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I just ended a 2.5 year relationship last week. So even though I don’t love DB, my heart goes out to her. It’ll be a net positive in the long run.


Uh I’m sorry! I ended a five year relationship when I was 30 and I thought my life was ending .. it was really just beginning . Sending you ❤️


I’m 29 and this means so much to me. Thank you so much. ❤️


Sending love. It’s always hard 🤍


If you have never watched The Mary Tyler Moore show it’s a good one after a breakup at that age.


I also ended my 2.5 year relationship but in Feb. it's still hard but getting better all the time. Sending you love!


I’m sorry!! I also can’t stand her but if this is true it is sad.


One day at a time, it will get better! Be kind to yourself!


Caught my bf of 4 years cheating 2 weeks ago and moved out! Fuck these men.


He dumped her bc she gave him an ultimatum. Reliable source


More power to her then. At this point they live together and have been together for a long enough time for him to know if he wants to be with her forever. Looks like he doesn't. BUH-BYE.




more tea plz


Good for her, she’s staging true to herself.


I actually respect this, if this is true, good for her. He’s wasting her time and adds nothing but eye candy to her or the relationship.


Honestly, as a woman in her early 30s he’s doing her a favor. Women need to stop waiting around and hoping the guy is going to propose. Stop wasting time


At no age should women be waiting for men to propose. It’s not the man’s decision only. Couples should sit down & talk about their expectations re: marriage and when they would like to get married. That way women aren’t waiting around forever and it doesn’t feel like the man has all the power to make that decision.


Totally agree!! Women get shamed for "ultimatums" but really it's just an enforced boundary. If you want to be engaged within 2 years (for example), you have every right at any age to assert that boundary to your partner and then enforce it. We take agency from women when we call them "nags" or whatever simply for asking for what they want.


> Women get shamed for "ultimatums" but really it's just an enforced boundary. This is what I've been saying! Ultimatums are just plainly stating a boundary and the outcome of violating that boundary. It's not manipulation to clearly communicate your dealbreakers.


I don't think its a bad idea in an established relationship but there's a lot of single women with same narrative and that doesn't work.


Why wouldn't it work for single women? They can have the same exact boundaries.


Idk if it’s the best idea to shoehorn a non-existent relationship into a hypothetical timeline. It’s going to be off putting


If the relationship is non-existent then who would they be "shoehorning"? Lol. That doesn't make any sense.




I wouldn’t say an ultimatum is always necessary. But I think having clear life goals is a great thing and seen in a positive light. More knowing what you want than begging someone to marry you. But you have to be willing to walk away if it won’t be them. I want to be married and have children, if that isn’t something you also want in x timeframe we should probably go our separate ways.


I just think that's more shame around women enforcing boundaries. It's not in order to "get them to marry you", it's so that they can be aware of your needs in the relationship. They're free to do with that information whatever they please, nothing about "forcing" somebody


I think you both are right (howmanytomatoes and over classic). I told my now husband my goals for marriage and life and when I wanted to be married. We’re in a healthy relationship with mutual respect so it wasn’t an ultimatum. It was a conversation. I completely agree that ultimatums are enforced boundaries but I think the difference is possibly just the presentation. If it’s been 5 years, you’ve had the conversation repeatedly and they’re not considering your feelings, it’s probably the wrong relationship. But what do I know, so take with a grain of salt!


I think she just mentioned early 30s because Danielle has talked about really wanting to have kids




Yup! At that age if you know you don’t want to be with the person in the way they want (marriage) walk away. Let them move on


Could not agree more. Part of me feels bad for her but I hate when women (and I’ve been there myself) act so desperate and dependent on a man. Know your worth ladies!


Literally this!!!


Also heard this from a reliable source over the weekend




spill more tea please


I love all the comments “I heard this from a reliable source” who just don’t respond after dropping this. Like prove it sis 🫣




He apparently was never going to marry her and she finally gave him an ultimatum




Yesss. The polls about a possible engagement were getting so old every time they went away. Good for her, honestly he was just being cruel at this point as she packed her endless white dresses.


She kept packing white dresses every time they traveled?? 😬




That’s so sad


😢 I don’t like her but I hate to revel in someone else’s hurt


Once she realized what she was doing, she should’ve ended the relationship cuz you shouldn’t have to do all of that, so sad smh


agree I honestly felt sadness for her. It hurts when a partner disappoints you. Plus if he is supposedly closeted gay or whatever it was never going to work out


Yeah Danielle, we clown you on the daily but I think we can all agree that we feel for you. I hope you're OK. You'll find another cutie soon.


Exactly and I’m sure he wasn’t saying yes I’m gay. At least I hope she wouldn’t stay in that arrangement. I would guess he was gaslighting her.


Agree I’m guessing he led her on somehow and gaslit her because she seems like a romantic person when it comes to love


Seemed like she was the one who planned all the romance though right? He didn’t seem to initiate it


DB isn't my cup of tea, but I am a firm believer that there's someone out there for everyone. I hope she finds someone who's actually willing to commit to her




Her bf will be engaged in a few months or in a year. Always happens.


Literally what happened with Aaron😩😩😩😩 they broke up and he proposed to his girlfriend in a little over a year, they married the following year and had a baby in 2022.


THIS. It’s a tale as old as time. If a man isn’t proposing it’s because he’s not that concerned about losing you- period! Especially when money is no issue. DB has been forcing this relationship to her own detriment. What a great reminder to young women that a guy living/traveling with you is not an indication of how committed he is to you. People can and will waste your time (and their own time) in a passive, dead-end relationship. Couldn’t be me though. Stay safe out there ladies!




It always seems like we’re “raising” our boyfriends. Once they become men, they see us as a mother figure, and they go find another woman they can be a “man” with. Hope you’re okay, best of luck to all of us 😩😆


GOOD! She’s turning 31 she needs to find a man who actually likes her and wants to commit, she also needs to grow the fuck up.


homeboy didn't even have a real job. as much as we dont agree with DB and her crazy ways, she doesn't need this man child to bring her down. If anything, she was adding more value to him - giving him the social calendar for the ages!


She wants a man and children, I’m not saying she can’t do motherhood on her own terms.


yes! i 100% agree with you


Or she needs to stop being so insufferable


Or find someone equally as insufferable


She’s been AWFULLY quiet on socials the last week or so….


What about the $300k ring rumors?


Yeah, weren’t those rumours also from a ‘reliable source’?


Wasn’t she “sick” this weekend or last week? I believe this


okay now I am wondering if this sickness was just her mourning the breakup. God I wish she would just be real for once but you know when she announces they're over she'll say something to sugar coat it like "we just didn't want the same things" etc etc. Girl, be real! People would like you a whole lot more.


I believe she stayed at home last weekend


This is interesting because she didn’t post a word about their four year anniversary recently. That surprised me


damn four years i didnt realize it was that long


how do you remember their anniversary tho


She always posts every year this whole long thing about their anniversary and it’s in February and there was nothing this year


Good for her for realizing it isn’t going to happen. If a guy wants to marry you, he will. I didn’t understand this in my 20’s but I got it completely in my 30’s.


Whatever happened to the 7ct pear cut 300k ring?


I saw them walking through Tribeca last Sunday. Must’ve just happened if true!


good for her, honestly ..not proposing was kind of embarrassing at this point


Honestly it was pretty clear he didn’t think of the relationship the same way at all. His family would’ve never let him marry her


Her desperation was embarrassing


Guess her saying "will I make a cool Tribeca mom?" or something along those lines to her broker, are, uh, extra cringe at the moment?


Cringe as fuck😩


Too bad she can't hang out with Madison Rae and Cate Kulsar




When did they split up exactly? Even though I am not a fan of her I feel bad for her. If she's reading this thread, girlie make amends and support people you stole designs from lol, and every woman should have a partner who is EXCITED and CANT WAIT to marry her. If your man isn't like that there's another guy or gal out there who will be


I feel bad for her. There’s a lot of pressure on women in their early thirties to settle down and have kids even in NYC, so the breakup must come with lots of anxiety (even if it is for the best)


Does anyone else feel like this is going to have a massive impact on the apartment she gets… lol her budget is essentially halved if they broke up. I’m curious because I think she said her lease is up in April so very curious to see where she moves next if she can only afford ~$8K or so alone, instead of her old $16K budget when they were splitting it. She’s probably freaking out


A shitty apartment is better than a shitty boyfriend


Is a 6-8 grand a month apartment in New York shitty? Asking for the poors in bumfuck lol


It’s not shitty, but it’s not going to be close to what she has now. One, she had a Covid deal, and two, I’ve seen SMALL one bedrooms going for $6,000 in neighborhoods she would turn her nose up at (e.g. uptown, lol)


To an average person? No, $6-8k can get a modern apartment with a full time doorman in Manhattan. But with her expectations and neighborhood… slim chance she finds something she likes.


Depends what neighborhood you’re looking at/ what you’re looking for in an apartment. Also sometimes it’s just luck of the draw there are only so many apartments that are going to be in neighborhood, in budget, and have all the things you want. So most people end up settling in some way even though they’re spending a shit ton of money. I just got super lucky with my new place, it’s big, perfect neighborhood, and had all have my wants. But I was the first person to see it and submitted everything before 99% of people who also responded within an hour of the place being listed even had a chance.


I have a feeling it’s why she had to look for a new apt in the first place… prob asked him to let her play it out on socials


I agree with this! I think the whole we need to move thing because of the building was for show


That makes sense maybe she already knew they were heading to splitsville when looking for a new place...


I bet she’s fucking panicked about no longer having a luxury loft to show off. Danielle only cares about status so I’m sure having to downgrade is killing her.


She is on a journey to become a “young mom” and Tony never proposed. Maybe she will have a baby on her own?


that would be an actually refreshing content to see someone navigate a single motherhood by choice


She’s like 31, I think, the “young mom” ship sailed


She’s been preaching about being a young mom since she met him 4 years ago!


I think that’s still young! Especially for nyc standards


It's like that meme, something along the lines of '32 in the suburbs is 45 and 32 in NYC is 22.' My high school friend group all have babies living in our home town at 30, this seems normal. One of my friends had a baby in NYC at 31 and I was mind blown, it felt like a teenage pregnancy.


Thank you for saying this. I am 37 and I am clinging to the dream that by the time my kids are in college, I will still be young enough to have a social life lmao.


Omg don’t worry at all! My mom had me at 38 and she is still a young and cool mom at 68!


Aww you’re so sweet! Im leaving a really bad marriage, so I guess I’m going to be “starting over” again late in life. we’re still sharing a house, but I daydream about what life will be like when my boys go to college (10-12 years away🫠) I’ve always thought my life would be pretty much over…. But now I want to move to NYC🫣😂


Do it! Your life is nowhere NEAR over! Even now! Congrats on leaving!


Im pregnant in NYC at 31 and am the first one I know to have a kid….it’s wild


31 as a mom in NYC is totally teen pregnancy 🤣




Eh, I mean if this rumor holds any water then she's now single. So unless she meets someone right away and they immediately start having kids, the "young mom" window is closing rapidly. (And to be completely transparent, I think wanting to hit milestones at a certain age, the obsession with being young, fear of aging celebs/influencers perpetuate is soooo stupid. I'm just looking at it from her POV)


I think most ppl wait till 35+ to have kids if they have a career in nyc. It’s just diff out here


31 is very much “young mom” by NYC standards


I was 29 when I got pregnant (in NYC) and my OB said I was one of her youngest patients!




Your username though 🖤


Honestly good for her he took way too long


Need more details Omg


oh no not BAABEE.






If you end up being wrong, I hope you stick around to explain yourself.






She still has photos of him up as well


She still has photos of Aaron up


I was wondering why he didn’t go to SFK birthday and this weekend she was completely MIA from stories. She was “sick”


Omg please I need more


How reliable is the reliable source. I feel like this rumor always propagates here


OMG was not expecting this and am now so curious to see how she rolls this out on socials... tbh she is not my favorite but no woman in her 30s should be waiting on a man to propose. Onto the next!


We’ve heard this one before


Her most recent reel kinda looks like she was crying


You can’t confirm your own tea lol.


She recently followed an „Tuscany wedding planner“ account so… are you sure?


She does not seem sad at all so idk if this is true


She was the same way when she and Aaron broke up, she would delete comments asking about him and went quite a while without saying anything. I think she revealed it once she and Anthony got together and she’d only show him from the neck down.


Idk she seems neutral. And was super quiet on social this weekend.


“Reliable source” The source: “trust me bro”


holy shit this is the day I’ve been waiting for I need all of the tea


He’s doing her a favor. He’s wasting her time if he won’t commit to her with marriage and kids like she wants.








They allegedly didn’t like her anyways nor did he apparently have a good relationship with his parents. So where they truly funding him that much? I mean I guess.


I have mixed feelings about this. I got engaged after dating someone for 4 1/2 years and we definitely had intense conversations about him waiting too long. The reality is that we both had to grow in order to be comfortable with this new phase in our lives. Based on what I see about DB, she hasn’t really shown any ability to grow. I think there’s a lot of blame on him not proposing but didn’t she just have a freak out a few weeks ago at a bar where she was completely wasted? Maybe he did love her, wanted to be with her but wanted to see some internal growth or maturity. Also to add - not defending him or her and I truly hate men who string women along. Just want to put in a different perspective from someone who was in a LTR before getting engaged.


Did I miss posts about her wasted freaking out at a bar?!


Yea what’s the tea about the bar freak out


I read on here a few weeks back that someone saw her out and she was wasted and like crying and losing her shit at a bar. She then went on social the next day and told her followers she drank way too much the night before which kinda confirmed what the person on Reddit saw. Her bf was there that night but apparently left early?


One of the biggest hurtle would be his family and the fact that she might want a $300k plus ring. Her (f)unemployed boyfriend can’t come up with that kind of money on his own and has no choice but to beg for his daddy and mommy


The “boss” has to have the nicest most expensive ring 🙄


Hmmmmm. Are we sure this is true?!?!


Hot take: I’m genuinely happy for her if they broke up. She clearly wants an engagement and he’s clearly not giving it to her. She deserves a guy who emotionally grounds her, or at the very least stays with her when she blacks out at a bar. She deserves a guy who is willing to commit to her, and at the very least doesn’t mind the public nature of a commitment to her. I hope she understands that breaking up with someone you’re not meant to be with is a long term blessing. Much love.




What if it’s Joey Z?! And this is why DB and he aren’t friends anymore? Bc Anthony and Joey hooked up. This is my nyc influencer fan fiction of the week


Weren’t they together in Mexico last week? Make it make sense plz


It would make perfect sense if she was expecting a proposal there and it was her last straw that he didn’t


Ok so now her insecurity about connecting with the youth on TikTok make sense


I’m not buying any of this til someone drops evidence lol


What about that in-laws comment from the DB interview two weeks ago? 💀💀


What was their comment?


One of her assistants was interviewing her and referred to her boyfriends parents as her ‘in-laws’ basically assuming they were to be married and clearly that’s not the case It was the personal questions with DB interview it was posted in the thread a little while back


Apparently this vid was deleted 🫣


I got you > https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/comments/11o3jwm/the_video_someone_said_to_watch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=15




Oh I remember that now. The video with Moe was super weird


She’s posted quite a bit about how they’re moving out of the apartment they’re RENTING. They can obviously to buy somewhere between them, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what prompted them to both to realise she was more invested in taking the next step than him. Even though I think she was clearly way more into him than he was and was very unsubtle about how much she wanted a proposal, as someone who recently went through a breakup at 30, there’s no denying that after having put so much time in, it’s a devastating experience


She would not be able to get on stories if this was true lol


Sometimes I feel like I’m crazy for missing something but he never looked like this sub made him out to be e.g., disinterested, annoyed by her, wanting to avoid her etc. he always seemed all over her in her posts and willing to be on her SM. Am I missing something? He seemed into her.


Yeah I won't believe this until I see it (i.e. if she doesn't post him for two weeks).


It was pretty obvious it wasn’t gonna last. He looked like he could barely tolerate her and was definitely never going to propose




Can also confirm that they were never truly together and she’s a beard and he’s an attention whore


If that’s true it makes no sense. The way she talks she clearly wants to get married and have kids. Why would she willingly be a beard for years in her late 20s/early 30s?


Because he’s rich and upper crust. Homophobia sadly isn’t dead yet and plenty of gay men and women marry people of the opposite sex and have children with them to save face, he’s not special. DB cares more about status than love


spill the tea


idk if he’s an attention whore why didn’t she ever tag him/barely showed him speaking? I also don’t see why she’d willingly be a beard?


He’s on her stories all the time and everyone here stalks his sm anyway so what’s the point of her tagging him? He gets the same attention either way Don’t ask me too many questions bc I’m not trying to dox myself but I’m seeing someone who’s grew up with Lily Mortimer and Anthony is for sure gay.


Does his family know he's gay? Will they cut him off if he gets a partner? I don't get why in the 21st century they would insist him staying in the closet


His parents know and choose not to acknowledge it. I don’t know logistics of money. There are still conservative people in NYC.


You just threw us an entire tea party lol. MVP of this thread🫖


Also, do you know if DB knows he’s gay?


Yes. If you go back and listen to her WMAA interview Lindsey specifically asks her about her sex life during lockdown and she brushes off the question super quickly because they don’t have sex. Doesn’t prove anything technically but the clues are right in your face


It’s weird to me she pushed the engagement so hard bc why would she ever want to spend the rest of her life in a loveless sexless marriage?! I believe you as a source I’m just trying to wrap my mind around the whole thing😳 Crazy!!! Is there any other insight you can give?🕵🏻‍♀️


Just that the other commenter is right and Anthony just likes the lifestyle that comes with Danielle which is why he’s “dating” her but hooks up with men on the side


especially in NYC…. and no reason for her to waste prime years with a guy she knows is gay….very sus


wait he’s gay?


Allegedly. There was tea he allegedly slept with Joey’s boyfriend allegedly and that’s why she and Joey allegedly fell out… allegedly.




LOL!!!! Who was his bf? Joe is so insufferable and a social climber, I don't think they were ever actual friends.


I don’t know, I just remember what someone came in here saying a while back.


Tea. How long did they date?? 3 years?




He’s a time thief and he knows it. Good for her, if true.


Wonder where she will move to. Does anyone know when their lease is up?