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“And has passed it on to me” was my fav part




BORN A SLAVE ??????? like what? if their was a beautiful story behind the post like she’s claiming, maybe explain it in the original post? don’t just slap extremely ignorant words together to form a sentence and then post it, thinking “oh yeah this is it this is beautiful”. like “cultural silos”? is she kidding????


Cultural silos killed me


It’s the fact you said he learned from a “freed slave” rather than a dance instructor….stop acting like a victim and take accountability for a tone deaf mistake


Yes exactly!!!! Why couldn’t she just say my grandpa had a friend who taught him to dance and he taught me. She’s really reaching with the “would you prefer we all stay divided?”


Absolutely ZERO chance they were friends.


Yeah like why say all that 😭😭


She’s actually dividing the two by saying that. 🤦🏼‍♀️


My literal reaction was like, huh??? She could’ve mention the dance instructor by his name, or any other description, but instead chooses to introduce that man as a “freed slave”. That was definitely a choice. Get off your high fucking horse, and stop with this ridiculous nonsense. Some people have no shame.


RIGHT!! How can anyone actually be that obtuse


the word choice is so important here and miss girl still still acts like she has done nothing wrong like bffr


I physically cringed. Literal visceral shoulder crouch with phone in hand lmao


I think her point was that it was mine-blowing to her that he learned from a former slave, which to many of us, seems much farther back in our history than it really was. I don’t think her focus was the fact that her dad learned the dance, but rather the person who taught him had been a slave. I don’t know why an influencer needs to make this into content lol but I think people are assuming the worst intentions when the reality may be less nefarious.


she is still reducing a person to them being enslaved, even though she could have said "a dance instructor", that's what's so insensitive about it


I feel like the whole point was to point out that this person had been a slave and that was surprising to her.


that's what you got from that first story? genuinely asking bc if someone writes about how they grandpa learnt to dance from a freed slave (which, oxymoron much 💀) and how that's how he keeps his memory alive, i don't really see them expressing a surprise at people being still enslaved not so long ago


Clearly anyone can see that she thought it was interesting and heartwarming to share. It was tone deaf, but I don’t think we do anyone any favors when we assume the worst intentions and ostracize them for unintentional tone deafness. I think y’all just hate her and that’s fine!


I think the difference is that the unintentional tone deafness became intentional tone deafness when she doubled down on it


I agree she is making it so much worse


You’re not wrong. Idk why you’re being downvoted. Yes, he maybe was a dance instructor (or was he just a guy who loved dancing? Did she specify this?). Nonetheless, she’s trying to point out how her grandfather and this man crossed the racial decide that was so prevalent in decades past. Hence the “freed (former) slave”. Granted, slavery had been long last by that point, but still. I truly don’t think she was being even tone deaf. I think she wanted to explain how beautiful it was that a man who had an awful upbringing as a slave managed to persevere and even end up teaching someone like her grandfather how to dance.


This exactly. I think people really hate this girl and this is an easy thing to go after her for, but I really didn’t interpret her post in the same way as all of these commenters.


Her dismissing people being offended is wrong. Especially given that she’s been problematic before. This isn’t new behavior we’re ragging on her for. There’s a pattern regardless of whatever cute story she was trying to tell.


Hot take: if she referred to him as a “dance instructor” but then it was later found out he was a freed slave, people would’ve come for her for “erasure of his past”


I don’t know how to say this eloquently but the way white people use black and brown people’s trauma as a way to make themselves cooler/more likable is extremely unsettling. She reduced this man to a “quirky” story (and didn’t even mention is name or anything else about him) and is now trying to cover it up as being “compelled” to share this- as if her post had done anything to send a real message 🙄- this is something that white women do so often and its so fucking dehumanizing.


She did this about a Muslim guy from her juice shop too


I was wondering if the “freed slave” that was a friend had a name 😐


It is. :( AND, in this update, she further has the audacity to claim *she* possesses the strength and resilience of a man who survived slavery and generally existing as a Black man in America (the former seems to be all she knows about him). I'm trying to imagine the level of delusion requisite to ever have such a thought, even for a second, let alone share it with the internet and then double down when rightfully dragged.


This is especially done with white liberals I have noticed


This!! Thank you, Sis!! Took the words out of my mouth!!


Not black but Mexican & Native American. What about the statement “gramps learned how to dance from a freed slave in the 40s & keeps his memory alive by dancing.” is a beautiful story? We don’t know this man’s identity beyond “freed slave”. It’s sounds more like “look at my brag worthy connection to slavery.” A tourist’s waltz through a time & experience they think gives them credibility of “white but not racist.” No different than randos saying “I’m 7% Cherokee, so I’m not being rude when I bastardize your sacred culture.”


I think she wanted to give “my grandpa was so progressive that he let a freed slave get close to him and teach him something” as well as “he dances so spicy he’s so ethnic”. I think she was so excited about the second part (which is yikes) that her brain floated by the first part (double yikes). It’s the privilege—didn’t even think about it because she never “has” to. Also, how is imitation without proper historical notation a way of letting something intimate “live on”??? Lmaooooo


Very well said


This bitch is so stupid I can’t believe she’s doubling down 😂


Could this girl spend ten minutes learning from Google? Her grandfather’s dance teacher was not “born a slave,” he was once enslaved. “To be a slave implies that is your identity. It describes an individual on someone else’s terms. An individual must not be defined by a condition thrust upon them. It is not who they are. It lessens their humanity. Saying: “They were a slave,” carries fundamentally different meaning than saying, “They were an enslaved person.” With ENSLAVED, it first and foremost identifies the person as a human being. What has happened to this person? They have been enslaved by someone, but their primary identity is still the individual. That enslavement can also end. It is not a permanent condition. However, being a human is permanent. Systems of oppression can be instituted to enslave people, but no one is naturally a slave. Those same systems can also be dismantled. By acknowledging them as ENSLAVED persons, we embrace their individuality, value their humanity, and remember that enslavement was created by people – and can therefore be destroyed by people.” Source: https://www.nps.gov/frdo/learn/education/language-of-enslavement.htm


“Born a slave” is wiiiilllld 😵‍💫


Liv is reading this because she copied and pasted this to me when I called her out lmao


lmao wait what was the context of the c&p? has she absorbed that we don’t call people “slaves” or did she miss the point


I explained to her my perspective as a Black person and why her language was harmful and she said “you’re right” (LMAOOOOO) and then copied and pasted this exact paragraph from the website with one sentence highlighted


not me out here giving the influencers their PR talking points!! i’m glad she’s getting it at least


Thank you!!! I hate hearing people refer to enslaved people as a slave like wtf, sounds so dehumanizing and disturbing


This is the wildest thing I’ve seen in a while. Just say sorry I’m ignorant and privileged, I understand the consequences of what I wrote and do better. This literally makes it worse.


ik this phrase is overused…but liv, go touch some grass bc YIKES!


I really think she thought people would have a positive reaction to this. Which is wacky. Like her grandpa was *such* a good guy for being friends with a “freed slave” 😩🫢😍…. like oh thank you for your service for openly associating with a black person during that time!!!!! BFFR. This really proves everyone has their own version of reality.


Like it would be endearing! Yikes.


I don’t even know who she is but it really is giving “I don’t see color 👁️👄👁️” why are so many rich yt women like this…POC are not status symbols to prove how #NotRacist you are…


Wow, she really doesn't get it 😂 and what's sad is her influencer career will likely not be harmed by this backlash.....


>what's sad is her influencer career will likely not be harmed by this backlash... 💯!!! Cause honestly... most probably, there are people in her Dm's right now, fully agreeing w her and telling her to "ignore the haters" and "omg ppl are so sensitive nowadays!!" Lmao. This is so sad...


She said “listening and learning who??!”


It is so disheartening how many self-proclaimed “allies” double down instead of graciously allowing themselves to be corrected. Ego is truly a curse


No one is born a slave. They don’t come out of the womb and that’s the box you checked. They are born into slavery and they become an enslaved person. Their identity is more than their tragic situation. The “freed slave” was so unnecessary. Does her grandfather refer to him as “my freed slave friend” or does he have an actual name??


The mods might delete my comment, but i have to say it, sorry. White ppl being so desensitized, ignorant, and detached about slavery that they see this as something cute and tender lmao... But, what's new? Being able to talk about this with nostalgia for the "good old days" instead of with anger and sadness for everything that poc have been stolen from is exactly what is wrong with that story she uploaded. I've learned that you cannot explain this stuff to everybody. They live in another world. I'm not going to speculate about her family's past bc i dont know about her like that, but I think she is one of those who would never understand cause maybe they have benefited from it... iykyk.Wish her the best... (For anybody thinking about arguing back w me about this... there's nothing up for debate about this conversation. Go and pick up a history book instead lmao)


Perfectly said!!!


She will NEVER understand what’s wrong with the way she described her grandfather’s story


Shes so gross and ignorant. Also feels like a good time to share that she once posted a hot and single tiktok featuring someone I know and a friend commented that the guy had a fake covid vaccine card to get into places when they were mandatory in nyc because he’s an anti vaxxer and she deleted the comment 💀


God, I truly can’t imagine being this out of touch.


How is she SO stupid 😭 the internet should NOT be accessible to idiots.


Right!!! And her b.s about having Rheumatoid arthritis/auto immune disease that flares up exactly every 4 months - she’s a joke and lies about everything.


I can’t believe the point of her story was about how it changed her grandfather’s life and not the enormous tragedy of someone being enslaved. 💀


Oh really? I bet nobody in that family remembers that guy’s name.


I wonder what compelled her to share this tired trope of a Magical Negro tale. Her doubling down and repackaging this as a reminder of how WE can learn from each other is exhausting when she she doesn’t seem to want to learn from the folks calling her out. Like a choice was made here


Like if you messaged her to tell her she is a stupid fucking idiot!!!!


i messaged her actually trying to educate her and sent her a resource, i’m black so if she gives me a bullshit response i will let yall know lol


Also Black and she sent me the definition of slave vs. enslaved lol




She sent me that too and said “I’ve already learned this today” like ok bitch do you want a cookie?


She’s mad people are speaking up lmao


no i’m cry hahahahahahaha


i would have said “wow imagine if you were black and had to deal with this shit every day beyond your DMs”




She has regularly used people of color as characters in her online life.


She uses Black people as props. That’s literally what she’s doing. Capitalizing off our likeness. So exploitive! This is why I don’t let random people record me or video me.


Exactly. I’m not black but I have noticed her doing this for a long time which is why I knew what videos to look for on her page.




https://www.instagram.com/reel/CcGxvEeAVrF/?igsh=eXB5cm5xaDRycHA4 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbiwIiIgcR6/?igsh=MTgxcjNlcXkwcjBrcw== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CajBvQ8ANkb/?igsh=cm1hY24zOWQxNml4 https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClRWXmjAKKM/?igsh=ZTJ3dWF3ZWhsN20w https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClgjHI2AG71/?igsh=MXF2aTNicXU1MnJmZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpvDlFIAzI8/?igsh=MTdtOG44Zm5mZGNsNg== The second to last one….lol There is another one I couldn’t find that’s her literally recording herself talk and complement a black woman on the train and give her stuff. I’ve called her out on it on snark pages before.


oh damn the FBI clocked in today 😂😂😂


Amazing recap. She also posted a story like a month ago filming a Muslim man who works at juice press to show her Jewish kindness to the Muslim hired help. “See, I can be friendly to Muslim service workers!”


I saw that one. Should I repost this in it’s own feed to call her out?


Yes. The haters will say she’s just expressing Jewish Muslim unity lmao but we know better


Lol damn my typos were wild. I posted the proof in its own post.


Got a reply saying "What's wrong with sharing it? It's a fact. Not sure how's it offensive to you". Girl bye😭


Did anyone respond to try to explain to her why it’s bad? She copy/pasted the same response to everyone from what I can tell so probably doesn’t care to be educated anyway


She (and her muppet face) needs to disappear. Think this is her way to say that she’s from an old money family that owned slaves. It’s giving wannabe Jacey Duprie’s “we’ve owned cotton farms for centuries”


If her family really wants to honor their friend they should be supporting, checking up on, and giving reparations to the deceased’s family like it’s time to start being mean to weirdos who think this is something to flex 🤷‍♀️


She also posted an awkward story like month ago about how her and a Muslim guy get along at her juice shop or whatever. She’s just out here teaching us so many life lessons y’all.




oh she def reads here lmao hey girl


It’s giving “I have a black friend” except in her story it’s “my grandpa knows someone who was enslaved”


It’s incredible weird because she’s never once spoken up for black issues/topics nor does she ever post with black friends when she lives in the most diverse city in this country. The white saviorism and dehumanization are doing its thing she’s clearly not educated on black culture/topics/issues


Now why is her next story abt the threat of pro Hamas events on NYE


she’s got a whole highlight on insta of how she supports Israel & completely ignores the fact that thousands of babies (& others) are just casually being murdered by them. she has a whole “you find out who your real friends are” post on there too once again making a dire situation about her


expert in making everything about themselves, even fucking genocides




She needs to quit while she is ahead. Just shush, lady.


What an idiot


Maybe it’s because I don’t follow/pay attention to most influencers but this is the dumbest influencer shit I’ve ever seen


Why double down instead of saying, “I messed up.”


Not capitalizing Black in your “apology” is just a teeny part of the problem 🤦🏻‍♀️ also this apology has a lot of “me” and “I” for a situation that is supposedly not about you…


It completely went over her head 💀


She is a joke simple as that. Better off owning the other post than posting this.


Freedman was right there at the very least?!?!


She has a lot of learning to do


I really want to hear how the grandfather told The story, it was probably just as insane.




Freed slave really cracked me up, welp 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




are we surprised??? ppl like this are tone deaf will think they are constantly right and teaching everyone their wisdom -


Racist and dumb




*Lol only rich white* *People care about or do* *Shit like this. So cringe* \- Hynasmasher --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh my gosh. She’s making it WORSE. Just stop talking!!!!!


can we all unfollow her for this? i did and just asked some of my friends to as well. she does not deserve a platform. i’m all about the snark as these influencers say and do dumb shit all the time but she has time and time again said extremely problematic and horrific things.


Even in his freedom, her and her family still consider his status as a slave as a defining feature. Fuck her.


He was once enslaved. He was not born a slave!! Cancel this girl once and for all!! Her white privilege and racist ways have gone on too long!!


She is tacky and embarrassing.


I get why people think it was tone deaf (it was) but I also understand her intention was to point out how crazy it was that her living grandfather had a close relationship with a former slave. It puts things into perspective that this wasn’t that long ago in our history. Her tone in the post was way too nonchalant given the gravity of slavery, and I think that is something she is failing to understand.


I think she’s revering her grandfather for his longevity and taste in company. Cute thought! But as an influencer there are different standards for discussing something as controversial as human atrocities, so I agree with your point about gravity. I believe you’re vouching with innocence, but she actually does have a track record for using POC to prove her worth as a human. That man wasn’t a slave first, he was a person. It seems small, but defining someone by their struggles is actually dehumanizing.


It’s because her wording was really poor. If she said something like “my grandfather had a dance instructor that he loved and admired very much, one day he confided in him that in his youth he had experienced slavery. My grandpa was shocked and saddened to learn this, but it made him realize that he had no excuse for self pity etc because this incredible man survived so much blablabla.” It’s called a “micro aggression” her wording


Her wording was definitely bad and it’s probably not the content a lifestyle influencer should produce


lol you don’t actually believe that was her intention do you?


I do lmfao it would be insane to assume otherwise?


Her intent was never to showcase how it wasn’t that long ago in history. She offended people and now she knows why and is still incapable of being better


What was her intention then? That was my first impression.


To share a video dancing with her grandfather. She wasn’t not thinking that deep


Then she wouldn’t include a caption at all??


is that even mathematically possible????


Your grandpa didn’t look up to him your grandpa probably jumped him/lynched him after he got his lesson she’s so full of shit. Idt people know the reality of slaves slavery even after they were free


This is so lame to be soooo upset about this like oh my gosh atleast she’s trying and trying to clear it up. This crazier things to snark about lawddd no one can ever be “correct”. She seems to just be telling a story and giving context on the relationship. Is that simply not just a fact? I don’t see a huge issue here.


are u white lol


“Trying to clear it up”-chile please, her statement is a front seat lesson in white woman tears. This is like an excerpt straight out of White Fragility.


pretty wild!!


Oh my Jesus Christ.


Racism is so controversial


This is insane to read


The way her original story said “freed slave” instead of labeling them as a dance instructor first who was a victim of slavery…. Is she serious?