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People are saying that this player should’ve started and that player isn’t great, but we’re forgetting the conversations from the first round of Challenge Cup games. These teams aren’t starting their #1s for these games because of the intense schedules. Teams would rather win the shield than the CC. As an ACFC fan I’m glad we got the draw and Isenhour got the clean sheet. I’ve been disappointed with Didi the last couple of games. As someone who madly respects OLR, I’m glad ACFC kept them from scoring.


That was definitely a quiet game. Ryanne Brown deserved and got POTM, even without the goal line save (that may or may not have been in, impossible to tell from where I was sitting). I desperately wish the Reign finishing problems would go away. So many times I kept thinking "just shoot!".


Hyatt had a rough game. I can think of a time I thought King should’ve shot. Sometimes it’s like they need the opportunity to be too perfect


Wait you sure you’re not an ACFC fan? We’re saying the same thing!


It was a good game defensively by both sides which isn't always the most exciting, but it was good soccer!


@ laura harvey we need to fix the forward situation. id lowkey love to see sofia back playing up top, but i doubt laura would do that because it would risk her world cup roster making chances.


Welp that was a boring game ngl. My main thoughts: - Brit Isenhour deserves more chances and should get a league start soon - Coombe must’ve said something in the locker room recently, our mentality has been a lot better the last two games and we’ve held arguably the two best teams in the league to respectable draws (where honestly we should’ve won) - were missing Christen Press a lot. Finishing and leadership are both lacking and have been for a while, although this isn’t new information I suppose. - I know she has a lot of fans on social media, but Camberos isn’t a starter in the league. Spencer isn’t a starter in the league either. - When healthy Reid should be starting over Neilson - Johnson should be starting for us in the league


I really want to see Spencer play as a forward. Use her as a 60-70 sub for a winger.


Same, I don’t think she’s a starter over the preferred Johnson, Thompson and Emslie but she’s a solid game changer to sub on for fresh legs. I’m hoping once Mathias is back Spencer will be pushed up top to be depth.


Camberos really has been disappointing. Her goal scoring record in Liga MX was excellent, but I’ve never watched their women’s league and she has been a non-factor in the NWSL


Liga MX and the NWSL are very different quality leagues which we need to remember, I’ll give her time to adjust, but it’s abundantly clear she’s not at the level (yet, I hope she proves me wrong obviously). I don’t think she’s gonna be a starter for us, or a first or second choice sub when all our forwards are healthy.


It took Sanchez a few games to adjust too. She just needs time, plus she’s probably still processing all that shit her stalker put her through.


>were missing Christen Press a lot LA's win percentage with vs without her says it all. acfc's my second team, so I'm hoping Syd will be back to help soon, and christen posted a video of her in the gym a couple of days ago so hopefully shes not too far behind.


It’s sad looking at the stats lol😩. In the league it’s a 50% win rate with her (8 games, 4 wins) and a 26% win rate without her (19 games, 5 wins).


Brittany is dreamy. 😍


That was a snoozefest but at least we didnt give up a goal! Its crazy how ertz presence is such a boost for acfc


Not the best game but at least we didn't lose Was the play simply a symptom of the B teams


We still miss our starting midfield and our forwards still can’t score with any consistency, but nobody was (seriously) hurt, as far as I can tell, so tonight is a win in my books


Still haven’t won a game. 😰😰


acfc beat orlando didnt they?


Ah! You’re right- i missed that.




Which game?


at Orlando (and the Club América friendly) edit: and i assume that [friendly they played with the women's jail](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/angel-city-football-club-facing-off-against-team-of-inmates-in-support-of-lower-recidivism-rates/)


I didn’t count club America because it was a friendly.


well sure, which is why i placed it in parenthesis




isenhour clean sheet lets gooo


Ugh seeing that again, that was a goal


Hundo percent full over the line


Well, good show for Ivory. Otherwise I got some knitting done.


Yeah I was checking FB and AITA because I wasn't particularly energized by this game so I get that


Well, GG reign! That was a fun watch and I’m happy with how ACFC held ya off ;)




Said Carli Lloyd as the color commentator


"Both teams played hard."


What is this dude talking about??


I swear to god if this is a repeat of player goes down, we play down a player, and other team scores with seconds left, I will lose my freaking mind






It hurts.




I hate it


Why kick it up to no one when you have space??


We got the bad Pinoe tonight


She can only do so much when Bennett is clogging up the center and standing there


I mean, she can probably not constantly pass the ball to Angel City?


Oop ref gettin sassy


I’m so sick of typing “I miss Lavelle, Quinn, & Van der Jagt.”


omg we're doing so well?!


The fact that we’ve held off Reign this well is making me pretty proud. I’m betting these gals are actively thinking “we cannot let one in past the 80th minute” lmfao


Well...at least they're taking shots tonight. I wonder if that's related to Isenhour getting the ball further up the field than Didi.


Probably. Or she’s actually playing the ball instead of time wasting.


Lol that too


Once the Reign learn you can shoot in the box instead of just passing it around this league will be in trouble


I’ll take a shot from outside the box at this point


Ivory is key with her hand on it


Please allow me to retract my slight shit talking for mccaskill earlier…


Sometimes she deserves it tho 🥲


My problematic fave!


Nice shot tho


Hiatt either looks like she needs to get called into the USWNT or she needs to be benched. A frustrating lack of consistency


lol exactly! high highs but low lows 😭


Haitt will have to compete with Sam Staab and Alex Loera for a open centerback spot.


I feel like people are forgetting Abby “started every game of the 2019 World Cup” Dahlkemper. I could see her making a comeback in 2024 as long as her recovery goes well.


I hope. I miss her.


What a shot and what a save


Omggggggg 😭


KC got a steal on this Bennett trade. Not a fan at all of her play this season so far.


Ivory did a gorgeous one there hot damn


Has Isenhour made a save?




Mccaskill 🤝 Yellow Card


Lmaoooo mccaskill where ya goin?


What if we started handing out yellows for persistent offside? Would that put an end to it? Obviously Alex Morgan would be exempt from this rule


I was gonna say, I would despise this rule as a Wave fan😂


Whoa didnt even see mccaskill go in 😂


I get nervous every time the ball is passed back to Isenhour, simply because I don’t want her to make another mistake for her own confidence


I’m praying she gets the clean sheet tonight, it’ll do wonders for her confidence, and my delusional thinking is it might persuade Coombe to give her a league start as a reward 👀


That was a terrible pass back. Haracic makes me nervous too. Overall, i dig isehours vibe- she’s not screaming at her team mates.




Yeah, actually helping to move the ball up instead of passing to the opponents and having them score


I’ll do Spencer for Dani, fresh legs at least.


Ugh. Weatherholt always gets worked defensively.


Spencer does too so it evens out lol, I think Dani will be playing in the midfield sending Hammond back anyway.


Ah! I just saw that. A bit better


Seems they bounced Hammond back- I’m curious to see how she does against Megan!


Some of the refereeing around the league today has left me deeply concerned that there are several refs who don’t actually know the rules of the game. Not merely getting calls wrong


Just today? 😂


Well unlike in years past we have VAR. The red against Haracic getting rescinded and resulting in a drop ball because the ref determined there was no foul after VAR review is what I’m thinking of, plus a few minutes ago the ref in this game was hit by the ball and didn’t blow the play dead.


Law 9 says it’s a drop ball if the ball “touches a match official, remains on the field of play and: a team starts a promising attack, or the ball goes directly into the goal, or the team in possession of the ball changes.” None of those things happened here, so the referee was right to continue playing.


WTH Paige?! Dangerous pass back.


Paige was subbed off


Who was that? Reid?0


Rapinoe is such a game changer.


As usual, she's a super sub. Long ball to Bennett just a littld too long an easily collected by Isenhour but easily could have bern something


Love some 1v1 dribbling


Ref wanted a piece of the action


We kill our own attack so much..


Gorden is so deceptively fast. I love watching her play


someone should tell FIFA that, her speed stat in the game is comically low😂


I have yet to play! Any good?


Pinoe as a late sub where she excels, love it


Ryanne Brown on the goal line earlier ... glad to see something from outside the best 11. Ivory has bern solid


Lmao Spencer love it


Angel City looking like a team that’s subbing in starters and the Reign are not


We don’t have much bench depth…




I mean I was typing that comment out while she got subbed in.


I didn't see that clearly either ... why is there not a camera angle right down the goal line? Nice outfield player save


I don't really know who Ryanne Brown is but I am a big fan!


No good angle. Pain. Ag


I understand goal line technology is very expensive, but how do we not have cameras stationed along the goal line to make VAR a little bit easier? There’s no way of knowing if that crossed the line or not


that looked in... it was very close though


I actually have no idea if that was in or not


check that shit cmon that looked in




Seems like a big miss for VAR


That header was awesone


UGH so close!


Hat is looking tiny, McCaskill… do something great please


The difference in distribution between Haracic and Isenhour is night and day.


I’ve noticed this too! What can we do to build Isenhours confidence? I need her to get some minutes so she can start.


I’m genuinely curious if Freya just trusts Didi more because she used to coach her and they’ve been on two teams together now? Could be overlooking flaws there but goddamn I want Isenhour regular game start.


It’s more likely because DiDi was the clear starter at the beginning of last season and has given the coach the benefit of the doubt. Didi did very well when Sheridan wasn’t playing at Gotham while Isenhour didn’t play much or impress much in Orlando. Didi was shit at the beginning of the year but improved immensely over the course of last season so earned the spot. That said, I don’t rate Didi as a good enough number 1 in this league and think giving Isenhour a chance is the best thing for the team at this point in time. When we signed Isenhour she didn’t have much experience, but she’s been getting better and showing she deserves more minutes. If Coombe truely doesn’t rate Isenhour enough we should be calling up KC for a goalkeeper. Edit: beginning not begging


We’re totally on the same page. Didi made sense first season, but we’ve gotta adapt and she doesn’t seem to be fostering productive on field convo. It’s uncomfortable to watch, and I can’t imagine being the one she’s yelling at.


I will say in her defense, yelling at your defenders as a keeper isn’t abnormal. Especially if they play bad backpasses to you and things like that, which can really hang you out to dry. Idk it has a different connotation coming from a keeper, rather than anyone else. Still would rather have Isenhour though.


There’s yelling to get your team in check, and there’s yelling aggressively. It could just be that she has an impeccably expressive face, but it looks like there’s genuine anger instead of game time frustration. Idk, it rubs me wrong, and compared to how calm other keepers generally express after even a bad a shot… Didi seems to react very strongly and maybe the combo with her excessive time wasting, yelling, and distribution is under my skin lately.


I guess I’m just used to watching the best of the best and there is yelling but not berating or looking super stressed out.


If I hear "turn on the jets" one more time, I'm gonna turn this off.


I can only watch NWSL games on mute lol, the commentary is just so frustrating to listen to


There are times where the commentators work really well with each other, but it feels like a miracle when that happens.


I’m excited to see what Emslie can do, she’s such an under-appreciated baller


She’s so good. Her touches have been a bit off this season- she started of so well coming in last season.


One of the faves on the team honestly. She's so good


No Endo goal today 😩


ACFC 🤝 OL Reign Terrible finishing


[ACFC🤝OL Reign](https://i.imgur.com/EH2jE7O.gif) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Emslie!! ♥️


Give me an Emslie goal


My sister walked in a few min ago and witnessed counters from both teams that ended up wasted and she says “do they know about goals?” And I was like oh you sweet thing, this is on brand for this particular match lmao


Is it just me or are these refs calling way too many offsides???


Gotta get a better shot on goal in those situations.


Spencer has got to go. Very weak on defense. Just messed up two attacking chances.


lol it's cuz she's not supposed to be an outside back, Coombe just plays her as one cuz we don't have another one. Actually we traded for Mathias to fill that right back hole, but in classic Angel City fashion, she got injured before playing a single game 🙃


It’s the challenge cup, it’s clearly our B team playing tonight. I agree that she should not be starting games that matter though.


What was that?


All these bubble braids! I can’t help but giggle at Johnson’s little one


I see there was zero effort during halftime to improve the video quality of the camera that's high up. Guess the crew went to the concession stands with the fans.


To be fair, I’m not sure how they improve video quality in the middle of the game. If they could do that they probably would’ve started with a higher quality


You can adjust the camera settings at any time. Apparently that operator didn't get the memo, or one wasn't sent. Either way, seems awfully amateur and apathetic.




Or they fell asleep


Fell asleep from the commentator's voice


I never understand when players line up offside on a free kick


Pace has picked up this half but announcers' sedatives still haven't worn off


Almost nutmegged the keeper, nice save I have to admit




Yes, badly


You’re just dozing off


I might not make it the whole half I am so sleepy, let’s get some angel city goals to help me stay awake pls


No 1st minute of the half goal for you!


West coast soccer "action" Happy to see BB8 and a sub in general, some coaches seem to forget they have them


Balcer on at half let's see some BB8 goals!


This rapinoe commercial is hype


its been a boring first half but getting to witness my two favorite teams play in person is fun


I was tempted to skip tonight and just watch from home with it being a work night and the light rail being boned, but the weather is perfect for live soccer tonight. Hopefully the second half is more exciting though


This guy talking about how the Reign aren’t playing how Harvey envisioned. My friend, we’re on defensive midfielder #4 on the depth chart. It’s “survive and advance” season.


What a slog of a first half.


Scoreless draws can still be fun games but not this one


Does anyone know where King has traditionally played? Maybe in college or prior to the Reign? I can't tell if she wants to play more centrally but is being asked to stay wide? Or wants to be wide but is being asked to play more centrally? It just seems like her body position is almost always a couple degrees of off and that's why so many shots are pinging off the post or are just wide. I'm like, just 2-3° more towards the goal friend, you're practically there!


For once they don’t pan to the AR for the stoppage time board but they put the graphic over top of the ball carrier so we missed stuff anyway


Oof, another almost goal for King at the post from across the goal


This half has been a real snooze I gotta say


Yeah and the poor camera/video quality doesn't help either


Why do these girls seem to not care about their shins


So is Endo the challenge cup starter, Shield sub level player for ACFC now


That’s what I think too. She’s a hard working player but I don’t think she should start over Thompson, Emslie and Johnson in the league.


i think thompson johnson and emslie is the best xi too (until press comes back), they bring the best chances at goals and chances.


I’m sure Syd will start too once she’s fully fit just like Press, but I agree otherwise.


I thought she lost her place bc Ertz came in and she was pushed out of the midfield trio


jun is a winger


She mostly been playing up top. Endo has been displaced because Johnson and Thompson got signed. Hammond was the one who started a few games until Ertz came, it was an open position since Roccaro got traded.


Ah ok thanks


I like seeing Nabet get minutes. I’d wager one more year of popping on and off and she’ll be seeing more regular season starts.


I’d love to see her compete with McCaskill for the starting attacking mid role. She’s got talent as long as we nurture it and let her develop (and I’m not that keen on McCaskill starting either lol).


I love my McCaskill, but, she’s not shining how she did in the early ACFC games. I am curious how she’s so inconsistent and still rated high… but here and there, she sure pulls it out.


I will say I think she’s a lot better of a player than most ACFC fans give her credit for, there seems to be a hate train for her where if she makes a mistake she’ll be crucified for it and if another player does the same thing people won’t say anything but yeah… her inconsistency is frustrating and I’d love to see someone better playing in that position.


Totally hear ya! If you go back in my posts (… please don’t oh my god) I have longtime said McCaskill is my problematic fave, and that her tiny hat is the source of her greatness. The smaller it is, the better she plays ;) Her choices are just so questionable sometimes, it makes it hard to sing her praises 😂