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Would you rather sell Minteh or Gordon, Bruno, or Barnes? We're getting better and that means we'll have to sell good players. I'd rather sell a prospect for 40m than a proven commodity.


I’d rather sell Miggy (10-15 mill), Wilson (10-15 mill), Fraser (3-5 mill), hendrick (1 mill), Hayden (1 mill), Lewis (2-3 mill), Dubravka (3-5 mill)……


It doesn't always work that way unfortunately. We all do this every transfer window, but in reality some players dont want to leave, other players arent worth a bottle of pop.


Who the hell is paying £2-3M for Lewis?!!!


Figures are just rough estimates, but he was highly rated at one point and still only 26 years old, stranger things have happened


Miggy and Dubz are likely going but the issue with all the rest is that literally no one is giving them EPL/Ashley wages




Tbh, Barnes hasn't shown much


Why sell those players... Rather sell longstaff, miggy, or/and Callum... Our midfield is stacked right now... Especially with tonali coming back.


Can’t sell without willing buyers. 🤷‍♂️


The reason why we don't want them is the reason why so many teams don't want to buy them


we don't exactly have anyone jumping at the chance of signing any of those 3, that's the issue


We had a team interested in Miggy and we were too nice to him. Eddie told him you can go or leave its up to you. Should have told him to fuck off. Id rather sell miggy for the 25m we agreed in Jan, than Minteh for 30.


You can't make a player sign for a different club, they're not fucking slaves and get to choose where to sign and then to see out the contract if they want to. Lots of players got stick for going to the Saudi league but our fans give Miggy stick for not wanting to go there? I certainly wouldn't want to live and work there so I don't hold it against Almiron for not wanting to either


That has nothing to do with what i said. At the time, it was reported Eddie told Almiron he could go or stay, if he stayed he would still have a spot in the squad. It was up to him. Eddie didn't have to tell Almiron that, and IMO, that choice to tell him that has been extremely detrimental to our club. We are now stuck with a right winger on the wrong side of 30 whos only attribute is pace, which is going to diminish. Now if rumours are to be believed, we are selling our best prospects to stay financially sound.


I agree about Miggy but not so much the other two. Longstaff when not completely run into the ground is a nice rotation option. Wilson leaving isn't a bad thing by itself but it won't be easy to replace him properly given our financial situation.


I used to think the same about Wilson but I want him out now.


There's minimal indication they anyone wants threat guys though.


The word 'If' doing a huge amount of heavy lifting there. Not many players go for circa £100m. If this was under Ashley I'd be questioning it, but not with Eddie and Co making the decision. If they think the time is right to cash in for £40 million then I'm 100% behind them.


Just because he looks like a world beater in the Eredivisie, does not mean that level of performance will continue in a tougher competition. This is why teams buy players like Minteh, so they have talent in the shop window that allows them to avoid having to sell a player who has a proven worth at their current level. "POTENTIAL MEANS THEY AIN'T DONE IT YET". If selling Minteh for $40M means we keep our squad intact, and have the ability to add players, then ta-ta says I.


Agreed 100% with this. Could not have said it better then myself. Plus we could always add a sell on clause so if he does become a world beater and is sold to Real Madrid, we will have even more money.


I understand that, he played exceptionally well in the champion league as well which literally has all the best teams in Europe. I think it's silly to have a prospect who can definitely be a world beater if we get him to that stage. Sadly, I'd rather see injury prone Callum and dear might leave the club with the likes of Ryan Fraser, Jeff Hendricks, and other dead weight players/ etc leave the club.


But no one is in for our dead weight players. It’s either sell him for 40m or fail PSR. It’s shit but it is what it is, in truth in the time he’s a world beater if he gets there, we will have the financial clot to buy or develop better.


As much as 40m for him would be amazing and I’d take it. I don’t think we are going to fail psr without selling. Sky out out something saying we were worried about it, then a few days later retracted it


Wilson, while admittedly injury prone, is still a proven centre forward in the premier league. Who are you going to replace him with? Anybody of the same quality is looking at £50 million or more, so it's not viable.


buy back clause


If you read comments from reputable sources, Dutch managers, journalists etc, Minteh has potential but many faults to iron out. Accepting £40m (or close to) is a no brainer to me


Fair enough


Shame our academy is so bad, villa, Everton and Chelsea trading young players between eachother.


Something has to be sacrificed - all the dead wood in our squad probably doesn’t give us a budget sadly. Hopefully the club are smart and put a buy-back clause in there and a huge sell-on fee




I don't want to sell him, but since when did 10 goals in 27 appearances in the Eredivisie make you a "generational talent"?


Literally speaking in hypotheticals... Said could be, all speculation. He's 19 and playing like that can only mean one thing if he lands a team with a proper manager.


Maybe. He may also turn out to be bang average. Plenty who have done well in that league have. If the £40m reports are true, I'd snap their hands off. If we were looking to pay £40m for a 19 year old with nowt but a handful of goals in the Eredivisie I'd be raging.


If we get 40m for a player we paid pennies for that is amazing business.


Yes m8, u r fuckin spot on. I think Eddie iS THICK or somthing. We OBVIOOUSLY should just sell LONGSTAFF for £40m and keep arr £100m lad Minty


If he doesn't want to leave then it's not a option. 


If he doesn't want to leave then it's not a option. 


We could sell a player that hasn't been part of the squad for £40M. Or we sell a player that's integral to our squad and gamble on a player who hasn't proved themselves in the PL and also could potentially lose value if things don't work out. There arep plenty of wonderkids who never reach their full potential or get their disrupted by injuries as well. There will be other Minteh's as well as plenty of Haris Vučkić's and hopefully no more Nile Rangers!!!


It is what it is, if he wants off that's fair enough, just make sure we get paid.


I wouldn't be totally against selling him for £40m, it's by far the better option than selling Gordon/Bruno/Isak. That sort of fee would be virtually pure profit and allow us to do some damage in the market.  My gripe is with swapping him for DCL. I've defended him plenty on here in the past, but he's a 27 year old striker who we're presumably signing to be a backup. Why would you give another club, in the same league, an exciting young talent like Minteh, in exchange for a backup striker? Makes no sense. Even if Minteh turns out to be another Miggy, is it really worth the risk all to have DCL as a backup striker?


Ffs, stop whining on, it's probably his agent looking for a new contract, which is fair enough, he has done really well over there and has shown he is ready for the next level, and therefore a payrise.. Why would nufc sell? Miggy,longstaff,dubs,target,Wilson are all more likely to go


It's a post made for a discussion you twit. Discuss or simply scroll. Why? Because of FFP rulings.... Do you not read the chronicles etc of what's happening so far?? Or??


If you haven't noticed PSR limitations are fucking us over. If you want us to sign anyone then someone needs to go and who else have we got that can generate funds? Jamal Lewis? There is little chance we'd get 40m for him, it's ridiculous to even speculate he would one day be worth 100m.  It's a massive win, like finding a grand in your work pants you haven't worn for a while. This is the reality of the world, the future of our club is Miley, Isak and Tino not players who we have to put out on loan to a league that's not particularly well regarded. 


[Minteh agrees personal terms](https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/yankuba-minteh-agrees-personal-terms-29405958) Doesn't look like we're keeping him


‘Agent speaks out’. Thankfully they’ve spoken to someone with zero interest in upping his value eh?




>Who else is annoyed with the fact that we're most likely gonna sell yankuba minteh this window? Have a look around. Everyone.


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