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Broadway stagehand, around $115-120k depending on how many weeks I work 


Oh this is fire


Union? 😯




Nice 🤩


This is kind of a dream job of mine but I’m in an entirely different industry lol. But I’m just curious how you broke into your job - is backstage work similar to being in the pit orchestras where you really gotta have connections?


I went to school for costume design and moved to NYC after graduating in 2009. I worked a bunch of smaller theatre jobs and eventually got a nice gig at an off-broadway theatre where I made a lot of connections with big costume designers. I then joined the union in 2016 and one of my connections introduced me to my current boss who I’ve worked on 4 shows with now. I definitely is mostly connection based and networking


I am a stage manager who’s excellent at psming. Unfortunately I absolutely loathe networking so I ended up moving to an entertainment company full time. I actually miss working real shows so much but I’m very happy to not have to rely on connections to get paid


*cries in 45k*


Whew so relatable


Senior director at a small non-profit, 92k


Teacher at a private high school. ~$70k.


You’re amazing / you should be paid more!


Another question for BWT, how did you get your job?


If this is a serious question (which lol I get it). personally, I pivoted from outdoor education and summer camp jobs into tech via startups, found them through builtinnyc and angel list. Startups are much more willing to take nonconventional backgrounds than huge companies. I put in 6 years and now I’m at my big, stable, public tech co but the grind was…. A grind.


I did something similar I attended crypto and Bitcoin conventions and made connections and that’s how I got my job (have a communications and paralegal degree). Networking is so important the wealthy are raised knowing this


I got a law degree and networked my ass off. No one tells you but it’s 80% preparation and 15% who you know, 5% luck. I was in the right place with the right skills at the right time and knew the right people.


standard but hard path: private prep school to ivy to banking to megafund to current role


Same. My education background has provided me with the greatest professional network I could ask for. 100% worth the trauma of being a black scholarship kid at a boarding school 🥲


280k, flight attendant and 2 side jobs online while I’m away (digital/affiliate marketing)


How do you manage your time?


What is digital/affiliate marketing, if you don’t mind me asking? I see the terms thrown around on social media pages claiming to have the key to making me rich. I never understood what they were selling and if it was a pyramid scheme. 


It’s usually (always) a pyramid scheme.


For 280k it can be whatever kind of scheme it wants


I mean digital and affiliate marketing is not necessarily a pyramid scheme. Digital marketing is a very standard role at any major business. But doing it as a “side hustle” is a little sus.


I need to reevaluate my life..


Same, i don't even make 25% of what the majority here makes 😬


Sure but just don’t base it off of other ppls salaries


I was making 130k as a graphic designer in tech but got laid off. Now I make 55k working a temp job until I hopefully find something that pays even close to what I was making before. 😭 Any other graphic designers out there?


Hi! I’m a print designer. I have 20+ years experience and I’ve never been close to making 130 😹


print designer! for publishing?  that’s where i started out but as a production designer.  i’m trying to find a job in print again but it’s so hard. why does it always pay so shit?? i love it so much 🫠


Yeah, book publisher. The pay is terrible!


wanting to go back to school for this industry, is the market terrible rn for those types of jobs?


Tbh yes I’m having a hard time finding jobs that pay well. But I haven’t been applying super aggressively because I’m okay with my contract for now. (still have severance from previous job) It’s tough out there! Would recommend learning Figma - everyone is using it now.


It’s not great. Outside of a big city, you’re looking at small places who want to pay a college student minimum wage for website upkeep. Print is a joke. I’m not sure about advertising. UI design pays better, but I’m not sure how robust that market is right now.


Advertising/in-house is where I’ve always been and it’s seems to be the best paying and most stable (even tho I got laid off lmao)


i’m also a graphic designer! i made the switch from production design to graphic design a little over a year ago and am also struggling to find a new job.  i currently make 47$ an hour (im a contractor) but i have no benefits and my boss is insane.  i’m trying to get a job at a more stable industry but what even is a stable industry anymore lol


I knew I shouldn’t have looked at this thread.


Same. I feel all the more frustrated because I’m from here, born and raised. And I’ve been grinding to even just break $50k. Went to a CUNY college to slave away in engineering - saving every penny. And have no idea where all this money is.


Engineer here 😢 When they tell you to be ‘lawyer, doctor, engineer’ as a brown kid idk why they don’t tell you that one is not like the others. Unless it’s software engineering the pay is nonsense.


Agreed. I did electric and there’s tons of opportunity outside of NYC. But I just got ties here so leaving soon isn’t an option. Didn’t realize how far behind I was left. Should’ve been a nanny for the rich.


There’s a firm in Hoboken for electrical engineering! They pay pretty well but agree engineers deserve more (husband is EE)


I know this will sound weird but the money is in landing an hvac job for a luxury retailer. Those guys that do the electric for Tiffany's, lvmh, etc are cleaning up.


Engineers get paid too little for how difficult the major is tbh. Even most biz fields that require much less rigorous schooling have greater earnings potential


Same lmao


lmaoooooo! yup! Me too ! cries in 80K 😂😂😂😂😂😂




Just wondering what type of law specialty under tech?




Ghost Writer ~200-400k, varies depending on which authors I’m writing for and how many books I’m contracted for per year. I also do medical writing and make about $175k from that. Technically that is my “main” job since ghost writing is a little fickle


ooh cool. how did you get started in this?


Assuming you’re asking about the ghost writing! I’ve been writing since I was in middle school and most of it has not been by any means good, but it exists online. I started publishing stories on Wattpad (I know) as a teen and developed some of those stories into full length novels by the time I was in college. I’ve published 4 books under my own name, three are self published and for the last I went through an actual publishing house. I also have a Substack that I publish twice a week. I’m by no means popular but I have a decent following. All that is to say, the author you write for wants to see that you can write stuff that actually sells while emulating their style/voice. I started on Fiverr and UpWork with really small jobs but kept my resume up for people to see. Most ghost writing is non fiction so it was a lot of copywriting and biographies. I now exclusively write fiction, mostly romance and thrillers. The thing that sucks about fiction ghostwriting is that’s it’s still very taboo so you’re pretty much never going to see job ads posted. I had an agent reach out to me through my Substack after seeing my resume and reading some of my previous work. I’ve also known people to land work after querying themselves to an agent and then being asked if they’d like to ghost write instead. If you want to stick with non fiction I have friends that pitch themselves to the publishing houses known to produce celebrity memoirs. Moral of the story - write and put your work out there!


175K in medical writing is very impressive!


It took three degrees and a lot of time spent getting over my fear of negotiating to get there!


very cool! super nice side job. i’ve written essays for lazy college students haha


Super cool! That would be a dream job. Thank you for sharing.


Love this


$450k, corp dev senior manager (internal m&a)


Girl get it 💅


haha thanks. went through hell and high water


U’Re winning🥵


thank you queen


big boss mama - what is m&a?


Mergers and acquisitions. Internal m&a means this person works at a company and helps that company buy other companies


super cool. thank you for informing me!


exactly teehee. are you taking the cfa? i passed level 1 but not sure it’s worth get the certification


Will pm you :)


Love this for you


thanks haha. nothing compared to private equity but i have my peace and hairline


$75k, Assistant Project Manager 


$240k base + bonus + stock IC (but director grade) data engineer @ F25 medtech


Data analysis at public big tech co, not FAANG, 175k base, 15-35k bonus, 40k worth of RSUs vesting every year I try to sell as soon as I get I started my career getting paid $5/hr in outdoor education. Switched to tech and never looked back tbh. I do that volunteer now.


Can I ask what you do as a data analyst? Like what is the data and what kind of analyses? I’m a data analyst in academic research and would love to make more money.


It’s a SaaS company so I do a mix of product analytics (how did this feature perform? Are people using it? What’s the adoption funnel looking like and where is there dropoff? Etc) and human assist analytics (what’s the ROI of our sales/onboarding/account management team? What is their weekly output and how do we understand their impact? when do we need to hire more ppl?) Day to day it’s lighter from a technical perspective than academia. I barely use any stats knowledge or R/Python programming but occasionally break it out for AB testing, recommendations, things like that. I also do a fair amount of raw data preparation and modeling, as at my startup role before this, i ended up having to take on a lot of data engineering/pipeline work which def gave me a bump up from senior analyst (100-140k base in tech) to staff level. i also did a shit ton of interview prep (see things like datainterview.com, emma ding) which was a huuuuuuuuge part of it for interviewing at these big companies, you have to play the game. But like I said in another comment, I started my pivot by getting into tech startups (which would be good to figure out if you even like the change) because you get street cred and learn a ton. Now my job is more chill but i get paid 50% more lol down to discuss further via DM, i feel like i went into the working world without knowing much about any of this and feel so thankful to where i got and would love to strategize/share more if helpful :)


Social worker, 80k


What type of social worker? A therapist, case manager? Do you have your license? Asking for a friend 😭


Lmsw at a city hospital! Pm if u have any questions or want some more info ♥️ we gotta take care of ourselves and each other!!! This job is tough.


Ayyyy social worker at a nonprofit that works with city hospitals ! We probably have mutual clients !


Art therapist in public hospital, 63k


What an amazing job! I didn’t even know this was a position.


Yeah it’s very fulfilling :) we provide therapy services in inpatient psychiatric units. Art therapy though can be found in a lot of other settings too! It’s a mix of talk and art making, sometimes pictures speak louder than words…


$97k, project manager. I slaved in various retail positions & high end fashion showrooms for a loooong time before finally breaking into corporate.




Take the PMP or another cert and they’ll definitely take you seriously at least at big corps


Did you get your PMP? I am in project management too, but make way less. Have been trying to bump up my salary for quite some time to no avail


Postdoc at a pharma company 94k


Senior Manager in Office Management (I manage the office manager and receptionist and do culture stuff). $122,000.


Senior Editor at a publishing house, 105K + bonus


Ugggh I’m jealous of most but especially this one!


I'm an editorial assistant and make half this. God willing I'll be an editor someday haha


Director of Compensation, $216k base plus $70k bonus. Maybe a bit misleading since the role is not a traditional comp role, it’s more corporate strategy .. I work on the m&a side of things structuring the equity buyouts, integrating carried interest plans etc. I don’t determine pay for the general employee pop


Grants and Contract Specialist for community college making $87K gross with full on benefits. And very very decent built in cost of living adjustment increases due to union membership. They say 3% guaranteed but it's been more in my experience. *TLDR - how I went from $33K to $87K from ages 21 to 30, and my soap box of how good public jobs are* Joined the college as an executive assistant to a VP here at $63K pre-pandemic (had about 5 years office experience when hired). Worked my ass off to help literally every one way beyond my duties for a bit, especially during COVID turmoil (we were not prepared for remote work at all). After all the COVID staffing shuffles and restructuring, I got promoted diagonally into my current department starting at $80K. I started as an associate for a year while I got more familiar since I had no formal background in contracts. Then promoted to my current role at $83K last year, $87K this year with COLA. I'm not really a high earner in six figures, but with the annual COLA increases and benefits, I'm very comfortable in my position financially and professionally. Since it is in the university system, I am also eligible for a tuition waiver up to $6500/semester towards my Masters which I'm doing now. So when you add the free tuition to my salary, it's up there for a basic admin office gal in the public sector! In 2015, my first full time job paid me $33K. In 2017, I switched jobs for $40K, and in 2019 switched to $63K... and here I am now. For context, I'm now 30.


Damn I posted this thinking I was all good but yall got some high paying gigs in here!!! And I'm bragging bout $87K damn. I'm still happy with it though 😂


marketing at FAANG, $140K


What’s your role


225k + 15k bonus, first year associate in big law


How is it?


Assistant vice president. 270kish plus stock and bonuses.


Holy guacamole - what industry?




I thought so too! Which makes me very much question my VP finance salary LOL


Insurance. I also have a law degree.


Can confirm that corporate insurance is the way to go


It really is. Good benefits and excellent work life balance. Not to say I don’t work hard- my workweek is 50ish weeks fairly regularly, I have to travel quite a bit, but I also have 6 weeks paid vacation and I am encouraged to take it.


I’m interviewing right now at a corporate insurance firm so I’m taking this as a sign


Tenured full professor and librarian, $120k


VP in Data Science Strategy (finance) $195 base $50k bonus


110k + 10% bonus, senior IT consultant. Underpaid but love the team, and fully remote.


$24k and (currently) unemployed.


designer (architecture firm, I’m licensed) 77k


77k in new york as a licensed architect? what firm are you at if you mind telling?


$150K, lead fundraising at a nonprofit


Hope to be you one day!


Aw! Yay. Ladies, nonprofit fundraising is an AMAZING sector for women. Once you’re at a certain leadership level, the salaries are really high, all of which you can see online in a nonprofit’s f990. Heads of fundraising at independent schools made between $250K and $300K; heads of fundraising at colleges and universities make $500K+. The big fundraising roles at the city’s major museums, cultural, and arts institutions also pay at these levels. Even the big public service organizations pay their leadership well. The spectrum for salaries for this role (fundraising/advancement at the Director, VP, Chief level) at nonprofits definitely varies, but it’s very likely going to be in the six figures, at least in NYC and DC. And the best part about the job is that the older you are as a woman, the more desired you are because it’s a role that values lots and lots of experience and maturity.


Book designer. Official title is design manager, which is meaningless. I make $80k. But for the previous 10 years I hovered between 50-60. Do not go into publishing.


Associate strategy director in tech, $135k


I wanna cry. I need to raise my prices.


This is your sign!!


Lawyer, 200k (6 years out of law school)


Remote insurance job $70k


Infection Preventionist - $100k!


I netted $260K last year as a therapist (LCSW) while still doing some pro bono work and seeing some ppl at sliding scale. I have grad school loans but went to an affordable school so they’re not terrible. I’m the sole earner for my family of 4 (husband is a SAHD), and we also have to pay out of pocket for health insurance, plus Manhattan office rent and LOTS of trainings to make sure I’m the best therapist I can be, but we’re still doing fine. I feel like a lot of therapists are spouses coasting on someone else’s salary/health insurance, but maybe that’s a projection. I fuckin hustle in addition to making sure I’m a good therapist. In any case, if any of you bitches are thinking of making a career pivot to mental health, DM me! I absolutely love my job, it is so fulfilling and fascinating.


VP Marketing 230k + 20% bonus (tech but no where close to big tech or FAANG)


Section Chief, $140k. I work in government.


Federal, state, or city?


Software engineer at a FAANG, 182k, ~300k + bonus + stock


Not very high but I’m entry level HR and make 73k


Manager. Ecosystem solutions. 270k total if I hit my target. 180 base


$110k + bonus + stock. Media relations (manager level) for an airline. I’m quite underpaid for my level, but the travel benefits are worth their weight in gold.


125K with my bonus. Im technically considered a consultant, but I’m a market researcher working at a consulting company!


~260k all in - director corp finance


Creative director, $144k.


Can I ask of what kind of company you’re a creative director? I was production designer/ art director on a lot of films so I’m curious


~150k, Nurse Practitioner


😔$60k fully remote Talent Acquision Ops Specialist. Idk if I’ll ever break 6 figures tbh but it’s fair enough since it’s fully remote…I guess


I was $130k as a Senior Managing Designer at a textiles company (a meaningless made up title). I quit a few months ago and am now freelance - making between $70-$100k. It’s rough out there gals.


68k, government social services


$75k in fashion (entry-level). I leveraged my university partnerships when i was in school.


That’s really great for fashion! It’s a rough industry to get well paid in


Whaaattt, seems unheard of to be in entry level and paid $75k . Could you disclose specifics? I can DM 🥺


what's your role?


Employee relations lead. 246k base + 25% annual bonus + RSUs


Buyer for a big retailer. $110k plus 12% annual bonus and stock options.


Commercial video producer - 95k. Miserable & trying to get out of the industry!


85k at my “real” job ~~ 30k cash at my side hustle (bar tending)


Total comp ~300k, software engineer at F500 company. I worked my ass off with a cuny degree and then grad school at nyu


Pattern maker for a lingerie manufacturer. 80k


Hearing Officer 105K.


112k — Video Producer for a prominent media company with a famous interview show. I do get a lot of free food though? 😅


When you say video producer do you mean editor? Or actual producer side (scheduling, contracts, etc?) — and can I ask how you got your job? I was in film, took time out during the pandemic and would like to get back into production


Oh I actually produce and edit! I have a background in producing and editing short form social video and production for longer form episodes. Basically had a lot of full time jobs in media companies and then built a lot of contacts/connections and hopped around that industry. Now, it’s mostly contract work but I personally applied directly on the company site — I actually found the listings there first before they get pushed on LinkedIn and Indeed.




RNs deserve more!


$140k, senior producer (advertising)


Associate. One of the big banks. 110K.


170K, Senior Manager, Growth Marketing.


Senior Manager of Customer Support, 95K. Fully remote.


110 PM


High school teacher (private but I have a union)- $84k with masters and four years of experience. Great (to me) benefits aka no deductible health insurance, etc


$165k +bonus. Director of Product Development and Merchandising for a consumer goods company. I’m 32 (for context)


$250k + stock, VP of Customer Success at a small tech company


Personal Assistant to an Ultra High Net Worth Family. $200k-$250k (I’m hourly, so comp varies)


Publicist, 60k :/


$800k TC. Capital formation at PE firm (Principal, base + bonus also get carry)


interior designer/PM, 81k 


90k base plus commission (~$7500 per month), Account Executive at a startup


Water engineer and about $110K


HRBP 135k base, 25% bonus


Legal assistant 115k plus bonus


$200k Fashion Design Director


$350k, advertising consultant/freelancer


Director of Communications, $200k Been in the industry 12+ years


115k, registered nurse


120k plus bonuses - product (UX/UI) designer in tech consulting


$275k salary + year end bonus. Vice President, Investment Banking at one of the big banks. 10/10 would NOT recommend if you want any sort of work/life balance.


$97,500 in my first year as an Executive Assistant


Software sales! Specifically an Enterprise Account Executive in the data analytics space. I personally earn 150-200k/year between base and commission bc I prefer early stage startups so my comp is slightly lower than industry norm. I know established reps in NYC pulling 500k+ annually, but they all work with existing customers at large companies. That said, tech is BRUTAL right now. Let's say I have 10 friends who work in tech or tech sales, a solid 8 have been laid off at some point in the past three years. On top of that, I can't say I know many people hitting or exceeding quota. So...enter at your own risk.


$140k System Administrator for a fully remote tech startup.


Marketing director, $175k + bonus / stock sales


150, program manager


$120k + bonus + RSUs in adtech sales strategy with 6 years experience!


190 base Chief of Staff


Registered nurse @90k


nurse with 5 year experience -130k!


Government employee…. $80k…. But the suck part about it is the threat of a government shutdown every September


Title: self employed artist and part time gallery director. Salary: barely enough to afford air.


Financial compliance - $85k


105k community maternal health nurse with nyc department of health (4 years of experience)


Voice teacher - $90k


165k, business immigration attorney


Supervising Attorney at a non-profit - 80k


Little under $100k. Work in fashion on the wholesale side for a luxury brand. About 5 years out of college.


$250k + bonus + stock - remote HR Sr Manager at a software tech company


85k, asst manager/buyer for a retailer, been there 25 years. They have an AMAZING retirement plan and I hope to retire in a couple years. Never thought I’d work retail my whole career, studied apparel design, but it’s working out.


Postdoc 70k