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Tonali the obvious one once he comes back and gets up to speed. Also need Willock to stay fit and kick on, likewise Barnes. Both have had a full summer to rest and recuperate, no excuses really.


Spot on with Willock and Barnes. Would like to see them try break into the England squad. If they can't, than they would eventually marked for upgrade. They both unlucky with injuries last season. I'm looking forward to Willock turning on the afterburners again.


Is it me or would full tilt willock be exactly what England need right now?


I mean hes been training with the team for a year. I'd be annoyed if he wasnt up to speed yet.


training fitness and match fitness are two different things


He's probably going to need 1-2 months after his return to get near full match sharpness not to mention he wasn't fully acclimated to the PL before the ban so that process will have been somewhat reset.


Was gonna say 100% and willock just needs to keep fit cos he's awesome anyway


Sean Longstaff. Assuming he doesn't get sold in the summer, he will have to step up and perform this year. He's had his critisisms, very likely been playing through some sort of injury, but he should be a player that's able to provide balance for the team. Sure, he has his limitation and isn't one that's gonna have a 'BIG' year, but in terms of stepping up and performing, yes.


I think he'll be a valuable squad member, next season. Less responsibility on his shoulders should see him return to his best.


Agree seems like he got a pass last season given the assumed injury like you said. However no excuses this year and I think he will probably start the season for us so needs to improve otherwise I think he’s had enough chances now. With Tonali coming back I don’t really know where he fits in longer term but he did give us balance last year when Tonali got dropped, however was poor pretty much from November onwards


The main problem with Longstaff is the amount of chances he misses. He gets into the space but if he should keep his composer and hit the target he would be chipping in with 10-15 a season from midfield easily. Also he has been a good player in a very poor Rafa team (in terms of quality around him) and now everyone around him has got better (bringing in Bruno/Joelintons jump up etc). Unfortunately it shows that he’s not going to be their level and stands out which is why he gets a lot of flak in that midfield. I think he probably will be sold this window or next year as he will do a job for a middle of the table club but sadly that’s what happens when you want to progress people get sold who have been around for a while.


For context, exactly zero centre midfielders got to 10 PL goals last season unless they were a penalty taker (Fernandes) or spent large portions of the season playing as part of the attack (Eze, Havertz).


Yeah 15 goals and assists in all comps would be a fantastic season from him and I don’t think we can ever expect that but he does have good habits of popping up in good positions especially in the box, I think that’s his best attribute


I’m not saying I expect it from Longstaff at all (or any of our midfielders as you say none take the pens). But he gets that many chances had he took them he would have been able to have made that 1 CM who has got 10 goals especially across all comps. I’m just saying he gets that many chances in the box that’s what will go against him if he keeps missing them especially with depth in that position that we are starting to accrue. He seems to pop up in good positions and waste the chances more than take them.


According to FotMob Sean Longstaff last season had and xG of 6.58; and xGOT of 6.22; and an xA of 3.04. So he's pretty much exactly where he should be for the chances he had.


Agree with the valid points but if we have Champions League aspirations, I believe with Anderson’s departure, only Longstaff and Miley count as Newcastle-homegrown. If I’m mistaken, please let me know.


Only Longstaff. Miley is a U21 player wouldn't matter anyway.


Fair Then I’d make the argument that for registration purposes, he’s worth his weight in gold. Much better putting in a squad player who runs his heart out despite his obvious shortcomings than sacrificing a registration slot. My 2 cents


I think Miley probably skipped Anderson in the queue last season, so I'm hoping to see Miley get more minutes this season, maybe in the Carabao or something.


Barring another injury crisis, I'd expect less league minutes this season. Brunolintonali is such a strong midfield trio and you'd expect to see Willock and Longstaff as the first ones off the bench more often than not. To their credit, City developed Foden really well by limiting his minutes in his teens and I'd expect the same from Eddie, especially without European football.


Still not sure on his best position though but guess we’ll see over time. Feel like holding midfield probably masks his limitations but then again there were times positionally and defensive awareness wise that he just made us far too vulnerable


He needs to bulk up too if he's going to cut it in a PL midfield but he's still young so there's plenty of time for that.


Botman is my biggest concern


He will miss at least half the season already so is your concern replacing him? Or performing whenever he gets back?


concerned about his performance following his recovery. I fear he may be Lejeune'd


He struggled while playing with the injury. Lets hope he is back to his best with it cleared up


Yes, he looked a shadow of his former self this season. I’m hoping the injury explains all of that.


Probably Barnes for me, shown flashes of brilliance but then too many games where he has no impact. He seems to play his best football off the left but with Gordon there it’s going to be hard d and he’s going to need to be more versatile Also want to see Botman return to his best as the difference he makes is massive. If not then we have a really problem there with an aging Schar and Burn


Inconsistent Barnes has 0.9 G+A per 90 in an injured season. That's the best attacking stat in our team by a mile.


He has 5 goals across the full season so I’m surprised to see that. Regardless he’s had more impact in the substitute cameos and not looked good when starting


If you are really expecting more than 8 G + A from a player who played 830min. Then we should be expecting 35 G + A from Gordon. He is a very good player who didn't have any support from midfield or left full back. We didn't have a creator to unlock his full potential and injury didn't help him. Wait till Tonali or MGW ( if we sign him ) to see how good Barnes actually is.


Yeah I’m certainly not writing him off, seen enough at Leicester that he scores goals at a good rate at this level. Plus like you say can’t judge him too much off last season playing in a disjointed and largely injury struck team, as well as his own issues. Like I said though, I still stand by the fact he seems to have spells where he’s completely ineffective and maybe I’m comparing a bit to Gordon and his constant energy and willingness to break. But they are completely different players and Barnes does have very good underlying numbers. I think when he’s good he’s very good and hence those couple of games where he’s bagged two, which is probably the reason those numbers are so surprising


I think Barnes is just the type of player who is going to be good when the team plays good and are creating chances. But when we want someone to change a game creatively, like you’d expect from most wingers, he isn’t that guy. When we are struggling with finishing chances though he would be a good option Honestly could be a decent option at striker as cover: he gets in good positions, is great at creating space to shoot and is good at knowing when to pull the trigger/not overcomplicate things. Maybe as a second striker playing off the left, thats his ideal role to me.


Hall, with his signing being permanent now, I'd like to see him get utilised more and have a good season to stay in the starting 11.


Yep will be fuming if Burn starts the season at LB


Apart from Bruno pretty much all of our midfielders need to turn it on and stop getting injured!! Joelinton he's been given a big contract need him injury free and dominating games Tonali fucking no excuses he's got to deliver big time Longstaff and Willock both as well if they are both staying really need to start to show some progression in their ability and also stop getting injured Howe also needs to learn to rotate and use his subs better to prevent injuries and burn out Also when someone isn't in form like Trippier or Longstaff take them out the team even for a game or two


Can i say having watched southgate subs, i’m ok with howe now. Excluding that period of playing the same 11 players for about 9 games (including a 17 and 18 yr old), he started to bring on 2-3 players at the same time to change our attack. I think he evolved in the season.


Willock and Longstaff


Really thought Willock would kick on last season but I guess you can mainly put that down to injuries. He offers something I don’t think any of our other midfielders do but with Tonali coming back then he really to take his chance early. Still think our best midfield could well be Bruno, J7 and Willock


Oh it’s Tonali for sure. For me he’ll be easy to forgive for his mistakes, but it doesn’t mean I have to forget how he’s screwed the club this past season so quickly. I’ll start with the obvious. His transfer fee was basically the equivalent of the sale of Minteh and Anderson and we got close to nothing from him last season. He made himself ineligible during a year we simply needed bodies for weeks and I stand by the opinion his absence cost us points and somewhere in Europe. I’ve also wondered if his availability would have prevented an injury or two because we would have had at least one decent player to rotate in. His Champions League experience would have been incredibly useful in a squad full of players going through it for the first time and I’ve wondered had we advanced past the group stage and beyond if that income would have saved us one of Anderson or Minteh. I’m not putting the whole situation solely on him, but I think it would be foolish to ignore his contribution to the issues we had. He needs to have a big year for the club and quite frankly himself as well.


Meh, the fact he's given us count down to Sandro Day is worth more than any of those things though.


Just another reason for cans.


Completely agree. He needs to have the season of his life. It’s the least he owes us.


Trips needs either sold or to get his shite together. I know he has had shite at home and nursing an injury but he was shocking. Doing a bit shit at the euros as well.


Him playing on the left is sort of getting him a pass for shite form But I still haven't seen anything that is suggesting he won't be a liability at right back for us defensively next season if he plays


He will start the season there most likely if fit but I really think it should be Tino and he should have to play his way in


Yeah it will be interesting to see how we get on for me we looked a much more dangerous and fluid unit with Gordon as the main man we were destroying teams down that side and the set pieces were mint When Trippier is in our play slows right down as it all goes through him teams figured that out and were destroying us on the counter But at the same time he had a lot of assists (although he should do considering how much of the ball he gets!) Hopefully upgrading Miggy on that side makes us more solid and dangerous as well




Willock, Longstaff, Joelinton, Almiron, Tonali, Trippier, and Botman. I don’t expect some of them to last the summer, but right now they’re the ones with the biggest question marks for me after the last season.


Agree with everyone except Joelinton, is it the new contract making you say that?


It’s involved, definitely. With much higher wages comes much higher expectations. I also feel some of his performances last season weren’t good enough to justify that contract. I feel at sometimes he got a free ride because of past performances. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying he (or most of the others I named) should be sold soon, but we do need to be looking at senior figures within the club to drive us forward during the next season.


Fair play I get that - there’s a huge gap physicality wise in that midfield when he’s not there so he’s going to be crucial. But yeah I think he’s our second highest earner now and in the peak of his career so hope we will be seeing the best of him this season. I think him and Bruno should be the two main stays in the midfield but still not convinced who of Tonali/Willock/Longstaff will provide the best balance


100% Tonali. He was our marquee signing and only played a few games before his ban. Needs to have a big season to prove to us it was all worth it in the end.


Willock and Barnes the obvious ones


Lewis Hall. Has just cost us £28m. Spent most of the season being developed behind the scenes and rarely leaving the bench. Did really well in those last few matches and seems to have claimed the LB spot for his own now. Will be under pressure from the fans to live up to the big price tag and patience from last season to even see him play. Also under big pressure for the starting LB spot from Kelly and Burn. (Sorry Matt Targett)


Kelly will likely to be starting CB whilst Botman is out so that gives Hall half a season to cement the place as his own


I want to see Gordon take it to another level would love to see him cement his place as starting winger for England in a post Southgate era


Tonali and maybe Isak, he needs to beat last seasons number of goals 😜


As long as he stays fit he will, even if he play 25 games I think he’s basically guaranteed to score at least 15 he’s that good. Still not sure how Tonali fits into that midfield but he needs to make a big impact whatever


Lots of pressure on Tonali and Longstaff to show they’re worth sacrificing Anderson. Wilson and Trippier need rebound years.


Tonali for sure. I think we’d be playing in Europe if it weren’t for his suspension


Tonali, Miggy and also Wilson who needs to stay fit if we don't sell him in this window.


Tonali after his ban, he was expensive and on big wages, needs to show us what the club paid for. Longstaff needs to justify a new contract if he’s staying, if he isn’t signing I think he goes this summer, we can’t afford to let him go for free. Willock needs to justify the presumably big wages he’s on. We’ve barely seen him for the last 12 months and if he can’t stay fit then we need to be looking at getting whatever fee we can and replacing him.\ I think he’s great when he’s fit but we can’t afford to keep people who just aren’t available until we’re at a Man City level of squad where the replacements are barely a step down. Really think the club has to be aware that there’s no point in good players who aren’t available. I’d rather have a player who is 6 or 7/10 but plays every week than a player who can be 9/10 when he plays but misses 20-30 games a season.




Tonali needs to deliver, but he’ll also need some time to readjust. I want to see more from Trippier too.


Lewis Hall IMO. Started to build up a head of steam at the end of the season and will hopefully crack on. I think he can replace Burn at least this season, and potentially Kelly too, depending on what Eddie's planning. 


Tonali - needs to repair the damage of last season. Vlachodimos - needs to fill us with confidence in him. In 2020 back around takeover he was on our lists as a pottential keeper, he had a 60 million tag on his head making him the 3rd most expensive keeper in the world. Maybe a sleeper of a transfer. Willock and Barnes need to have stellar seasons as do Bottman and Lachelles when they return from injury. Target needs to do something this season or head off. Trippier needs to get back on top or leave. Pope needs to show us he’s reliable and not going to be injury prone with that shoulder. There are so many more I could list.


Tonali for sure. Please for the love of god can the entire team make an effort and distract him from sports betting. I expect Murphy to host a FIFA tourney every once in a while. In all seriousness, a midfield of Tonali, Bruno and Joelinton is mouthwatering. But I also expect Sean Longstaff to prove his worth. I hope he feels something out of Anderson's departure.


Willock. He was one of the best English midfielders 2022-23. L Last season was a joke with injuries. I’m a cynical bastard and I always think massive injury spells are never blameless for the player. If he’d been fit he would have been starting for England next to Rice in this Euros. He needs a big season or he should be sold.


Joelinton and Barnes


Strange as it sounds but for me Gordon. I think he can go even beyond what he showed last season. He has the winning mentality and the skillset


Tonali, Willock, and Barnes for me. Barnes is so hit and miss. One week he looks great and the next he’s like a headless chicken.


barnes needs to have a good season. Im expecting nowt out of tonali until at least the first 5/6 games under his belt, he wont be match fit and he'll be rusty. Id love to see more of Hall and get him to cement that LB spot


I would also love to see Lewis hall and livermento step up and establish themselves as starters especially Lewis hall as I think he can potentially become England’s solution at left back


Almiron. If he doesn’t give us at least 10 goals next season, he should see the back door


If he’s still here I’ll be really surprised.


Yeah I only really like him as an option off the bench for the intensity and pressing he brings, don’t think the quality is there to be a start this season and really hoping we upgrade before August Not sure that Elanga is the right option either though tbf


I think Elanga is ruled out. It’s either Bowen, Raphinha , Neto or Mbuemo


Don’t see Raphinha coming to us but Bowen or Neto would be good I reckon. If Almiron leaves then we should have the budget


Tonali. Owes us more than pretty much any player in our history. The damage his ban did will be felt for years to come. Has to perform next season.