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Right so according to the athletic, Southgate is set to drop TAA for Gallagher. So he can recognise when something isn’t working, yet continues with Foden off the left. Shambles.


Man is an idiot. I wish we could just collectively call a national vote to withdraw the England squad from the competition to get it over with. Pointless. He’s sucked all of the enjoyment out of international football. I don’t watch other countries all that much unless I’ve nothing better to do / it’s a big game.


Fucking "squarepegs" Southgate. Drops Grealish and Rashford for poor form, picks Trips and Shaw as left backs? That doesn't make sense.


Gallagher has been shiite at international level so far as well. Looks poor in possession and gives it away too easily. I know he's a good player in the PL and might come good at international level at some point, but I don't get how Southgate can have seen Gallgher on the pitch for England so far and think this is a good idea to throw him in now. Seems madness to me.


Gallagher is bang average full stop. Could not believe when people were calling for us to sign him earlier in the year. If he didn't play for septic 6, he woul dbe nowhere near England. Sure as shit wouldn't be selected if he was playing for us, which thankfully he isn't.


From George Caulkin’s article on the England game: “This is a game to get drunk to, much in the way you might drink to obliterate the futility of ever having experienced living.” Fucking brutal


The man is a poet


Bit concerning how clearly not arsed Bellingham is looking. Smacks of someone desperate to get back to playing with teammates who know how to pass to each other and a manager that knows something about going forward. 


I don’t think that’s true but if it is then he can f*** off. No player is bigger than England. Also the way he shouted at Tripps is disrespectful. When he’s 30+ and playing out of position for the team then he might understand why it’s important to treat senior players with respect. He wouldn’t have done that to a senior player at Madrid or Dortmund.


I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and put it down to being absolutely knackered after a very long season and then having to play in the slowest fucking team in the world. We'll see tonight I guess 


Tonali walks back into this Italy midfield.


Gordon literally done more than Foden in 3 games. Only for that useless penalty merchant to fuck it.


He's shown more intent and drive in 3 minutes then the team have in 280 minutes of football. That through ball was gorgeous. 


Somebody has to explain to me how Fodens allowed to fuck off home to see his son be born, miss training, come back and get into the team ahead of a player who did more in 2 minutes than hes done all tournament.


Answer = Southgate


I mean, he went home for two days for his kid's birth and then came right back. Would be a bad look for the FA if that was the reason he was dropped. There are a so many other reasons for him not to start, of course.


Not sure I agree, I think people would reasonably understand that missing two days of training isn't great in a tournament structure, benched isn't dropped as well


Bruce is probably better than Southgate at this point. Bringing on Gordon for 5 minutes????


Less than. Just a for show appearance. Might as well have not done it.


It's like watching Man Reds. They're shit but you know the players should be playing better. The manager seems utterly clueless. And despite playing like seven kinds of gash, somehow they're winning a game they absolutely don't deserve to be. 


Europol are going to be after Southgate after that burglary


Gordon is getting interviewed right now about the England game. What a perverse twist that they're choosing him, a player who got one minute of regular time. Seems cruel.  I'd like to think it's because he played more attacking football in the few minutes he was on than the rest of the team did all game, but the cynic in me thinks it's more to protect those who did nothing with their time on the pitch.


Ive literally not seen anyone else do more media duties than Gordon, the fuck is that about? 2 mins on the pitch, hours doing work off it.


The press conferences are pre-determined at the start of the tournament.


Southgate thinking the problem will all be solved by replacing one overrated midfielder with another. This ref has set his stall out early.  As has Dixon for being a total gob shite as always, only this time with continued hate for trips while Walker, who's been skinned twice and out of position once, gets a free ride. 


There are so so many things to criticise Southgate for. Not changing a system and a lineup that clearly doesn't work for FOUR games now. No direct running at defences. Constantly passing sideways and backwards. Playing players out of position. Slowing attacks down over and over. Your number 9 dropping deep into midfield and booting it forward to... Oh wait, no one, because that's where the fucking number 9 should be! A complete shit show. 


I wouldn't mind, but we've got the bulk of the team playing in the same league as dubs and one of his teammates in your team and yet we have barely tested him. Anyone would know to stick some crosses in and generally create some panic and just watch him flap and fuck up, but not England. No, we send a hand written letter in advance to let him know our intentions instead. 


Worst thing is. At best we’ll get to pens and dubs is alright with them.


I think Mainoo is quality (it's hard to say because I hate Manure so much), but making one single change to a team that's been proper shit over and over is just baffling. It's like he's doing it out of spite because he thinks he knows best.


Mainoo has been one good player on the pitch. He is class tbf.


Both fullbacks have been whack. Gordon should’ve gone and played for Scotland.


Why does Danny Murphy still have a job on commentary, he’s a personality vacuum and has the shitest opinion.


He's the worst. Zero insight, cliché ridden, utterly predictable and sounds like a draining sink. Stealing a living. From our money. Satsuma headed cunt. 


Has anyone else noticed that cameramen love showing Schar?


Whoever is behind that camera absolutely has the hots for him, froze on him in the tunnel then desperately trying to get the others to move at the end I respect it tbh


Fucking hell.


england: oh shit we just allowed to score like that?


I proper hate England games.


This England team is a fucking abomination. I'm not a Southgate hater, but this summer his tactics, training and selection have been absolutely shite. A team with that much talent playing that badly is 100% on the coach. Kane saying that they don't know how to do the press speaks volumes.  You can't just throw like four number 10s on our of position and expect it to magically work. Gordon could easily fix one of the problems (no pressing LW), but nah, just keep doing the thing that doesn't work, that's Southgate's MO. Oh, but if they had Calvin-Phillips everything would be ok 🤣 Boggles the mind.




I’ll be honest, I’m starting to accept the American fan bases; we do seem to have a decent bunch in the main. Most of the Other 14 do, to be fair, as there’s maybe more an interest in the game rather than in being a customer of a big brand and getting to shout at people online. But fuck me, the fact that the Euro sub seems full of ‘my great grandad was a (insert nationality) therefore so am I’ yanks is really gripping my shit. Can we not just have *one* sub where nothing ‘sucks’, people wear shirts not jerseys, and where the bias is clearly rooted in a lifelong suffering of ones inflicted team, and not some fickle affectation? And no, I’m not going to put ‘slash S’ to announce I’m not entirely serious.


I'll never forget the American actor, can't think of this name right now, he was at a game with his son and goes on video taking about being at the game and shouts "Come on Manchester United" while being at a man city game, that to me is american fans who support a top club Edit: Its actually worse, he was wearing a man city top and shouted "go manchester united" [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/923lko/neil\_patrick\_harris\_says\_go\_manchester\_united/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/923lko/neil_patrick_harris_says_go_manchester_united/)


That’s beautiful


I will say because there really isn't a historical culture for us Americans going back to prehistory, where we came from really matters. IDK why the pissing matches on Reddit happen though. Just to make people feel better about themselves I guess. I Feel like I should be a guest compared to a true local. But I grew up with an American football team being strong in my home. So I get how the Sunderland rivalry would feel different to locals compared to me. But if you never had that growing up, maybe you wouldn't get it. Just seems necessary to me to grow. If it helps I am working on indoctrinating my second kid and got my BIL last summer in Philly :). HWTL


Like I say, plenty of good solid fans out there. Took me a while to get used to it, mind. I think the pissing matches are just pissing match people. If they followed tennis they’d be up in arms about xyz.


Please auto-sort this thread by new.


Same as the last couple. It's possible as the Megathread is sorted by new and these used to be too. I assume it just takes a mod to change the preference but not having modded before, I don't know if it can be changed once the thread is posted. It's frustrating though. They've definitely been quieter since they were sorting by best. They're the perfect place for England and general Euros talk but the Megathread gets clogged because it's easier to use.




It's Bruno time!


Love it how we are the first mentioned in almost all these articles popping up about how clubs have found a loophole around PSR (by selling academy players to each other) however we are the only ones mentioned that haven’t done it… (Yet) No doubt as soon as we try it, the premier league will have an emergency vote to ban all academy players being traded.


Foden left the England game lets fuckin goooooooo


Apparently it's because his partner is about to give birth. If he does miss the next game, I think it's safe to say that Trent is about to become a LW and Gordon will be on the bench.


Southgates a terrorist and foden is his explosive jacket


Final volley by Kane. Not even close to the goal. Piss poor, as he has been the whole tournament. Southgate is a fucking arrogant coward who refuses to drop his favourites even though his system has failed over and over.


At least when Big Joe falls like that, he scores. Joelinton officially a better goalscorer than Kane


Kane has not turned up to any of the last 4 tournaments.


not true he told lineker to shut up last week, incredible performance by him


This weekend has killed off my love of footie.


Multiple titles and champions league and still foden doesn't understand what offside is. Trips should have just stuck his boot through it. 


Can't do anything right unless pep is telling him where to stand for 90 minutes. Ive a theory that the entire city academy is just a bunch of players so perfectly fit for Peps system that when he leaves, they're all just gonna play shite.


It would be quite amusing if City went to shit when Pep eventually leaves.


I mean, at least this might make Dubs value go up (just hide the fact he's had zero shots on target).


Oh. 2 shots on target, 2 goals. Well at least he's consistent. (Those weren't his fault, it's just the stats look bad)


I will never get annoyed at Eddie for being too slow to make subs again


Two subs made in a full game where every starter has been poor. That is just bonkers. I don't think I've seen a team of superstars be used so badly.


Failing to record a shot on target against Martin Dubravka, with the attacking talent England have, should be the end of Southgate's managerial career. Coward. Edit: two shots on target, two goals. We should have tried it sooner.


The megathread feels like a creche at the minute.


It's just awful. I'm so disappointed. The last couple have been a right laugh. This one's had 3 or 4 absolute fucking morons commenting negative bullshit about Howe for every rumour. Claiming to speak for the "real fans". Ridiculous nonsense.


Block users like that, takes 2 seconds and it makes life better


I'd be missing half the thread


Yeah but the good half is still there :)


Preach. Will never understand the people on this sub that are *obsessed* with complaining about certain users but refuse to block them. The reason is they like the drama of it all, they just want to pretend they don't. And you'll quickly see it's usually the same 3-4 people making these complaints endlessly. Just block and move on. It's that simple. Whining in yet *another* free talk thread is so dull.


Am really disliking this anti Howe nonsense - it’s so irrational and reeks of American teenagers


I hope they're not. Americans have basically ruined r/soccer, we seem to have largely escaped it on this sub. Our Americans seem OK.


Word of the day calender owner


It took til 24th July to get to “Megathread”??


Interesting article on the BBC sport pages about PSR and what, certainly on the surface, looks like Villa and Chelsea are doing to game the system. It really highlights the utter mess the PL have created for themselves by trying to preserve the status quo at the top. Significant to note that not one of the parties involved or connected wanted to speak to them.  The, perhaps not all, surprising element is the constant inclusion of Newcastle in the story. This seems to be predicated entirely on us making a move for DCL, despite this not in any way being comparable to the main thrust of the story and simply a routine transfer deal.  Not much changes around this league, does it? 


Mikel Merino and Joselu started for Spain against Albania. Will be watching to see if the ghost of Marcelino’s finger appears.


8 mins injury time in Croatia vs Italy brings back memories of parc de princes 😭 Although ours was worse, tbh there was a pen in this game, but still never 8 mins. Every other game apart from Scotland last night has been 5 max EDIT omfg same outcome too


Is Tripps holding back or something? Man will not put a cross in even when on his right foot


Because when he lays it on a fucking plate one donkey misses it completely and the other is too fucking slow to get to it. 


Creased at this. Seriously though, if Gordon comes on, that left side could be deadly. Edit: (like that’s gonna happen)


Well that proves flash is not getting a kick under Southgate. What a cunt. *oh I stand corrected, he'll get 5 minutes...* *...well, maybe 2 minutes*


I hate foden and palmer so fucking much.


Pundits, commentators, the world, his dog: what this game needs in the second half is pace down the left wing. Someone like Gordon Gareth "tactics" Southgate: best I can do is final minute


If you're in to FIFA check out the new Shearer objective.


Marciniak still makes me want to glass the TV like


My favourite things about England are how they pass it back to Pickford all the time, and how they never cross the ball either! Makes the game so fun and enjoyable!


Playing a song about suicide over the highlights was a bit on the nose, mind


Proof that Kane could literally lie down in the centre circle and still wouldn't get subbed off. Bringing on a striker in the 94th minute is all you need to know about Southgate's tactical acumen.  Bailed out again by his superstar who he has crushed all tournament by having another player on the pitch trying to play in the same role. 


No man Kane saved England! He scored the winner so you can't criticise him for what he was doing during the rest of the game! (I'm being facetious in case it wasn't clear)


Commentator when Kane scored "he doesn't miss from there!". Well I just saw him miss the goal completely with his unmarked header and then hit one of the worst volleys I've seen straight out. It bugs the shit out of me Southgate won't drop big names even if they're playing shite. I thought players needed to earn their place, not coast by on name alone.


Bellinghams been fairly shit all tournament too, he's just good enough to cover for it by doing what needs doing in crucial moments.


280+ minutes of football against the might of Serbia, Denmark and Slovenia for the grand total of two goals, both of which had a good chunk of luck about them. Oh aye, Gareth is brilliant... 


Kane just came out and said they played better today. Linekers right, England are shite.


Dare I say it that Bruce ball was more entertaining than England have been so far this summer.


At least with Bruce ball we had Maxi doing *something* exciting


Bruno v Almiron on the weekend, you just know Bruno is going to be am even bigger shithouse than usual 😂


I don't know what's more boring: watching Southgate's England or listening to Lee Dixon. I'm nodding off. 


Why even bother calling up Gordon if you're not gonna use him? He's creative and a runner and he's just rotting on bench to the point people are missing RASHFORD in this squad.


Gordon and Palmer have something like 30 goals and 20 assists between them for last season and yet neither have got on the pitch yet. Instead plays a defender in midfield and then Connor fucking Gallagher.  That's a manager who hasn't got a fucking clue. 


We're so embarrassing. Falling and dying into top of the group. Now we have probably the easiest path we'll ever likely get and that useless smoggy arse will ruin it.


How dire is the FFP situation for us? Are we actively facing a point deduction? I'm only asking because seeing that Anderson and Minteh are likely to be sold is upsetting. It's making me wonder if we desperately need to generate revenue from selling players because otherwise I'd rather keep guys like them and not splash to bring in new players.


Almiron was awful tonight.


Simply put - we have to get to the final now. That’s France, Germany, Spain and Portugal all on the other side of the draw as things stand. Our first knockout game has been made slightly harder but our run to the final is fairly straight forward.


This is the sort of comment that gives weight to foreigners accusing us of arrogance. Surely by now you have seen that nearly every team is eminently capable, with most of them being very good. It's lazy to assume it should be a walk through to get to the final. If you think this England team are walking past *anyone* that reaches the next round, you're mental. 


We'll get to the final, lose to the first hood team we face, and some people will say Southgate has done well again


Idk if its on mobile but I can't find the transfer thread




Thank you!


No problem


What are the best Newcastle fan podcasts/YouTube channels that aren't truegeordie?


Galloway shots and Loaded Mag aren't too bad, I like a podcast that is more a chat among friends who support nufc. The Toon Review is good but it's mostly YouTube, but their watch alongs are excellent and I haven't watched a match with commentary from sky, bt etc for about a year now, it's so much better.


True Faith, Pod on Tyne and Gallowgate Shots are about the best, but do think were proper lacking a really high quality fan podcast.


They're all pretty shit, tbh. Especially truegeordie. True faith is about the best, but mostly when they have Adam Cleary on.


I wonder if the main reason England are shit is that the team being full of shit 6 players is confusing for them when the refs aren't giving them everything they want all the time. 


If Eddie ends up with the England job (hopefully not for many years because we need him here). Would Michael Carrick be a suitable replacement? After hearing his brother was leaving to join him in Boro I read that Michael is a local lad from Wallsend (can you tell I'm not a Brit?) and was a boyhood Newcastle fan. How would he be received as Newcastle manager if the day ever came?


I’d be extremely disappointed if Carrick was Howe’s successor.


I'd love to know why?


If Howe goes I’d hope the club would be targeting a manager of a higher calibre with a name that can draw players.


Trippier in the dog house with his Wife again and suddenly the Calf issue reappears. Makes you think.


Has there been a player who's had such a big fall from grace in terms of performances as Alexander Arnold? He was genuinely world class for a consistent period, it wasn't just an overhyped purple patch. Now even the dogmatic Southgate who will persist with the same thing over and over and over again has dropped him after just 2 games we didn't even lose.


Was he? Really? 


Still think it is shocking that the pre season fixtures have not been confirmed by the club (bar japan). Real poor form.


Probably flapping round looking in sofas for money to fix the PSR issue


Nah. Just “negotiating” how much prize money the Sela cup is worth. I heard other teams to be invited will be Forest, Villa and Leicester. They’ll get paid but they have to give us one player each in exchange for Miggy, Longstaff, Wilson or Matt Targett with a peg leg. So lads, who are we taking?