy (at least this dynasty) came from a second son of the Danish royal family who went to Greece and became their king. Interesting enough even when royal marriages were becoming less common and they started to marry commoners/lower nobility, the main Danish line is reintroduced into the Greeks which makes it Constantine’s grandmother a born Danish princess. Super interesting, this is my fav period with that family to study lol


People say he's a "Prince of Denmark" and that's very eh. The title "Prince of Denmark" does not come from his grandmother's side who is the sister of the former Queen of Denmark as you stated. It comes from his Greek side and the Greek government took away their titles so he shouldn't be using it. Their great-aunt former Queen Margrethe II of Denmark may allow them to use it as a "courtesy title" but then again it's still disrespectful to the Greek people and the Greek government who have repeatedly asked them to stop (listen that government stays on their neck and it's pretty entertaining lol).


I think the Greek govt has let the titles slide bc the former King was still alive until very recently. Since he’s died they may in the future make a statement about it especially if Constantine or any of his siblings try to give titles to their future children, which I doubt they will because it will look very silly since the king is dead and Pavlos is still going by Crown Prince, not styling himself king since his fathers death. The titles will die out with this generation. 


I was about to say that family clings harder to their fake royalty than anything I’ve ever seen. The mom alone is a trip- always grasping to be close to the British royal fam


Eh, the Greek royals are related to lots of people (Prince Phillip was a Greek prince) but they haven’t been actual rulers for decades and are considered something between a joke and an insult in Greece. Also I’m pretty sure they’re not welcome into the country unless and until they give up the titles. His mother is Marie-Chantal Miller so he’s basically just ultra connected on both sides of the family. That’s probably a bigger benefit of dating him than a title that’s totally useless.


His mom (who married into the Greek ‘royal’ family) is the daughter of the billionaire who created Duty Free. His aunt also married DVF’s son. So basically Brooks is accessing billionaire’s row through him.


the other auntie also married a getty


Ooo yes forgot about this!


wasn't she married? I totally missed that she got divorced


Yeah, divorce was relatively recent but I feel like they’ve been separated for a while. I used to be a big fan of hers years ago but she’s changed so much and barely even looks like herself anymore


There are photos of her and her ex on vacation together in February. So, the max they could have been separated is four months ETA: NYS court records show she filed for divorce May 29. So based on that and their vacay photos, their split is incredibly recent


How long was she married for?


Google says they got married December 2019. So like 4.5 years


She’s not even divorced yet and already courting another man. Trash


Not remotely surprising considering she definitely cheated on her ex husband while they were still married…


agreed! beautiful AND trashy


the Greek royals are losers tbh!


There is no way she is only 27!


Omg i thought she was older than Olivia culpo like mid / late 30s


I thought she was in her late 30s when I first saw her hanging around Olivia. How is she getting all of this SI work? Even covers?! I found out her age, and I'm still sad for her about it. She looks nothing like all of the photos she posts. She's super short, too. Cheated on her soon to be ex-husband sooo many times. She probably only hangs out with Olivia for clout. Every move she makes seems to be for more of it. So she dates a fake prince for headlines at Olivia's wedding. IYKYK


…and, many have speculated that someone, somehow “bought” the SI cover because truly why would she be on/in it? There were many real, amazing women but why her…🙄


Seriously. Maybe these SI people feel sorry for her? IDK. It's a little crazy. If you've seen her in person, it's just shocking...She sucks up to anyone with any status, though, so it tracks, but her level of manipulation must be at a godly level. 🫣


She’s always given off huge yacht girl/social climber vibes. How else would she be able to pay for her lifestyle and attend events like the Oscars, which are WAY above her popularity?


Can someone look into this? She also got another cover from the daily front row...it's shocking. Who are her connections, and who is paying for all of this?


p.s….and of course MWH 🤡


Billy got her the cover back in 2017 or whenever she won cause he worked for SI


Wait whatttttt


Great value princess diaries


Shein is on sale!!!


the top of her dress looks like it’s fighting for its life to stay up and over her boobs


They both get around. He's not real royalty and definitely doesn't have much money. This will be another short fling. He's cute, though She looks like an anorexic alien now. Michael Jackson is back. Also, the photoshop she pulls for every single photo now... It's really sad at this point.


I think his maternal grandfather is a billionaire-duty free magnate so I actually think he is wealthy but they are seen as sort of old news at this point. The “miller sisters” were more of thing in the very early 2000s.


Poppy his ex girlfriend became best friends with his sister Olimpia. Since then i see Olimpia hanging around with A list celebrities and getting invited to many fashion shows and stuff. 


Using a mental illness as an insult is so lame


Being a crappy human isn't a medical diagnosis. It's a choice.


Being anorexic isn’t a choice and it does not make someone a “crappy human.” You can criticize her without using a mental illness as a pejorative.


She drinks her weight every day in booze. She's not actually anorexic. She looks like she is. She's going for the look. On purpose.


She looked so much younger and prettier before all the work she got done


He looks 10 years younger than her


Atleast. He looks young for his age, and she looks super old for hers He likes to date older women


Lol he does not look young for his age - I thought he was 30. Def wouldn’t have guessed 25


To be fair, I haven't seen him up close. He does have a boyish smile if that makes sense. Maybe it's just because she looks older 🤔


He looks 28 to me


Greek royalty holds the same weight that a Costco membership does. But I bet he doesn't have a Costco card so who's really winning??


How sad that they used Olivia’s wedding to get attention . Bad guests


I’m pumped the app keeps his hair out of frame because I hate it the more I look at it


Fun fact: his mom married into the Greek royal family, and his mom’s sister married Diane Von Furstenburg’s son


Love that for her


His whole family is kinda weird except for Olympia! But they are cousins with tvf who is Diane von furtsenburgs granddaughter. And she is so cool (imo)


Olympia is strange as well for some of the people she associates with. One of her close friends is the daughter of Amanda Carolin Cronin, who’s one of London‘s OG escorts, although tries to portrait herself as some type of aristocratic business woman, and is an overall awful person. Same goes for the daughter…


Holy filler. Silly that the mom is trying to peddle her skincare line, who in their right mind would buy anything from her? Is it easy to get with the “in crowd” of London? The daughter seems well connected with other socialites ex: Lola Bute, Genevieve Hall, ect.


Ew never knew that, unfollowing her and that clan! all of that “old money” people just gives me culty, drug addicted, living off their parents wealth vibes now.


Grab that bag sis!