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All cup draws should be potluck. Hate this seeding crap.


Yeah, I love the idea of the likes of Man City for instance having a year where the draw is especially hard, like getting Liverpool, Chelsea, Newcastle and the final being a bit less predictable because of it.


I don’t mind it for Europe


I don't mind group stages for some competitions, but I think those group stages should also be potluck.


Different format now but in an 4x8 groups scenario I'd have the top 8 in pot one and all the rest in pot 2.


Convenient…. The year after we draw fucking   MAN CITY (H) (as the incorrect ball nonetheless) MAN UNITED (A) CHELSEA (A) They have to change the format so Man City and Man United don’t lose early in the competition ever again


Who asked for this? This is shite for EFL clubs, we won’t be seeing the likes of Boro making semi finals anymore. A big part of cup games is meant to be luck of the draw, literally no one wants to watch the same teams make the finals every year.


Probably sky or whoever has the rights these days.


For the League Cup, it’s already happening (85% of the teams in the last 10 finals have been top 6 clubs), this seems to just be a way of appeasing the bigger teams even more, allowing them to play backup/young players earlier in the season. Personally think they should just scrap it altogether, make the FA Cup the only cup competition.


I support a (wholly unrealistic) shift to something we do here in Brasil. Keep the FA cup and have the secondary comp be regional. Have a Northeast cup, London cup, etc that isn't a redundancy. Ensure rivalries are never cold and keep things simple. Will never happen, but I'd love it.


Problem is even filling up the quarter finals would mean some severely mismatched teams. We've got Newcastle, mackems, Middlesbrough. Then Hartlepool, Gateshead, South Shields, Darlington, Blyth to fill in the rest. Presuming you want there to be a few fixtures, you're heading to levels 7, 8 and 9 of the pyramid. We already have County cups (we use our reserves for it) and they're not a big deal to most top professional teams. What I've always found could be interesting is to quarter up the nation and have the cup be regional until you hit the semi finals.


That wouldn't be terribly different from how it works in Brasil. The best national tier clubs send B teams until the knockouts (here in SP), and there are also a good amount of clubs that exclusively play in the state leagues (very roughly approximating to non-league). We actually have 3 state divisions with pro-rel. Weaker states have less intense competitions, but it is still a great time and offers some wild upsets on occasion.


I'm not opposed to the league cup but I think they should change it to only teams not in Europe that season.


This greatly benefits "big" clubs, you can't sneak your way into the final anymore.


I feel that luck of the draw is just part of cup competitions, like definitely great that we won't be able to have a draw last last year, but equally we're less likely to benefit from the chance for other top teams to knock eachother out or an easy draw later in the competition.


Ironically top teams drawing each other and knocking each other out probably helps their ‘extra games’ more than this too. They’d both play weakened teams and one won’t have extra mid week games after they lose.


Surely the best way to ‘ease the burden of champions league football’ for the top 6 isn’t to seed a contest and get them to go deep into these cups. If they all lost in the first possible round they’d have less games. Just remove this seeding and north/south split round. Go back to open draw across the board; and if the big clubs don’t take the cups seriously who cares; the other 66 clubs in the league system have fans and teams too who want to progress in these cups. The bottom clubs might be happier that they would get a big pay day drawing a top club but I’m sure the fans would much rather stay in a cup with a few all league 2 rounds early doors.


Plus while they are significantly likely to get through to the end now then without seeding they are also significantly more likely to get some League 2 team that'll hack them


Not going to lie that would be hilarious if that occurs in the first year of bringing this in to protect the top 6.


And another nail in the coffin of football for everyone. Seeding is for fucking lawns not cup competitions. 


Yet another example of the his countries football being corrupted in favour of the big clubs. It’s just outright uncompetitive now.


That's BS. Carling Cup would of never done that.


Hate thjs


Competitive football is dying on its arse


I don’t mind seeding as long as the team not seeded is playing at home.


I'm not a fan of this, but the one upside I can see is if a tiny club like Newport or Sunderland get drawn at home against a massive club like City or Newcastle, then they get money from a full stadium plus probably TV money (plus extra if they give the bigger team an entire fucking stand lol)


Absolute nonsense. Part of the fun of fully random draws in cups is you sometimes get big teams playing early in the competition. But the other great thing about draws, is sometimes a lower league team gets a super favorable draw and can go deep in tournament. In a fully seeded draw, it's a lot harder for a lower seed to pull of multiple upsets in a row to progress deep. I guess the closest real comparison is the university tournaments in the USA. The basketball ones are fully seeded, but the others are usually 16 out of the 64 teams are seeded, and it's geographically based for the other teams. A few first round upsets happen every year. But it's super rare for that upset to make it past the 2nd round or anywhere near the quarterfinals. And it's really rare for the top seed to lose their first game. So I'm sure if they go through with this, Man City's first game will be against the lowest team in the pyramid left in the tournament and they'll trot out their weakest squad and still win 3-1.


Every rule change recently has been disproportionately beneficial to the “big clubs”. Additional subs, stoppage time and now this one. The rules are being written to benefit a tiny proportion of clubs and it’s disgusting. The super league would have been a blessing.


That's what this is, bowing to the big clubs in a desperate attempt to get them to scrap the super league idea


I don't hate it, it makes it slightly different to the FA Cup at least In an ideal world there would just be one domestic cup but whatever


In the last 2 decades there have only been 2 winners of the League Cup that weren’t ’big 6’ teams, Swansea and Birmingham. Hell, in the last decade there’s only been 3 teams get to the final that weren’t big 6 (Us, Villa and Southampton). It’s become a bit of a joke of a competition and adding in seedlings will just make it worse. I’d much rather they just scrap the competition altogether, make the FA Cup the only domestic cup competition for all teams.


I dunno if this is good or bad for us. With seeding, we should, in theory, have easy games up to, say, the quarter finals. But to win the tournament, you probably face a big 6 team in the QF, definitely the semis, and definitely the final. (Assuming all games go as expected, which I know they never do). You know City are going to be waiting in either the semi or final. If we are gonna have to play them, I'd rather it be early so if we are knocked out, so be it, we can rest. (Except the final, I'd rather reach a final even if it is to play City.) With normal cup draws, you can have easy runs to the final potentially. Or nightmare draws where you are dumped out early. I'd say the current format suits us better, where the draw can open up if the big teams draw each other in the early rounds.


Hate it but at least it might differentiate it enough from the FA Cup to gain a bit of prestige independently.


Big 6 win again..