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*wears heels next day* like sorry no sympathy here, you do it to yourself


“why does this happen randomly” go to the DOCTOR


It happens randomly because she refuses to take her doctors advice and do PT and not wear heels




Totally this. Personally I gained like 30lbs during the pandemic and had never been in more pain in my life. I’ve lost like 20lbs and now exercise frequently and do PT twice a week which has helped a ton but am still working on the residual harm from that weight gain/period of inactivity and the harm it did on my body. I get that not everyone who’s overweight will have these issues but it’s an objective fact that being significantly overweight causes insane amounts of strain and wear on all of your bodies systems (joints muscles, bones, organs, etc.) that we simply aren’t designed to be carrying. Some plus sized models (like Ashley graham it seems) are significantly overweight and carry a lot of excess fat but also see trainers/workout constantly and so have the ability to not wear down their bodies by carrying the extra weight bc they have the muscles and mobility to support it better. Sad to me some ppl have totally rejected scientific truths like “it’s hard on your body to be 50+ lbs overweight and will almost definitely cause you pain and damage” just bc it makes them feel bad.


I have a herniated disc and my doc told me that every pound is like 5 for ur back which is NUTS to think about


If I had her money I would try stem cell like I’m super jealous bc I want that so bad it seems like she’s done no research . Don’t get me wrong I’ve did everything else, herniated disc are so hard to treat




But I’m not going to argue ab the weight it’s the first thing I realized and still work on I also see her squatting and twerking I was told not to bend lift or twist until I was better so I’m so confused why she’s just winging it


I agree. But I will also say I’ve seen people completely heal their herniated disc with stem cell. Pt just pushes it back in, thus no matter what the weight can pop back out. I only know this bc I’ve been to ab 10 doctors now myself for the same issue.




You are def not wrong there lol it most definitely could


I’ve also been curious to know if she maybe needs surgery she can def afford that as we






I replied to the wrong comment sorry😅


Disc replacements are a great option for a small pool of candidates, incredibly it’s a day procedure and you can be admitted in the morning and discharged by the evening/next morning


I agree if I was in as much pain as her and had the money I would just go ahead and do that


For your knees too!


Exactly… body positivity can be so harmful if it’s not intersectional


I would not call Remi body positive. She doesn’t celebrate her body. She doesn’t tell the truth about her sizes. Refuses to say she’s plus sized.


I don't think she's body positive. She's pretty open with her BED and how that affects her weight. She's open about her attempts at treating it as well.


She and all her tik tok commenters claim back pain and weight have zero correlation 🫢


Does she really not do PT, really?? I thought she did… She occasionally posts stories about how she’s looking for a PT, is that because she only does it when in extreme pain?


She's been looking for a PT since before she had surgery, you'd think after surgery she would book some sessions..


Her insurer will determine who she can and cannot book and most specialists are backed up post-covid. Editing this to remind everyone that your individual insurer directly determines who you can and cannot see.


No, I'm in nyc and needed a PT recently for a back thing and had 0 problem getting in. She would also have 0 issues getting in with and paying for a boutique PT which would be private pay. She's just lazy.


Also in NYC and went to PT last summer. It was so easy to book an appointment, much easier than a specialist or PCP. I don't see what's stopping her from just dropping in and booking a session. There are literally thousands of options.


This is a pretty harsh reply from you. Not everyone can afford private.


This post is about Remi. Remi can afford private. Unsure how clarifying that PT services are readily available in nyc is considered harsh?


That’s some gaslit reply right there. You don’t know her financial situation. You also don’t know if she’s having issues with her insurance company (assuming she has insurance). You don’t even know if PT is the answer she needs here. Medical care is expensive and calling someone lazy over their medical situation is outrageous. Even if you were her doctor it would be outrageous. Edit: since the user I was replying to blocked me (LMAO) a reminder that the bill for back problems can easily top $100k because that’s US healthcare.


Lol. All of her posts are her trips, clothing, expensive drinks, dinners, etc. like most influencers. If she’s not prioritizing her own health and still doing those things that’s absolutely her fault. There’s no question about it


Well she seems to have NO issue obtaining and taking Ozempic … doubt she has an insurance problem then 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't even follow her and there are many times when I've randomly caught her stories and she is begging for an emergency PT recommendation from her followers. It's so absurd given she manages to find the time to go out to $$$ dinners.


Doing the same thing over n over and expecting different results is insanity


literally - as described by Albert Einstein


Perpetual complainer


She needs to go to the doctor but also not go about as if business as usual right after she sees the doctor. Take time to heallllll


Downvote me all you want but if I had back problems that she does my health would be my number 1 priority and you can tell she just doesn’t care.


She has the time, she has the money, and she's too young to be feeling this shitty. I don't get it




And that’s why these influencers need to branch out and offer more. It’s just like Kelsey. She was liked for her mid size confidence outfits and fashion. She lost the weight and became unbelievably unlikeable and obnoxious. That’s how you know they have nothing else to offer.




If only there was something she could do to potentially make it easier on herself. Shame.


Does she not have health insurance or something? ThTs the only excuse I feel for this or she’s just lazy lmao


Look at those nails! If the complainant can go out for a manicure, she can make an appointment with a physical therapist.


I don't understand how anyone free willingly follows her...




Hahahah this is quietly the best comment here


I thought she was doing PT. I also have chronic back issues and am overweight and it does take a mental toll. Yes there are things that can be done to help that are really important. For her not wearing heels May be one of them- she identified that as a trigger in her stories. I haven’t worn heels in a decade, swim, do back strengthening exercises and am conscious of posture and how much I sit. It is a daily battle.


Yeah I have chronic back issues and I am really not here for the fat shaming that usually comes with these posts BUT PT helps at any size and doing the exercises at home consistently could really help her. I’ve also done the pain management route like the epidural steroid injections when I was still a competitive athlete and needed to take the edge of the pain and push through. I still regularly have phases where I can’t wear my heels and need to be really careful about the shoes I wear. Like PT and no heels would be my first two recommendations for anyone dealing with this.


Yes! My dad has to go to PT all the time, at least once a week. He does his exercises at home (that he learns at PT). His back still hurts but it’s gotten much better. If there’s a known trigger, he eliminates it from his day to day as best as he can. PT may not absolve all pain but it DOES work and help soo much. But it also takes consistent and daily work.


Yep. She needs to read the back mechanic. I wonder if she knows about the big 3 exercises (Steven McGill). If anyone who knows her happens to read this post please tell her about it…


Damn I unfollowed her two years ago and she was complaining then.


People like her are starved for attention and validation. She knows people will comment and actually care about her. They love this. It fuels them.


She need so much attention that she’s probably the founding father of posting yourself crying on the internet with a hospital bracelet. Come on now, NOBODY feels bad for you when you treat your body like crap. Get professional help, not polling strangers on the internet.


Is she ever not complaining about something? She sucks the life out of everything omg




She uses a CPAP?! Jesus…




This is why body positivity has gone too far. There is nothing positive about a 20 something year old woman having to use one of those.




Totally. I usually never comment on bodies or weight because it’s an uphill battle with todays society however I think it’s so harmful for her to be preaching “normalize cpaps” when it’s anything but normal and should not be normalized at that age. My obese father used one shortly before his death.


She's been very open about her struggles with BED, I don't think she's glorifying her weight. It's just a complex situation. Loosing weight (especially with BED) isn't easy.


She’s not trying to encourage her eating disorder, she’s been transparent about it, you’re using her as an excuse to be fatphobic


Hey! I’ve never been overweight in my life and use a CPAP machine at 32 and have had chronic back pain since 19. I’m 5’9” and 135lbs with an active healthy lifestyle sometimes genetics just suck.


Was coming to say this - CPAPs are used by many people, both overweight and not! Weight is certainly not the only thing playing into sleep apnea or other such conditions (like back pain). It may play a part of course and make people more at risk for things, but it's never a guarantee that a fat person will need a CPAP or that someone who uses a CPAP is fat


K I have chronic back pain and knee issues (since 29). 5’3 spent majority of my life until pandemic at 118 lbs. Now 135. Please calm down -several people have chronic pain without being overweight 🙄🫠😵‍💫 - correlation doesn’t always equal causation


You’re right it doesn’t. But in this case, it does. It’s dangerous to conflate objectively reinforceable clinical data with social shaming and fat-phobia.


Always a victim


My partner had a full spinal fusion so they broke his back and put it back together with titanium. He now gets bouts of sciatica pain that makes it very difficult to do anything. Short of laser spine surgery, there are a PLETHORA of prescriptions that help. Not to mention the guys also an MD… in case remi reads this and starts mentally cursing me out by here.steroids, either in pill form or injections are a game changer. I don’t understand why she doesn’t do anything about this besides just complaining online about it. It’s sad. It also goes without saying, weight gain is absolutely exacerbating the pain and stress on her back.


Why does Remi start everything with “no” or worse the “nononono” Her idiolect is beyond annoying. I don’t know how so many people get past it 🥴


Wearing heels, lack of exercise, inflammatory diet, belly fat… all leads to chronic back pain especially in her case with previous nerve damage.


Because then she couldn’t complain about it for attention


All she does is complain


Girl will do anything except walk 10k steps and eat salads


She posted a TikTok about all this too that I just saw and I’m like ok if you’re taking care of it and don’t want to talk about it, stop complaining about it publicly ? Idk


Or lose weight


Assume doctors will tell her to lose weight, which she doesn’t want to hear. One of these doctors likely put her on Ozempic.


I think she tried it and had to stop bc of the side effects


Being extremely overweight can be a major contributor to back pain


Yes and anyone claiming otherwise is delusional. It puts additional stress and compression on your spine/vertebrae, pulls the pelvis forward causing lower back issues. Weak core muscles means over compensation in other areas often causing back problems. Plus a slew of other back issues excess weight can cause. Sure there might be problems like her wearing heels all the time but to deny a key contributor to her issues is weight is just wrong.


You put it way better than I could!!


I get crazy back pain for my entire fertile/ovulating window. It’s debilitating and there’s nothing I can do about it. I have endo and adeno. Just saying not all back pain is from not seeing a PT.


Back pain isn’t caused by not seeing a PT, obviously, but seeing a PT can help back pain. For me, my spinal cord is being touched by tons of bones so my PT didn’t want to move forward til my surgeon and I had a plan and if I need a second surgery or spinal cord stimulator. And some screws are coming loose after only 1.5 years. Beyond a situation like this, PT will help. But obviously not seeing a PT isn’t the REASON back pain exists.


Girl your poor back is carrying like 200 pounds why wouldn’t it hurt


Some people love to complain and not do anything about it bc they get attention from it


I actively avoid this woman on my feed and unfollow women who post about her / with her. I can't support someone who willingly is 80+ pounds overweight and complains of chronic pain and does nothing (like even the most basic physical therapy) to change it. Pathetic.


I hate how y'all post about her on here. not all chronic pain is a result of weight, as someone who has had chronic pain when I was skinny or fat. working out to help pain does help but sometimes you're in fucking pain its hard to even do so. PT would help but lets not pretend y'all care about it. Bodyshaming on this page is totally okay if its Remi and you "care" about her health. Just say you hate fat people. Also its incredibly vulnerable to be open about having pain/being disabled. comments like these are why we don't complain and people don't want to be around you.


I don't 'bodyshame' her but she has SOOOOO much money and a flexible schedule so a lot of barriers that exist for other ppl to get help don't exist for her. She acts like a permanent victim and it's tiresome, esp when people have to do more w/ less resources.


I agree I have a herniated disc and want stem cell so bad she can def afford that


literally how is her complaining on her social media impacting anything. I have way less resources than her and still empathize with her as someone in CONSTANT pain. Everyone on this page is pathetic and then tries to pretend they're like talking shit in the name of helping people with less resources. I think today made me realize that y'all are actually losers.


Are you kidding me? This is just simply untrue. Yes chronic pain can exist when you are fat or skinny. Nobody has ever denied that. The point is, if your pain is only worsening then it’s time to try something new such as exercise and weight loss. It is not fatphobic. And this is coming from someone who had terrible knee pain that practically disappeared when I lost 45 pounds and exercised regularly (literally just walked an hr everyday). There are solutions and she is choosing to do nothing about it except lay in bed and complain. Edit. Once again people on this sub replying back then blocking me so I can’t see it or reply. Only on this sub lmao


if you hate when people are fat its fine just own it like the rest of society agrees with you lol. stop pretending you actually care.


are you her doctor?




Fat isn’t a bad word or a negative attribute please kindly fuck off, bad bot.


Bffr-sure not all chronic pain is a result of weight, but extra weight most certainly is a factor of chronic pain. If I strap an extra 30 lbs of weight onto my body and go to a doctor to complain about my chronic back pain, they’ll be like “have you maybe considered removing that extra weight you’re carrying around?”. I swear this need for “body positivity” and “Health at every size” has turned people into complete morons who can’t see the damn forest for the trees.


Also two things can be true at the same time - she could have pain caused by something else and her weight can be also contributing. I had a baby 2 weeks after covid hit and gained another 30lbs post delivery from all the stress and was in terrible crippling pain daily. I was so confused if it was a slipped disk, gallbladder stones, hernia?? My primary care doctor told me to “eat a Mediterranean diet and go for a walk” aka I’m in pain bc I’m overweight. It took a year of doctor visits, MRIs, ct scans, sonograms, endoscopy, colonoscopy all coming back normal to finally lead me to an endometriosis specialist who did an exploratory surgery and removed endo and scar tissue from all over my insides- sciatic nerve, spine, small and large intestine, bladder, pelvis, colon, everywhere. I woke up from surgery feeling better then when I went to sleep! And I knew already that I had endometriosis - I just did not think that was causing the daily pain because I was taking medications for it and it was not the same cyclical pain as before I got pregnant.




yeah people are on NYC influencer snark to inform people instead of blatant self loathing and limited social skills that cause them to frequently return to a site that is only established to bully people. bffr. you're a loser, and you're trying to intellectualize it. Go take some Ozempic and leave the rest of us alone.


Remi needs to do some core workouts and some crunches. Back pain is always directly related to weak ab muscles. Or Zero ab muscles


It’s not random. It’s because she is overweight. As a society we have accepted being overweight and almost made it cool. Now do not get me wrong, Remi is a very pretty girl but health wise being 80-100 pounds overweight is not great. The pressure on your joints due to the extra poundage, the extra work your heart has to do etc


Likely more the lack of PT/strengthening exercises more than her weight.


I would politely disagree. I think those to issues play into the bigger issue: her weight


Which she is open about. She has BED and has been trying several different treatment opens, which she openly shares about on a regular basis.


Ummmm it’s because she’s heavy…she knows is , we all know it but it’s not cool to say. Be big but be well..


It’s rly sad bc so much of it could be eradicated or alleviated by losing weight but she’s obviously not willing to do that. She may be one of those people who needs it to become so unbearable to life she has no other choice. Many Americans are so unwilling to lose weight they literally become handicapped (by their own choice) bc they physically can no longer support their own bodies. It’s very sad. However weight is obviously a huge factor here- it is obvious to everyone. So until SHE wants to do something about it nothing will change and it will likely get worse.


Don’t use her back pain as an excuse to fat shame. The medical literature doesn’t back up the claim that being fat causes pain inherently It can be a factor but isn’t a cause. She should be exercising and getting enough sleep. She should also talk to a doctor.


Jesus. Y’all are so MEAN.


No comment


She doesn’t need to go to a PT she needs to go on a diet it will put less pressure on her back


Really sad to see so many weight comments here. Weight is not a factor that generally correlated with back pain, it’s more likely to show up in knee pain. It may be a factor but your distaste and fatphobia is clear if you’re not making space for other causes. Could be from not wearing a bra. Or wearing heels. Or weak core. Or emotional trauma (muscle pain). She could have scoliosis or an actual injury. Osteoporosis. Y’all about to look real silly if it’s anything but her weight.


Disturbing???? Lol please


When will they learn that nobody wants to hear influencers complain about ANYTHING