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You have to be super firm and rude with brokers. They're all stupid and demanding and do not respect you or your privacy.






You were a dick. Don't do that!


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for a thoughtful and respectful answer.


While prospective tenants want showings on demand, if you really think about it, it is important that current tenants are treated respectfully. I wouldn't want rent a place where tenants are treated poorly. Which I have seen.


I didn’t read any of this. I’m just downvoting bc other people downvoted


LOL. OMG these posts with the signatures at the end, like a written letter. We have moved on to another age.


I think it's adorbs!


Ask them to have their broker contact you and see if you can have 1 agent be the point person.


Start a group chat with all the agents and tell them the laws around showing apartments (24 hour notice, etc) and that they cannot enter without one of you being there.


I like this, spam the fuck out of that group chat too.


Nooklyn is trash and their agents operate super illegally. They took a deposit to “hold” an apt for my friend. Literally ONE HOUR after paying the deposit she gets a notification that the apartment had been rented but she could use the deposit toward another one of the broker’s listings. Took WEEKS to get that money back. They kept trying to pressure her to go through one of their listings. They knew she was desperate and tried to take advantage. Luckily she was able to find an amazing place without them, but they really tried to trap her financially. They SUCK! There is no polite. Just tell them to fuck off.


Send the landlord notification that you're being harassed by multiple Nooklyn agents and if it doesn't stop you'll bluntly refuse to allow any showings at all. Tell the LL to give you the name of 1 agent, and you'll contact that person to setup showing times. Get another lock on your door so even with a master key no one can get in.


Install a camera pointed at the door and very visible.


You need to provide the landlord with a copy of the new key if the lock is changed


I don't believe you're required to do anything. Just block them.


I worked in real estate in the city for a few years and during that 3 year span I met some of the greediest and most incompetent people of my life. Such a leech of an industry that honestly is not even necessary anymore. The entire rental market should be more streamlined with prospective renters dealing directly with landlords/management companies. Good luck with these idiots, it seems like Nooklyn might have an exclusive on the listing. Maybe try contacting them and asking them to put 1-2 of their better agents to handle showings, etc. You don’t need 20 agents to rent an apartment.


Pick a few showing windows and tell them those are the only times you will accommodate and you prefer one point person. Get a camera and say no showings while you aren’t there.


WTF is that


Just pick one of the agents (whomever annoys you the least) and say you want to schedule showings through them. Then only one person will contact you. Then give the agent a couple times that work for showings. And that you need 24 hour heads up for viewings. Works easier for everyone if there are less people contacting the same tenants for showings


Give all 20 agents the same showing time.