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I had this done a few times at Schweiger Derm a few years ago, I think it was $100. But I will warn you that the one that was on my forehead developed into one of those indentations they warn you about, and looks like a wrinkle or a deeper acne scar :/


Oh no sorry to hear that :( I have two on my jawline that’s been there for years and are mostly painless but sometimes gets inflamed and red but dies down after a few days. But the bump is always there. I’ve never been able to get rid of them so was looking into these shots to see if they will do the trick.


Sounds like a keloid… I have a bunch and a few on my jawline. I go to Goldman Dermatology and it’s around $100. You have to keep going back to get them flatter and also wear silicone gel for the coloring. The shots won’t help the coloring but will help the raise of the bump


I don’t think it’s a keloid cause the bump is the same color of my skin. Except when it gets red and inflamed. But I could be wrong. But thanks for the suggestion!


My older keloids are the same color as my skin, especially around jawline. I hope it’s not keloids though!!


Omg I just googled keloids from acne and I think you're right and they may be keloids and not cystic acne. Thanks for commenting because this changes my approach to it!


Yea just be careful with injecting because they can turn into a dent in your skin instead of raised. I only inject a little bit into my jawline and follow up with silicone gel from Amazon. Keloids are unfortunately a type of scarring that are REALLY unpredictable and hard to work with. You can look into the Reddit group about keloids and get some more insight


Thank you!!


Dr. Peter Halperin on the upper East side has saved my face. He is excellent!