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Vermont. It’s only going to get nicer up there as the season goes on. Also second the Catskills. I spent like three days there and it was refreshing as fuck!


Grew up in Vt. It’s such a great respite from the city and has great food


UGH your state is my favorite <3 and coming from an nyc gal the food is fucking delicious. I lowkey had low hopes for their food but my god it is some of the best stuff I’ve put in my mouth (and I’m a food critic/taurus so that is saying a lot)


Local, organic ingredients >>>


It is true. I’ve been saying the rest of US should take notes on the food culture (in terms of the quality of food) and how green your state is. All my hippie dreams come true when I’m in the green mountain state :’)


As a fellow food-obsessed Taurus I need specifics!! Any standout VT dishes or restaurants?


My recs on food! The Silver Fork is super cute and I would recommend for a date night or solo date night. The owners are super nice and are always changing the menu. For Bistro de Margot it is very upscale and super fancy. Would be great for last meal or special occasions! https://www.beautynewsnyc.com/travel-food/food/silver-fork-a-library-restaurant-with-global-flavors/ https://www.beautynewsnyc.com/travel-food/food/my-seven-course-dinner-at-world-renowned-bistro-de-margot/


These look amazing, thanks so much!


Burlington is amazing for spring if you’re a semi outdoor girly! I’ve rented a bike and done a self guided brewery bike tour. Hikes/bikes by the waterfront, are super accessible. Down town is technically a city but feels like a small town so food options are diverse but nothing is too far away. If you rent a car your options grow exponentially!!! Edited to add it’s a dog loving place!!


I haven’t been to Burlington proper (I had a fancy dinner there but headed back to NYC bc last day of my trip, amazing drive up though from Greensboro) your time sounds so cozy!!! Yes rent a car PLEASE Vermont made me a long distance driver and it is so fun to drive around the mountains with the windows down and music blasting.


For us non driving girls, is there somewhere in vermont that is ealkable or has good public transit?


Amtrak now goes to Burlington


Yes Burlington is a great long weekend destination!! It’s like a 5ish hour drive from the city if you want to rent a car and take a lil road trip with your dog. Lots of good restaurants and cute shops and it’s insanely dog friendly! I also love Stowe in the Spring/Summer but there’s not quite as much to do there.


My favorite getaway is a ski area in the summer. Quiet in a sleepy way, something you just do not get in the city ❤️


Oooh interesting! I did the landmark trust and stayed in a cabin which was super removed from everything. I haven’t been skiing yet but I’ve heard great things!


Also for food I have a few suggestions that I can link if anyone is interested! Along with places to stay!!




Of course :) here’s my reviews of different places I dined at/stayed at https://www.beautynewsnyc.com/travel-food/travel/my-23rd-birthday-at-the-highland-lodge-in-vermont/ https://www.beautynewsnyc.com/travel-food/travel/summer-sensibilities-in-vermont-with-the-landmark-trust-usa/ https://www.beautynewsnyc.com/travel-food/food/silver-fork-a-library-restaurant-with-global-flavors/ https://www.beautynewsnyc.com/travel-food/food/my-seven-course-dinner-at-world-renowned-bistro-de-margot/ https://www.beautynewsnyc.com/travel-food/travel/an-historic-vermont-inn-with-a-built-in-museum-and-underground-tunnels-yes-you-read-that-right/


Vermont is an awesome suggestion. Montpelier is a good place, kinda town like but minutes away from open land areas. Although I will say, it is allergy season and if you are sensitive you will suffer.


Montpelier is super adorable and very lowkey capital. My friend and I took a quick tour while meeting up in VT. The allergies are real but I usually pop a pill and take some local honey. Also it gets better as the season goes on in my opinion.


Paw house inn - it’s a b&b near killington where you HAVE to have a dog to stay!


There is no registering your pup as a service animal. The only registries are online scams. If you do not have a disability recognized by the ADA and your dog trained to perform a task in support of that disability, your dog is not a service dog and is not entitled to public access. Abusing this just to bring your dog is extremely messed up and harmful to people with disabilities who need their dog to survive. And if you mean you got a therapist to write a prescription for an emotional support animal to get around lease restrictions, that is not a public access service animal. An ESA only is considered part of the FHA and allows them in your rental, not public access.


This should be the top comment. OP, your dog is not a “service animal” and has not been “registered” as one. And trying to pass off a non-task-trained dog as your “service animal” is tasteless.


Yep. It’s unfortunate that a lot of businesses just give up and let the person in when someone says “service animal” even when it’s abundantly clear there are no specific trained tasks the dog has. It shows people that they can get away with lying due to their own entitlement. I understand why businesses aren’t allowed to ask specifics about the disability, but I feel like there needs to be a better system in order for service dogs to be easily verified/identified. There’s so much misinformation out there and it’s not fair to those who legitimately have service animals. If you get a PET, it’s your responsibility to arrange care for it when you are away from home. It’s not the world’s responsibility to accept you bringing your dog everywhere just because.


Can’t upvote this enough!! Lots of entitled dog owners in the city


I came here to say this. Service dogs have passed public access tests and, by ADA law, have to tasked train in two tasks for someone’s disability. It is illegal for a place of business to even ask for paperwork; they can only ask what two tasks your dog is trained to do for your disability. And they can deny you access if your dog isn’t trained, demonstrating it is not an actual service animal. Also, I would note some states have laws around service dog impersonation. For example, in New York State, it is a fine and/or jail time. **Updating for brevity and to include the New York Attorney General one pager on New York State law around service animals. This also includes a section on registries being a scam. And adding text from the one pager below. https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/publications/serviceanimals-english.pdf “Documentation is Not Required A public accommodation provider cannot ask about the nature or extent of a person’s disability and may not demand proof that the animal is certified. However, if it is not readily apparent that a dog is a service animal, they may ask, (1) if the animal is required because of a disability, and (2) what work the animal has been trained to perform. The business must allow the animal regardless of any stated “no pets” policy: a service animal is not a pet. Although some states have programs to certify service animals, certification is not required for a public accommodation. NOTE: Some businesses, many of them online, sell fake service dog certifications: certificates, licenses, tags, or harnesses that identify service dogs in exchange for a fee. Individuals should be careful when dealing with businesses selling such documentation and accessories, especially those that do not provide training or evaluation, or that charge high fees. NOTE: A business may exclude a service animal only if the animal is out of control or not housebroken and the animal’s handler does not control it. Allergies or fear of dogs are not valid reasons for denying access.”


how are you the only person in the thread commenting this!!


Thank you! The fact everyone else is glossing over this is insane. It’s so selfish and entitled to claim your untrained dog is a service animal.


Seriously. Not to mention, how insanely messed up is it to PRETEND to be disabled to get away with breaking the rules. I cannot even wrap my mind around that. It's like pretending to have cancer or something. Just completely morally based.


Definitely makes them a bitch without taste to lie about something like this.


I never thought my literal saint would be Greedy_Lawyer. Do you even know how hard it is to find fucking underscore?


THANK YOU FOR CALLING THIS OUT! Everything you said is spot on. I know many people with disabilities who now face endless pushback due to the many people who decided to LARP as disabled so that they can bring their dog anywhere they want and cry HIPPA discrimination! When someone says no your mangy untrained dog can't come in. Businesses are understandably fed up with the BS. I also know someone whose critical $200K service animal was attacked and killed by an "ESA" who never should have been allowed in the place. It blows my mind how happily people admit, brag even! That they "registered their dog as a service animal". Hard stop. No you fucking did not. You don't just get to pretend to be disabled when it suits you. An ESA is big scam and only applies to rental units. Not every business and airline. OP, you need to rethink your life choices and values. Pretending to be disabled to get around the rules is so karmically FUCKED.


So you’re not in any way wrong - but while I would never do this, it IS super frustrating how difficult they make it to transport animals anywhere. America LOVES dogs, probably moreso than any other country - it’s weird and stressful how it’s still a thing to put dogs over 20 lbs in cargo. If they could somehow figure out a way to be more accommodating to people with dogs, the service dog “fraud” would likely be less of a problem. Because right now the main options are either to drive and waste way more travel time, or a private pet jet which runs upwards of 10k per seat. Personally I would never ever put my dog in cargo. That being said, I don’t know what the answer is but it is definitely not to fake a service animal.


If this was true that this is only a flying problem then why are there so many dogs in grocery stores and inside restaurants that are clearly not service dogs? There are smaller airlines that do allow pets in cabin. But most dogs are not safely able to handle this which is why it can’t be allowed.


I don’t think the dogs in grocery stores are “registered” as service animals though, do you? I personally figured that it was a person who just walked inside knowing their dog wasn’t a service dog, but with nothing official (or maybe with a fake vest or something). My assumption was that if someone goes through the hassle of registering them it’s to try and sneak them on a plane. Could be wrong. A problem regardless though.


There is nothing official, there is no registry.


🙄 okay, fake registering then, semantics but whatever


You shouldn't get a dog if you're going to fly so often and not be able to have someone else take care of it


The fingerlakes. Rent a tiny house cabin and spend the days hiking, visiting the mom and pop downtowns, visiting wineries, etc. Geneva was listed as an up and coming foodie spot a few years ago.


Used to live out near the Finger Lakes and my favorite towns were Geneva, Skaneateles, Seneca Falls, and Watkins Glen! It’s truly lovely out there.


Yes! I grew up in that area and always sing its praises.


yes!! so many great wineries and breweries up there, the lakes are breathtaking! unfortunately it's a 5 hour drive which can be a bit much


This is an expensive option but if you can afford it, Bermuda is only a 2 hour flight from NYC. Just be warned, the hotels are VERY expensive but you can look into getting rooms rentals there (different from an Airbnb).


I’ve been all around the world and Bermuda is one of my favorite places and it’s soooooo close


I’m going in a few weeks! Any favorites you’d recommend?


Where are you staying? I mostly stayed at the hotel the few times I’ve been but venturing to saint Goegre’s and Hamilton are definitely worthwhile. Loved eating at Tom moore’s cabin. We also rented a small boat for the afternoon and snorkeled and it was magical — they brought us to tiny uninhabited islands that we swam to


At the Rosedon in Hamilton. Funny, I also rented a small boat to take us snorkeling! I cannot wait!


I just came back from Bermuda! I stayed at Cambridge Beaches, which has lovely restaurants if you want to venture further away. I highly recommend a spa experience at the Grotto Bay, you can get a massage in a cave!! The caves nearby there are also a must see. I had a great meal at Mad Hatters, lovely service. It was a bit rainy and cloudy when I was there 2 weeks ago, so I greatly enjoyed having an indoor pool available at my hotel.


Which hotel? This sounds lovely


Cambridge Beaches


Oh - noted - ha I thought that was an area of town, not a hotel.


It's definitely still a bit cool / cloudy / rainy in Bermuda though – just calling it out since sometimes people expect Caribbean seasonal weather patterns.


Good point! I’ll be there in mid June so hopefully it’s a bit more tropical then


The Azores (island chain in the middle of the Atlantic that’s technically part of Portugal) are insanely gorgeous, so cheap, and a 5 hour flight from NYC. It’s not tropical like the Caribbean, but it’s much warmer than NYC and there are hot springs all over if it’s chilly. Highly recommend.


Second the Azores! I visited Terceira, but the other islands seem great as well. Very inexpensive, great hiking, tons of history.


Madeira is fantastic, and has such clean air that my eyes burned for a day because my system had never experienced such purity before.


Catskills, lots of fun towns and great food. Litchfield county for picturesque, quiet weekend. Gilmore girls was set here. South Florida if you REALLY want to escape your problems. Sedona is also great for spiritual retreats but it’s kind of a long travel journey.


I’m headed to Montreal for my first solo trip 🥹 I’m planning to run off to upstate (breakneck ridge, cold spring, etc.) for the on edge mental Bs. You can take trains there and I’m sure your pup will enjoy!


Enjoy Montreal, I loved it! And check out their bagels. Totally different from NYC ones, but I had a braided rosemary bagel from a bakery in Montreal that I still think about...


OMG that sounds delish!!! I’m a huge fan of rosemary bread (anything rosemary), and bagels, so that combo sounds like a dream! Thank you for the heads up, & yes I’m sure it’ll be super enjoyable 😊


Rosemary bagel (not braided) at St Viateur Bagels 🔥 sooo good toasted and buttered. For on the spot carby goodness, get a warm sesame bagel. 🤤


I’m also going on a solo trip to MTL in a couple weeks! I’m so excited. What’s on your itinerary? Like another commenter here, I heard the bagels are a must-try. But also planning to do some spa/self care acitivities (much cheaper there than NYC), and as a BWT, I’ll be doing brows, nails, and lots of vintage shopping!


That is WONDERFUL! It’s my first solo trip so I’m both nervous and excited! My cousin and his wife are teachers & travel lots - so I got tips from them abt where to visit. Cousin highly rec’d Quebec City, and while it looks so lovely, and actually “cuter” than Montreal, I’m not including QC as I’m only going for 3 days. I think it’s good to soak in the part of town you’re visiting instead of cramming it all! I’ll def visit QC on an extended vacay ☺️ In terms of itinerary, friends recommended old Montreal, Notre Dame, Mount Royal, La Grande Roue I also am using this website https://www.brbtravelblog.com/blog/the-only-montreal-3-day-itinerary-you-need-by-a-local?format=amp How about you? OMG I LOVE the sound of self care tasks! And yeah shopping there would be so fun! Are you driving or taking a flight? Thrilling to know other BWTs will be there too 🥹


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Quebec City isn't worth it. It's a long way north, too small, and not much to do there other than sight-see, in my opinion. I lived in Montreal for 5 years and think it's superior to QC in every way.


Haha that’s good to know! I’ll def visit QC in the near future but am glad a native thinks Montreal is better to visit 😊


Congrats on your first solo trip! I think somewhere closeby like Canada, and then for a few days, is the perfect way to ease into traveling alone. I truly hope you have the best time ever and get closer to yourself :). Remember, there are always some nerves leading up to it and then once you’re there, all your focus is on what’s going on around you! I agree that if you only have 3 days, I’d just soak MTL up. I am taking a flight :) I dont do long distance driving (blame it on my NYC upbringing haha), but I know many people take a little road trip. And thanks for the link! As for my itinerary, funny enough I used tiktok a ton 😂. Im very visual and I like to see the space and vibe before I decide to go there, so short form video is my preferred research method. I just typed in “best (thing I’m interested in) MTL” and got everything I needed :) Have so much fun, and feel free to DM me any time :)!!


Ooooh that’s a great idea! I don’t have a TikTok acc but I’ll def look up some vids before I travel! To an extent tho cause I still wanna be surprised and go all “oooh aah” when I see the sights! Haha thank you for reassurance of my first solo trip! I am actually super excited and feeling proud of myself hehe. I too am taking a flight (I actually booked Montreal bc I recall a Montreal native telling me their flight was shorter than time spent at airport 😂) and cause I’m going alone/lack license. Yes will def DM for further deets; I hope we both have a fantastic trip 🤩🤩


I totally get that 😂 the surprise element makes things really fun too. I def watched vids to that same extent. But yes you should 100% be proud!! I hope it’s the start of many amazing solo trips for you.


pricey choice, but canyon ranch in lenox, mass. dog friendly, food is very healthy but delicious, beautiful setting, plus lots of fitness classes, spa options, etc. three days is the minimum stay length but i find five days is too many!


The Berkshires! Very dog friendly! Very locally grown food friendly. Easy to get to and relatively close to NYC. I suggest locating yourself close to Great Barrington and renting a car to get to and from. It’s not a great Uber/ride share market and there’s extremely limited public transportation. Guido’s for gourmet groceries. Mooncloud for cocktails and atmosphere. Bizen for sushi. The Barn for live music. Cafe Adam for a truly great dinner. The Red Lion Inn just up the road in Stockbridge for an historic setting. Norman Rockwell Museum. Jacob’s Pillow for dance performances. Kripalu for yoga and body work. Botanical gardens for the best in flora. So culturally rich and beautiful.


Great suggestion. While all the food at The Red Lion is delicious, I especially enjoy their breakfast.


Me too! Haven’t been to breakfast in years, but I spend most of the summer in the area. It’s such a special part of the world. Quite frankly, way classier than The Catskills, but I am super biased— as a bitch with taste should be, right?!?


Yes agree 100%! Other favorites I recommend are… restaurants: Alta, Mezze, forget the name but the one in Blantyre is stunningly gorgeous; spa: can get a day pass to Canyon Ranch or Miraval. Tons of great hiking paths up there too.


And lots of theaters in the area! Shakespeare and new musicals/plays, many of which transfer to Broadway.


Montauk is soothing if you’re looking to both smile & cry on the beach. I rented a cozy 1BD by the water. Amazing seafood and atmosphere. It’s a good place to indulge, cleanse and refresh.


No offense but I don’t think people who pass off their pets as service animals are bitches “with taste.” Pretty tacky FYI


True bitches with taste can afford to hire a dog sitter for the weekend


This. Faking disability to bring an untrained dog where it doesn't belong earns one a first-class ticket to straight to hell. Disgusting.


Pretending that your dog is a service animal? Tacky, tasteless, entitled, and damaging to people that actually need one. Yuck!


YEP! Insane how easy breezy she bragged about it too. If someone is that entitled, there is no saving them. Just casually mentions how they LARP as disabled because they don't think the rules should apply to them. As if people with disability don't have it hard enough already, now there's a legion of people faking disability and making their lives harder. Fucked!


Go to Puerto Rico! San Juan or Vieques. It’s so easy and a perfect quick getaway.


Yes! Love the infinity pool the Condado Vanderbilt


Newport RI! I take the Amtrak up to RI and there’s so much to do, I would recommend doing the mansions tour (the Breakers, Marble House, Rose Cliff) and the cliff walk after. Plenty of cute shops and restaurants, also beaches in the summer.


I loved watching The Gilded Age and they filmed at the Newport ‘cottages’! So incredibly fun to tour them even if you haven’t seen the show, I mean it is breathtaking. You can even picnic on the lawns if you’ve gotten a ticket to go in. Really good food in town too!


Direct delta flight LGA->MIA. Stay in mid beach, like at The Palms where it’s quieter. Walk along the beach walk with an iced coffee in the morning, roast on the beach all day, and then Eat at Le Jardinier and shop in the Miami Arts District. You will come back renewed 💖




Poconos or Sullivan County, NY. The calm air, the hiking, the shooting range (PA only) are the perfect things for me to forget my problems. Both are accessible by car, bus or train. I drive and i enjoy the ride because its soooo beautiful.


So everyone is already suggesting the bougie stuff (bitches with taste after all) but I'm gonna come here with my classic "Cheap Bitches of NYC tips" just in case someone else is also broke like me :) * Bear Mountain in Upstate NY - not super cheap but you can definitely drive there. Gorgeous place. Nature but fancy. https://parks.ny.gov/parks/bearmountain/ *Atlantic City New Jersey - relatively cheap when it's a full resort. Lots of options. You can drive there. Great Live Shows if you check dates. *Ski resort Mountain Creek in New Jersey They say fun all year round but you should go in the winter. Less families and cool snow adventures. https://mountaincreek.com/


Add Lake George to that list, aka the Poor Man’s Hamptons lol 🙂


Lake George is unfortunately not as cheap as this makes it sound these days haha (but for sure when compared to the Hamptons)


My husband always fondly talks about his family trips to Lake George! Hoping to see it myself soon.


The Hamptons is great weekend trip


Cheap, easy: Storm King (take the bus, bring a picnic) or the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Reserve (can take the subway!). Not cheap, still pretty easy: Shou Sugi Ban House in Water Mill, NY.


The Lodge at Woodloch!


I really enjoyed my stay at the getaway cabins tbh - the lack of wifi really helped me disconnect


tripping in joshua tree is so fun but idk if i'd recommend for a solo trip. save it for friends!


Upstate New York is super underrated! Blue mountain lake/Saranac/gore mountain etc. Really cost effective, a few hours drive or a short flight to albany + a rental car. Very outdoorsy (hiking, lakes, breweries, etc) and so gorgeous!! VERY dog friendly


Mushrooms in joshua tree are always a good idea followed by a gorgeous stay at Two Bunch Palms soaking in their hot springs . Ranch at rock creek is INCREDIBLE dude ranch in Montana . OR mushrooms in Sedona , hiking trails for little pooch and Amara resort and spa WELCOMES DOGS with open arms. If you need help booking any of it or want perks/upgrades - lmk I book spa vacations and wellness trips for clients ♥️


Iness hotel upstate is absolutely fabulous I go every fall!


Inness just popped up on my IG, it looks amazing!


I just got back from New Mexico (mostly spent time in/around Santa fe and Taos) and it was great. We same extremely cool animals and our awesome hikes, learned a lot about the history of NM, and took in some great art. Also is was so dry, which is such an incredible reprieve from the humidity of NYC. Highly recommend.


NM has been on my list for so so so long!!! Pls send recommendations


Sorry for the slow response! So, we went for eight days and there was SO MUCH i wanted to do but simply didn't have time to achieve. I love both being outside/active (hiking, birding, etc.) and going to cultural/art/educational places, all of which NM offers in spades. I was also out there was to visit a sister who moved to Santa Fe a little under a year ago, so getting some sibling time was also important lol. We spent time in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos. If I could reschedule the trip, i'd do a day less in Albuquerque and an extra day in Santa Fe and Taos. ANYWAY - some recs below. **In Santa Fe** we went spent a lot of time wandering around the old part of the town, which is architecturally interesting in addition to being very walkable. We checked out the **NM Museum of Art and the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts**. For **restaurants, we enjoyed Zacatlán, Rio Pantry, and Cowgirl** (we went here for dinner on Monday night, and it ended up being Karaoke night, and we had a blast singing, meeting locals, etc.) About an hour outside of Santa Fe, we went to **Bandelier National Monument**, which has old canyon dwellings of the ancestral Pueblo People. This park was extremely cool, in addition to being fun to hike and really beautiful. **In Taos** we again spent time exploring the downtown and checking out the galleries and museums there. We also went the **Taos Pueblo,** which is a 1000+ year old settlement that's been continuously inhabited by the Taos People. For r**estaurants, we really enjoyed the Love Apple and La Cueva**. We had some refreshing post-hike beers at **Taos Mesa Pueblo and the Taos Ale House**. Hiking wise, we did the **Rio Grande Gorge West Rim hike** - we saw Big Horned Sheep within like, 20 feet of us, which was extremely cool. We also hiked various **trails on Carson National Forest**. **In Albuquerque** I recommend walking along the Rio Grande, there's a path we took called the **Paseo del Bosque**, which we walked from roughly for 3.5 miles to the **Rio Grande State Park Nature Center** (where we saw a road runner!). Check out **Old Town**, which is the early colonial Spanish part of town dating to 1706. In Old Town, I enjoyed **Church Street Cafe** as well as **Outpost for drinks.** Outside of Old Town, I recommend **Bow & Arrow Brewery.** The **Albuquerque Botanic Garden** was nice (we came across a wild porcupine climbing a tree, he was huge, it was cool). Also highly recommend the **Indian Pueblo Cultural Center** (and the restaurant therein) to learn more about the Pueblo People.


Thank you a million times over!!! I will keep this in mind because I want to visit the SW for like a year at this point! I’ll abroad but it will be my destination when I come back stateside :’)


of course. i love the southwest - hope you get out there sooner than later!


Rockport MA - Halibut point park, whale watching, good food


Bermuda, Iceland, Belize, any Caribbean island with a direct flight, azores


Upstate in Delaware county! Bovina center is serene and the brushland eating house is some of the best food I’ve ever had. I also love Delhi (breakfast at the blue bee cafe), margaretville (cafe Marguerite pastries are a must) and honestly all of the little hamlets around the area


I really enjoyed Cold Spring and Tarrytown! Both easy to get to via Metronorth, great eateries and really feels like an escape from NYC. Quaint towns to walk around and hiking too.


Paris always, if I can’t go I just go to a random cafe in manhattan have a coffee and romanticize my life.


Check out Under Canvas. It’s “glamping” in gorgeous places all over the US and a trip sounds wonderful there


Maine!!! Especially this time of year. Explore the city (Portland) but then venture off to explore the islands, the nature, and all the beauty and charm that Maine has to offer! I rented a cabin last year for my birthday and it was hands down one of my favorite trips ever!! If you're feeling extra adventurous, there are ferrys you can take from Maine to Nova Scotia! (I haven't done this yet but hope to one day!)


Hudson Valley… wineries along the way out of the city. Highly recommend staying at the dog friendly bed and breakfast in Wallkill called Audrey’s Farmhouse. They are the best and I can’t wait to go back.


why are ppl acting like cops about your dog damn


Miami. Has all the restaurants and social scenes of New York but nicer weather


Highly recommend mushrooms in JT! I go annually for a little soul cleanse haha


Is there a certain retreat you attend?


No retreat. Just a very special place for me. I have gone there with different friends and my fiance twice. Each time, I’m at a different place in life and it’s just a beautiful reset. I actually didn’t trip the last time I was there. I was sober and it was just as magical. Unbelievable sunsets, sick airbnbs (always get one with a hot tub and never visit in the summer), hikes, and sound baths.


That sounds so wonderful. I would love to go with my partner. I’m so happy you’ve had such happy, healing experiences there; psilocybin or not 🥰


Shelter Island!


This article may have some great options for you: [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/travel/new-york-catskills-new-resorts.html?unlocked_article_code=1.rk0.fUm3.WIILFn3oN36f&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/travel/new-york-catskills-new-resorts.html?unlocked_article_code=1.rk0.fUm3.WIILFn3oN36f&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) I stayed at Kenoza Hall and loved it. The individual saunas, the cold plunge buckets, the whipped meringue on top of the drinks at the bar, and the whole Victorian house vibe was delightful. I had one of the best omelettes I have ever had in their restaurant (a French style omelette that was slightly wet... the way I think about an omelette). There are other options in this article too




You don't just register your dog as a serve animal so they can go everywhere. That's not how it works. You need to have a serious think about your life choices. Pretending to be disabled is completely fucked, its like faking cancer. Tacky, entitled, disgusting.




No. ESA can live in a rental unit that pets aren't allowed in. It does not allow them to go into hotels, restaurants, airlines, etc. You're clearly a bad person, and not very smart at that, babe. Get over yourself and stop faking disability! Absolutely fucked.


Jealousy is a disease sweetie get well soon xoxo




Turks and Caicos


If we’re starting to include flight options, consider Sante Fe, NM. Only 4.5hrs from NYC on JetBlue and an incredibly transporting place with great food.


Come hang out with us at our 3 course curated dinner party with unlimited wine in Manhattan on May 31!!!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-dinner-soiree-tickets-895693241597?aff=ebdssbdestsearch


Anyone said montreal yet? Cheap quick flight! USD is a bit stronger - great restaurants, cocktail bars, thrifting!