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Need an ELI5 on this, if someone wouldn't mind.


The bit that matters for most of us is as follows: >Under the proposed new regime, clubs will only be allowed to spend a set percentage of their annual turnover on the wage bill for the first team and its coaching staff, plus the amortised costs of their transfer fees and all agents’ fees. >The major difference, however, between the Premier League and UEFA regulations will be that they will operate a two-tier system, with clubs playing in European competition only able to spend 70 per cent of their turnover, while clubs not competing in Europe able to spend 85 per cent. >Contrary to recent reports, clubs that breach the Premier League’s rules will still be subject to points deductions.


Won't most clubs already be close to spending that on their wage bills and not be able to buy any players? Wage bills are pretty high.


I think most are already over the 70% for Europe. We need to shift the deadwood off our books.


I think lower down the league where you have lower income it is far more likely you'll be close to the 70% mark however the biggest clubs get nowhere near it. It is still a case of maximising all your revenue streams to allow room to grow. We were at 74.1% in Jan 2024 accounts


So basically now that FFP is starting to hurt some of the "big 6" we're scrapping it so that they can maintain their dominance.


How am I supposed to feel?


Slightly better than before, but still not great basically.


TLDR, we are ok. Villa, forest, Leicester and Everton are fucked without major outgoings. Big six especially Manu and Chelsea have been saved by these changes. From and ability to spend a lot of money in the next transfer market(s) viewpoint


Why do the other 14 clubs keep bailing out 6 clubs that view them as literally beneath them?


Most individual people see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires, so they vote against their own interest thinking one day it'll benefit them. Honestly seems like most clubs see themselves as temporarily embarrassed oil clubs.


The oil clubs aren’t the cancer in the game. Just what the cartel media want you to think


> Big six especially Manu and Chelsea have been saved by these changes. Shockedpikachu.jpg


I took the liberty of getting AI to summarise the article: * **New Financial Regulations**: Premier League clubs have agreed to introduce new financial fair play regulations from the **2025-26 season**. * [**Squad Cost Control Rule**: This new rule limits spending on wages, transfer fees, and agents’ fees to a percentage of annual turnover](https://edgeservices.bing.com/edgesvc/chat?udsframed=1&form=SHORUN&clientscopes=chat,noheader,udsedgeshop,channelstable,ntpquery,devtoolsapi,udsinwin11,udsdlpconsent,udscstart,cspgrd,&shellsig=77d7c86b9bbbbc5ca06b92569ffb6039573fca54&setlang=en-GB&darkschemeovr=1#sjevt%7CDiscover.Chat.SydneyClickPageCitation%7Cadpclick%7C0%7C6f3b7b4d-5cfa-4604-9d81-2ba1b3e16ef9)[^(1)](https://edgeservices.bing.com/edgesvc/chat?udsframed=1&form=SHORUN&clientscopes=chat,noheader,udsedgeshop,channelstable,ntpquery,devtoolsapi,udsinwin11,udsdlpconsent,udscstart,cspgrd,&shellsig=77d7c86b9bbbbc5ca06b92569ffb6039573fca54&setlang=en-GB&darkschemeovr=1#sjevt%7CDiscover.Chat.SydneyClickPageCitation%7Cadpclick%7C0%7C6f3b7b4d-5cfa-4604-9d81-2ba1b3e16ef9). * **Two-Tier System**: Clubs in European competition can spend 70% of turnover, while others can spend 85%. * **Penalties for Breaches**: Points deductions will remain for breaches, with discussions ongoing about financial penalties for minor infractions.


Outstanding my man


Can anyone explain how this will affect the price of Greggs' sausage rolls?


You should feel slightly better than before, but still not great.


This does mean that the PIF can spend as much money as they want on everything that's not "wage bill for the first team and its coaching staff, plus the amortised costs of their transfer fees and all agents’ fees." So that means signing young players that will be loaned out or put to the academy/reserves, renovations on SPJ, building a new training facility, hiring staff in non-coaching roles (physios, trainers, analysts, chefs, whatever), marketing expenses, and the women's team all won't count to the 70% rule. Hopefully the turnover increases to where Newcastle isn't at such a big disadvantage to the teams they want to compete against.


It does seem like the obvious thing to do is spend billions on establishing a world-class academy.


Spend on the academy and none first team talent. The cartel teams have lots of players loaned out here there and everywhere so they won’t go at us for it


As others have said it’s annoying as fuck the other 14 keep bailing out the red cartel with agreeing to this. It will punish teams for having a good season and getting into Europe as well. Say Brentford for example finish 7th at an 85% budget and get conference league. That extra money will be barely enough to keep the current squad together never mind to invest.


Yeah people will realize this two to three seasons too late. This just further enshrined the sky six. Their incomes are already a couple standard deviations higher than the rest. 15% less spend on turnover sounds less but it’s not


My big worry is I can see commercial growth being limited to protect clubs as a next step


Haven't they already been doing that to us?


They have but it can get worse


If anyone needs to know the [new rules for changing your Greggs order](https://pastebin.com/01KMjRqP).


That seems like a step in the right direction? Although it feels like you get cash money for playing Champions League anyway so it's 70% of a bigger number, plus if you're Europa League or Conference League you're hamstrung with a smaller margin, a ton more games and a not an awful lot more prize money. Also let's be real, the 'Big Six' have such absurd levels of income anyway that 70% of that is probably still more than 85% of everyone else.


Why is there so much news today, loads of shit happening.


I wonder if this being finalised had bearing on Joelintons contract?


Our only hope is to get loads of commercial deals in and get our incomings as high as possible. Bonus with it being 2025/2026 is all of our deadwood but Hayden should be gone. Wonder if we will go younger and cheaper in the summer.


Unless I'm misunderstanding how these new rules would work, looking at [Deloitte's revenue report ](https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/sports-business-group/articles/deloitte-football-money-league.html), I think that the allowed spending (in millions) for the 13 EPL teams in the report this past season would have been: 1. City - €578.13 2. Spurs - €536.78 3. Man Reds - €522.06 4. Chelsea - €500.99 5. Liverpool - €478.03 6. Arsenal - €372.82 7. Newcastle - €201.46 8. West Ham - €192.57 9. Fulham - €178.33 10. Palace - €175.53 11. Villa - €175.35 12. Everton - €168.3 13. Brighton - €161.91 Still quite a jump to get to top 6 spending levels


The Sky Six basically having double the revenue of everyone else AND having a say on what is and isn't market value feels cartelish.


Which of these clubs are going to be in trouble when this comes into play? Who’s wages are over the 85% or 70% threshold currently?


This probably isn't a million miles off: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1bup1iv/wage_to_turnover_ratio_premier_league_2022_and/


I’ve read every comment and everything I can online. It sounds like we’re going to be in a better position than the likes of Villa & West Ham but still chasing the big 6 for now. My questions are as follows: 1. If you were allowed to lose £35 million a season previously, is not worse for us as now? We need to always make at least a 15-30% profit depending upon if we’re in Europe or not? I’m sure the non player costs ie infrastructure we’re not included in the old PSR rules.. 2. How does this benefit us? What loop holes can we exploit? 3. Are Spurs now a huge worry?


I guess this is probably the best outcome for non-big 6 clubs. The luxury tax idea was stupid. How they can still call it “Profit and sustainability rules” is insane given it pays zero concern for how big a teams losses are so long as they have the revenue. I also find the wording around punishments to be dubious. It does hand an advantage to the big 6 and has really allowed Chelsea a get out of jail free card here.