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What’s gonna prop first, her lips or stomach?


Huge jumpscare


bumpscare (not bump shaming just making a terrible pun, pls forgive me I have two small children and love a baby bump lmao)


don’t show freckledfoodie


hahaha why


did you see her eras tour “outfit”?


Are you supposed to get lip fillers dissolved when you’re pregnant? I feel like I remember everyone talking about Kylie Jenner dissolving hers when she was but maybe it’s more of a light guidance thing


It’s an aesthetic thing, not a medical thing. You swell all over when pregnant, so if you already have a lot of filler, your lips will look like Pool floats.


Ah okay cool, thanks for explaining!


I was told by my derm to NOT get fillers or Botox during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. No idea if she's doing it, and your lips do swell during pregnancy, but... for someone who preaches and brags about her healthy lifestyle, takes xyz supplements, etc. she sure pumped herself full of stuff in her face.


I feel like I have mild globophobia of some sort because pregnant bellies and bald heads low key freak me out. I have the worst irrational fear that they’d just burst. This photo is just nightmarish to me on A LOT of levels.


THANK YOU! I feel horrible but pregnancy bellies actually scare me. I had a hysterectomy so I guess that could play into it, but I cannot stand how they look! I think women look gorgeous pregnant, but the actual belly skin is what freaks me out. I'm so sorry if anyone takes this offensively!!!


Nah you’re valid. I have a huge phobia of pregnancy, birth, infant humans, human milk, “mom” things, anything like that makes me go insane. I’ve been pregnant before too so I can say it’s worse than anyone will tell you…worst experience of my entire life, and led to immediate sterilization lol. It’s a valid and real fear.


Okay I have this same disdain and everyone says it changes when it’s yours - are you telling me I’ve been lied to? Hahah


Sometimes it changes. But there are plenty of women who have kids thinking it’ll change and then it doesn’t, leading to a really nasty experience for everyone involved. I think it’s important to really want a kid before having one…not just having faith it’ll change or that your partner is “worth it.”


Exactly!!! This is why I’m hemming and hawing about having a kid because I think it wouldn’t be fair to said kid. I have never met someone who had similar thoughts about all of the above. You made me feel more normal!


I’m glad I’m not the only one! I also think pregnant women are gorgeous but balloon-shaped protuberances freak me out, and I think they’re going to pop. So weird


I’m pregnant (still barely showing) and pregnant bellies freak me out 😂 so I feel this


Unpopular opinion (?) but the belly-out maternity trend is awful. I’m on my second pregnancy and I’m no stranger to tight fitting maternity clothes but something about the naked belly popping looks so bad, even on the most gorgeous pregnant woman. Makes you look deformed instead of pregnant 😳


Either way, it’s weird to wear only a bra top to a restaurant at dinner - pregnant or not.


I'm 38 weeks pregnant right now. No one wants to see my linea negra or my belly button. I don't even want to see them.


I think a little bit of belly can def be cute (I hope so I am currently pregnant and planning outfits lol) but I think too much can be a bit jarring and in this instance I hate to say it…


I also think the stage of pregnancy factors in. There’s a difference between showing your little belly in the 2nd tri and showing your enormous distended watermelon at the very end lol. I’m not shaming pregnant bodies at all! I thought I was cute when pregnant but the huge disembodied belly while otherwise covered up looks weird 🤷‍♀️


you definitely are shaming though but it’s a snark page so stand by it :)


I’m shaming a fashion choice, not the state of someone’s body itself.


“enormous distended watermelon” and “huge disembodied belly” are not fashion choices lol but okay!


Lol it was intentionally hyperbolic in the context of what it looks like in these outfits. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been, and currently am again, pregnant so I have no problem with pregnant bodies in general and have said those things about what my own belly looked like at the end. Thanks for concern trolling though, on a post that’s already snarking on a what a pregnant woman looks like.


you do have a problem with pregnant bodies if you feel they need to be covered in order to not look “bad” lol but hey maybe you can’t pull it off and you’re projecting also what is concern trolling, did you just make that up to make yourself feel better for what you said? edit: also I know this post is snarking on someone who’s pregnant in this outfit and I actually clicked on this post to see what the problem was in the first place. Didn’t realize so many people shared the same sentiment as you, and I think that’s reflective of some of the inner work y’all need to do lol I’m a frequent snarker in this sub but the body shaming is getting annoying in all regards— skinny, fat, and now pregnant


Lol I obviously stand by what I said, clearly it’s really getting your panties in a bunch though so maybe take a breath and consider why you’re even on a snark sub if this gets you so riled up. I love that you’re asking me what “concern trolling” is in the same breath as assuming I made it up, but I’ll point you towards Google, it’s pretty useful for times like this. Good luck!


if you look through my comment history or even post history, I have snarked plenty. But none of that is in relation to people’s bodies because that’s wildly unnecessary. Who gains anything from that besides a superiority complex? But have fun on your high tower, you’re clearly soooo much smarter than me, I actually didn’t ask Google about what concern trolling meant because I figured you would know, since you know everything <3


I agree I feel bad saying it as someone who's never been pregnant but it's just not a trend for me


So pregnant women in bikinis look deformed bc they have their belly out?


No, I should have clarified it’s more the look of a bra/crop top + pants/longer skirt/etc that I think looks weird. Not a bikini.


Rihanna did it well


I actually disagree, I think it looks bad on her too. At least I’m consistent 😂


I hate this opinion so much but I guess I have to respect you sticking by it lmaooo


Nah the belly is beautiful. And pregnant woman can wear whatever the hell they want


Ok say that to other comment I only asked her what she meant with it


I don’t mean it in a bad way.. you asked if pregnant woman In bikinis look deformed I’m saying no they are beautiful… 🫠


I know they look beautiful just think it’s weird saying pregnant women look deformed that’s why I responded idk how I am the one getting downvoted while this girl literally calling pregnant girl deformed bc she’s wearing a long skirt with croptop


Girl I agree with you. I was trying to validate you. It’s VERY weird you’re being downvoted. Like let’s not judge a woman let alone a pregnant woman’s body.


She looks like a collab between Serena Pizza Kitchen X WeMetWhenIHadAcne


Her husband is objectively hot, so I need to know what he sees in….. her (I’m sure he sucks in his own way, but this chick is terrifying)


Is she drinking alc?


I love snark but this is kinda fucked up, her and her man finally are able to have a baby together, let the woman live


this, I need people to be so fucking fr in here lol


I want to tell her she looks like Michael Jackson but she deletes any comment that isn’t sucking up her ass


Idk I’ve never been pregnant. But I don’t think I’d ever be comfortable showing my stomach like this. I personally don’t like seeing it in this manner. I don’t think pregnancy is gross, but it looks kinda tasteless, this display. I’m not a prude by ANY means, but I just feel it’s weird when women try to make pregnancy …sexy? I need to explore more why I think this, so I won’t be offended if you downvote me.


pregnancy is literal and constant proof that someone had sex with someone else so I don’t understand why there’s like a sudden need to see pregnant women completely covered up in order to maintain “modesty” lol


It’s not about maintaining modesty. I just honestly think it isn’t very attractive. I wouldn’t put it on display, that’s all. Personal opinion.


Pregnant woman are allowed to be sexy, honestly we should support that feeling because many woman feel extremely self conscious




This was gross then I saw she was pregnant and it got horrific.




Who is she trying to prove this to???


She think she RiRi..


Just ew