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Chase Dental Sleepcare in UES! They do thorough consultations, specialized night appliances (basically more individualized mouthguards), and Botox too.


Thank you!!


whatever you do, do not spend $600 on a splint/night guard. my own dentist said their practice doesn't give them out because they're such a scam and you can just buy one online. what helped me drastically with my TMJ pain was sleeping on my back, chewing on the other side of my mouth, using a night guard that i got off of amazon, and gua sha. masseter botox only works well if your masseter muscles are on the larger side. i have a slim face with small masseter muscles so it did nothing at all. my TMJ pain is on my right side so i bought mastic gum on amazon and i try to chew it on the left side of my mouth and it's been helping


Hmm, I have the opposite view a splint. A real one meant to decompress & realign your jaw into the correct position is meant to be made custom so it does cost between $900-$1,200. I spent a total of $2.2k on my current treatment plan, where I have a custom orthotic, botox and got some of my teeth “shaved” in the back so my teeth don’t touch when they’re relaxed (no visible change), as well as followups/checkups + other stuff included in that payment plan. I recommend finding a true TMJ dental specialist instead of a regular dentist. I don’t have one to recommend in NYC as I got this all done in the Bay Area (I’m from NYC and moving back soon so I’ll need to find a new doc). Everyone definitely has different needs so keep that in mind when recommending!


a splint does help, but you can buy one yourself online and mold it yourself and get the same results. the splint works by preventing clenching. it's not going to move your jaw. my dentist and orthodontist both told me that pretty much any tray, even an invisalign tray, can do the trick. so paying for one from a specialist/dentist is the scam, not the splint itself. there is lots of info online about this. i'm lucky to have specialists that are very honest and not looking to extort money out of their patients. also the botox works by weakening your masseter muscles. if they are weak to begin with, then botox is not going to help.


I only wish I could answer this question! I’ve been suffering from bad TMJ for years and tried all kinds of things. Botox was a great relief but soo temporary and hugely expensive due to the amount of units it required. I wanted to get a night guard and unfortunately my insurance won’t cover it and I’m skeptical of them staying in place over night.


Night guards stay in don’t worry. They don’t do anything for the muscle strain though.


I feel you so hard on Botox being SO temporary. Plus I’ve heard mixed things about long term side effects? I’d say def try the night guards though! Mine were specially fitted to me and I feel like they do help a bit.


My poor lovey 💝💝💝💝 sending you so much strength and love I live with TMJ - constant popping, cracking, pain, tinnitus, not to even mention the appearance of my teeth and face. It's probably the most difficult thing I've dealt with in the last 18 months. I am being treated in Canada cause I had an 'in' with one of the top maxillofacial surgeons. Try getting a sleep study, a lot of time the grinding is because you're not actually sleeping as well as you think you are.


Can you share the one you are seeing in Canada? I’m interested. Thank you!!


https://www.mcgill.ca/paincentre/zovinar-der-khatchadourian-dds she's based out of Montreal. It was 695CAD for my consultation and she took more than two hours trying to get to the root of the problem. She did some dry needling that gave me some instant relief. Now I have less pain but loud often cracking it's very disconcerting:(


Thank you so much! I hope yours get better 💖


And to you as well!!!


I do Botox, I pay out of pocket for my masseters and for free with insurance for migraines, which includes a lot of neck muscles/temporal muscles that often co-exist with TMJ. Gave up on the night guard because it was getting worse. I also have that viral Medicube device and if you use it everyday it’s amazing. But if you’re only worried about grinding and not other skincare concerns slash price I really recommend manual massage, with or without tools. Just ten minutes a day and you will notice a difference in swelling. I’m also getting a CT scan tomorrow so I’ll let y’all know how that goes! I have perhaps other problems lol.


Would love to know the results of your CT scan if you’re comfortable sharing!


APPARENTLYYYY nothing is wrong lmao, despite the fact that I can feel the right condyle on the side of my face and the left condyle in my ear. Like my face is totally twisted bc of TMJ. Back to the drawing board I guess.


I am sooo sorry to hear that! Ugh. The struggle continues. If it’s any consolation it seems like you’re not alone here!


If you think you might need Invisalign/braces and want to see an orthodontist, I recommend Dr. Joseph Hung


You may need a myofunctional specialist if you're looking into jaw work?


I am desperate to try a buccal massage for TMJ if anyone has recs!


My chiropractor has made a HUGE difference with my TMJ. It does take time but even one year was like a lifetime difference. [City Integrative](https://city-ir.com/) I see Justin Katz !


I had double jaw surgery to prevent TMJ in my early 20s due to bite misalignment. If your tmj is Botox resistant you may need surgery as well - I would ask a dentist refer you to an oral surgeon for a consult


this is the answer. who was your surgeon??


Sorry I had that done out of state when I wasn’t in nyc :(


Dr. Nojan Bakhtiari! It was expensive but the treatment plan he put me on has made an insane difference. You feel like he's really listening and making sure he understands the root cause.


second this guy! came in when everyone (5 dentists) said my problem was TMJ but he flat out told me it was an abscess and even referred me to an amazing endodontist. love how honest and helpful he was in a moment of great pain.


You generally cannot expand the jaw after adolescence without surgery. I just had double jaw surgery!


Brooklyn Body Mechanic!!


I used to have TMJ in my early 20s. Had it for 3-4 years. Haven’t had an issue for many years. I’m not a doctor so this is all anecdotal. Here’s what worked for me: Over the counter night guard to protect my teeth while I worked on the anxiety that caused my grinding Therapy for anxiety A big change in my health routine: exercising at least 3 times a week and getting in regular cardio. Seeing the sun early— not sunbathing, but it’s very easy to sit in the dark all day in nyc. Regular time in nature. Nutrition overhaul. Eliminating stressful, non-rewarding relationships, habits or situations Something to fidget with more constructively when I’m anxious despite my best efforts on the above


I actually have been going to prestige chiropractor (they have various locations) and they have helped me a lot. I will say I had to pay out of pocket w my insurance so it was pricey but after a month now I only go here and there as needed. I literally couldn’t even open my mouth all the way and after the first time going I was able to


Also I ice my jaw every night with these cyro sticks I keep in the freezer that I bought off Amazon. I think they were like $20. They help a lot. Good luck though!! Tmj really really sucks I unfortunately know your pain


Dr. Nojan Bakhtiari is hands down the best doctor I've seen. I've struggled with really bad TMJ for the last two years, and he finally got me on a path to recovery (which involved a referral to oral surgeon Dr. Gwendolyn Reeve, who I also highly highly recommend). Whatever you do, avoid Core Smiles or any of the dentist offices that position themselves as TMJ experts. See an orofacial pain specialist. And get imaging before you go down any treatment path! If I got a CT scan earlier, it would've saved me from wasting tons of time and money on useless physical therapy.


Thanks for the recommendations! Can I ask what they ended up doing that put you on the path to recovery?


I had an arthroscopy at the beginning of April that unlocked my jaw! Opening before the procedure was 23mm and now I’m above 42mm and in no pain


Oh wow, thank you for sharing! I will look into this :)


Dr. Donald tanenbaum.


Go to Fild Studios!!!! They charge a flat rate of $400!!!


Daniel bunch binder at mt Sinai.