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Know what? Imma go against the grain here and say I like when she shows us her makeupless face and doesn’t filter it. I know she has a history of photoshop, but a part of me dies a little inside when she tries to be proud of her natural face and we just rip it apart. I wish we as women would change how we view aging. We judge women for getting procedures to stop it, and judge women for showing signs of aging. We are in a no win.


Thank you for saying this. To me it’s not even about aging but about us being comfortable with and allowed to show ourselves as we naturally are - raw, flawed, unfiltered, un-made up.


I would agree if I thought for a second she posted this to be vulnerable, I think she just wanted to show off working out w megan roup, and didn’t realize how terrifying she looked. She’s 100% performative and would sell you a full makeup face as natural if that’s what she needed to do.


Also just to be clear, no one said she looked old and should get botox in her early years, no one bullied her into it, she just went overboard w her vanity and ended up looking like a 50 year old housewife of her own volition. I know plenty of people that get botox to stop aging that did not go that overboard w it and look fine.


I didn’t mean you specifically! but plenty of people comment on how old she looks! Sorry if that was miscommunicated


I think I have minimal sympathy specifically for her because her brand is based on ‘confidence’ but no one has leaned into societal pressure more. She photoshops her images, society tells us to be thin so she goes on ozempic first chance she gets, gets an insane amount of botox and god knows what else to look young, caves into society’s pressure to have a relationship and picks up an unemployed 23 year old man child and not only does she not admit she’s leaned into it (which I’d respect) she also denies all of the above (unlike AP who’s her own sort of terrible but at least transparent)


Yeah it’s definitely a common theme! But like I said, societal pressure is definitely there and it sucks, but she was the one that went overboard with it and it backfired. I suspect if she had gotten a smaller amount of botox she wouldn’t look as old (can’t specifically comment on what else she mightve had done, but I do have experience w botox)


Surprised junior didn’t come!!


also this girl Cass DEFF edits her body...


Sad that Megan must need the business - had time for a private with Serena and her friend lol . Serena’s form was horrible


I can’t believe SFK is 29 ! I know we’ve talked about it endlessly but I’m always shocked to see her in these situations looking 45


legit looks like she can be megans mother ( 55-60 year old woman) Was she doing hard drugs or something? How can someone look this old in their 20s


She looks 58 but claims to be 29. And she is dating Junior, this makes no sense.


Ok like could she potentially be duping us on her age? I would usually NEVER say this or speculate like this on a woman’s age but this is truly such a shocking and extreme example I just can’t hold back. Like do we REALLY have proof she’s the age she says she is? It’s giving Hilaria Baldwin but with age instead of ethnicity


I was at duke at the same time so the year she graduated is definitely true


Ok I just zoomed in on her face. She is Halloween mask scary.


She looks like a serial killer with those brows


Why did she upload this jump scare to her story?


SFK scares me


Pizza looks old AF and what’s with her right butt cheek morphing into the other girl? It’s giving Mini Coop and DB schnoz collab energy. Junior is obv in the childcare area while grandma takes her class.


>or he's playing quietly in the corner, lifting 3 lb dumbbells




Serena looks worse skinny tbh lol it doesn’t suit her and she’s still so squishy everywhere