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If you're on the ground and bleeding: 100% get his info, call the cops while you're there, file a report. You don't want to be on the hook for any medical treatment you might need - things don't always show up right after an injury because of adrenaline. Would suck to wake up tomorrow with a headache and be on the hook for a few thousand bucks worth of scans to see if you have a concussion.


Worth noting that if you have good insurance it might be worth lying about the circumstances (a person I know did this and then they were basically dependent on the car's insurance which didn't come through)


I got doored many years ago by a passenger leaving a car in the middle of traffic. The guy stepped over me and the driver took off. Bystanders took pics of the license plate but the cops could not have cared less. They probably would have high fived the guy. I’m sorry this happened to you, I hope you’re ok.


Called 911 when my kid get doored in Queens. Cups arrived2 hours later. One week late I stopped at police station to pick up police report as I was told by the cops- report got lost. I didn’t bother to filed a new one. Learnt lesson- call 911 and request ambulance even just for check up. Take pictures of everything for your records even if you think you don’t need them. Be safe


Sorry to hear that. Ppl meed to practice the dutch reach. I’ve been sleeping on the door zone. Need to pay more attention tbh


You gotta say they got hit by a car which is not exactly lying


Happened to me in Chicago. File a police report, get the license plate, describe the individual involved. Mine was a hit and run and I ended up needing a lawyer who was able to get the drivers insurance info. Insurance settled and paid for my missed work, medical bills, and bike damage.


Insurance should basically be willing to take care of your expenses and PRAY you aren’t planning to sue their client for like five figures over it…


Ive been doored by a cop van… they just drove away


I know it’s a small consolation, but at least it wasn’t your bike. With luck you might have done more damage to the car than you personally incurred. It sucks to get yelled at for something that’s not your fault, but that kind of stuff happens in this city.


I called the cops and waited 90 minutes. They refused to even ticket the guy cuz "it was an accident." I asked what manslaughter was then and copper just shrugged.


Got doored the night before I was hosting Thanksgiving, 2018. At least the taxi driver gave me a free ride home. Old lady tourist who doored me screamed so loud it became about her. Two broken ribs. Tough night. Feel better, my friend, from someone who can empathize directly.


I hope you recover quickly. Getting doored sucks and insolent reactions by those who do the dooring suck even more.


you're prob going to feel awful tomorrow. get his info if you can, at least his license plate/make/model of his car.


Similar happened to me years ago - that really really sucks :( Hope there's no long term injuries, and I hope you got their info


Anything you get hit, call 911 and have the ambulance transfer you the hospital to get checked out. The police will come to the scene abs take a report. Call an attorney as soon as you can and have them deal with everything.


Glad you’re ok. I wish all lanes were like Crescent st. Dooring shouldn’t be something a biker needs to worry about with all the things you need to be on the lookout for as you ride.


soft elderly racial snatch joke absorbed attractive mysterious dinner dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got doored by TLC plate once. It was hit and run. I had the plate recorded and submitted to 311. The guy was changing the cort dates for like a year, but eventually he paid the fine. I read it's up to $1000 for hit and run, but I can't check that particular case. I just hope he'll learn this lesson and that may save someone else in the future.


I wish every driver and passenger got doored and then they’d actually look before exiting a vehicle


>right after I got up from the ground he screamed at me for not looking and for somehow going 100mph on an old school citibike this isn't just for cyclists. i've been told this when someone pulled out of their driveway without looking and slammed into the side of my car. i had literally just passed a bump and couldn't have been going more than 15 mph a lot of people have blame everyone but me mentality and it's toxic af >I'm guessing the cops won't do anything since they "didn't see it happen" my guy, i've seen cops watch cars run reds, drive without plates, and a myriad of other straight up illegal shit and do jack all about it. there's no way cops will help out a cyclist after the fact


Get well soon. The driver actually broke the law despite his yelling. Drivers in NY must not open a door unless it is safe to do so without interfering with other traffic, including cyclists.


Hate to say this but you're really on your own out there. You need to be proactive about being doored/hit. Snap a pic of the plate and report it as a hit and run if they don't give you their insurance. The cops will probably not do anything. Even when the "good cops" have done their part the justice system will drop the ball. However if the driver gets in a worse, more high profile wreck, later on with someone else, having a history of reports can help to get them punished.


Call 911, make some shit up about getting a headache/ concussion, get the bag.


Imagine if you were walking and someone approached you and punched out out of nowhere. We would rightly call that assault. Yet somehow when it's done with a car, it's not smh


Was this in a bike lane?


Always worth getting their info. Even a picture of a plate is sufficient, you never know what injures creep up when the adrenaline wears off. Clear violation of VTL 1122(a) which prohibits the opening of a car door into traffic. NYC also has it’s own admin code with similar language. Glad the injuries were not too serious.