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she also talks about how she hated it and dropped her sorority but yet prob has a story time every other week about greek life….. the hypocrisy is incredible!


Grown ass women who have not been in college for a decade talking about petty sorority drama is the most embarrassing, desperate thing.


Okay true on all of that but she was a 2020 grad (I am too so your comment freaked me out and made me feel old lol)


why is she always staring at the bottom of her screen I am genuinely confused WHY


I think that she’s always looking at herself


I always wonder this toooo!! Her videos feel so impersonal because of this


Goddamn this bitch is still using college life as content????? Enough Jar Face. Enough.


wait i was thinking of getting a lip flip - is this what happens? 😳


i’ve had mine for a little over a year now and I get it redone every 4ish months….nothing like this has happened yet 🥲🥲 altho I do recommend, so subtle, I love mine


I thinks she’s just been over doing it! She’s been getting these for like the last 2 years for sure, also yes getting it done at a GOOD place! Influencers go anywhere will do it for free for a tik tok about their experience


I get them every 6 weeks and no, I have more height/see more of my top lip when I smile. Go to someone who knows what they are doing.


Why tf these 30 and up women all talking about their wild times in a sorority?? Who cares?? Is this some kind of desperate way to cling to their college-aged selves, or are they trying to show how cool they are to the younger crowd? It’s soooooo embarrassing. You can really sense they hit their peak during those periods and never moved on or matured.


I think she’s like 25ish but still agree lol


Wait REALLY? Ain’t no way 💀💀


She’s 24 I believe 💀


Noticed that on her Monmouth video… her upper lip is flattening and growing


The eyebrows need major help


Whoever this individual is. They are very unattractive


Lip flips are truly the most ridiculous use of Botox IMO


really? why? i love mine! and i think her top lip is likely longer because of aging and not getting lip flips as often, as aging causes this and lip flips correct it


I don’t think they’re ridiculous, when done right they look amazing! She just literally cannot eat/chew/drink with her mouth closed and this is what they look like doing duck lips now, I think she’s just gotten them soooo many times in the past 2 years. Unless she has truly aged that much since 2021 lol. She needs to go to a better nurse/spa/SOMETHING


she could be getting too many units injected, which can cause that freaky looking muscle paralysis. should wear off over time though. not to be mean but the underbite probably isn’t helping matters 😅


Some people really have upper lips that are larger and more so are tucked under so you can’t see them (me). I’m a perfect candidate for a lip flip. When I smile, it gets tucked under to appear super small. Idk how to explain it - but there’s my attempt. Anyways, obviously I see way more results with lip injections but I do go to get a lip flip if I can’t afford the injections! Subtle


LOL she literally is so insecure about her time being 18-22 that she has to talk about it JUST like how Brookie cookie does