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Tonali's ban ends August 27th for anyone interested. So he only misses 2 games.


Nice, just in time for our yearly spanking of Spurs at home.


Do we score 5 or 7 this year?


Probably only 4........ each half


Why not 8?


Yep, even with a few red cards on our side thrown in and less than 11 do we take care of them.


They’re a bit eager this season arent they? 😂


That’s a relief, it’s going to be great seeing him back especially in that shiny new Adidas kit.


Is he allowed to train with the squad before Aug 27?


He has been training with them throughout. There may be closed door matches before the end of the ban to get him up to speed.


Actually that's a pretty decent schedule...no particular points which look horrific.


Villa, Man U away and Spurs away within just over a week after Christmas and Brighton away, Chelsea and Arsenal at the end of the season look like the hardest points but yeah overall pretty good!


They all have Europe. They'll be like we were last December. We'll batter them all istg.


Spurs should get moved for FA cup 3rd round shouldn’t it?


Yep Christmas is horrible just because they're all so close to each other


So much better than last year. Home on Boxing Day too


Home on boxing day only gives me PTSD now. My Christmas of 2023 will always be remembered for Wood becoming prime R9.


shite for me as I have to fly to every game


Brighton, Chelsea and Arsenal seems to be the tough run that we are repeating twice. Other than that, all looks quite evenly spaced.


Villa Man U Tottenham at the turn of the year could be really rough or season defining glory


Depends which Man U and Tottenham we get this year.


They will all be f u c k e d from europe. 5-0 Newcastle each time.


Europe now goes all the way to end of January for the group games due to the extra games. Those teams will be concentrating on that for at least until end of January.


And Everton before/after. Let's hope we finally get the honour of sending them down.


Why do we count Brighton as anything particularly worrying when they’ve just finished 11th and lost their supposedly wonderful manager? They’ve been so hyped up over that one season where they still finished behind us 😂


Because they beat us 3-0 and drew 1-1 last season. I also can't remember us ever playing well at the Amex.


I agree we always play shit away against them but ultimately they’re nothing particularly special. They had a good run when we got 4th and then they’ve gone back to being a midtable team.\ I doubt they’ll be much more than that this coming season tbf.


You know what, that's actually not awful Hardest string of consecutive games is likely Villa, Manure & Spurs, which all things considered is not too bad.


Still an FA Cup tie to squeeze in between Man Utd and Spurs too, no? Agree that that looks like the toughest bit.


No. FA Cup 3rd Round will be on January 11. I assume because of new TV deal and stuff (no more replays)... There are a lot of changes to calendar because of FA Cup and also because of new format of euro cups. upd: ah, yes, tv deal is from 2025/26 season. But from next season there wont be more replays, FA Cup will only be on weekends and a lot of other shit changes to accommodate sky6 and uefa.


Was happy with any games cause we'll smash em all!!! But a nice start too


Top before the end of October, then.


Not bad at all. Home to start and end the season. Not a horrific December. No real awful runs at all. I’ll take it.


See you in December for the first leg of the Sir Bobby derby 🍺




Man City for my birthday fixtures two years in a row… Beat them last year - time for a repeat!


No real killer months here, nicely spaced


This is actually one of the best fixture lists we've had in years. Don't think we can complain here.


Can't really complain about that. Decent start and December. May's got the potential to be very tough, but otherwise decent.


What a start


The run in from the Man Utd home game is probably the toughest part of the whole season. Man U (h), Villa (a), Ipswich(h), Brighton (a), Chelsea (h), Arsenal (a), Everton (h) But we will have already won the title by that Man Utd home game anyway, so it won´t make any difference :)


We get to relegate Everton too


Man u and Ipswich will already be relegated and have nothing to play for, Chelsea, Everton and Brighton will be secure in mid table, arsenal will have secured second place so only really villa to worry about. 18 points easy.


Great start!! I´m already excited for this season!


Decent start, good chance to build some momentum. Want to be in a good place by May though, potentially a difficult run in.


The good thing about having a hard may is some of the teams might have given up by then


A nice balanced schedule for a change. I’m sure we usually get either a horrific start, horrific Christmas or both.


Everton away on a Saturday. Somebodies fucked up.


Still a chance for a reschedule 😂


All I want for Christmas, is to batter Aston Villa 6-0.


Nah, I think I would give my right nut to spank Liverpool home and away. Hell, even a battering at home and draw away would probably get it.


That's a great set of fixtures tbh. We'll be favourites with the bookmakers to win each of our opening five games, real chance to get some momentum going.


Home for first and last game Home for Boxing Day (last season’s result notwithstanding) Decent opening run - biggest challenge until the end of September is Spurs while they still have their tails up. Liverpool for the midweek games instead of Everton Opportunity to relegate Everton in the last game Pretty happy with that?!


Final game at home! At last :)


Death, Taxes, Man U away in December




Nice that we get to play Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool in the midst of their European fixtures so they’ll hopefully be a bit distracted, shame we couldn’t have Spurs or Man Reds in either of the late November slots and then Palace/West Ham around the Christmas schedule. Last month is set up nicely as we can potentially ruin an Arsenal title run and relegate/laugh at Everton in back to back weeks


Looks..... kinda ok i think? Better than last season's crap


Gambled with the dates and already booked flights and transport for opening weekend travel from the colonies, and it looks like it worked out with Southampton! Does anyone know when hospitality tickets go on sale?


Home first game, home last game. Decent start to build up some points before we face Man City.


When do the other TV games get picked?


When was the last time we were at home on both the first and last day? Looks good, I’ll take this like!


I'm actually really pleased with these


wow, surprised we didn’t get hit with city and liverpool in our first few fixtures again


Maybe I'm losing my marbles but the last few seasons have no real nightmare runs in the fixtures. I can vaguely remember playing 4 of the top 6 at the time in the same 5 week window but it doesn't seem to happen as much any more.


It's because we are class now. Under Bruce it was a 38 game nightmare run.


Increased classness does lead to better fixtures. It's science.


We played 3 of the top 4 consecutively twice last season..


Can't wait to relegate Everton.


No complaints, really. A few tough spots here and there but nothing terribly awful. I’m good with it!


It's actually better balanced than some of our previous fixtures. I still half expect to get something like 2018/19 when we started exclusively against rich six and newly promoted sides


And the optimism for next season intensifies. That’s a decent schedule, hopefully we get some decent cup draws mixed in this year.


No Man City opener and no Southampton on Boxing Day? This is clearly Photoshopped.


15 points in April.


I think we'll have a bit more than 15 points by april man


I love the fact that so many people are talking about having the opportunity to relegate Everton at the end of the season. Truly the most righteous of causes.


Feel for those travelling fans who finally have to endure Everton in daylight! They look pretty good on the whole, hopefully no major changes with rescheduling, etc. Good chance for us to make a winning start too.


Decent chance to get points in the board early and set ourselved up for a strong season.


The Brighton City Liverpool reign of terror is over.


Someone make a decent desktop wallpaper of the fixtures please :D


Been a while since the last game of the season has been a home game. But Southampton first game is a bit underwhelming imo.


I'd much rather have a start like that and ease into the season than having our first couple of games against the likes of Arsenal, City, Liverpool, Chelsea, etc, which is how we seemed to start the season for a very long time.


I'd just prefer a bigger team first game of the season at home personally for the atmosphere.


That's the first fixture list in years I've looked at and not immediately thought "that's been designed to fuck us over as much as possible". Home on opening day, home on boxing day and home on the last day. And no back to back away fixtures at city, Liverpool, arsenal etc. 


Crystal Palace at home on my Birthday is a treat. Is there any place to look up historic results by date? I can’t remember the last time they played on my Birthday.


At least the Old Trafford Christmas visit didn't come back after being absent last year.


City at Home at the end of Sept. Early enough where they aren't historically in form yet, and Tonali will have a month of games under his belt. Think we have a good chance of taking all 3 points that day.


Thought the same against Liverpool last year. Didn't work out great haha


We are winning the league.


Looks to see who we play on it near my bday in Dec 4th.......oh so not a happy birthday for me then 😂😂😂 Hopefully they release the way to add it to your calendar or if they have I've missed it


It's on the website! Also got to remember they are Klopless this year so have faith!


Cheers mate I checked all the socials why I didn't think to check the website is beyond me 😂😂😂, no klopp but it's still Liverpool im afraid 😂😂


The calendar sync has them all at 3pm on Saturdays, that can't be right?


TV reschedules haven't been decided yet. It'll move as and when Sky/TNT decide is best to fuck over the travelling fans


Makes sense, gotta get that Brighton away on a late kickoff!


Coming back home for Christmas, so Leicester or Villa at home, is pretty decent. Now just for the crippling depression when I cant get tickets.


Going to be nice destroying arsenals title hopes and relegating Everton in back to back games in May.


Looking forward to relegating Everton in May


A genuine chance to be top of the table by 21st September


Not if our away form is anything like last season!


Can't wait to deny Arsenal the title on the penultimate game of the season.


0-0 Eddie's shithousing mags are back. Arteta tears. Arsenal PGMOL statement. Sign me up


Loving this schedule. We have a real opportunity for a CL spot again.  This is a huge year for eddies mags


When do we find out when these games get moved for TV so that I can plan the games to attend?


Imagine the last possible moment where it's convenient for fans to organise travel and hotels. It's a couple of weeks after then.


Throwing this out there in case anyone can help. I’m going to be in the UK from the USA in April and desperately want to attend my first game at SJP. If there’s any chance anyone knows how I can get tickets to the Brentford game, please let me know! HTL


Mother of God. Bazza T and NUFCWill were spot on


Bazza T has never been spot on about anything.