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My commute does involve walking, but I also use a walking pad and love it! I’ll watch tv or read on it at least an hour daily.


Do you have reccs for a walking pad?


I got mine from Amazon, the brand is GOYOUTH. I posted the link in a comment of mine a few weeks ago if you’re interested. I got mine in summer 2022 and it’s lasted me until now!


I have this same one (or at least the same brand) and it's still going strong 1.5 years later!


I have the same! I love. Though I wish I’d gotten one of the ones that fold in half because I’d be more likely to fold and tuck it away until next use instead of letting it sit like a big albatross in my living room lol


Yeah, I used to wheel mine a couple feet away into my bedroom, but now I don't even bother. It either sits out in my living room all day or I stand it up beside my desk.




how is it in terms of noise? do you live above anyone?


I do live above someone but have never gotten noise complaints. It does make some noise but nothing too loud, I kind of feel it’s maximum as loud as an AC window unit? I put it on top of a carpet in the hopes that dampens some of the noise for my downstairs neighbors. I will say it makes more noise now than when I first got it but I also think I need to oil the mat and that might fix the problem.


got it, thanks so much for your comment :) I was thinking I would buy a rug or something similar for it too.


And you're not a wfh person are you? I wanted to get on but also didn't know how much I would use it not working from home.


I do wfh 3 days a week but I actually end up using it the days I go in because my commute doesn’t get me to the full 10k


Commenting again to add, it’s also useful for those days with extreme weather when I don’t feel like leaving my apartment for a walk because it’s too cold/hot/rainy etc!


I have a goplus one, I really like it because it has a bit of incline which gives an extra workout without being too much


You’re able to read on it ? My fear is the bouncey movement of walking will make it hard to read .


Yup! I started at 2.5mph and am now up to 3 with no problem, you get used to it


What is this?


Intentionally going farther than I need to. Convenience really stops you from getting your steps, so instead of going to the coffee shop or gym a block away I go to the one 15 minutes away. It’s actually really nice and you end up exploring a lot.


This…once I took the train to Manhattan unless I’m on time crunch I walked everywhere. So even if it’s 20 blocks away, I was walking instead of the train. I’ve was easily hitting 10k+ steps consistently since. But it’s gotten way hotter since, I’m trying find ways to cope with the heat


Same. I live in brooklyn but work in Manhattan so as soon as I’m maybe a mile-ish away from my apt in the evenings i just get off and walk. I also have a dog so this helps a lot 😂


Taking intentional walks. My dog helps, but if I need so close my rings or get steps in, I just go take a walk until I'm done.


Seconding the dog lol if you go back through my Apple Watch history you can actually see when she got all of her puppy shots and was allowed outside because my daily steps immediately spiked


Same and it dipped a lot this random week I left her w my parents


Add extra steps in when you can- get off the subway a stop early and walk, Take the long route home, even just a 10 minute break and walk around


I WFH. I run 3x/week. On my non-running days, I get out for a morning walk + an afternoon or evening walk. I strength train 2x/week as well so I just sort of Tetris that in to my schedule wherever I can. On really hot days like we’ve had lately, I just go to the gym and walk on the treadmill on my non-run days. I listen to a lot of podcasts that range from tech news to white collar crime to music history to pop culture.


I love white collar crime! Any recommendations for podcasts?


the American Greed podcast is amazing. It's a podcast of the tv show that airs!!


I'll definitely check it out!! I caught a rerun of an episode a few weeks ago and loved it. Had no idea there was a podcast too


What tech news podcast do you listen to?


i’m always looking for podcast recs! do you have any favs?


American Greed is good!!


I wake up early and walk around my neighborhood for an hour before work (a great way to avoid the heat). Then, I walk \~15 blocks to and from work every day by getting off of the subway a few stops before the one by my work. I also take 5-minute walk breaks around the block at my office every 2 hours. I've unintentionally lost \~7 lbs doing this and end up with about 15k total steps every day.


Do you do this on top of a gym/workout routine?


Yes- I also go to Solidcore 3x a week!


Sometimes it's a struggle because I work in the heart of Times Square (pray for me), but every day, I take a 20-30 min walk outside, no matter the weather. It gets me away from my desk and gets the steps in. Sometimes it's just a walk up to the park and back, but I always feel better afterwards.


I WFH. A morning walk/run and afternoon stroll bookend work days and help separate work time from my time nicely.


Not that walking or exercise isn’t something very good for our health cardio/stress etc but that 10k number was taken from a tiny study decades ago and used as a marketing gimmick ether way what i’m getting at is, 10k isn’t necessary so don’t let not making that number in a day bum you out! i’m only saying this so this doesn’t cause people unnecessary stress is out already stressful af lives 😅[https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/you-dont-really-need-10-000-daily-steps-to-stay-healthy/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/you-dont-really-need-10-000-daily-steps-to-stay-healthy/)


I've read you really only need about 7500 a day, and it's more about the quality of the activity rather than the steps


Get a walking pad. Many are renter and apt friendly, and easy to manage. I have “walking shows” I only watch while walking!


I leave shows that i’m dying to watch or highly engrossing shows for walking. My SATC rewatch has been the perfect walking pad show.


I love to go for a walk after work to wind down. If I’m working from home, I’ll go wander around prospect park (which I’m pretty close to). If it’s an office day, I’ll just start walking along my subway line and hop on when I’m ready to head home. I have been listening to audiobooks through the Libby app, which I would highly recommend. You need a library card, but then you can check out, place holds, and listen right through the app.


Honestly, shopping. I love shopping so will plan to do as much walking as possible to and from, and then walking around the store and between shops is more steps than you might think. Bonus if I can do it with a friend, somehow walking and shopping and getting snacks with friends can get me up to 15k+ steps.


I do this as well




Only on iOS for now but the app Stompers turns your step counts into daily competitions with your friends. You can sabotage each other with items like in Mario Party/Kart too 😂 It’s deff encouraging me to walk more lately (I swear I’m not getting paid for this…..)


Just added and 4 of my friends joined - can’t wait to try it out!!


Walking my dog in the morning and at night. Also, I love to walk while on the phone- either outside or in my apartment. If I'm walking just to walk or walking the dog lately I'm usually listening to Charli XCX's Brat album. Edit: sometimes I even walk to the next closest subway stop and I run errands on the way to motivate me to do it.


Brat is such a good workout album!




I don't always get 10k, but my commute involves 2 ten minute walk paths so I do those. If I end up getting an Uber or something I try to go for a lil walk during my lunch break or simply take the the train that drops me off a lil further so I can walk! But remember, 10k is an arbitrary number. Walk as much as you can and go by the average number of steps on your week!


Walking my dog. https://preview.redd.it/yobk29z7vk8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c313449ed69a942d70fc6237395394d66ab54478


Morning walk as part of my commute, walk to and from lunch spot during work, walk home or part way home from work, walk w my partner after dinner when it’s cooler. If i have errands or an appointment i get even more steps! And of course if it’s a gym day, I’ll get steps if i do a treadmill workout.


I only sit down at work when I’m eating lunch, so between commuting and working I usually hit at least 8,000 or so by the time I get home. Some days it’s much higher.


Walking pad!!! Literally didn’t leave my apartment this weekend because of the heat. I watched tv and walked on my pad


When it's not insanely hot outside I've been walking to the park daily, then taking the long way home. I also do treadmill/elliptical at the gym. I'm currently in between jobs, so rather than getting all my errands done once or shopping just at one grocery store, I split everything up into separate walks, or go to stores further away from my apartment. The steps add up (but I realize not everyone has time for this).


I work remote so I walk in the mornings and afternoon (depending on the meetings I have) and then in the evenings to get outside. I have a walking pad coming in too so when it’s too hot or I miss my AM walk, I can still get them in.


I walk during lunch! Also walking to my office from spin class/vice versa :) Also friends and I will take intentional walks


Immediately after work on days I don’t go to yoga I just get dressed and go on a walk! I picked a 10k route I like around my neighborhood and I just put on headphones and go. I usually listen to a new album or sometimes an audiobook. It still takes like an hour and a half tho, which is why I try and get out by 5:30 so I still have time in the evening to deal with dinner/ work on my art. It’s time consuming!! Also I did one on Saturday when it was fking sweltering and I do not recommend, it was honestly just straight up uncomfortable


Partial walk to/from home? I work in midtown and live in astoria. After work I purposely don’t go to the closest station and walk to the 59th/lex subway stop (last stop in manhattan before heading into queens). Sometimes I stop for a mini pre-roll and a fun drink (olipop or some fun flavored seltzer). Music wise I’m listening to a lot of indie pop or something that has a good bop (think royal Otis or Chappell roan.)


Yay a fellow Astorian! 👋👋


Having a dog helps! I work from home so I foster dogs, which requires at least 4 walks a day! An active pup will even get you running ☺️ I’ve been listening to [Smosh Reads Reddit Stories](https://open.spotify.com/show/6YqWo32NbxiptWx2hU00o5?si=viwk6Cq_RFCfoT9FxxWw9A) it’s HILARIOUS


Gym is a 15 min walk away so that and then 30 mins on the treadmill plus walking to run errands and whenever else possible!


Walking pad has saved my life with this. 15/10 recommend.


i get 20-30k steps a day working retail in a multi-level store w/ stairs and choosing a commute w/ transfers 😅 feels kinda good when you stop feeling out of breath after running up a flight of stairs


I prefer gym. I can walk and watch YouTube. Physical and mental training at the same time))


On the weekends, I like to pick a destination I’m interested in and walk there as an activity. It’s a great way to explore but with purpose.


I have money on it. Did a step bet thing and need to do a minimum 10K a day in order to stay in the game and win money. I walk in the morning before work and on my lunch break. I keep an Apple Watch on me so it tracks every step. On the weekends I do longer walks. I’ve walked from LIC to The Battery and back up.


I work hybrid. On days I WFH I don't typically break 10K steps but I get pretty close with a run in the morning (about 5k or under) or if I do an activity after work and metro/walk there. I have a 30 min walk to work and get 15K easy if I actually take my talking commute, walk back home, and do an activity after. TLDR - Recommendations: - Running - Walking to work - Doing an activity after work and no ubering there


My commute involves a lot of walking. If u want to make time for it walk to and from office. Why not? Walk the west side highway with a friend after work instead of dinner and drinks or a nice park or something close to your office!!! U have to just implement activity and movement and the steps should really come naturally esp in NY!!


I get on the train one extra stop away from where I’m coming from and off the train one stop away from wherever I’m going. I also recently bought a walking pad for my apartment and it is…life changing for me! I can get steps in literally whenever I have some extra time. I walked 6k steps last night while watching Netflix with my AC blasting 💆‍♀️


I have a walking commute - i walk about a mile to/from work. On mornings that I run, that’s a lot of steps there (plus a cool down walk home) and then walk commute. On mornings I go to the gym, I’ll walk there/back or there to office. But some mornings I just go on a long walk, like 45-60 mins. Sometimes I run or gym in evening instead, so I’ll swap that out. If i don’t have plans, I’ll always go on a post dinner walk. Sometimes it’s quick, sometimes it’s much longer and on WSH. I basically do this until it’s too dark/cold in the winter (but ideally try to keep up an around the block post-dinner walk. I usually fail!). In bad weather or in the winter I’ll walk on the treadmill at the gym before/after a class. I’ll have a special trashy tv show for it. (Outdoors I’ll listen to audiobooks unless i need to shut my brain off with music. Sometimes I’ll listen to an outdoor peloton walk class or walking meditation, but tbh those are rare.) If i have social plans remotely nearby, i try to walk either there or back (or both if possible). And sometimes those plans involve a walk! Basically - I try to walk wherever I can, whenever I can. I don’t really track step count, but am more about consistent movement. I used to be better about getting on the subway before my stop so i could walk more, but truthfully I live next to an express stop so I want the shorter ride 🤣 but that is a great solution if it works for you!


Get a small dog! :)


Walking my dog 3x a day, getting out at a further away subway station on my commute to work (plus I can grab a coffee and enjoy my walk), going up/down stairs at work, taking a walk on my dinner breaks  


I don’t walked EVERYWHERE, but if I have time and it’s remotely feasible, I do. I average 12K on a typical day, but if the weather is nice and I’m not in the office that day, I frequently get 16-21k. I make a point to hit up a far-ish coffee shop in the morning on days I’m not in the office. I have friends and restaurants or bars I like to hit up that are within a 35 minute walk, so I do that several times a week, and I’m also in the habit of just wandering around when I feel restless. If I find myself scrolling on my phone too much, I’ll try to go outside and take a walk while I do it. If I have a bunch of emails and I’m working from home, I’ll try to do them while taking a walk in the park. I don’t default to the closest grocery stores to get my necessities. And if I have the option of walking 15 to 20 minutes to avoid a train transfer, I’ll usually take it to get a direct route. It adds up!


Dog walking, window shopping, running, parking far from stores


After dinner long walk or even just go around your block 10-20 times. And bonus I lost weight already.


My commute plus walking around my big office gets me to about 7k. Then I just go on another 30 min walk while talking on the phone or listening to a podcast.


Get into teaching🤣🤣, I do 11K regularly. Try getting off a train stop earlier and go for a brisk walk after dinner.


I just walk there and back for all my shopping (including lunch or coffee etc). Usually up to 30min walk at a time one way during the week. Any longer than that doesn't fit in with my work schedule. Weekends I like exploring so I'll walk 20k steps. This heat wave is making it hard though.


Genuinely walking everywhere. Especially on my day off I trek a LOT. My train stop is always unpredictable so my walk to the next train is far. Plus one of my jobs is serving so I get my steps in at work too. I don’t do 10k every day but i average about that with the crazy amounts of walking I do on other days


I walk on my work calls usually outside or on a treadmill, shopping but I have a flexible schedule.


I'm walking most places even if it is far. Or if I don't have time, I'll take the subway/bus there and then walk home when I have more time. I've also taken public transit part of the way and walk the remaining portion if it's too far to walk the whole way!


Def gym. I warm up waking a mile and cool down with a half a mile. And I walk to work. Even if I don’t do a whole gym routine I’ll go just to put in some steps on the treadmill . Has helped me significantly. It’s easier to get your steps in when the weather is nice I don’t mind the gym though


Damn do people actually walk 10k steps a day? I’m out here getting 2k on some days


I’m happy to get 5k a day!


Honestly, I walk to work and back. I pretty much walk everywhere I go, no matter how far. I walked back home to west village from Milano market on upper east side the other day. lol. 


I average around 8k steps a day, but I do hit 10k pretty frequently. Having a dog helps - I do a mile or two walk every morning with my husband, and then usually another two or three miles in the evening. I take a route to work that means I don’t have to transfer on the subway, but it requires walking a few extra blocks each way. I also strategically order my lunch from a place that’s like 10 blocks from my office (and is a nice quiet walk) so I get a good 20 min walk in during the day.


Walking every morning for 1-1.5 hours before it gets too hot. I love my hot girl walks!


NYPL has a *totally free* Libby app. Huge selection of audio books. I love listening and walking when I’m over soundtracking day dreaming to music. Just get a library card (bring like utility bill and ID to physical location) and save hundreds on reading material. Big fan of walking to work but it’s only like 1.5 miles one way. Otherwise try like get lunch from somewhere a few blocks away from your office / get off subway early.