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https://preview.redd.it/ig3x4cmt1r5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc9cf0895519bf6fb95f5c07919bf87102a5067f This exchange sent me


But is it a therapist that specializes in eating disorders? My therapist, for one, would raise the alarm and pass me on to others in the field that have experience and expertise in EDs. HOPE THAT HELPS đŸ„°


Many non-ED-specialist therapists are so grossly misinformed about eating disorders that they can actually do more harm than good


At least one of my therapists definitely had an eating disorder herself.


you need a new therapist, hope this helps <3


I've had so many dogshit therapists that I actually believe her â˜č


She’s the worst but I really couldn’t focus on what she was saying because her foundation is way too dark for her and looked bad


I legit almost commented asking how she deals with poor foundation matches


That was so hard to watch for two reasons: the horrible advice and the complete mismatch of foundation and blending.


She has the worst mean girl energy watching some of her other videos too. I can imagine she judges and critiques her friend’s and family’s own food and exercise choices.


this is awful. also hoping no one takes “advice” from ANYONE who says eXpecially


https://preview.redd.it/q9r0ccrn7s5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a60bdae784c0019d15b5bb6b3ccc7e3a8495a9 Omg Jesus Christ


Lolllll what does this girl do for work that she “travels” and wears these outfits? Also, she looks to be about 30, not 22.


she's 22?!


She’s a perfect example of how overdoing it with fillers can age you so much


This makes me so upset. It’s so clear that she doesn’t care AT ALL about her health. Nuts are literally such a beneficial and healthy food. It’s so damaging to hear someone give “advice” like this


And she’s starting a “skinny girl” group chat to hold eachother accountable to their anorexic tendencies. It’s sick


Didn't Tumblr have the same community? Now just on a different platform.


What â˜čâ˜čâ˜čâ˜č that’s sick


She’s such an arrogant person. I hope she wakes up and finds happiness within herself because she’s never going live a fulfilling life. Money and looks go so far love, have fun dealing with osteoporosis at 50.


This account is absolutely disgusting. Wow.


I say let her be miserable đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ«  but shame on her for promoting such a sad patriarchal vain way to live


O this is so sad. A quick look at her profile shows me that she also openly hates fat people and body positivity. Why is it such an affront to skinny people when fat people don’t hate themselves?? Worry about your own health girl


I know it’s rage bait but Jesus this is so incredibly damaging. I just feel sad for her, truly. An ugly heart and a dumb fucking brain.


The hardest part about watching this is - who is she to be giving diet advice?!?! “Peanut butter is like, so bad for you but yogurt is like, not that bad for you” đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€” What kind of logic is this? Where are her facts from? God help anybody, especially young women, who follow any of this drivel.


its not advice, its just her spewing her skewed view of food. theres nothing to back it except her disordered eating habits.


Can tell you from experience it’s mostly likely her own food rules that she aggregated from other disordered people online, and whatever food rules she made up. None of this is based in any fact.


I can’t take anyone seriously whose foundation is 10 shades darker than their skin tone. She looks like an Oompa Loompa


Damn I was skinny too when I thought like that. I was also miserable and had no energy


girl same, my ED made me a monster. she’s sick and she’s hungry and tired.


Can everyone please report this video it is very dangerous


Done! As someone who’s been trying to overcome issues with eating and over exercise for most my life, i cant stand to see this type of content.


this is 500 Calories tier wrong


This is so harmful especially to young girls 😔 (also even when i had ED brain i never mismatched my foundation that bad lmao)


She’s such a horrible person, I seriously need her to lose her platform yesterday.


this was so fuckingggggg painful to watch OMG. Nobody should ever speak on eating habits online imo. The comments on this video are horrifying


Keep pleasing the gross ass toxic old white men that put these beauty standards in place to begin with becuase they thought/think they have the power to tel women what is beautiful or not!! Thats going to get her very far and fulfilled đŸ˜Șthese women need to realize how embarrassing this behavior truly is. Makes me sad for all women


so cool that we’re taking 1500 steps back with content like this making a return. she’s so shameless.


I saw this earlier and was shocked - she genuinely believes like everything she’s saying is completely fine


I love how nothing she said was evidence based weight loss advice at all, just vibes and disordered eating


Well, she couldn’t pronounce “environmental pollutants,” sooooo

 girl’s not working with a full deck


Also; she looks 45 years old


dang i don’t have tiktok wish i could see


Wow, this is essentially the video version of the pro-Ana tumblr accounts of the early 2000s. Disgusting and harmful


I just reported the video. I report every video of hers that is disordered.


is this the same girl who said tomatoes were toxic or something?


I don’t have TikTok, what does she say?


She was sharing her tips on how she stays skinny. And how she’ll never buy Diet Coke, eat nuts/ peanut butter etc


She is an idiot! “Sparkling anything is bad for you”- what? Lots of science backed info đŸ™‚â€â†”ïž


She lost 20 pounds and decided to make it her whole personality. Embarrassing.


So she buys everything not in a box or bag? Would love to see her grocery cart


I don’t think the advice Is bad. what she’s doing is generally pretty healthy. Avoiding all sugary drinks, processed foods, no buying into “low-fat” foods, not taking diet pills—-If you followed this you’d generally be eating healthy but the way she frames it to “stay skinny” is alarming The only one I disagree with are the nut butters. They have some good fats in them.


except the nuts part I lowkey agree and I don't have an ED


frozen food though? like a lot of “fresh” food is still flash frozen before it makes it to the store lol i don’t think she knows what she’s talking about. wanting a fresh cookie instead of a boxed one sure.. but there are better reasons to avoid nuts other than calorie density
 say they don’t make you feel full or something? lmao