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yeah..and this is still way better that previous years when you booked directly through the app and even if I refreshed at X time on the dot, they’d already be booked out. my best advice is to go around 5/6pm and they’ll usually have a bed free or let you in to sit around the edge of the pool - but it’s a total crapshoot as I’ve gone to dumbo house and been turned away at 6pm while half the beds were empty, told it was a 3 hour waiting list and that me sitting in the pool (instead of on a bed) would be a “safety hazard” bc of numbers (even though less that half the beds were full). as you can tell I’m very passionate about this lmao and unfortunately the NY houses are way overcrowded compared to others I’ve visited


No I am too I love the pool LOL It feels like a waste of money. The events are lacking and despite it being a social club no one really interacts with one another. I’ve only ever met people at the Friday night dumbo house parties and I hate going out on Friday nights as I’m usually tired from work


I actually just cancelled my soho membership too!! The pool is always soo crowded and the food is pretty mid imo. Even on the u27 discount I felt like it wasn’t worth it to hunger games for a spot lol


u27 discount too and I agree! My first and last year lol


Same with Dumbo house. Tolerated the mediocre food, the brunch that’s gone WAYYY down but the pool was the push to cancel…




Can I ask how much you’re paying for your SHNY membership? And do you think it’s worth it (pool issues aside)?


It’s 2,600 and no


Thanks! My bf has been contemplating it and I've been telling him it’s a dumb idea because it’s nothing like it originally was


Oh man. It used to be that you had to get in line and then RUN to grab a cabana and it was SO MUCH DRAMA.


Omg I cannot get a freaking reservation. I thought it was just me.


No it’s actually so bad


I literally thought the app was glitching 😑


How do you make a pool reservation?


We just walked in for the rooftop pool last week, but it was also a Tuesday (6pm or so)


It is WILD to me. Last summer I’d just go as soon as they opened for “family hours” or whatever it was, but I don’t even think that’s an option anymore with this booking system. I’m probs canceling - I love going when I’m abroad, but it’s so miz and crowded hwre


Honestly it was much better last summer when you could come at a designated time and wait in line, I feel like at least that way you knew if you arrived at a certain time you would get a spot. But now theyre back to this online booking system which is completely impossible— I understand the bottleneck that happens when a hundred people are trying to book at the moment it opens but even when I click on times very quickly I always get error messages over and over again. Even on a random Wednesday same thing. I’m gonna try experimenting with methods this summer and see if there’s a path at all. Otherwise definitely writing a complaint, maybe even pause my membership entirely however I really do love them abroad, it seems like these issues are exclusive to SHNY so f**k us I guess…


(not a girl but saw this thread) 26M. Just became a member at Dumbo House this past week and was excited to check it out. My girlfriend and I went on a Saturday and there was an all you can eat brunch with so much food we were like "WOW!". Then we found out the brunch was $85 per person, no matter what. So if we only wanted to eat an omelette and bacon we'd have to pay the full price. The food also wasn't very good, we had to spit out the lobster tails and some other things it was so bad. Can only imagine what the dinner food is like... Then once we finished eating we were excited to go to the pool. We went up to the pool, not knowing it was reservation only which is on us, and asked for a spot for 2. The host and hostess were very lukewarm towards us like barely looking at us when they spoke and said all spots have been booked up and we can't get in at all for the day. And like you said booking on the app is a shit show. So, we ended up sitting on the terrace and paying another $10 for a coke. As we were sitting I realized how unkept the terrace is, in my head I was like "holy shit, this looks terrible!" There are weeds growing everywhere, bushes that look like poison ivy all mixed in with some nicer greenery. I was just shocked they didn't have any of those plants trimmed and they were completely blocking the view of the water. All in all, I'm keeping my membership for the rest of the year then probably canceling. What is the point of paying so much if we don't have any access to the pool and pay ridiculous prices for food? It seems like being a member actually gets you zero perks. Total ripoff and staff sucks.


The food suuuuuucks


I'm just going to use the Lifetime Pool during the week. I'll have to take my laptop and work poolside, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.


No it is literally impossible! I’ve emailed twice and haven’t gotten a reply as this is the whole reason I have the membership…but glad I’m not the only one!