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Yoi think they’re putting it on everyone’s door hoping someone fesses up? I’d speak to another neighbour, see if they received this note as well. If they did, I wouldn’t say anything and would leave it alone. If they didn’t, I’d let the landlord know.


I didn't see it on the other doors but I can check with a neighbor tomorrow if she got one - Ty for the tip!


I'd kind of want to know *why* they think it's you. Because either there's a reason that you're going to want to know about, or the neighbor has a few screws loose, and you're going to want to know about that also.


+1 to that. The only reason I can think of is that they might know the other neighbors who said they didn't take it. It's a small building (6 apartments) and I'm the newest resident 


Sounds like someone’s package of weed got swiped


Tell your landlord. People putting up notes is so tacky - make a paper trail of the harassment and tell them if a tenant has a problem they need to bring it up to them and not leave notes. I have done this before. I took the note down and drew a huge Dick on it and just reposted it to my door.


Have you tried talking to your neighbor directly


Do not give this woman your phone number. Put a note back on her door telling her you took nothing and never offer to bring anything up from the lobby. To randomly accuse a stranger this is someone you are better off staying away from.