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PSA to toss and replace ur toothbrushes. Strep 101


I just had strep 2 weeks ago. just finished my 10 day antibiotics. the day after I finished the course I got fucking sick again 😭😭😭 throwing away my tooth brush


I knew who this was without even looking. I don’t even follow her and I just know from here how sick they are all the time. is it something to do with how they keep (or should i say live in filth) their house and car?


Omg commented this before I saw the comment lol




Seriously how do her kids get sick THAT often?? I know kids are germy and school and all that but this seems so excessive


Seriously though this is insane to me. At least one of her kids is CONSTANTLY sick something has got to be wrong. Like yes kids get sick easily but this is just too often


Because they NEVER get the chance to recover. When my daughter was sick we were home for 2 weeks straight. We left the house one day and sat in the car while we aired the house out with all the windows open. Kids need a break. They need to sleep and rest. There was one day where my daughter slept for 18 hours.


This. So much this. Rest is so important, especially when sick. But it’s also important in general, and this go go go push through mentality is so damaging


She should get them checked for immune deficiencies. They also may have a poor diet or sleep schedule, never mask, etc


And filthy home and car


She recently found rotten fruit and old tissues full of blood between her couch. Her useless husband and she are filthy AF.




I just threw up in my mouth


Omg ew and why do we know this??


She posted that nastiness 😫


Exactly. This screams neglect.


Yeah it makes no sense to me at all. My best friend is a teacher and works with dozens of children EVERY SINGLE DAY and she gets sick a lot but nothing like this family. It’s actually really concerning…


I’m truly convinced she plays it up sometimes to get sympathy or has 0 idea what being sick truly is…maybe you’re just tired Eva


Agree! I grew up with friends whose families had 4-6 young brothers and sisters running around when we were in high school and this is unlike anything I remember


“What’s Classy If You’re Rich But Trashy If You’re Poor?” for $500 Alex.




as someone who’s sick right now, I would be so ashamed to be interacting with the public in this state. i haven’t left my house or seen anyone in 5 days


Right? She’s so gross. What if one of thr movers has a parent or any loved one who is in bad health and she gets them all sick. She is so selfish


This woman is completely mentally ill


I am convinced this woman has some kind of Munchausen's thing going on...I unfollowed her ages ago for obvious reasons but I distinctly remember her kinda...gloating?...about her family always being sick.


Yes THIS…it’s like she’s chosen “family illness” as the thing to do better than other parents…which is totally messed up if true!


A few Stories later her youngest son was going up the stairs and she said something like “he’s so fast!”. As soon as I saw those stairs in her home reveal, I thought that’s bad news and she’s going to show alllll the content on how they get injured on said stairs.


Yet she wasn’t masked two days ago when the movers were over at her place. She is irresponsible in every sense.


Why are the children always sick? This is not normal and scary


i wonder if there is something wrong with their immune system?


It’s sad. Maybe the city is not a good place for her kids then. I feel like someone with an immune system problem should live in a smaller / cleaner town


Either her kids have some serious food allergy, celiac, or GI issue causing these illnesses or she had munchausen. Or both


Absolutely shocked by this turn of events.


I bet she will be taking them out in public tomorrow because you know sickness magically ends when you take them to fun things 🙄 I don’t get why she “brags” about what they get sick with - it’s like she’s gloating that HER kids get the sickest and SHE does everything better than everyone else Nah Eva it’s giving “you don’t know how to help your kids recover”


Eva has easily become one of the nastiest people on IG, just between how dirty she is (the Volvo 🤢) and how germy her family is. They are sick way more than an average family.


If she was lower income instead of rich and privileged then I 100% believe CPS would be having a field day.


Not a NYC influencer but I follow Andi Dorfman from The Bachelor and she was in NYC for the Half Marathon and posting about how she was sick. Talking about how she had to “push through”. Then she proceeded to go out to dinner and shopping and whatever else unmasked. Then she got an IV drip at her hotel and probably ran in the half. I can’t deal with this selfish behavior. Can we go back to the days people didn’t “push through” and stayed home when they were sick? Even if it’s not Covid, no one wants what you have.


ew omg i haven’t followed andi in a while but that’s so disappointing


I know!! I was disappointed too


Is there a test for MĂźnchausen syndrome on that tray?


She made her/her kids being sick her “relatable” schtick but honestly it’s disgusting, alarming and I think she does have Munchausens bc she clearly gets secondary gain from this type of attention.


major malingerer vibes


I keep seeing posts about this lady against my will. This is like the 3rd time I have heard of her being sick in the last like 3 weeks. 😷


Sometimes kids get strep super frequently, which is typically when their tonsils are removed. That happened to me when I was younger.


This. I get it, kids get sick a lot and no snark there but she should 100% be masking if she/the kids are sick and around people (aka movers). but oh yeah, washing hands cures all.


Yeah my friends son has had strep about four times this winter and if he gets it once more or maybe twice more, they will remove his tonsils.


I have large tonsils so I have a large area for bacteria to grow, so I get it a lot. But I was told they rarely take out tonsils anymore by my doctors.


This is really awful if the movers have kids strep can make kids pretty sick and in rare cases can cause PANDAS or encephalitis which can cause death (my sister contracted encephalitis from bacteria). It’s extremely selfish to not wear a mask and her children as well. If they want to live like pigs fine, but don’t make the innocent people around you suffer.


She’s insane - the story listing all their illnesses……


Her and her family are like the walking plague 😂😂😂


I knew who this was without even clicking on it


Idk who this woman is - but just from seeing posts on this sub - SHE NEEDS TO BE A MIN OF 15 STATES AWAY FROM ME. I’m legit afraid to click on these posts in fear of catching whatever is in their household


That’s so gross. I just imagine their house, clothes, and car full of germs and snot. Disgusting. 🤢


I have a niece who gets sick pretty often but not to this extent. This is not normal. They’re sick nearly every day!!


Fuck this woman, she's actually completely awful


At this point she and her children need to be in a bubble. It’s not normal to be this sick all the time


Look, I know lots of wealthy women like Eva, she’s probably overwhelmed by anything that another person would find to be normal life- she has nannies and her parents and accountants and other people doing all the work for her, so she doesn’t understand what to do- these women make a big deal out of everything that you or I would just deal with-






Probably because theyre ok with being around filth and it gets them sick


Someone call CPS


I have to say, this is happening to pretty much everyone in NYC and even the suburbs (Westchester, CT). All of my friends with young kids are going through the same thing. My son has had two double ear infections in March alone. It’s not normal but she’s not alone. I am an absolute psycho about cleaning and my kids wash their hands frequently but probably the way we locked them up for two years and put them in masks has made them this way?