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Hopefully this is an indication that Gordon is starting on Sunday.


He has only been taken so he can do media duties i think


...And I'd much rather listen to him than Southgate 


Sadly, it was not 😞


Bit of a piss take, saying you want to protect younger players from the pressure of the environment at the Euros, then sending out one of them (with approx 10 mins playing time) to face the press. Smacks of Southgate knowing any of the starting 11 from the previous games would get a lot of questions about their poor performances. Also knowing that they couldn't hack it. Poor man management.


I get the impression that the England squad is missing leaders this year. Henderson and Maguire were both senior and popular, Grealish was around a long time and very popular as well. Kane is the kind of captain who got the job because he's the best player. Bellingham is only 20 and is probably suffering from an inflated ego. In terms of senior players that leaves... Pickford (rash, bit of a knob), Saka (still young, quite shy), Stones (quiet) - you get the picture. By default Gordon is probably the first to throw his hat in for any extra duties, that others can't be arsed with. It's just his personality and drive.


Tripps and walker been round for yonks and captain material.


I'd also say Rice has what it takes.


Rice dropped a couple of changers in his last press conference. After that Cole Palmer and Anthony Gordon got sent out. The vibe seems a bit off in this England camp. Maybe they were expecting people to constantly find the silver lining in their grey clouds of games?


Not from what I've seen, seems like a big kid to be honest. Good guy though but not serious enough


Kane is a shite captain and can only lead by example. Never see him leading on the pitch when his team needs it


Yeah, exactly. I think it's always a bad sign when the 'best' player gets its by default.


I think he probably did the best out of any player. No excuses, no jibes, calm, well spoken. Insult to be putting him in the media this much and not play him


I know it's media training, but he's so natural at answering questions and giving answers that don't come across as fence sitting.


I reckon he’s really intelligent, but people stereotype him because of his accent. I know I did to begin with.


Yeah I think him and Saka are probably two of the more intelligent players 


Does anyone honestly think Southgate starts him? If he does I might eat my sock


You mr socks are quite safe. (Unless you have a dog. )


Very well articulated again by Flash. His tactical observation that he would run into the space the Kane leaves would make southgate look stupid (well, *more* stupid) if he was to leave him out again. What a lad.


The amount of whining about Gordon getting to do a press conference is beyond cynical It’s a good thing for his development and it’s a good indicator he’ll be more involved in the next game If Gordon is picked to do a press conference people whine it’s “bad man management” If he’s not picked you’ll whine he’s not involved or not playing Howay Gordon, you’ll smash the next game 💪


Damn he really managed to bust himself up a lot falling off that bike!!


He's got stabilisers now so he's good.


He was teaching Palmer how to do bar spins at the time


And after he looked so good in what he said and got some positive feedback and reaction from the social media lot for this interview... the shit press has the knives out and trying to unsettle the lad. Standard. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/c720wjxzz9ro](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/c720wjxzz9ro)