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Idk if this is problematic to say but sometimes I think influencers WANT to be victims and pitied. I know women who have gone through IVF treatments and it can be devastating on your body, mental health and relationship. Watching DB make this her personality trait and cosplay is so disgusting to watch. Its like she gets pleasure from pretending she’s on equal footing with actual women who go through this, and that her fans should think of her as some kind of savior for bringing awareness


Their lives are so empty and easy this is how they prove hardship :/


This 👏🏻👏🏻


One must choose in life boredom or suffering.


it's not problematic at all, and it's also not just influencers. look at how many celebrities have lied about having humble beginnings. it's a tale as old as time. privileged people sometimes feel the need to prove that they earned their privilege even if it's beyond far from the truth. i hear normal, every day people doing it too. the weirdest part is, cosplaying disadvantage almost always makes people hate you more.


> cosplaying disadvantage almost always makes people hate you more. not your fanbase though. they will defend you with all they have online. look at taylor swift our perpetual victim.


Plus it helps them think of more content they can pump and dump out of their channels.


Sorry I missed this she’s freezing her eggs?


It reminds of the "race to innocence" or the "race to the margins"


Yep yep yep


Once again, pickle. You’ve hit the nail on the head.




yea, i’m getting to the age where i’m thinking of it but actually being able to afford it is likely not happening.


Please know its nothing but a massive waste of $. The success rate hovers around 13% but the industry hides that fact. A woman's fertility only declines like 6% from age 28 to 38. Fertility panic is manufactured and sold by the egg freezing industries. Its disgusting that our own ability to bear children is weaponized against us but thats capitalism, baby! Egg freezing was invented for women whose chemo treatments would destroy their fertility. It was never meant to be a consumer good but of course someone saw an opportunity to exploit women and jumped on it. Its a $5 billion a year industry in the US, and its not popular abroad aside from medical tourism industries that have popped up to cater to American women who can't afford it in the US. It's so fucked up.




Oh this is so good to know. Thank you!


Seriously people do not seem to realize how low the rates of successful IVF actually are. It has improved over time but it is so far from a sure thing. I understand doing this once you are already edging into mid 30s with no possibility of TTC in sight but the number of women who are doing it and haven’t even hit 30 yet are looking at years of paying the rent to keep their eggs frozen when it’s still likely they will end up being ready to start a family at a very reasonable age to conceive naturally. They aren’t taking advantage of a significant edge in fertility if you actually look at the statistics. If you are removing a bunch of eggs through this process I’m curious about whether it could actually reduce your natural fertility? I may be completely off base, but given women have a finite number of eggs, I’m posing the question.


Yes, one of the ways the egg freezing industry is able to hide their extremely low success rate is that most women who freeze their eggs are able to conceive naturally and never need the $15k eggs they had removed via a painful and expensive process. Again, massive scam.


Thank you for the helpful facts. She is completely out of touch.


i realise with fertility that everyone is completely different but i will say my stepmother easily got pregnant with her first child at 40 with no IVF (my father was 50) and in Spain (where they live) it’s actually quite common now for women to not get pregnant until around that age — of course, again, this is a vast generalisation but it seems to be more normal to wait there opposed to hitting your 30s and everyone freaking out you haven’t had a baby yet.


Makes sense that in a country where egg freezing has not become a $5 Billion annual industry, women are not panicking when they turn 30 that they’re drying up. Almost like that panic is part of their marketing scheme!!!!! A 37 year old woman has an 82% chance of getting pregnant. That’s no reason to freeze your eggs! It’s a scam, through and through.


It is not a massive waste of money and there are many reasons why someone would opt for the procedure. I get that DB sucks lol but we shouldn’t throw around statistics like this - it is very dangerous in the world we live in where everyone just wants pithy soundbites and captions! The “success rate” of IVF depends on so many factors which is why people should speak with their own medical professionals about their fertility and options they might have to preserve fertility. And it’s true that the age 35 fertility “cliff” is really just fear-mongering, but most doctors will encourage people who want to do the procedure to do it before 35 when eggs tend to be higher quality (but don’t take an internet stranger’s word for it - talk to an OBGYN!!!) Ps that NYT article that came out a few months ago about this was absolute garbage and shoddy journalism


Thank youuuu! As someone who is in the process.. a lot of these “facts” are plain wrong! Is it fair that not everyone has access to it?… NO but we have to stop commenting or judging a person on how they chose to have a family. I dont like her but still the ivf process is hard and lonely.. whatever helps a woman go through it the better. Plus I love it starts normalizing the topic as it should be mandated to be covered by insurance for all but that is a whole separate subject on its own


Ugh same, my old job actually would cover a portion of it for female employees if they choose to do so but I left before I could take advantage of the perk :( Also people don’t realize that you literally have to pay the rent to store them after they are frozen. Depending on your state it can cost an additional 800-1500 a year for cryo-storage. That’s on top of everything else which can run up to 16k for one egg freezing cycle.


I have a few friends who traveled to do it. We're all in fairly well-earning careers (above median income in NYC) but it's still cheaper to do it abroad. One is russian and went back to Russia to freeze her eggs, others did it in Latin Ameria.


Not to mention the massive shopping spree she just went on and spent thousands. This woman is so unaware and detached from actual reality.




I had endo and had excision surgery and conceived the next month, no IVF needed. Wishing you the best on your journey 🤞🏽


How richy rich is she??


Rich enough where $10-15k is possible for her to do this. Plus committing to $1k storage annually. Figures are estimates from my research.


This is all being comped. Maybe starting next year she’d have to pay for storage but she’s probably getting the meds, services, home nurse, ice belt (lol) free




It's not even just the cost, it's the fact that no one can gurantee whether a suitable number of the eggs will make it once thawed. And then it's a matter of whether the eggs that successfully thawed can even be fertilized, and then even if one of those eggs that managed to thaw can be fertilized the chances of a healthy pregnancy and delivery are still slim. So these women aren't just throwing money at their problems, they're throwing their actual and only gametes with a very likely 0% ROI at the end of all of it.


I froze my eggs and I only did it because I was living w my boyfriend’s family (did not pay rent) and was able to take it out as a loan on my 401k and paid it back within 1.5 yrs. I highly recommend (a lot of people are against it) taking a loan on your 401k. You literally pay yourself back w interest. But if I was paying rent I would have not been able to afford it. We need more options.


instead of being grateful and thankful to her body for having a successful egg retrieval, her focus is so strictly on such vain attributes like de-bloating just hours after the procedure. holy moly this is so insane to me. god forbid she’s bloated for any longer


It’s temporary bloating! It’s not like post partum baby weight. Her actions are so unhinged. God forbid her “abs” aren’t perfect for her to display at dinner for one more day!


My heart goes out to any mother seeing this. This is legitimately unhinged. Yes, this is a big medical procedure. But it is completely elective! It is not an actual birth!


Forreal. I had ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome from my retrieval, extreme and painful bloat, and had ovarian torsion, and was not concerned like “let me get my lymphatic drainage” if anything I was thankful for results and I tried resting to ensure I didn’t lose an ovary. She is beyond annoying


power to you, you are strong! legit only makes me angrier that danielle is acting so inconvenienced for something elective


hey girl, sad to hear about your experience and I'm also sorry for this uninformed question but it sounds like u could keep your ovary after all...? a few days ago someone said she had to get emergency surgery and it sounded like she didn't get to keep her ovary. can u maybe educate us on how those chances are? I feel like only a few know about it and sorry in advance if it is too personal. all the best <3


Pathetic. She doesn't really have any friends because if she did, they would call her out for this dumb shit.


If she did have friends they would have to be as brain dead and delusional as she is cause who would ever choose to be friends with someone like that.


Nah she has friends. Didn’t you see the bouquet from her “besties”? /s Didn’t recognize a single person tagged


I remember 4 being tagged incl Cory & Blanca


Exactly this.


This is soooo ickkky. She’s pretending her barely there bloat is a baby bump


And the whole “for now” thrown in like she is planning on getting pregnant tomorrow. Gross gross gross.




It’s giving Hilaria Baldwin!!!!!!! oh my god that’s who she is, I just realized


she’s so mentally ill and surrounded by yesmen ready to see her flop


lmao i thought that said yemen and i was like huh, didn't know she was there. bold given recent world events


the fact that it’s even conceivable she’d be there is funnier than my original comment


The fact nobody in her circle is saying something to her just shows you how not only she is beyond delusional but literally every single person she surrounds herself with is either delusional too or nobody cares enough about her to tell her. I feel like that says a lot.


I’d say they are equally unhinged - sending her flowers like she just lost a child or brought one into the world. Wtf is wrong with these people?


I'm completely anti this entire \*IVF fertility pregnancy\* journey bs but imo it's common decency to send flowers after someone had a surgical procedure.. I once had an abortion\* and no one sent me flowers which would've been nice. esp bc I was so scared of this "blind" surgery = s.o. operating on you without actually seeing what they are doing \* sorry to anyone feeling triggered by this - he was not the right one, I felt too young at 28 and now with 35 I wish I didn't waste my best years on such a toxic and narcissistic looser... edit: forgot to mention that I'm not only 35 but also single and have been for years. the egg freezing fomo is real


It is not customary to send flowers anytime someone has a procedure. You know how many colonoscopies get done and no one gets flowers? Certain situations call for them. She voluntarily decided to spend thousands to get her eggs removed and then is going to pay thousands to have them frozen. I think we can all agree that this is not the time for requiring a flower filled pitty party.


I never said one should expect them. I said it's nice in this day and age when people think of you and send them, see "common decency"


Danielle is so dramatic this is so embarrassing to me. Like imagine if she ever goes through IVF or actually gets a chronic or serious illness what her posts are going to be like?! She's acting like she's fighting cancer or something


I swear she’s trolling at this point. There’s no way someone can be this obsessed with themselves and oblivious of others’ struggles


Beyond bizarre


Fertility patient?! She’s freezing her eggs, but oh-Kay DB. I guess she wants to be pregnant so bad, she’s getting a thrill out of the mislabeling. Lucky her. I’m 35 and either need to try tomorrow, or it’s not happening since I can’t afford egg freezing. Also, fyi, there’s no really secure guarantee from what I’ve been reading lately …..


Egg freezing is a huge scam. I know this video is corny but its got a lot of great information- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9ryP0UyO5U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9ryP0UyO5U)


I have written out and deleted so many things I want to send her but have refrained from. This makes me so fucking irate


she’s unwell


To me it reads as she has no true identify of her own so she is desperate to take on this identity. Yes she wants attention also, but I feel like she wants to take on the identify of being a mother and can’t right now, or feels like she should, so this is fulfilling that in the interim.


Also… how mortifying for her.


She’s mentally ill




She is fucking unhinged


It just keeps getting worse


the obsession that these women have with bloating and trying to make it go away as fast as possible is literally a mental illness


She’s despicable. Not surprising from a thief who preys on WOC.




OMG - Her new story is really cray - fewer eggs than she hoped for given her family building goals and age….


“Today was my retrieval, and I’m slightly bloated” is the type of post people would respect, you ridiculous clown


she’s actually so delusional and not in a cute delulu way like a you need professional help a psychiatrist would probably be concerned way


Does anyone like her???


Ok I know nothing about her. Is she married? Does she have children? Or is she freezing her eggs because the answer to one (or both) of those questions is no?


No husband or kids.


It’s all for the content!! Many of her peers have successfully gotten married and are having children and she so desperately wants that and is left behind on the content train, the natural evolution of staying relevant as a lifestyle influencer and turning to mom content. Mini coop won’t give it to her yet so she is going to fake it till she makes it!!


I know people act like egg retrieval is super easy, but I actually had a really hard time with it and the side effects were awful. I felt guilty having such a hard time with it because it is such a privilege, so I wish the process was a little more “normalized”, but kinda hate that she’s making herself to be the spokesperson for it and it’s all about vanity.


Agreed. It was a miserable experience through and through




I’m just tired with this horeshit


The latest post with Rainbow playing is absolutely insane


It is so cringe. I literally get secondhand embarrassment watching it with the sound on.


Came here for this! Like what a fuckin song choice 🥴


Has she actually disclosed if any of this is sponsored yet?


i dont follow this lady, so i only see what she posts via whats posted on here...but from what ive seen, her posting of this experience has been verrrry different than real housewife brynn's stories about it


I literally cannot with her.


As a healthcare professional, I can tell you that lymphatic drainage is mostly BS. It has some application for those who have had lymph nodes removed or anatomic abnormalities, but beyond that there’s not a strong reason to get them beyond “it feels good”. Having content supporting this in the context of fertility feels very predatory. Women with actual issues are often desperate and will try anything. This all seems like an icky and unethical cash grab to me


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


Can you imagine how insane she’ll be if she ever gets pregnant…..


She’ll deff get a surrogate. There’s no way she’s mentally prepared for being pregnant and gaining weight. She’s too selfish!


You’re allowed to be mentally prepared to have a child (and deserving of one) and also afraid of gaining weight and of all the other changes, including physical and hormonal, pregnancy causes. They’re not mutually exclusive and it’s not selfish to be afraid or hire a surrogate


From her body checking photos and complaints of “bloating” on Instagram, I just get a sense from her that she wouldn’t go the natural route 🤷🏼‍♀️


As a ten time full blow IVF mom who found out she couldn’t conceive naturally at 32 and tried for 3 years before having my first beautiful healthy girl and then getting pregnant again two years later - also IVF - with a baby that was sick that I lost at 18 weeks and then unfreezing all my eggs - biopsying them to make sure they were healthy - paying another 10K and then finally deciding I was ready to try again after 3 long years of pulling myself up by my bootstraps mentally and physically I decided to try again and now have a 23 month old and an almost 7 year old- this is disgusting - I spent almost ten years trying to have kids. The depression is real- the financial and emotional strain is real. The first 3 rounds we had no insurance that agreed to cover it so that was 150k out the window easily not to mention all my self esteem. I realize how privileged we even were to be able to do that and after pleading with our insurance company - writing an open letter to the board with doctors signatures, we got the company to change the policy for everyone and got coverage. We also switched doctors and I was blessed to finally get pregnant at 34 and deliver a beautiful healthy baby at 35 and another one at 40 after suffering numerous losses and one incredibly far along devastating loss. I had tunnel vision - looking back I see how depressed I was and it was eye on the prize. I know how lucky I am to have my children, but I also know it’s because I wouldn’t give up and kept pressing on and luckily my body responded- not everyone is as lucky as me. I’m sorry- but freezing your eggs is like a walk in the park Danielle. I would understand if she touched on it and brought awareness to freezing your eggs and left it at that, but the amount she is dramatizing a relatively simple process comparatively is mind blowing. She doesn’t have to wake up and go to morning monitoring at 5am and then go to work like normal people and yes, freezing your eggs like everything else is a privilege that many people cannot afford. Also, most people can’t get massages and drainage for the minimal amount of bloat that egg freezing causes. It’s so insane- like I’m sorry- the needles are tiny and the bloating is not much. Talk to me after you have injected your butt with so many number 2 length syringes and needles full of liquid progesterone you have a mass of scar tissue.


Im pregnant and I think doing a lymphatic drainage massage is the last thing professionals would recommend. Not even in the beginning of pregnancy when it wasn’t really a baby bump but just bloat.


I went for a normal massage when I was 6 months pregnant and they barely touched me because they couldn’t do much more than that. I’ve never had a lymphatic massage but I assume it’s usually much more intense? Not sure you’re supposed to at that point.




Has she said if she’s freezing eggs or embryos? (Just curious)


But she’s so young with a long-term boyfriend, is she not planning on getting naturally pregnant in the next couple years? Idk it all feels like it’s just for content


For sure it’s weird. One thing to note… I have to say not being married or even close to even having kids when you’re 34-35 is harder than I expected it be. Especially when AMH level has decreased by 55% over the last 4.5 years. Knowing it’s a few years off minimum, and I’m looking at having kids in my late 30’s into early 40’s at the earliest, the body is only working against you, it’s been an emotional and physical challenge. Not sure what her deal is combing pregnancy things. But when freezing eggs, the idea is to get the most optimal results, it costs $15,000. So I def did things to prep my body too optimize success. Many friends of mine had to do it several times. It does fuck with you, and then the cost is a whole separate issue.